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syntax error near process
Thread starterbob2987
Start dateFeb 20, 2014
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I’m a student in VHDL design and I am trying to create an accumulator in VHDL. This is my code :
Code VHDL - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity AC is Port ( store : in STD_LOGIC; ld_AC : in STD_LOGIC; RAZ : in STD_LOGIC; clk : in STD_LOGIC; D : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0); Q : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0); Q_mem : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0)); end AC; architecture Behavioral of AC is signal temp: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (15 downto 0); begin process (RAZ,clk) begin if RAZ = '0' then Q <= (Q'range => '0'); elsif (clk='1' and clk'event) then if (ld_AC ='1') then temp <= D; else if (store='1') then Q <= temp; else Q <= "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"; end if; end if; end process; end Behavioral;
I have an error «syntax error near process». Can anybody help me ? I think I forgot an «end if» but i’m note sure.
Thank you.
Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2014
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you cannot use software syntaxes in your vhdl need to use the vhdl syntaxes.
what software syntax are you referring to? The op just made a simple error as imbichi pointed out.
its much easier for the op if you actually help, rather than just make some vague comments
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what software syntax are you referring to? The op just made a simple error as imbichi pointed out.its much easier for the op if you actually help, rather than just make some vague comments
i am surprised that it is you who is telling such sweet things!!!…you never gave me any freebies when I was a fresher …i do not know if you do remember them…btw I dont consider it vague because «else if» is a basic error and the compiler would definitely show where the person what is wrong…i am just telling the op to go through the basic syntaxes and its the way to go about…else if are the commands you use in software based compilers….these are the errors which should be avoided…
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The op made a simple typing error. Otherwise the code is good. Its hardly written like software.
— — — Updated — — —
On a design, rather than code point, you cannot tri state an output ( well you can, but there’s no point.)
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well there are more bad responses at xilinx user forums for a silly typing error…i am sure you are aware of it…
On a design, rather than code point, you cannot tri state an output ( well you can, but there’s no point.)
Yes, you can tristate an output, creating a tristate driver, and it can well serve a purpose. Consider e.g. the data port of a bus connected ROM, or simply an open drain output.
Regarding the «else if» syntax error, it can be legal VHDL syntax, but needs another closing end if. You can see elsif just as a shortcut.
if condition_a then
else if condition_b then
end if;
end if;
Last edited: Feb 20, 2014
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Error 10500: VHDL Syntax
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I am working on a code for a basic vending machine that will give out a product at 75cents
BUt for some reason I dont know how to fix this syntax error
Library ieee; Use ieee.numeric_std.all; Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; Use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; Entity Lab06 is Port ( Clock :IN std_logic; Reset_n :IN std_logic; Quarter_in :IN std_logic; Dime_in :IN std_logic; Nickel_in :IN std_logic; Pennny_in :IN std_logic; Coin_Return :IN std_logic); End Lab06; Architecture Behavior Of Lab06 is Signal int_counter: std_logic_vector(25 downto 0); Constant MAXVALUE: std_logic_vector(25 downto 0):= «10111110101111000010000000»; —One Second Count ————————————————————————————————- Type State_type is (wait1, penny, dime, nickel, quarter, enough, excess, vend, change); Signal current_state,next_state: state_type; Signal Money: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); Signal Red_Bull: std_logic; Signal Change_Back: std_logic; Begin Counter_Clock:Process (clock, reset_n) Begin If reset_n = ‘0’ Then Int_counter ‘0’); Elsif (rising_edge(clock)) Then If int_counter = MAXVALUE Then int_counter ‘0’); Else int_counter If (money = «0000000»)Then — No money in vending machine next_state = «1001011»)Then next_state Next_state Next_state Next_state Next_state If (money >= «1001011»)Then Next_state Next_state Next_state Next_state next_state Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money Money
The errors I am getting are
Info: Running Quartus II 32-bit Analysis & Synthesis
Info: Version 12.0 Build 178 05/31/2012 SJ Full Version
Info: Processing started: Wed Oct 31 15:32:29 2012
Info: Command: quartus_map —read_settings_files=on —write_settings_files=off Lab06 -c Lab06
Info (20030): Parallel compilation is enabled and will use 4 of the 4 processors detected
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file hex_display.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: Hex_Display-Structure
Info (12023): Found entity 1: Hex_Display
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(108) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(111) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(114) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(117) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(120) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(126) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(128) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(130) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(132) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(134) near text «Case»; expecting «if»
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(136) near text «Process»; expecting «if»
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(139) near text «Begin»; expecting «:=», or » 0 баллов
Why I have If-then VHDL errors in my code?
Member level 1
Newbie level 2
mmh, strange, I’ll check that
Junior Member level 1
if else in vhdl
first i think that you miss a «end if» in your code
you have two if so you mast write two end if
i wish to view all the code if you can
Newbie level 2
vhdl if statement outside process
U have write sequential statements inside the process.
The if else statements are sequential statements. so u need to write these statements inside the process.
I think u r trying to write state mechine it should be change the state with respect to clock,
include clock event statements in process sensitivity list, u can refer any VHDL state mechine examples.
Advanced Member level 1
vhdl if then else
if(m==load) is the correct syntax
u r using
as girisha told make sure ur if part is in a process
Advanced Member level 2
vhdl illegal sequential statement
There is missing a begin statement after the type and signal declarations.
Member level 1
error (10500) vhdl
Thanks very much for all the responses. First, the code that I posted was not a state machine. My code does deal with a state machine, but the one posted wasn’t one. Also there are correct number of «end if» statements in my code. In any case, here’s the full part of the architecture (the code is still incomplete, but I think it should compile nevertheless):
Junior Member level 3
Is a sequential statement, not a concurrent one, and cannot be written outside a process begin/end block. Therefore, you can write it as:
Or, you might use the concurrent assignment form:
which can be safely written in an architecture body.
Hope this helps.
Member level 1
vhdl if condition
Thanks. Can you explain why you are considering m to be a clock? (since the if-then clause is sequential). I thought it was purely combinational.
Advanced Member level 1
syntax of if statement in vhdl
if is a sequential statement and it should be present in a process.
But when u synthesise if statements it becomes MUX which is combinational.
Junior Member level 3
error (10500): vhdl
In this process, m is not a clock. Synchronous (clocked) logic is described in a different manner in VHDL.
When you define a process:
The signals in the parentheses are the members of the process’ sensitivity list. This means that the sequential statements in the process will re-execute and re-evaluate on any change of any signal in the list. The code described above is a purely combinatorial process:
The general rule is: when you describe complex combinatorial functions in VHDL, use processes and assign ALL inputs of the combinatorial process to the sensitivity list.
Synchronous processes (registers) need to trigger only on a rising or falling edge of a clock signal.
The process above describes a d type flip flop which samples the input d on the rising edge of clk. Note that only the global set-reset (gsr) and the clock signal are in the process sensitivity list. That’s because these are the only signals the process must react to. As you can see, the presence of the clk signal in the sensitivity list is not sufficient to make it a clock signal. The condition that the change happens at rising_edge(clk) makes clk a clock signal, and the synthesis tools recognize clk as a clock signal through the rising edge condition.
The general rule would be: When describing synchronous logic, use processes triggered by a clk and an async reset signal (if needed), and make the assignment conditional by the rising_edge(clk) or falling_edge(clk). (see code above)
Also, don’t mix sequential statements with sequential logic. VHDL as a language consists of sequential statements (which are executed in order) and concurrent statements (which are executed in parallel). Sequential statements do not directly correspond with sequential(synchronous) logic.
I am working on a code for a basic vending machine that will give out a product at 75cents
BUt for some reason I dont know how to fix this syntax error
Library ieee;
Use ieee.numeric_std.all;
Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
Entity Lab06 is
Port (
Clock :IN std_logic;
Reset_n :IN std_logic;
Quarter_in :IN std_logic;
Dime_in :IN std_logic;
Nickel_in :IN std_logic;
Pennny_in :IN std_logic;
Coin_Return :IN std_logic);
End Lab06;
Architecture Behavior Of Lab06 is
Signal int_counter: std_logic_vector(25 downto 0);
Constant MAXVALUE: std_logic_vector(25 downto 0):= "10111110101111000010000000"; --One Second Count
Type State_type is (wait1, penny, dime, nickel, quarter, enough, excess, vend, change);
Signal current_state,next_state: state_type;
Signal Money: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
Signal Red_Bull: std_logic;
Signal Change_Back: std_logic;
Counter_Clock:Process (clock, reset_n)
If reset_n = '0' Then
Int_counter <= (Others => '0');
Elsif (rising_edge(clock)) Then
If int_counter = MAXVALUE Then
int_counter <= (Others => '0');
int_counter <= int_counter + '1';
End If;
End If;
End Process;
Sync:Process (clock, reset_n)
If (reset_n = '0')then
Current_state <= Wait1;--Wait1 is the default state_type
If (int_counter = MAXVALUE)Then
Current_state <=next_state;-- Advance the state(Red Bull)machine
End If;
End If;
End Process;
Comb:Process(int_counter,current_state, Quarter_in, Dime_in, Nickel_in, Pennny_in, money, Coin_Return)
If (int_counter = MAXVALUE) Then
When wait1=>
If (money = "0000000")Then -- No money in vending machine
next_state <= Wait1;
If (Quarter_in = '1')Then -- Money is inserted
next_state <= Quarter;
If (Dime_in = '1')Then
next_state <= Dime;
If (Nickel_in = '1')Then
next_state <= Nickel;
If (Pennny_in = '1')Then
next_state <= Penny;
If (money >= "1001011")Then
next_state <= Enough;
If(Coin_Return = '1')Then
next_state <= Change;
next_state <=Wait1;
End If;
----------------------------------------------------------------- After Quarter Inserted, next step
When Quarter =>
Next_state <= Wait1;
----------------------------------------------------------------- After Dime Inserted, next step
When Dime =>
Next_state <= Wait1;
----------------------------------------------------------------- After Nickel Inserted, next step
When Nickel =>
Next_state <= Wait1;
----------------------------------------------------------------- After Penny Inserted, next step
When Penny =>
Next_state <= Wait1;
When Enough =>
If (money >= "1001011")Then
Next_state <= Excess;
Next_state <= vend;
End If;
When Excess =>
Next_state <= vend;
When vend =>
Next_state <= Wait1;
When Change =>
Next_state <= Wait1;
When OTHERS =>
next_state <= Wait1;
End Case;
End If;
End Process;
----------------------------------------------------------------- Money calculation
Money_Calc:Process(Current_state, money)
Case (current_state) is
When wait1 =>
Money <= Money;
When Quarter =>
Money <= Money + "0011001";
When Dime =>
Money <= Money + "0001010";
When Nickel =>
Money <= Money + "0000101";
When Penny =>
Money <= Money + "0000001";
When Enough =>
Money <= money;
When Excess =>
Money <= Money;
When vend =>
Money <= Money - "1001011";
When change =>
Money <= "0000000";
When OTHERS =>
Money <= Money;
End Case;
End Process;
End Behavior;
The errors I am getting are
Info: *******************************************************************
Info: Running Quartus II 32-bit Analysis & Synthesis
Info: Version 12.0 Build 178 05/31/2012 SJ Full Version
Info: Processing started: Wed Oct 31 15:32:29 2012
Info: Command: quartus_map —read_settings_files=on —write_settings_files=off Lab06 -c Lab06
Info (20030): Parallel compilation is enabled and will use 4 of the 4 processors detected
Info (12021): Found 2 design units, including 1 entities, in source file hex_display.vhd
Info (12022): Found design unit 1: Hex_Display-Structure
Info (12023): Found entity 1: Hex_Display
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(108) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(111) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(114) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(117) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(120) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(126) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(128) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(130) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(132) near text «When»; expecting «end», or «(«, or an identifier («when» is a reserved keyword), or a sequential statement
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(134) near text «Case»; expecting «if»
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(136) near text «Process»; expecting «if»
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(139) near text «Begin»; expecting «:=», or «<=»
Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Lab06.vhd(162) near text «Process»; expecting «if»
Info (12021): Found 0 design units, including 0 entities, in source file lab06.vhd
Error: Quartus II 32-bit Analysis & Synthesis was unsuccessful. 13 errors, 0 warnings
Any assistance would be very helpful.
I’m a trying to find out the problem with this simple VHDL code. I’ll be grateful if someone could help me. PS: I tried the code without the conditional block and it works :S !
*The message error is : Error (10500): VHDL syntax error at Four_Bits_Adder.vhd(18) near text «if»; expecting «;», or an identifier («if» is a reserved keyword), or «architecture»*
The 4 bits adder code is :
Library ieee;
Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
Use ieee.numeric_std.all;
Use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity Four_Bits_Adder is
port(A,B:in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
S:out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
Cout:out std_logic);
end Four_Bits_Adder;
architecture description of Four_Bits_Adder is
S<= A+B;
if A(3)=1 then
if B(3)=1 then
end if;
end if;
end description;
An if
statement is a sequential statement, and from your usage should either be in a process statement or you should instead use a concurrent signal assignment statement. It hardly seems complex enough for a process statement.
Concurrent assignment statement:
Cout <= A(3) and B(3);
Note that concurrent assignment statement using an expression as the value in it’s signal assignment can pass values other than ‘0’ or ‘1’.
A different style of concurrent signal assignment statement could pass only binary representing enumeration values:
Cout <= '1' when A(3) = '1' and B(3) = '1' else '0';
(Your if
statement also appears to infer a latch and could be optimized as a constant ‘1’).
Note also that your original if
nested statements could be expressed with a BOOLEAN and
which is a short-circuit operator taking the place of Ada’s if expression and then ...
. Without one or more intervening statements following an if
statement (including it’s end if
) there is no reason to nest if
statements with different expressions. The short-circuit operator would only evaluate the subsequent expression if the first expression evaluated true.
The form would be along the lines of
if A(3) = '1' and B(3) = '1' then
Cout <= '1';
end if;
And could still only be used where a sequential statement is appropriate.
Note that std_logic requires enumeration values (‘U’, ‘X’, ‘0’, ‘1’,…) while 1
is a numeric value and would result in errors.