Visual studio как изменить папку проекта

My current solution for renaming the project folder is: Remove the project from the solution. Rename the folder outside Visual Studio. Re-add the project to the solution. Is there a better way?

Man, have I struggled with this. Unfortunately there isn’t a one click solution in Visual Studio, but if you’re running Visual Studio 2012 and your project is under source control with Team Foundation Server, here is how I got it to work, while keeping the source history:

(Make sure you read @mjv’s comment below, as he notes that you can skip step 5-10)

  1. Make sure you have checked in all changes, so you have no pending changes.
  2. Remove the project from the solution, by right clicking and selecting Remove.
  3. Now, in Windows Explorer, rename the project folder.
  4. Go back to Visual Studio, and in Solution Explorer, right click the solution and choose Add -> Existing project. Select the project file for the project you removed in step 2, which should be located in the renamed folder.
  5. Now the project is back in the solution, but the project doesn’t seem to be added to source control. To fix that, open Source Control Explorer.
  6. Find the project folder in Source Control Explorer, that corresponds with the project folder on your disk, that you renamed in step 3.
  7. Rename the folder in Source Control Explorer, so it has the same name as the project folder on disk.
  8. Now take a look at your pending changes. You should have changes to the solution file and a rename operation on the project folder.
  9. Do a rebuild and make sure everything compiles correctly. If you had inter-project references to the project you renamed, you need to add them again to the individual projects that referenced it.
  10. You should be all set now. Go and check everything in.

The above guide worked for me. If it doesn’t work for you, try and delete your local solution completely, and remove the folder mapping in your workspace. Restart Visual Studio just in case. Make sure you actually deleted the whole solution from your computer. Now readd the solution mapping to your workspace and get the latest version. Now try the above steps. The same applies if something goes wrong while following the above steps. Just delete your solution locally and get the latest source, and you’ll have a clean slate to work with.

If you’re still having problems, make sure that you haven’t changed anything manually in the solution file, or trying other ‘tricks’ before trying the above steps. If you have changed something and checked it in, you might want to consider doing a rollback to the point just before you started messing with the renaming of the project.

Of course, you’d also want to rename the project itself, in Solution Explorer. You can do this before the steps above, but in that case, make sure you check in that change before applying the steps above. You can also do it afterwards, but make sure you follow all the steps above first, and check in your changes before trying to rename the project name in Solution Explorer. I don’t recommend trying to mix the above steps with a rename of the project name in Solution Explorer. It might work though, but I would recommand doing it in 2 separate changesets.

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Change the build output directory

Learn how you can specify the location of output generated by your project on a per-configuration basis (for debug, release, or both).





output directory, changing






How to: Change the build output directory

[!INCLUDE Visual Studio]

You can specify the location of output generated by your project on a per-configuration basis (for debug, release, or both).

:::moniker range=»vs-2019″

Change the build output directory

  1. To open the project’s property pages, right-click on the project node in Solution Explorer and select Properties.

  2. Select the appropriate tab based on your project type:

    • For C#, select the Build tab.
    • For Visual Basic, select the Compile tab.
    • For C++ or JavaScript, select the General tab.
  3. In the configuration drop-down at the top, choose the configuration whose output file location you want to change (Debug, Release, or All Configurations).

  4. Find the output path entry on the page—it differs depending on your project type:

    • Output path for C# and JavaScript projects
    • Build output path for Visual Basic projects
    • Output directory for Visual C++ projects

    Type in the path to generate output to (absolute or relative to the root project directory), or choose Browse to browse to that folder instead.

    Output path property for a Visual Studio C# project

    Some projects will by default include framework and runtime in the build path. To change this, right-click the project node in Solution Explorer, select Edit Project File, and add the following:


If the output is not being generated to the location that you specified, make sure you’re building the corresponding configuration (for example, Debug or Release) by selecting it on the menu bar of Visual Studio.

Build configuration picker in Visual Studio 2019.


:::moniker range=»>=vs-2022″

Change the build output directory

In Visual Studio 2022, there are different Project Designer user interfaces, depending on your project type. C# .NET Framework and all Visual Basic projects use the legacy .NET Project Designer, but C# .NET Core (and .NET 5 and later) projects use the current .NET Project Designer. C++ projects use their own property pages user interface. The steps in this section depend on what Project Designer you’re using.

To change the build output directory using the legacy .NET Project Designer or C++ property pages

  1. Right-click on the project node in Solution Explorer and select Properties.

  2. Select the appropriate tab based on your project type:

    • For C#, select the Build tab.
    • For Visual Basic, select the Compile tab.
    • For C++ or JavaScript, select the General tab.
  3. In the configuration drop-down at the top, choose the configuration whose output file location you want to change (Debug, Release, or All Configurations).

  4. Find the output path entry on the page—it differs depending on your project type:

    • Output path for C# and JavaScript projects
    • Build output path for Visual Basic projects
    • Output directory for Visual C++ projects

    Type in the path to generate output to (absolute or relative to the root project directory), or choose Browse to browse to that folder instead.

    Output path property for a C# .NET Framework project

    Some projects will by default include framework and runtime in the build path. To change this, right-click the project node in Solution Explorer, select Edit Project File, and add the following:


To change the build output directory using the current .NET Project Designer

  1. Right-click on the project node in Solution Explorer and select Properties.

  2. Expand the Build section, and select the Output subsection.

  3. Find the Base output path for C#, and type in the path to generate output to (absolute or relative to the root project directory), or choose Browse to browse to that folder instead. Note that the configuration name is appended to the base output path to generate the actual output path.

    Output path property for a .NET Core C# project

    Some projects will by default include framework and runtime in the build path. To change this, right-click the project node in Solution Explorer, select Edit Project File, and add the following:


If the output is not being generated to the location that you specified, make sure you’re building the corresponding configuration (for example, Debug or Release) by selecting it on the menu bar of Visual Studio.

Build configuration picker in Visual Studio 2022.

Build to a common output directory

By default, [!INCLUDEvsprvs] builds each project in a solution in its own folder inside the solution. You can change the build output paths of your projects to force all outputs to be placed in the same folder.

To place all solution outputs in a common directory

  1. Click on one project in the solution.

  2. On the Project menu, click Properties.

  3. In each project, depending on its type, select either Compile or Build, and set the Output path or Base output path to a folder to use for all projects in the solution.

  4. Open the project file for the project, and add the following property declaration to the first property group.

      <!-- existing property declarations are here -->

    Setting UseCommonOutputDirectory to true tells Visual Studio and its underlying build engine (MSBuild) that you’re putting multiple project outputs in the same folder, and so MSBuild omits the copying step that normally happens when projects depend on other projects.

  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all projects in the solution. You can skip some projects if you have some exceptional projects that should not use the common output directory.

To set the intermediate output directory for a project (.NET projects)

  1. Open the project file.

  2. Add the following property declaration to the first property group.

      <!-- existing property declarations are here -->

    The path is relative to the project file, or you can use an absolute path. If you want to put the project name in the path, you can reference it by using the MSBuild properties $(MSBuildProjectName), $(MSBuildProjectDirectory). For more properties you can use, see MSBuild reserved and well-known properties.

  3. Visual Studio still creates the obj folder under the project folder when you build, but it’s empty. You can delete it as part of the build process. One way to do that is to add a post-build event to run the following command:

    rd "$(ProjectDir)obj" /s /q

    See Specify custom build events.

    The obj folder is not created when you build from the MSBuild command line.

See also

  • Build page, Project Designer (C#)
  • General Property page (project)
  • Compile and build

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Как переименовать папку с исходниками?

06.01.2013, 13:43. Показов 15185. Ответов 8

Ребята, подскажите, пожалуйста, как переименовать папку с исходниками (с файликами форм, Program.cs и т.д.), если проєкт уже создан? Имя solution-а я поменял, а вот папку как переименовать не знаю.

Прилагаю картинку с моим примером: как переименовать папку TM?


Как переименовать папку с исходниками?

Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь


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06.01.2013, 16:58


Переименуйте папку. После этого откройте файл проекта Machine.csproj в VS.
При закрытии студии, она предложит сохранить файл решения (solution) — сохраните поверх старого.


89 / 77 / 38

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11.01.2017, 11:13


Добрый день. Создал по запаре WpFApplication1, теперь хочу переименовать проект. Все переименовал, но как только пытаюсь переименовать папку, то проект не запускается… Вышеуказанный метод не работает. работаю в VS15.


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11.01.2017, 11:16


Jman, вышеуказанный метод прекрасно работает. Если не получается, то закрой студию, открой файлы решения и проекта в блокноте (это XML-документы) и отредактируй названия проектов и файлов как тебе надо.


89 / 77 / 38

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11.01.2017, 13:38


А, так и не получилось. Просто новый проект создал и перетащил исходники…


2 / 2 / 1

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13.01.2017, 10:20


просто создай папку и назови ее , перетащи туда проект ,
можно ещё посмотреть во вкладке файл=>проект


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13.01.2017, 10:25


Сообщение от HHEWIEW
Посмотреть сообщение


Используя лямбда выражение? =)


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13.01.2017, 10:40


visual studio свойство проекта, или пересохрани проект указав другое имя


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16931 / 12508 / 3286

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17.01.2017, 11:09


Для VS2015:

  1. Закройте решение в студии (File -> Close solution)
  2. Переименуйте папку с проектом
  3. Откройте решение в студии — она пожалуется, что не может найти проект и проект будет помечен как Unavailable.
  4. Выделите проект в обозревателе решений и в окошке свойств (F4 по умолчанию) измените путь на переименованную папку.
  5. Правокликните на проект в обозревателе решений и кликните на Reload Project
  6. Сохрание изменения в решении (Ctrl+S по умолчанию).


Manually edit .sln file

This method is entirely aimed at renaming the directory for the project, as viewed in Windows Explorer.

This method does not suffer from the problems in the Remove/add project file method below (references disappearing), but it can result in problems if your project is under source control (see notes below). This is why step 2 (backup) is so important.

  1. Close Visual Studio.
  2. Create a backup of your .sln file (you can always roll back).
  3. Imagine you want to rename directory Project1 to Project2.
  4. If not using source control, rename the folder from Project1 to Project2 using Windows Explorer.
  5. If using source control, rename the folder from Project1 to Project2 using the functions supplied by source control. This preserves the history of the file. For example, with TortoiseSVN, right click on the file, select TortoiseSVN .. Rename.
  6. In the .sln file, edit all instances of Project1 to be Project2, using a text editor like NotePad.
  7. Restart Visual Studio, and everything will work as before, but with the project in a different directory.

You can also see renaming solution manually or post which describes this manual process.


  • You can make the directory within Windows Explorer match the project name within the solution.
  • This method does not remove any references from other projects to this file (an advantage over the Remove/add project file method, see my other answer below).


  • It’s important to back everything up into a .zip file before renaming anything, as this method can create issues with source control.
  • If your project is under source control, it may create issues if you rename files or
    directories outside of source control (using Windows Explorer). Its preferable to rename the file using the source control framework itself, if you can, to preserve the history of that file (check out the context menu on a right click — it may have a function to rename the file).

Update 2014-11-02

ReSharper has added an automated method for achieving the same result as the manual method above. If the namespace is underlined with a squiggly blue line, click on the action pyramid icon to either:

  • Rename the namespace to match the directory name in Windows Explorer, or;
  • Rename the directory in Windows Explorer to match the namespace.

In the second case, the final word defines the new directory name in Windows Explorer, e.g. if we changed the namespace to ViewModel2, it would offer to move the file to folder ViewModel2.

However, this will not necessarily update files in source control, so you may still have to use the manual method.

enter image description here

Update 2018-01-31

Tested with Visual Studio 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017 Update 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Update 2020-05-02

Tested with Visual Studio 2019.

Update 2021-11-19

Retested. Still works.

Update 2022-11-30

Latest version of Git should auto-detect file renames, so no extra care is needed to preserve the history of diffs.

Manually edit .sln file

This method is entirely aimed at renaming the directory for the project, as viewed in Windows Explorer.

This method does not suffer from the problems in the Remove/add project file method below (references disappearing), but it can result in problems if your project is under source control (see notes below). This is why step 2 (backup) is so important.

  1. Close Visual Studio.
  2. Create a backup of your .sln file (you can always roll back).
  3. Imagine you want to rename directory Project1 to Project2.
  4. If not using source control, rename the folder from Project1 to Project2 using Windows Explorer.
  5. If using source control, rename the folder from Project1 to Project2 using the functions supplied by source control. This preserves the history of the file. For example, with TortoiseSVN, right click on the file, select TortoiseSVN .. Rename.
  6. In the .sln file, edit all instances of Project1 to be Project2, using a text editor like NotePad.
  7. Restart Visual Studio, and everything will work as before, but with the project in a different directory.

You can also see renaming solution manually or post which describes this manual process.


  • You can make the directory within Windows Explorer match the project name within the solution.
  • This method does not remove any references from other projects to this file (an advantage over the Remove/add project file method, see my other answer below).


  • It’s important to back everything up into a .zip file before renaming anything, as this method can create issues with source control.
  • If your project is under source control, it may create issues if you rename files or
    directories outside of source control (using Windows Explorer). Its preferable to rename the file using the source control framework itself, if you can, to preserve the history of that file (check out the context menu on a right click — it may have a function to rename the file).

Update 2014-11-02

ReSharper has added an automated method for achieving the same result as the manual method above. If the namespace is underlined with a squiggly blue line, click on the action pyramid icon to either:

  • Rename the namespace to match the directory name in Windows Explorer, or;
  • Rename the directory in Windows Explorer to match the namespace.

In the second case, the final word defines the new directory name in Windows Explorer, e.g. if we changed the namespace to ViewModel2, it would offer to move the file to folder ViewModel2.

However, this will not necessarily update files in source control, so you may still have to use the manual method.

enter image description here

Update 2018-01-31

Tested with Visual Studio 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017 Update 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Update 2020-05-02

Tested with Visual Studio 2019.

Update 2021-11-19

Retested. Still works.

Update 2022-11-30

Latest version of Git should auto-detect file renames, so no extra care is needed to preserve the history of diffs.

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