Virtualenv error the following arguments are required dest

Не удается запустить Python REPL в Docker Проблема При использовании контейнера Docker, содержащего предварительно созданные библиотеки Python, команды Python завершаются сбоем, а виртуальное окружение не создается. В журналах драйвера отображается указанное ниже сообщение об ошибке. Чтобы проверить возникновение этой ошибки, выполните в записной книжке следующую команду: Появляется сообщение об ошибке примерно следующего содержания: Команда […]


  1. Не удается запустить Python REPL в Docker
  2. Проблема
  3. Версия
  4. Причина
  5. Решение
  6. My Public Notepad
  7. Pages
  8. Friday, 15 January 2021
  9. Using Python Virtual Environments
  10. virtualenv
  11. Databricks Knowledge Base
  12. Python REPL fails to start in Docker
  13. Problem
  14. Version
  15. Cause
  16. Solution
  17. Additional Informations
  18. Related Articles
  19. Related Articles
  20. Databricks Knowledge Base
  21. Python REPL fails to start in Docker
  22. Problem
  23. Version
  24. Cause
  25. Solution
  26. Additional Informations
  27. Related Articles
  28. Related Articles
  29. Emacs: `jedi:install-server` не работает, хотя установлен `virtualenv`
  30. 3 ответа

Не удается запустить Python REPL в Docker


При использовании контейнера Docker, содержащего предварительно созданные библиотеки Python, команды Python завершаются сбоем, а виртуальное окружение не создается. В журналах драйвера отображается указанное ниже сообщение об ошибке.

Чтобы проверить возникновение этой ошибки, выполните в записной книжке следующую команду:

Появляется сообщение об ошибке примерно следующего содержания:

Команда virtualenv не распознает параметр —no-site-packages .


Проблема затрагивает все текущие версии Databricks Runtime, за исключением версий Databricks Runtime, включающих Conda. Она затрагивает библиотеку virtualenv версии 20.0.0 и выше.


Эта проблема вызвана тем, что в контейнере Docker используется версия библиотеки virtualenv Python, которая не поддерживает этот параметр —no-site-packages .

Для Databricks Runtime требуется библиотека virtualenv , поддерживающая параметр —no-site-packages . Этот параметр был удален в библиотеке virtualenv версии 20.0.0 и выше.

Чтобы проверить версию библиотеки virtualenv , выполните в записной книжке следующую команду:


Проблему можно устранить, указав совместимую версию при установке библиотеки virtualenv .

Например, параметр virtualenv==16.0.0 в Dockerfile устанавливает библиотеку virtualenv версии 16.0.0. Эта версия библиотеки поддерживает необходимый параметр.


My Public Notepad

Bits and bobs about computers and programming


Friday, 15 January 2021

Using Python Virtual Environments

  • virtualenv
  • virtualenvwrapper
  • Conda (part of Anaconda)


$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install -U virtualenv # system-wide install

$ python3 —version
$ pip3 —version
$ virtualenv —version

$ virtualenv —system-site-packages -p python3 ./ venv_dir_name

We can also use a dot command:

When virtual environment is active, your shell prompt is prefixed with its name in form: (venv) .

How to rename virtual environment?

From inside active virtual environment:

$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
$ deactivate

pip freeze shows packages YOU installed via pip (or pipenv if using that tool) command in a requirements format.

. and create a new one with correct name:

$ python3 -m virtualenv -p python3

Already using interpreter /usr/bin/python3
Using base prefix ‘/usr’
New python executable in /home/nvidia/python-envs/tensorrt-
Also creating executable in /home/nvidia/python-envs/tensorrt-
Installing setuptools, pkg_resources, pip, wheel. done.


Databricks Knowledge Base

If you still have questions or prefer to get help directly from an agent, please submit a request. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Python REPL fails to start in Docker

Learn how to fix a Python virtualenv error that prevents REPL from starting in a Docker container

Last published at: May 19th, 2022


When you use a Docker container that includes prebuilt Python libraries, Python commands fail and the virtual environment is not created. The following error message is visible in the driver logs.

You can confirm the issue by running the following command in a notebook:

The result is an error message similar to the following:

The virtualenv command does not recognize the —no-site-packages option.


The problem affects all current Databricks Runtime versions, except for Databricks Runtime versions that include Conda. It affects virtualenv library version 20.0.0 and above.


This issue is caused by using a Python virtualenv library version in the Docker container that does not support the —no-site-packages option.

Databricks Runtime requires a virtualenv library that supports the —no-site-packages option . This option was removed in virtualenv library version 20.0.0 and above.

You can verify your virtualenv library version by running the following command in a notebook:


You can resolve the issue by specifying a compatible version when you install the virtualenv library.

For example, setting virtualenv==16.0.0 in the Dockerfile installs virtualenv library version 16.0.0. This version of the library supports the required option.

Additional Informations

Related Articles

Problem The cluster returns Cancelled in a Python notebook. Inspect the driver lo.

Conda is a popular open source package management system for the Anaconda repo. D.

Problem The cluster returns Cancelled in a Python notebook. Notebooks in all othe.

Problem You have an Apache Spark job that is triggered correctly, but remains idl.

Related Articles

Problem The cluster returns Cancelled in a Python notebook. Inspect the driver lo.

Conda is a popular open source package management system for the Anaconda repo. D.

Problem The cluster returns Cancelled in a Python notebook. Notebooks in all othe.

Problem You have an Apache Spark job that is triggered correctly, but remains idl.

© Databricks 2022-2023. All rights reserved. Apache, Apache Spark, Spark, and the Spark logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.


Databricks Knowledge Base

If you still have questions or prefer to get help directly from an agent, please submit a request. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Python REPL fails to start in Docker

Learn how to fix a Python virtualenv error that prevents REPL from starting in a Docker container

Last published at: May 19th, 2022


When you use a Docker container that includes prebuilt Python libraries, Python commands fail and the virtual environment is not created. The following error message is visible in the driver logs.

You can confirm the issue by running the following command in a notebook:

The result is an error message similar to the following:

The virtualenv command does not recognize the —no-site-packages option.


The problem affects all current Databricks Runtime versions, except for Databricks Runtime versions that include Conda. It affects virtualenv library version 20.0.0 and above.


This issue is caused by using a Python virtualenv library version in the Docker container that does not support the —no-site-packages option.

Databricks Runtime requires a virtualenv library that supports the —no-site-packages option . This option was removed in virtualenv library version 20.0.0 and above.

You can verify your virtualenv library version by running the following command in a notebook:


You can resolve the issue by specifying a compatible version when you install the virtualenv library.

For example, setting virtualenv==16.0.0 in the Dockerfile installs virtualenv library version 16.0.0. This version of the library supports the required option.

Additional Informations

Related Articles

Problem The cluster returns Cancelled in a Python notebook. Inspect the driver lo.

Conda is a popular open source package management system for the Anaconda repo. D.

Problem The cluster returns Cancelled in a Python notebook. Notebooks in all othe.

Problem You have an Apache Spark job that is triggered correctly, but remains idl.

Related Articles

Problem The cluster returns Cancelled in a Python notebook. Inspect the driver lo.

Conda is a popular open source package management system for the Anaconda repo. D.

Problem The cluster returns Cancelled in a Python notebook. Notebooks in all othe.

Problem You have an Apache Spark job that is triggered correctly, but remains idl.

© Databricks 2022-2023. All rights reserved. Apache, Apache Spark, Spark, and the Spark logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.


Emacs: `jedi:install-server` не работает, хотя установлен `virtualenv`

Я пытаюсь установить автодополнение JEDI для Emacs в соответствии с этим руководством.

Когда я ввожу M-x jedi:install-server , я получаю сообщение об ошибке Program named «virtualenv» does not exist . Я последовал совету в этом ответе и установил его, используя pip install virtualenv . Теперь, когда я ввожу virtualenv в терминал, я получаю следующий вывод:

Затем я перезапустился, ввел M-x jedi:install-server , но все равно получаю ту же ошибку.

Я использую GNU Emacs 26.3 (сборка 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, версия GTK+ 3.22.30) от 3 декабря 2019 г. на Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia.

Как я могу исправить эту ошибку и начать использовать автозаполнение JEDI?

Обновление 1. Кроме того, всякий раз, когда я открываю файл Python, я получаю это предупреждение.

3 ответа

У меня похожая проблема, я тоже использую Linux Mint Tricia. Я хочу использовать company-jedi вместо jedi-ac

В моем случае я хотел, чтобы jedi и emacs использовали python3.8. Итак, я хочу jedi virtualenv на основе python3.8.

Jedi virtualenv создается с помощью пакета emacs-python-enviroment.

Моя проблема, похоже, связана с тем, что emacs-python-enviroment по умолчанию использует параметр —system-site-package, поэтому у меня много ошибок, так как система python3 — это python3.6, и я не (и я не хочу), чтобы все необходимые пакеты были установлены в общесистемном python3.

Я решил проблему, добавив опцию ‘—no-site-package’ (см. эту ) в среду emacs-python

Emacs-python-enviroment используется для создания jedi virtualenv с именем ‘default’ и расположенным в `

/.emacs.d/.python-enviroments/’, вы можете настроить другое имя и местоположение этого виртуального окружения, если хотите (для дополнительную информацию см. в это)

Это моя рабочая конфигурация. Вы можете указать другой python вместо python3.8 (тот, который я использую)

Я больше не использую jedi и переключился на lsp-mode , но ниже моя старая рабочая конфигурация с использованием company-jedi для завершения Python. Когда загружается python-mode , он вызывает jedi:install-server-block для установки поддержки джедая, если она не была установлена. Вы можете проверить буфер *Messages* , чтобы увидеть, выводит ли он Installing jedi server. . Надеюсь, это поможет.

Таким образом добавьте «аргументы сервера», показанные выше в предупреждении, в файл .emacs.


Different Python projects depend on different packages. To keep them separated and avoid polluting the global space with package installations we can use the concept of virtual environments. There are several ways to work with virtual environments in Python:

  • virtualenv
  • virtualenvwrapper
  • Conda (part of Anaconda)


To use virtualenv we first need to install all necessary components:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install -U virtualenv  # system-wide install


$ python3 —version
$ pip3 —version
$ virtualenv —version


$ virtualenv

usage: virtualenv [—version] [—with-traceback] [-v | -q] [—read-only-app-data] [—app-data APP_DATA] [—reset-app-data] [—upgrade-embed-wheels] [—discovery {builtin}] [-p py] [—try-first-with py_exe]

                  [—creator {builtin,cpython3-posix,venv}] [—seeder {app-data,pip}] [—no-seed] [—activators comma_sep_list] [—clear] [—no-vcs-ignore] [—system-site-packages] [—symlinks | —copies] [—no-download | —download]

                  [—extra-search-dir d [d …]] [—pip version] [—setuptools version] [—wheel version] [—no-pip] [—no-setuptools] [—no-wheel] [—no-periodic-update] [—symlink-app-data] [—prompt prompt] [-h]


virtualenv: error: the following arguments are required: dest

SystemExit: 2


$ virtualenv —help

usage: virtualenv [—version] [—with-traceback] [-v | -q] [—read-only-app-data] [—app-data APP_DATA] [—reset-app-data] [—upgrade-embed-wheels] [—discovery {builtin}] [-p py] [—try-first-with py_exe]

                  [—creator {builtin,cpython3-posix,venv}] [—seeder {app-data,pip}] [—no-seed] [—activators comma_sep_list] [—clear] [—no-vcs-ignore] [—system-site-packages] [—symlinks | —copies] [—no-download | —download]

                  [—extra-search-dir d [d …]] [—pip version] [—setuptools version] [—wheel version] [—no-pip] [—no-setuptools] [—no-wheel] [—no-periodic-update] [—symlink-app-data] [—prompt prompt] [-h]


optional arguments:

  —version                     display the version of the virtualenv package and its location, then exit

  —with-traceback              on failure also display the stacktrace internals of virtualenv (default: False)

  —read-only-app-data          use app data folder in read-only mode (write operations will fail with error) (default: False)

  —app-data APP_DATA           a data folder used as cache by the virtualenv (default: /home/bojan/.local/share/virtualenv)

  —reset-app-data              start with empty app data folder (default: False)

  —upgrade-embed-wheels        trigger a manual update of the embedded wheels (default: False)

  -h, —help                    show this help message and exit


  verbosity = verbose — quiet, default INFO, mapping => CRITICAL=0, ERROR=1, WARNING=2, INFO=3, DEBUG=4, NOTSET=5

  -v, —verbose                 increase verbosity (default: 2)

  -q, —quiet                   decrease verbosity (default: 0)


  discover and provide a target interpreter

  —discovery {builtin}         interpreter discovery method (default: builtin)

  -p py, —python py            interpreter based on what to create environment (path/identifier) — by default use the interpreter where the tool is installed — first found wins (default: [])

  —try-first-with py_exe       try first these interpreters before starting the discovery (default: [])


  options for creator builtin

  —creator {builtin,cpython3-posix,venv}

                                create environment via (builtin = cpython3-posix) (default: builtin)

  dest                          directory to create virtualenv at

  —clear                       remove the destination directory if exist before starting (will overwrite files otherwise) (default: False)

  —no-vcs-ignore               don’t create VCS ignore directive in the destination directory (default: False)

  —system-site-packages        give the virtual environment access to the system site-packages dir (default: False)

  —symlinks                    try to use symlinks rather than copies, when symlinks are not the default for the platform (default: True)

  —copies, —always-copy       try to use copies rather than symlinks, even when symlinks are the default for the platform (default: False)


  options for seeder app-data

  —seeder {app-data,pip}       seed packages install method (default: app-data)

  —no-seed, —without-pip      do not install seed packages (default: False)

  —no-download, —never-download

                                pass to disable download of the latest pip/setuptools/wheel from PyPI (default: True)

  —download                    pass to enable download of the latest pip/setuptools/wheel from PyPI (default: False)

  —extra-search-dir d [d …]  a path containing wheels to extend the internal wheel list (can be set 1+ times) (default: [])

  —pip version                 version of pip to install as seed: embed, bundle or exact version (default: bundle)

  —setuptools version          version of setuptools to install as seed: embed, bundle or exact version (default: bundle)

  —wheel version               version of wheel to install as seed: embed, bundle or exact version (default: bundle)

  —no-pip                      do not install pip (default: False)

  —no-setuptools               do not install setuptools (default: False)

  —no-wheel                    do not install wheel (default: False)

  —no-periodic-update          disable the periodic (once every 14 days) update of the embedded wheels (default: False)

  —symlink-app-data            symlink the python packages from the app-data folder (requires seed pip>=19.3) (default: False)


  options for activation scripts

  —activators comma_sep_list   activators to generate — default is all supported (default: bash,cshell,fish,powershell,python,xonsh)

  —prompt prompt               provides an alternative prompt prefix for this environment (default: None)

config file /home/bojan/.config/virtualenv/virtualenv.ini missing (change via env var VIRTUALENV_CONFIG_FILE)

Create virtual environment (we chose to use python3 as Python interpreter and venv as the directory where to store virtual environment):

virtualenv -p python3 ./venv_dir_name


virtualenv —system-site-packages -p python3 ./venv_dir_name

If you build with virtualenv —system-site-packages ENV, your virtual environment will inherit packages from /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages (or wherever your global site-packages directory is).

This can be used if you have control over the global site-packages directory, and you want to depend on the packages there. If you want isolation from the global system, do not use this flag. BK: This flag should be avoided as it defeats the entire point of virtualenvs (which is why —no-site-packages was made the default).


$ virtualenv -p python3 ./venv

created virtual environment in 253ms

  creator CPython3Posix(dest=/home/bojan/dev/github/python-demo/venv, clear=False, no_vcs_ignore=False, global=False)

  seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle, setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle, via=copy, app_data_dir=/home/bojan/.local/share/virtualenv)

    added seed packages: pip==20.3.3, setuptools==51.1.2, wheel==0.36.2

  activators BashActivator,CShellActivator,FishActivator,PowerShellActivator,PythonActivator,XonshActivator

I once experienced this error when tried to create a virtual environment:

$ virtualenv -p python3 ./venv

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File «/usr/local/bin/virtualenv», line 5, in <module>

    from virtualenv.__main__ import run_with_catch

  File «/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/virtualenv/», line 3, in <module>

    from .run import cli_run, session_via_cli

  File «/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/virtualenv/run/», line 6, in <module>

    from ..app_data import make_app_data

  File «/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/virtualenv/app_data/», line 9, in <module>

    from appdirs import user_data_dir

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘appdirs’

I then installed the missing module via pip but this showed another error:

$ sudo pip3 install appdirs

Collecting appdirs

  Downloading appdirs-1.4.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (9.6 kB)

ERROR: virtualenv 20.3.1 requires filelock<4,>=3.0.0, which is not installed.

Installing collected packages: appdirs

Successfully installed appdirs-1.4.4

I resolved this by reinstalling the virtualenv:

$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv

Requirement already satisfied: virtualenv in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages (20.3.1)

Requirement already satisfied: appdirs<2,>=1.4.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages (from virtualenv) (1.4.4)

Requirement already satisfied: six<2,>=1.9.0 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from virtualenv) (1.14.0)

Requirement already satisfied: distlib<1,>=0.3.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages (from virtualenv) (0.3.1)

Collecting filelock<4,>=3.0.0

  Downloading filelock-3.0.12-py3-none-any.whl (7.6 kB)

Installing collected packages: filelock

Successfully installed filelock-3.0.12

Once virtual environment is created, we’ll have venv/bin/activate script created. Let’s explore it:

$ cat venv/bin/activate

deactivate() {



export PATH

pydoc () {

    python -m pydoc «$@»


We can see that we’ll now have a new environment variable set — VIRTUAL_ENV and also a deactivate commmand.

To activate virtual environment:

$ source ./venv/bin/activate

We can also use a dot command:

$ . ./venv/bin/activate

When virtual environment is active, your shell prompt is prefixed with its name in form: (venv).

(venv) $ which pip


(venv) $ which pip3


$ pip install -r requirements.txt

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

It is possible to install a single new package in the virtual environment:

$ pip install package_name


(venv) $ pip3 install psycopg2

Collecting psycopg2

  Using cached psycopg2-2.8.6-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl

Installing collected packages: psycopg2

Successfully installed psycopg2-2.8.6

To verify installation path:

(venv) $ pip3 show psycopg2

Name: psycopg2

Version: 2.8.6

Summary: psycopg2 — Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter


Author: Federico Di Gregorio


License: LGPL with exceptions

Location: /home/user/dev/my-app/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages



To check the version of the package installed in virtual environment:

(venv) $ pip3 list | grep psycopg

psycopg2          2.8.6

To exit virtual environment:

(venv) $ deactivate

How to rename virtual environment?

directory — How to rename a virtualenv in Python? — Stack Overflow

From inside active virtual environment:

$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
$ deactivate

From python — Pip freeze vs. pip list — Stack Overflow: 

pip list shows ALL packages. 

pip freeze shows packages YOU installed via pip (or pipenv if using that tool) command in a requirements format.

Also, be aware of `$ pip freeze > requirements.txt` considered harmful. 

Then delete old environment directory. E.g.

$ rm -r ~/python-envs/tensorrt-

…and create a new one with correct name:

$ python3 -m virtualenv -p python3 ~/python-envs/tensorrt-
Already using interpreter /usr/bin/python3
Using base prefix ‘/usr’
New python executable in /home/nvidia/python-envs/tensorrt-
Also creating executable in /home/nvidia/python-envs/tensorrt-
Installing setuptools, pkg_resources, pip, wheel…done.

Activate it and install all packages from the saved list:

$ source ~/python-envs/tensorrt-

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

$ pip3 install —extra-index-url tensorflow-gpu==1.15.0+nv19.12





 PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> ls

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pyhton

pyhton : The term ‘pyhton’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.

Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

At line:1 char:1

+ pyhton

+ ~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (pyhton:String) [], CommandNotFoundException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pyhton

pyhton : The term ‘pyhton’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.

Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

At line:1 char:1

+ pyhton

+ ~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (pyhton:String) [], CommandNotFoundException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> python

Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Type «help», «copyright», «credits» or «license» for more information.

>>> exit

Use exit() or Ctrl-Z plus Return to exit

>>> exit()

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pip


  pip <command> [options]


  install                     Install packages.

  download                    Download packages.

  uninstall                   Uninstall packages.

  freeze                      Output installed packages in requirements format.

  list                        List installed packages.

  show                        Show information about installed packages.

  check                       Verify installed packages have compatible dependencies.

  config                      Manage local and global configuration.

  search                      Search PyPI for packages.

  cache                       Inspect and manage pip’s wheel cache.

  wheel                       Build wheels from your requirements.

  hash                        Compute hashes of package archives.

  completion                  A helper command used for command completion.

  debug                       Show information useful for debugging.

  help                        Show help for commands.

General Options:

  -h, —help                  Show help.

  —isolated                  Run pip in an isolated mode, ignoring environment variables and user configuration.

  -v, —verbose               Give more output. Option is additive, and can be used up to 3 times.

  -V, —version               Show version and exit.

  -q, —quiet                 Give less output. Option is additive, and can be used up to 3 times (corresponding to

                              WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels).

  —log <path>                Path to a verbose appending log.

  —no-input                  Disable prompting for input.

  —proxy <proxy>             Specify a proxy in the form [user:passwd@]proxy.server:port.

  —retries <retries>         Maximum number of retries each connection should attempt (default 5 times).

  —timeout <sec>             Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds).

  —exists-action <action>    Default action when a path already exists: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup,


  —trusted-host <hostname>   Mark this host or host:port pair as trusted, even though it does not have valid or any


  —cert <path>               Path to alternate CA bundle.

  —client-cert <path>        Path to SSL client certificate, a single file containing the private key and the

                              certificate in PEM format.

  —cache-dir <dir>           Store the cache data in <dir>.

  —no-cache-dir              Disable the cache.


                              Don’t periodically check PyPI to determine whether a new version of pip is available for

                              download. Implied with —no-index.

  —no-color                  Suppress colored output


                              Silence deprecation warnings for upcoming unsupported Pythons.

  —use-feature <feature>     Enable new functionality, that may be backward incompatible.

  —use-deprecated <feature>  Enable deprecated functionality, that will be removed in the future.

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pip install virtualenv

Collecting virtualenv

  Downloading virtualenv-20.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (4.9 MB)

     |████████████████████████████████| 4.9 MB 364 kB/s

Collecting distlib<1,>=0.3.1

  Downloading distlib-0.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (335 kB)

     |████████████████████████████████| 335 kB 469 kB/s

Requirement already satisfied: six<2,>=1.9.0 in c:python39libsite-packages (from virtualenv) (1.15.0)

Collecting filelock<4,>=3.0.0

  Downloading filelock-3.0.12-py3-none-any.whl (7.6 kB)

Requirement already satisfied: appdirs<2,>=1.4.3 in c:python39libsite-packages (from virtualenv) (1.4.4)

Installing collected packages: distlib, filelock, virtualenv

Successfully installed distlib-0.3.1 filelock-3.0.12 virtualenv-20.1.0

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> virtualenv

usage: virtualenv [—version] [—with-traceback] [-v | -q] [—app-data APP_DATA] [—reset-app-data] [—upgrade-embed-wheels] [—discovery {builtin}] [-p py] [—creator {builtin,cpython3-win,venv}] [—seeder {app-data,pip}] [—no-seed]

                  [—activators comma_sep_list] [—clear] [—system-site-packages] [—copies] [—no-download | —download] [—extra-search-dir d [d …]] [—pip version] [—setuptools version] [—wheel version] [—no-pip] [—no-setuptools]

                  [—no-wheel] [—no-periodic-update] [—symlink-app-data] [—prompt prompt] [-h]


virtualenv: error: the following arguments are required: dest

SystemExit: 2

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> virtualenv

usage: virtualenv [—version] [—with-traceback] [-v | -q] [—app-data APP_DATA] [—reset-app-data] [—upgrade-embed-wheels] [—discovery {builtin}] [-p py] [—creator {builtin,cpython3-win,venv}] [—seeder {app-data,pip}] [—no-seed]

                  [—activators comma_sep_list] [—clear] [—system-site-packages] [—copies] [—no-download | —download] [—extra-search-dir d [d …]] [—pip version] [—setuptools version] [—wheel version] [—no-pip] [—no-setuptools]

                  [—no-wheel] [—no-periodic-update] [—symlink-app-data] [—prompt prompt] [-h]


virtualenv: error: the following arguments are required: dest

SystemExit: 2

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pip install dest

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement dest (from versions: none)

ERROR: No matching distribution found for dest

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> virtualenx dest

virtualenx : The term ‘virtualenx’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or

operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is

correct and try again.

At line:1 char:1

+ virtualenx dest

+ ~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (virtualenx:String) [], CommandNotFoundException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> virtualenv

usage: virtualenv [—version] [—with-traceback] [-v | -q] [—app-data APP_DATA] [—reset-app-data] [—upgrade-embed-wheels] [—discovery {builtin}] [-p py] [—creator {builtin,cpython3-win,venv}] [—seeder {app-data,pip}] [—no-seed]

                  [—activators comma_sep_list] [—clear] [—system-site-packages] [—copies] [—no-download | —download] [—extra-search-dir d [d …]] [—pip version] [—setuptools version] [—wheel version] [—no-pip] [—no-setuptools]

                  [—no-wheel] [—no-periodic-update] [—symlink-app-data] [—prompt prompt] [-h]


virtualenv: error: the following arguments are required: dest

SystemExit: 2

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> virtualenv

usage: virtualenv [—version] [—with-traceback] [-v | -q] [—app-data APP_DATA] [—reset-app-data] [—upgrade-embed-wheels] [—discovery {builtin}] [-p py] [—creator {builtin,cpython3-win,venv}] [—seeder {app-data,pip}] [—no-seed]

                  [—activators comma_sep_list] [—clear] [—system-site-packages] [—copies] [—no-download | —download] [—extra-search-dir d [d …]] [—pip version] [—setuptools version] [—wheel version] [—no-pip] [—no-setuptools]

                  [—no-wheel] [—no-periodic-update] [—symlink-app-data] [—prompt prompt] [-h]


virtualenv: error: the following arguments are required: dest

SystemExit: 2

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> virtualenv

usage: virtualenv [—version] [—with-traceback] [-v | -q] [—app-data APP_DATA] [—reset-app-data] [—upgrade-embed-wheels] [—discovery {builtin}] [-p py] [—creator {builtin,cpython3-win,venv}] [—seeder {app-data,pip}] [—no-seed]

                  [—activators comma_sep_list] [—clear] [—system-site-packages] [—copies] [—no-download | —download] [—extra-search-dir d [d …]] [—pip version] [—setuptools version] [—wheel version] [—no-pip] [—no-setuptools]

                  [—no-wheel] [—no-periodic-update] [—symlink-app-data] [—prompt prompt] [-h]


virtualenv: error: the following arguments are required: dest

SystemExit: 2

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pip install virtualenv

Requirement already satisfied: virtualenv in c:python39libsite-packages (20.1.0)

Requirement already satisfied: filelock<4,>=3.0.0 in c:python39libsite-packages (from virtualenv) (3.0.12)

Requirement already satisfied: appdirs<2,>=1.4.3 in c:python39libsite-packages (from virtualenv) (1.4.4)

Requirement already satisfied: six<2,>=1.9.0 in c:python39libsite-packages (from virtualenv) (1.15.0)

Requirement already satisfied: distlib<1,>=0.3.1 in c:python39libsite-packages (from virtualenv) (0.3.1)

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> virualenv

virualenv : The term ‘virualenv’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or

operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is

correct and try again.

At line:1 char:1

+ virualenv

+ ~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (virualenv:String) [], CommandNotFoundException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> virtualenv

usage: virtualenv [—version] [—with-traceback] [-v | -q] [—app-data APP_DATA] [—reset-app-data] [—upgrade-embed-wheels] [—discovery {builtin}] [-p py] [—creator {builtin,cpython3-win,venv}] [—seeder {app-data,pip}] [—no-seed]

                  [—activators comma_sep_list] [—clear] [—system-site-packages] [—copies] [—no-download | —download] [—extra-search-dir d [d …]] [—pip version] [—setuptools version] [—wheel version] [—no-pip] [—no-setuptools]

                  [—no-wheel] [—no-periodic-update] [—symlink-app-data] [—prompt prompt] [-h]


virtualenv: error: the following arguments are required: dest

SystemExit: 2

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> dest

dest : The term ‘dest’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable

program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and

try again.

At line:1 char:1

+ dest

+ ~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (dest:String) [], CommandNotFoundException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> dest virtualenv

dest : The term ‘dest’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable

program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and

try again.

At line:1 char:1

+ dest virtualenv

+ ~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (dest:String) [], CommandNotFoundException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> virtualenv

usage: virtualenv [—version] [—with-traceback] [-v | -q] [—app-data APP_DATA] [—reset-app-data] [—upgrade-embed-wheels] [—discovery {builtin}] [-p py] [—creator {builtin,cpython3-win,venv}] [—seeder {app-data,pip}] [—no-seed]

                  [—activators comma_sep_list] [—clear] [—system-site-packages] [—copies] [—no-download | —download] [—extra-search-dir d [d …]] [—pip version] [—setuptools version] [—wheel version] [—no-pip] [—no-setuptools]

                  [—no-wheel] [—no-periodic-update] [—symlink-app-data] [—prompt prompt] [-h]


virtualenv: error: the following arguments are required: dest

SystemExit: 2

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> virtualenv krish

created virtual environment in 15450ms

  creator CPython3Windows(dest=C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tutkrish, clear=False, global=False)

  seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle, setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle, via=copy, app_data_dir=C:UsersKRISHAppDataLocalpypavirtualenv)

    added seed packages: pip==20.2.4, setuptools==50.3.2, wheel==0.35.1

  activators BashActivator,BatchActivator,FishActivator,PowerShellActivator,PythonActivator,XonshActivator

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>  kri

kri : The term ‘kri’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable

program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and

try again.

At line:1 char:2

+  kri

+  ~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (kri:String) [], CommandNotFoundException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> krishScriptsactivate

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> set executionpolicy remotesigned

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned

Execution Policy Change

The execution policy helps protect you from scripts that you do not trust. Changing the execution policy

might expose you to the security risks described in the about_Execution_Policies help topic at

https:/ Do you want to change the execution policy?

[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is «N»): Y

Set-ExecutionPolicy : Access to the registry key

‘HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftPowerShell1ShellIdsMicrosoft.PowerShell’ is denied. To change

the execution policy for the default (LocalMachine) scope, start Windows PowerShell with the «Run as

administrator» option. To change the execution policy for the current user, run «Set-ExecutionPolicy

-Scope CurrentUser».

At line:1 char:1

+ Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : PermissionDenied: (:) [Set-ExecutionPolicy], UnauthorizedAccessException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetExecut


(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> python

Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Type «help», «copyright», «credits» or «license» for more information.

>>> import flask

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File «<stdin>», line 1, in <module>

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘flask’

>>> deactivate

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File «<stdin>», line 1, in <module>

NameError: name ‘deactivate’ is not defined

>>> krishScriptsdeactivate

  File «<stdin>», line 1

SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character

>>> krishScriptsactivate

  File «<stdin>», line 1

SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character

>>> exit()

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> krishScriptsactivate

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> deactivate

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> python

Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Type «help», «copyright», «credits» or «license» for more information.

>>> import pandas

>>> exit()

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> krishScriptsactivate

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> import pandas

import : The term ‘import’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable

program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and

try again.

At line:1 char:1

+ import pandas

+ ~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (import:String) [], CommandNotFoundException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> python

Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Type «help», «copyright», «credits» or «license» for more information.

>>> import pandas

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File «<stdin>», line 1, in <module>

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pandas’

>>> exit()

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pip install sklearn

Collecting sklearn

  Downloading sklearn-0.0.tar.gz (1.1 kB)

Collecting scikit-learn

  Downloading scikit-learn-0.23.2.tar.gz (7.2 MB)

     |████████████████████████████████| 7.2 MB 312 kB/s

  Installing build dependencies … error

  ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 2:

   command: ‘C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tutkrishScriptspython.exe’ ‘C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tutkrishlibsite-packagespip’ install —ignore-installed —no-user —prefix ‘C:UsersKRISHAppDataLocalTemppip-build-env-fwqk5_h6overlay’ —no-warn-script-location —no-binary :none: —only-binary :none: -i — setuptools wheel ‘Cython>=0.28.5’ ‘numpy==1.13.3; python_version=='»‘»‘3.6′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»‘ and platform_python_implementation == ‘»‘»‘CPython'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.14.0; python_version=='»‘»‘3.6′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»‘ and platform_python_implementation != ‘»‘»‘CPython'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.14.5; python_version=='»‘»‘3.7′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.17.3; python_version>='»‘»‘3.8′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.16.0; python_version=='»‘»‘3.6′»‘»‘ and platform_system=='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.16.0; python_version=='»‘»‘3.7′»‘»‘ and platform_system=='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.17.3; python_version>='»‘»‘3.8′»‘»‘ and platform_system=='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘scipy>=0.19.1’

       cwd: None

  Complete output (72 lines):

  Ignoring numpy: markers ‘python_version == «3.6» and platform_system != «AIX» and platform_python_implementation == «CPython»‘ don’t match your environment

  Ignoring numpy: markers ‘python_version == «3.6» and platform_system != «AIX» and platform_python_implementation != «CPython»‘ don’t match your environment

  Ignoring numpy: markers ‘python_version == «3.7» and platform_system != «AIX»‘ don’t match your environment

  Ignoring numpy: markers ‘python_version == «3.6» and platform_system == «AIX»‘ don’t match your environment

  Ignoring numpy: markers ‘python_version == «3.7» and platform_system == «AIX»‘ don’t match your environment

  Ignoring numpy: markers ‘python_version >= «3.8» and platform_system == «AIX»‘ don’t match your environment

  Collecting setuptools

    Downloading setuptools-50.3.2-py3-none-any.whl (785 kB)

  Collecting wheel

    Downloading wheel-0.35.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (33 kB)

  Collecting Cython>=0.28.5

    Downloading Cython-0.29.21-py2.py3-none-any.whl (974 kB)

  Collecting numpy==1.17.3

    Downloading (6.4 MB)

  Collecting scipy>=0.19.1

    Downloading scipy-1.5.4-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl (31.4 MB)

  ERROR: Exception:

  Traceback (most recent call last):

    File «», line 437, in _error_catcher


    File «», line 519, in read

      data = if not fp_closed else b»»

    File «», line 62, in read

      data =

    File «», line 458, in read

      n = self.readinto(b)

    File «», line 502, in readinto

      n = self.fp.readinto(b)

    File «», line 704, in readinto

      return self._sock.recv_into(b)

    File «», line 1241, in recv_into

      return, buffer)

    File «», line 1099, in read

      return, buffer)

  ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

  During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

  Traceback (most recent call last):

    File «», line 228, in _main

      status =, args)

    File «», line 182, in wrapper

      return func(self, options, args)

    File «», line 323, in run

      requirement_set = resolver.resolve(

    File «», line 183, in resolve

      discovered_reqs.extend(self._resolve_one(requirement_set, req))

    File «», line 388, in _resolve_one

      abstract_dist = self._get_abstract_dist_for(req_to_install)

    File «», line 340, in _get_abstract_dist_for

      abstract_dist = self.preparer.prepare_linked_requirement(req)

    File «», line 467, in prepare_linked_requirement

      local_file = unpack_url(

    File «», line 255, in unpack_url

      file = get_http_url(

    File «», line 129, in get_http_url

      from_path, content_type = _download_http_url(

    File «», line 282, in _download_http_url

      for chunk in download.chunks:

    File «», line 168, in iter

      for x in it:

    File «», line 64, in response_chunks

      for chunk in

    File «», line 576, in stream

      data =, decode_content=decode_content)

    File «», line 541, in read

      raise IncompleteRead(self._fp_bytes_read, self.length_remaining)

    File «», line 135, in __exit__

      self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)

    File «», line 455, in _error_catcher

      raise ProtocolError(«Connection broken: %r» % e, e)

  pip._vendor.urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError: («Connection broken: ConnectionResetError(10054, ‘An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host’, None, 10054, None)», ConnectionResetError(10054, ‘An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host’, None, 10054, None))


ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 2: ‘C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tutkrishScriptspython.exe’ ‘C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tutkrishlibsite-packagespip’ install —ignore-installed —no-user —prefix ‘C:UsersKRISHAppDataLocalTemppip-build-env-fwqk5_h6overlay’ —no-warn-script-location —no-binary :none: —only-binary :none: -i — setuptools wheel ‘Cython>=0.28.5’ ‘numpy==1.13.3; python_version=='»‘»‘3.6′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»‘ and platform_python_implementation == ‘»‘»‘CPython'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.14.0; python_version=='»‘»‘3.6′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»‘ and platform_python_implementation != ‘»‘»‘CPython'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.14.5; python_version=='»‘»‘3.7′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.17.3; python_version>='»‘»‘3.8′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.16.0; python_version=='»‘»‘3.6′»‘»‘ and platform_system=='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.16.0; python_version=='»‘»‘3.7′»‘»‘ and platform_system=='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.17.3; python_version>='»‘»‘3.8′»‘»‘ and platform_system=='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘scipy>=0.19.1’ Check the logs for full command output.

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> dd

dd : The term ‘dd’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable

program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and

try again.

At line:1 char:1

+ dd

+ ~~

    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (dd:String) [], CommandNotFoundException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

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(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pip install sklearn

Collecting sklearn

  Using cached sklearn-0.0.tar.gz (1.1 kB)

Collecting scikit-learn

  Using cached scikit-learn-0.23.2.tar.gz (7.2 MB)

  Installing build dependencies … error

  ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 2:

   command: ‘C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tutkrishScriptspython.exe’ ‘C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tutkrishlibsite-packagespip’ install —ignore-installed —no-user —prefix ‘C:UsersKRISHAppDataLocalTemppip-build-env-ikx0t4qsoverlay’ —no-warn-script-location —no-binary :none: —only-binary :none: -i — setuptools wheel ‘Cython>=0.28.5’ ‘numpy==1.13.3; python_version=='»‘»‘3.6′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»‘ and platform_python_implementation == ‘»‘»‘CPython'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.14.0; python_version=='»‘»‘3.6′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»‘ and platform_python_implementation != ‘»‘»‘CPython'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.14.5; python_version=='»‘»‘3.7′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.17.3; python_version>='»‘»‘3.8′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.16.0; python_version=='»‘»‘3.6′»‘»‘ and platform_system=='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.16.0; python_version=='»‘»‘3.7′»‘»‘ and platform_system=='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.17.3; python_version>='»‘»‘3.8′»‘»‘ and platform_system=='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘scipy>=0.19.1’

       cwd: None

  Complete output (72 lines):

  Ignoring numpy: markers ‘python_version == «3.6» and platform_system != «AIX» and platform_python_implementation == «CPython»‘ don’t match your environment

  Ignoring numpy: markers ‘python_version == «3.6» and platform_system != «AIX» and platform_python_implementation != «CPython»‘ don’t match your environment

  Ignoring numpy: markers ‘python_version == «3.7» and platform_system != «AIX»‘ don’t match your environment

  Ignoring numpy: markers ‘python_version == «3.6» and platform_system == «AIX»‘ don’t match your environment

  Ignoring numpy: markers ‘python_version == «3.7» and platform_system == «AIX»‘ don’t match your environment

  Ignoring numpy: markers ‘python_version >= «3.8» and platform_system == «AIX»‘ don’t match your environment

  Collecting setuptools

    Using cached setuptools-50.3.2-py3-none-any.whl (785 kB)

  Collecting wheel

    Using cached wheel-0.35.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (33 kB)

  Collecting Cython>=0.28.5

    Using cached Cython-0.29.21-py2.py3-none-any.whl (974 kB)

  Collecting numpy==1.17.3

    Using cached (6.4 MB)

  Collecting scipy>=0.19.1

    Downloading scipy-1.5.4-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl (31.4 MB)

  ERROR: Exception:

  Traceback (most recent call last):

    File «», line 437, in _error_catcher


    File «», line 519, in read

      data = if not fp_closed else b»»

    File «», line 62, in read

      data =

    File «», line 458, in read

      n = self.readinto(b)

    File «», line 502, in readinto

      n = self.fp.readinto(b)

    File «», line 704, in readinto

      return self._sock.recv_into(b)

    File «», line 1241, in recv_into

      return, buffer)

    File «», line 1099, in read

      return, buffer)

  ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

  During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

  Traceback (most recent call last):

    File «», line 228, in _main

      status =, args)

    File «», line 182, in wrapper

      return func(self, options, args)

    File «», line 323, in run

      requirement_set = resolver.resolve(

    File «», line 183, in resolve

      discovered_reqs.extend(self._resolve_one(requirement_set, req))

    File «», line 388, in _resolve_one

      abstract_dist = self._get_abstract_dist_for(req_to_install)

    File «», line 340, in _get_abstract_dist_for

      abstract_dist = self.preparer.prepare_linked_requirement(req)

    File «», line 467, in prepare_linked_requirement

      local_file = unpack_url(

    File «», line 255, in unpack_url

      file = get_http_url(

    File «», line 129, in get_http_url

      from_path, content_type = _download_http_url(

    File «», line 282, in _download_http_url

      for chunk in download.chunks:

    File «», line 168, in iter

      for x in it:

    File «», line 64, in response_chunks

      for chunk in

    File «», line 576, in stream

      data =, decode_content=decode_content)

    File «», line 541, in read

      raise IncompleteRead(self._fp_bytes_read, self.length_remaining)

    File «», line 135, in __exit__

      self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)

    File «», line 455, in _error_catcher

      raise ProtocolError(«Connection broken: %r» % e, e)

  pip._vendor.urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError: («Connection broken: ConnectionResetError(10054, ‘An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host’, None, 10054, None)», ConnectionResetError(10054, ‘An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host’, None, 10054, None))


ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 2: ‘C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tutkrishScriptspython.exe’ ‘C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tutkrishlibsite-packagespip’ install —ignore-installed —no-user —prefix ‘C:UsersKRISHAppDataLocalTemppip-build-env-ikx0t4qsoverlay’ —no-warn-script-location —no-binary :none: —only-binary :none: -i — setuptools wheel ‘Cython>=0.28.5’ ‘numpy==1.13.3; python_version=='»‘»‘3.6′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»‘ and platform_python_implementation == ‘»‘»‘CPython'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.14.0; python_version=='»‘»‘3.6′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»‘ and platform_python_implementation != ‘»‘»‘CPython'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.14.5; python_version=='»‘»‘3.7′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.17.3; python_version>='»‘»‘3.8′»‘»‘ and platform_system!='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.16.0; python_version=='»‘»‘3.6′»‘»‘ and platform_system=='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.16.0; python_version=='»‘»‘3.7′»‘»‘ and platform_system=='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘numpy==1.17.3; python_version>='»‘»‘3.8′»‘»‘ and platform_system=='»‘»‘AIX'»‘»» ‘scipy>=0.19.1’ Check the logs for full command output.

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pip freeze > requirements.txt

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pip install flask

Collecting flask

  Using cached Flask-1.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (94 kB)

Collecting itsdangerous>=0.24

  Using cached itsdangerous-1.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (16 kB)

Collecting click>=5.1

  Using cached click-7.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (82 kB)

Collecting Jinja2>=2.10.1

  Using cached Jinja2-2.11.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (125 kB)

Collecting Werkzeug>=0.15

  Using cached Werkzeug-1.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (298 kB)

Collecting MarkupSafe>=0.23

  Using cached MarkupSafe-1.1.1.tar.gz (19 kB)

Building wheels for collected packages: MarkupSafe

  Building wheel for MarkupSafe ( … done

  Created wheel for MarkupSafe: filename=MarkupSafe-1.1.1-py3-none-any.whl size=12633 sha256=4ea8fffbe74dd1390309a18761725bb24f4c0718a7eb4999e1c28c3d7ccaf856

  Stored in directory: c:userskrishappdatalocalpipcachewheelse0196f6ba857621f50dc08e084312746ed3ebc14211ba30037d5e44e

Successfully built MarkupSafe

Installing collected packages: itsdangerous, click, MarkupSafe, Jinja2, Werkzeug, flask

Successfully installed Jinja2-2.11.2 MarkupSafe-1.1.1 Werkzeug-1.0.1 click-7.1.2 flask-1.1.2 itsdangerous-1.1.0

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pip freeze > requirements.txt

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pip install -r .requirements.txt

Requirement already satisfied: click==7.1.2 in c:userskrishdesktopven.tutkrishlibsite-packages (from -r .requirements.txt (line 1)) (7.1.2)

Requirement already satisfied: Flask==1.1.2 in c:userskrishdesktopven.tutkrishlibsite-packages (from -r .requirements.txt (line 2)) (1.1.2)

Requirement already satisfied: itsdangerous==1.1.0 in c:userskrishdesktopven.tutkrishlibsite-packages (from -r .requirements.txt (line 3)) (1.1.0)

Requirement already satisfied: Jinja2==2.11.2 in c:userskrishdesktopven.tutkrishlibsite-packages (from -r .requirements.txt (line 4)) (2.11.2)

Requirement already satisfied: MarkupSafe==1.1.1 in c:userskrishdesktopven.tutkrishlibsite-packages (from -r .requirements.txt (line 5)) (1.1.1)

Requirement already satisfied: Werkzeug==1.0.1 in c:userskrishdesktopven.tutkrishlibsite-packages (from -r .requirements.txt (line 6)) (1.0.1)

(krish) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> deactivate

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> virtualenv —system-site-packages krish2

created virtual environment in 1410ms

  creator CPython3Windows(dest=C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tutkrish2, clear=False, global=True)

  seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle, setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle, via=copy, app_data_dir=C:UsersKRISHAppDataLocalpypavirtualenv)

    added seed packages: pip==20.2.4, setuptools==50.3.2, wheel==0.35.1

  activators BashActivator,BatchActivator,FishActivator,PowerShellActivator,PythonActivator,XonshActivator

PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> krish2Scriptsactivate

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pyhton

pyhton : The term ‘pyhton’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable

program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and

try again.

At line:1 char:1

+ pyhton

+ ~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (pyhton:String) [], CommandNotFoundException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> python

Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Type «help», «copyright», «credits» or «license» for more information.

>>> import flask

>>> exit()

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pyhton

pyhton : The term ‘pyhton’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable

program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and

try again.

At line:1 char:1

+ pyhton

+ ~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (pyhton:String) [], CommandNotFoundException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> python

Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Type «help», «copyright», «credits» or «license» for more information.

>>> import pandas

>>> exit()

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> python

Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Type «help», «copyright», «credits» or «license» for more information.

>>> exit()

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pip freeze > requirements2.txt

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> python

Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Type «help», «copyright», «credits» or «license» for more information.

>>> print(«hello world»)

hello world

>>> def function2

  File «<stdin>», line 1

    def function2


SyntaxError: invalid syntax

>>> def function1():

… print(«you are in function»)

  File «<stdin>», line 2

    print(«you are in function»)


IndentationError: expected an indented block

>>> import random

>>> random_number = random.randint(0, 1)

>>> print(random_number)


>>> rand = random.random() * 10

>>> print(rand)


>>> exit()

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> python

Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Type «help», «copyright», «credits» or «license» for more information.

>>> import math

>>> print(math.sqrt(225))


>>> print(math.sqrt(755555))


>>> exit()

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> python

Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Type «help», «copyright», «credits» or «license» for more information.

>>> a = int(input(«please add number of rows of stars you want to print»))

please add number of rows of stars you want to print

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File «<stdin>», line 1, in <module>

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: »

>>> import pandas

>>> exit()

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pyhton

pyhton : The term ‘pyhton’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable

program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and

try again.

At line:1 char:1

+ pyhton

+ ~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (pyhton:String) [], CommandNotFoundException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> python

Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Type «help», «copyright», «credits» or «license» for more information.

>>> print(math.sqrt(755555))

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File «<stdin>», line 1, in <module>

NameError: name ‘math’ is not defined

>>> import math

>>> print(cos(765))

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File «<stdin>», line 1, in <module>

NameError: name ‘cos’ is not defined

>>> exit()

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> pyhton

pyhton : The term ‘pyhton’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable

program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and

try again.

At line:1 char:1

+ pyhton

+ ~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (pyhton:String) [], CommandNotFoundException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut>

(krish2) PS C:UsersKRISHDesktopven.tut> python

Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32

Type «help», «copyright», «credits» or «license» for more information.

>>> print(99 + 199)


>>> print(«you are in function»)

you are in function


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