Virtual device serial0 will start disconnected vmware как исправить

Whenever a virtual machine starts on VMware Workstation Pro, there is a message pops up:

Whenever a virtual machine starts on VMware Workstation Pro, there is a message pops up:

The virtual printing feature is globally disabled on this system, and will not be enabled for…

Virtual ‘serial0’ will start disconnected.

If you see this kind of warning or message, first of all, you will need to go to the VMware Workstation. When you are in the VMware Workstation, you will have to navigate to Edit > Preferences > Devices and then check Enable virtual printers option. In case you do not actually have any need to print from virtual machines, you can right click on every VM then go too Settings > Printer and uncheck Connect at power on option.

virtual device 'serial0' will start disconnected. on VMware Workstation Pro

VMware Workstation Pro is known as the top product for running more than one operating system as virtual machines or VMs on a single Linux or Windows PC. Everyone relies of Workstation Pro, including IT professionals, developers and business who build, test or demo software for any device, platform or cloud.

VMware Workstation Pro is the best tool for modern developers and IT professionals. This one allows you to run multiple virtual machines, Kubernetes clusters, and OCI containers at the same time on the same Linux PC or Windows. It was created with the features and is securely isolated Windows VMs and Linux and the other desktop, server, and cloud environments, as well as the configurable virtual networking and network condition simulation that can be used in the code development, application testing, solution architecting, product demonstrations, and so on.

A ton of operating systems are supported by VMware Workstation Pro to run and build apps of any type and now has added support to Run, Build, Push, and Pull OCI containers. It is also able to make Kubernetes clusters with kind and Minikube, as well as giving the tools that can be used to deploy the Kubernetes the hard way. The thing called VMware Workstation Pro is an important part of the development and testing cycle by giving the apps with production like environment, release the great code on time, and helping experts to find bugs early.

VMware Workstation Pro is securely linked to the vSphere via vCenter Server or ESXi hosts so it can be used to launch, manage, and control both VMs or virtual machines and physical hosts. A normal VMware hypervisor is so good at productivity and enables easy transfer of VMs to and from the local computer. Aside from that, it also allows to deploy the whole VMware Cloud Foundation environments locally, and is best to test the next big thing.

VMware Workstation Pro has secure and isolated environments. It can run a secure second desktop with some different privacy settings, networking configurations, tools, or use forensic tools to investigate OS vulnerabilities. It provides one of the most secure hypervisors in its field and gives helpful features for a lot of people, including IT security professionals, including the ability to sniff virtual network traffic and output it into the standard PCAP format.

Features of VMware Workstation Pro:

  • vSphere Integration: This one serves as the main companion of vSphere. A shared hypervisor is good at delivering environment fidelity which no one cannot, making sure that the apps is able to easily move between desktop, cloud, and data center. It brings insight into remote clusters, virtual machines, and data centers. In addition, it also allows everyone to quickly deploys ESXi and the vCenter Server Appliance as VMs in the local lab on a single PC.
  • High Performance 3D Graphics: This one supports DirectX 11 and OpenGL 4.3, sending a fluid and responsive experience for running 3D applications. You are able to run the most highly demanding 3D apps or the modern games with the good performance in a VM.
  • Clones for Rapid Duplication: You can save your time and effort and make sure the exacy duplicate when you keep making the same VM setup. There is Linked Clones that can be used to quickly duplicate a VM while reducing physical disk space. There is also Full Clones to make fully isolated duplicates that can be shared with the others.
  • CLI for Containers and Kubernetes
  • Powerful Virtual Networking
  • Helpful Snapshots

System Requirements:

  • 3GHz or faster core speed
  • A compatible 64-bit x86/AMD64 CPU launched in 2011 or newer
  • 2GB RAM minimum or 4GB RAM or more recommended

General Host OS Requirements:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 8
  • Ubuntu
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • CentOS
  • Oracle Linux
  • openSUSE
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server

Keep in mind that Windows 7 hosts are no longer supported, meaning the Workstation 16 will not work on them.

Workstation Pro Installation:

VMware Workstation 16 supports a lot of 32-bit and 64-bit guest operating systems, including:

  • Windows XP
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 10
  • Ubuntu
  • RedHat
  • SUSE
  • Oracle Linux
  • Debian
  • Fedora
  • Mint
  • CentOS
  • openSUSE
  • Solaris, FreeBSD, and some different kinds of Linux Distros
  • Guest Operating Systems

For Hyper-V Enabled Hosts:

CPU Requirements:

  • AMD Bulldozer or a later CPU
  • Intel Sandy Bridge or a later CPU

Host Operating Systems:

  • Windows 10 2004
  • Minimum Requirements to Run Container Runtime on Workstation Windows Host Operating Systems:
  • Windows 10 1809 or higher
  • Minimum Requirements to Dark Theme support on Workstation Windows Host Operating Systems:
  • Windows 10 1809 or higher

For 3D Hardware Accelerated Graphics Support:

Hardware Requirements:

  • For Linux hosts, AMD devices are not supported
  • For Linux hosts, the newest NVIDIA proprietary drivers are needed
  • For Windows hosts, a GPU that supports DirectX 11 is needed

Software Requirements:

  • 64-bit Host Operating System:
  • Windows 8 or higher
  • GNU or Linux with NVIDIA drivers that support OpenGL 4.5 and above
  • Guest Operating System:
  • Windows 7 or higher
  • GNU or Linux with wmwgfx

As the exception, these CPUs below are not supported:

  • Systems using AMD processors based on the Llano and Bobcat micro-architectures such as code-name Hondo, Llano, Ontario, and Zecate
  • Intel Atom processors based on the 2011 Bonnell micro-architecture such as Atom Z670/Z650 and Atom N570
  • Systems using Intel Atom processors based on the 2012 Saltwell micro-architecture such as Atom N2800/N2600, Atom S1200, and Atom D2700/D2500

Alfin Dani


On my daily job, I am a software engineer, programmer & computer technician. My passion is assembling PC hardware, studying Operating System and all things related to computers technology. I also love to make short films for YouTube as a producer. More at about me…

OK, I got the Keyspan USA-19HS USB serial adapter working properly with VMWare Fusion where the Guest OS only sees a generic COM1 port.


Keyspan USA-19HS Adapter (probably works with other USB serial devices too)

VMWare Fusion 1.0

Keyspan Mac OS X Drivers installed in host OS

Guest OS sees a generic COM1 port with no drivers installed at all

Note: If your guest OS is Windows (or in some cases, Linux) you can use a USB serial device two different ways. The other way is to attach the USB device into the guest and install the appropriate USB drivers in the guest. That works fine but is not what I wanted. That method is not explained any further here.

This note describes the way of installing the drivers into the host OS. There are some cases where this is useful:

* You want to map a serial port into an unsupported Windows OS (Vista 64-bit) or other unsupported OS (DOS? FreeBSD?)

* You don’t want to install software into the Guest OSes for whatever reason

* You want to use a multi-port USB serial device and map different ports into different virtual machines.

You need to do the following:

1. Install MacPorts if you have not done so already:

2. Install socat using MacPorts if you have not done so:

sudo port install socat

Additional information about socat can be found here:

3. Manually edit your .vmx file with a text editor to add a serial port section. I added this:

serial0.present = «TRUE»

serial0.fileType = «pipe»

serial0.fileName = «/tmp/serial1»

serial0.startConnected = «TRUE»

serial0.tryNoRxLoss = «FALSE»

serial0.autodetect = «FALSE»

serial0.pipe.endPoint = «client»

Note that under Linux VMWare hosts you can set the serial0.fileType = «device» and it can communicate directly with the serial port. This does not work under VMWare Fusion 1.0 because VMWare Fusion does not have built-in support for the BSD-style serial port devices in the Mac, which works differently than the Linux serial port (apparently). This is why you need to use the pipe file type and socat. At least for VMWare Fusion 1.0.

4. Run socat in a terminal window as follows:

socat /dev/tty.USA19H3d2P1.1,cread=1,clocal=1,cs8,nonblock=1 unix-listen:/tmp/serial1

If you are using something other than the Keyspan USA-19HS, then the /dev/* part will vary. For multi-port serial devices, this will specify which port you want to map, as well. This would probably work with other brands of USB serial ports, but the options may vary slightly.

A number of other posters reported that other USB devices worked, but the Keyspan did not. The reason is probably because they did not include the options: cread=1,clocal=1,nonblock=1. By default, the Keyspan won’t complete a blocking open until the carrier detect line goes high, thus you often need the nonblock=1. The cread=1,clocal=1 turns on reading and ignores the hardware modem control lines. I got this from reading the Keyspan MacOS X sample code; I did not find this documented anywhere else.

By default, the Keyspan is world writable as is /tmp, so you do not need to sudo socat.

If this fails, try running socat -d -d -d /dev/tty… for triple the debugging output. You may need to delete /tmp/serial1 if it exists.

5. Start the guest OS and attach serial port if not already attached.

6. Use the serial port in your Guest OS. No drivers required in the guest OS!

This is actually pretty neat. If the device or socat gets flaky, you can just Ctrl-C the terminal window running socat, delete /tmp/serial1, and start socat again. Once you terminate socat, VMWare will detach the serial port from the Guest OS, but you can just right click on the gray circle with «010» in it to turn the serial port back on again. No need to restart the Guest OS.

Hint: If socat hangs and doesn’t respond to Ctrl-C, try unplugging the USB device.

That worked for me. I wanted to be able to use my Keyspan USA-19HS from a variety of Windows OSes without having to install drivers in each. There are also no Keyspan drivers for Windows XP64 and Vista 64-bit yet, and I needed to be able to access the serial port from these OSes as well and this did the trick. I had a serial modem attached to the Keyspan USB and was able to use it from Vista 64-bit no with no problems.


5 лет, 11 месяцев назад


5 лет, 11 месяцев назад)





Участник с: 29 апреля 2016

Есть вопрос, в VMWare есть возможность использовать компорт или это для волшебников?
В чём проблема? В том, что добавил порт в виртуалку, а при запуске она пишет:
Cannot connect the virtual device serial1 because no corresponding device is available on the host.

При заведении порта в виртуалке не было выбора какого-то определённого порта, было только автоопределение.
Что делаю не так? Гугл гад ничего не пишет, как будто только я этим маюсь и у меня одного проблемы, чем только народ занимается?

тэги: COM1 COM2


5 лет, 11 месяцев назад

Morisson avatar





Участник с: 11 января 2017

bitrixbiz, успешно пользуюсь com-портом под виртуалбокс. Вероятно, в VWWare настраивается примерно также. Была ругань первоначально на права, бла-бла… Короче. убедитесь, что вы в группе uucp. Без этого мне не удавалось даже гостевую WinXP включить.


5 лет, 11 месяцев назад


5 лет, 11 месяцев назад)

warlock9000 avatar





Участник с: 21 марта 2016

groups $USER

Если юзера нет в vboxusers , то

sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers $USER

Перезайди на юзера на физ компе
Потом пробуй


5 лет, 11 месяцев назад


5 лет, 11 месяцев назад)





Участник с: 29 апреля 2016

И правда:
sudo usermod -G uucp -a $USER
и никаких проблем!
Спасибо, Morisson, warlock9000

тэги: COM1, COM2,


5 лет, 11 месяцев назад





Участник с: 29 апреля 2016

Одно интересное наблюдение, если после этого удалить пользователя из группы uucp, всё по прежнему продолжает работать. Вот так вот, это влияет только на добавление физического порта, например /dev/tty0 и т.д.


5 лет, 11 месяцев назад





Участник с: 09 июля 2011

bitrixbiz, а вы после удаления себя из группы uucp перегружались?
А то насколько я помню com порты имеют владельца и группу root:uucp. И по идее после ребута вы не сможете читать/писать файл «ком порта»

Да пребудет с вами знание ip адреса


5 лет, 11 месяцев назад


5 лет, 11 месяцев назад)





Участник с: 29 апреля 2016

Вот именно что перезагружался. Если не перезагружаться то всё работает по старому, в том числе в Wine. А вот после перезагрузки, Wine перестаёт работать с портом, а VMWare продолжает.

$ groups uzer
lp wheel games network video audio optical storage scanner power users

Из области досужих измышлений:
Работает возможно потому, что присутствует группа wheel, которая худо бедно даёт доступ к tty, только её наличие влияет на работоспособность, работает уже по факту прописи в настройках порта машины в VNWare, а вот чтобы выбрать конкретный /dev/tty в настройках порта в VMWare её не хватает, там в списке физических портов только автоопределение присутствует.
эти мысли «с потолка», не факт.

P.S. /dev/tty0 имеет владельцем пользователя root и группу tty. Права на запись даны только владельцу (root), на чтение владельцу и группе (tty). Группа tty пустая.
Доступ скорее осуществляется через работающий сервис, но какие там механизмы?, к.б.з.

P.P.S. Возможно что в /etc/sudoers прописано:

## Same thing without a password

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