Vmrun error the operation was canceled

Build ‘vmware-iso’ errored: Error starting VM: VMware error: Error: The operation was canceled #5754 Comments Packer version from packer version Debug log output from PACKER_LOG=1 packer build template.json . Please paste this in a gist https://gist.github.com The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Thanks for reporting an issue; do you have […]


  1. Build ‘vmware-iso’ errored: Error starting VM: VMware error: Error: The operation was canceled #5754
  3. Vmrun error the operation was canceled
  4. Vmrun error the operation was canceled
  5. Unable to build vmware-iso in headless mode #7715

Build ‘vmware-iso’ errored: Error starting VM: VMware error: Error: The operation was canceled #5754

  • Packer version from packer version
  • Debug log output from PACKER_LOG=1 packer build template.json .
    Please paste this in a gist https://gist.github.com

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Thanks for reporting an issue; do you have simple steps to reproduce? Does this happen every time or only occasionally?

@basictheprogram, I’m doing a little bit of work on the vmware-iso builder. Do you have the .vmx for this build available, and what version of VMware Player are you using?

This’d probably be in output-vmware-iso/WindowsServer2016.vmx according to your log. If it gets deleted (which’d be surprising because packer has issues w/ cleanup during errors in VMware as a result of a handle leak), you can run packer with the -on-error=abort parameter and I think that should leave the file so you can snag it.

That .vmx will be key in reproducing the VMware issue that you’re having.

VMware Workstation 14.1.1 Player for Linux

$ ls -ld output*
ls: cannot access ‘output*’: No such file or directory

Attempting a build with the -on-error=abort

The .vmx is below

Hmm. you’re using VMware workstation?

So, the issue is that packer’s VMware driver is detecting your VMware instance as VMware player which means you probably have both installed. Is that the case? If you want to avoid rebuilding packer, you can uninstall vmware player and then things should work out.

I’m pretty certain that’s what’s causing the issue, but for the sake of completion, can you run /usr/bin/vmrun -T ws start output-vmware-iso/WindowsServer2016.vmx nogui instead of the one with -T player ? If that works then the driver detection on linux can probably be tightened a bit..

Oh duh. Sorry, I failed at reading. I read «VMware Workstation» and read that as you were using VMware Workstation and not «VMware Workstation Player»..

So packer and «Player» are not a supported configuration?

Ok. So packer is pretty much doing everything as intended, and so. assuming you’re on a box that supports more than 2 cpus, the issue is likely within VMware. Inside the output-vmware-iso/ directory should be a vmware.log file that gives more info.

In response to your comment, nah. They’re supported. I just misread your prior comment where you mentioned «VMware Workstation Player» and interpreted that was «VMware Workstation» which is where my statement about that the difference between player and workstation came from.

I’m just never heard anybody refer to VMware player as «VMware Workstation Player». But it’s all good..

You can post or review that .log file if you want me to still help tho. That should give insight into why vmrun is throwing that error.

So, docs and things suggest that you can specify monitor.allowLegacyCPU = «true» in the .vmx (I think there’s some packer option that lets you manually add things to your .vmx).

This will drastically hit you performance-wise, as VMware will emulate all privileged instructions that get executed and be forced to use software for doing address translations (MMU), but if you’re just building templates with packer you’re probably just going to set-it-and-forget it so time shouldn’t be too important..

Just make sure that you remove that option before you deploy them so none of your users have to suffer the perf hit. 😉

Computer is remote, I’ll check the BIOS tomorrow to make sure this isn’t something I can turn on. If not, look for an appropriate computer. 🙂

Thanks for the help. Learn a lot today. Appreciate it.


Vmrun error the operation was canceled

I have Workstation 10 running on Kali Linux.

I have installed a Windows 7 VM and when I connect to the machine using ssh -X, start vmplayer it works fine.

If I connect via ssh and start using vmrun I get operation canceled.

» vmrun start /root/vmware/Windows 7/Windows 7.vmx nogui

Error: The operation was canceled»

I have tried this from a normal ssh connection and an X connection using both -X and -XY.

Any ideas? I’ve had a look around for a while and most people seem to be fixed by using the nogui option but it’s not working in my case.

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vmrun -T ws start /root/vmware/Windows 7/Windows 7.vmx nogui

Or -T player if using VMware Player instead of VMware Workstation.

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IIRC then for this to work you will have to at least set the DISPLAY environment variable, the problem is that I forgot the details,so not a lot of help for you I’m afraid.

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That’s good, thanks but the fact that I can start an X session suggests this is already set. I’ve checked and it’s set to 11 which I believe is right for X forwarding.

Plus I’m setting the nogui parameter

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vmrun -T ws start /root/vmware/Windows 7/Windows 7.vmx nogui

Or -T player if using VMware Player instead of VMware Workstation.

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Awesome! I should have tried that. Silly me. player worked.

Last login: Wed Jan 1 21:25:41 2014 from

# vmrun -T ws start /root/vmware/Windows 7/Windows 7.vmx nogui

Error: The operation was canceled

# vmrun -T player start /root/vmware/Windows 7/Windows 7.vmx nog ui


root 1 0.0 0.0 10648 548 ? Ss 2013 0:06 init [2]

root 12750 92.1 30.8 1473332 1210356 ? Ssl 08:33 0:09 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-vmx -s vmx.noUIBuildNumberCheck=TRUE -# product=1;name=VMware Work

root 12770 0.0 0.0 75188 2796 ? S 08:33 0:00 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/thnuclnt -pdir /tmp/vmware-root/thnuclnt-12750 -fg

root 12787 0.0 0.0 77320 1924 ? S 08:33 0:00 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/thnuclnt -pdir /tmp/vmware-root/thnuclnt-12750 -fg

root 12788 0.0 0.0 75188 1044 ? S 08:33 0:00 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/thnuclnt -pdir /tmp/vmware-root/thnuclnt-12750 -fg

root 12789 0.0 0.0 75192 1120 ? S 08:33 0:00 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/thnuclnt -pdir /tmp/vmware-root/thnuclnt-12750 -fg

root 12791 0.0 0.0 76020 868 ? S 08:33 0:00 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/thnuclnt -pdir /tmp/vmware-root/thnuclnt-12750 -fg

root 12792 0.0 0.0 75192 860 ? S 08:33 0:00 /usr/lib/vmware/bin/thnuclnt -pdir /tmp/vmware-root/thnuclnt-12750 -fg

root 12797 0.0 0.0 16768 1304 pts/0 R+ 08:33 0:00 ps aux

root 16896 0.0 0.0 49848 680 ? Ss 2013 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd

I’m a bit remote to the server at the moment so can’t do much to check but a quick port scan suggests that network discovery is open so it looks like Windows 7 has fired up. Thanks very much!

# nmap -vv

Starting Nmap 6.40 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2014-01-02 08:37 GMT

Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 08:37

Scanning [1 port]

Completed ARP Ping Scan at 08:37, 0.01s elapsed (1 total hosts)

Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 08:37

Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 08:37, 0.01s elapsed

Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 08:37

Scanning [1000 ports]

Discovered open port 5357/tcp on

Completed SYN Stealth Scan at 08:37, 18.05s elapsed (1000 total ports)


Vmrun error the operation was canceled

My backups scripts stopped working after I’ve upgraded my win7 x64 host to Workstation 9 from version 8.

My simple script looks like this:

vmrun.exe suspend myvm.vmx

.. copy to backup device ..

vmrun.exe start myvm.vmx nogui

This used to work flawlessly. But now start command returns:

Error: The operation was canceled

What’s interesting that if i run start command again at a later time, it works fine.

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gui.lastPoweredViewMode = fullscreen
gui.viewModeAtPowerOn = fullscreen

I wonder if this settings are good for a VM you start with nogui option ?

Do you really need 3d support ? — did you try with 3d support disabled ?

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? — send a message via skype «sanbarrow»
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time .

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Noticed an interesting pattern.

It fails for win7 guests only. Ubuntu guest starts fine.

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can you post the vmware.log of the affected VM ?

Do you need support with a VMFS recovery problem ? — send a message via skype «sanbarrow»
I do not support Workstation 16 at this time .

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Ah. Should have looked there myself. Log below.

Looks like something to do with graphics. Perhaps this happens because machine is «locked» during the backup process since it happens at night.

Just to reiterate, nothing has changed at all except Workstation version. No hardware changes, no backup schedule changes, etc.

I’ve also attached the successful start log that happens when host screen is unlocked and I start my VMs in the morning manually via same start command.


Unable to build vmware-iso in headless mode #7715

While using the builder vmware-iso with option «headless»: true packer aborts directly after starting the virtual machine:

  • packer 1.4.1
  • Builder vmware-iso
  • VMware Workstation 15.1
  • Ubuntu 18.10 x64

Without this option, everything works as expected.

I’ve also tried tweaking the option version based on a list of virtual hardware versions provided by VMware. There’s no chance to start the machine in headless mode. Same on a Debian 9 x64.

Am I missing something? Thanks in advance.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

what happens when you run /usr/bin/vmrun -T player start builds/mylittlehost-vmware/mylittlehost-vmware.vmx nogui without using Packer?

Almost the same:

…is working. I’ve added the file vmware.log to the gist.

That makes it seem to me like this is a vmware bug unrelated to Packer; this OS may not work with vmware in headless mode.

Ok, seems valid. I’ve tried it with Ubuntu 18.10, 19.04 and Debian GNU/Linux 9.9. Can you recommend any OS which should work?

This may be a better question for the mailing list or community forum; I maintain Packer but I’m not an expert in every platform.

Running into this exact issue, anyone else affected by this?

Unable to do away with the headless option:

The error presents like this from Packer:

Switching to Workstation Pro 15.1 on Ubuntu 19.04 solves the problem. Headless mode is working fine now but costs

250 €. Not sure if it’s worth it…

Ended up using a ESXi server we had sitting around for a remote host build, was able to get around the issue after that.

It’d be nice if a free VMware product would work here though.

I’ve run into similar issues in the past. Starting VMware in headless mode from Packer doesn’t appear to initialise or start up VMware properly — hence the issue. The same is true when using the CLI vmrun commands. This seems to be a bug in VMware.

To ‘solve’ the issue I had to start VMware once using the GUI. This would then initialise everything correctly after which I could then close the GUI and quit VMware. After this ‘start up and shutdown via the GUI’ Packer would run happily in headless mode.

It’s a bit strange I know but it seemed to do the trick. I usually came across this problem straight after I had rebooted. Clearly, at this point I hadn’t yet started VMware via the GUI at any point and so saw the issue.

I am using VMware Fusion Professional Version 8.5.10 (7527438).

Clearly, this issue may have been fixed with the newer versions of VMware Fusion/Workstation.

came across this in VMware Workstation 15.1.0 build-13591040 @DanHam your workaround does not apply to me

applies to me also on VirtualBox.

im building on a few hypervisors these days and VirtualBox gives me:
has terminated unexpectedly during startup because of signal 6
which is almost identical to this thing here

im using vmware-vmx and virtualbox-ovf

@SwampDragons could you double check this 4 us if its not related to packer ?

The issue for me was related to the fact that VMWare does some magic when accepting the evaluation license from the GUI and seemingly nowhere else.

I could install VMWare workstation completely from the CLI using flags on the bundle file:

But my headless Packer builds would continue to error out when executing vmrun due to no valid license:

Packer log:


My solution was to monitor the process the VMWare GUI was calling when accepting the Eval License (HINT: auditctl -m and ausearch -i are your friend):

Once I determined this, I executed it manually after a fresh install of vmware and everything worked. No GUI needed!

Note 1: VMware likes to be installed and run as root and not through sudo for some reason. This fixed other errors I was encountering prior to the license issue.
Note 2: If there is already a license file in /etc/vmware the command above will error out.

Thanks for that workaround — I’m not sure it’s Packer’s place to autogenerate this eval license (the legality of us automatically doing that for users seems fuzzy at best here) so I’m not sure what we can do on Packer’s side except maybe document that this could be an issue. Thoughts?


Странные, странные ошибки после обновления до VMware Fusion 8 и последней версии Hashicorp fusion plugin.

Пробовал это в новом каталоге тестирования установки A:
git clone https://github.com/coreos/coreos-vagrant.git
cd coreos-vagrant
vagrant up --provider=vmware_fusion

Это приводит к этой ошибке:

An error occurred while executing `vmrun`, a utility for controlling
VMware machines. The command and output are below:

Command: ["start", "/Users/karsten/dev/testing/coreos-vagrant/.vagrant/machines/core-01/vmware_fusion/44bdccd5-28fc-4306-8f5e-881645923d32/coreos_production_vagrant_vmware_fusion.vmx", "nogui", {:notify=>[:stdout, :stderr], :timeout=>45}]

Stdout: 2015-08-31T17:57:29.547| ServiceImpl_Opener: PID 5033
Error: The operation was canceled


(подробная отладка Gist здесь: https://gist.github.com/karstengresch/b1a2688877154c491a47

Однако, если я загружу файл CoreOS VMWare ova с
curl -LO http://alpha.release.core-os.net/amd64-usr/current/coreos_production_vmware_ova.ova , я легко могу запустить его в VMWare Fusion в побочном каталоге, как с графическим интерфейсом, так и с vmrun

Не могли бы вы мне помочь? Все это произошло не сразу после установки VMware Fusion + fusion provider, а после первой перезагрузки машины (MBP, конец 2013 г., 16 ГБ). Я понятия не имею, что может вызвать эту проблему, и просто хочу, чтобы Vagrant снова заработал.


Все 11 Комментарий

Новости: я понизил версию до Fusion 7.0 (мог найти лицензионный ключ, чтобы меня не заставляли выполнять совершенно странный и непонятный процесс перехода на более раннюю версию VMWare) и до Vagrant 1.7.3 и поставщика слияния 3.0.1. Результат: снова та же проблема: — |

Поэтому я предполагаю, что проблема заключается в моей индивидуальной конфигурации. Если бы вы все равно могли взглянуть на файл журнала, я был бы более чем счастлив. Есть идеи?


@karstengresch жаль слышать о проблеме! Сообщение operation was canceled к сожалению, связано практически со всеми возможными вещами, которые могут пойти не так на уровне VMware.

Возможно ли, что вы могли бы получить vmware.log из каталога машины?


Это может указать нам правильное направление.

@phinze — спасибо за быстрый ответ!

Возможно ли, что вы могли бы создать vmware.log из каталога машины?

К сожалению, я уничтожил все коробки и удалил каталоги .vagrant перед понижением (и да — я использовал инструмент удаления Vagrant для удаления Vagrant. К сожалению, для VMWare AFAIK такого нет).

Тем не менее: осознав, что переход на более раннюю версию не поможет, я решил заново установить VMWare Fusion и поставщика Vagrant Fusion, перезапустить (примерно 20 раз сегодня) — и он снова работает.

Напоминает мне о днях в далеком прошлом, когда я решал проблемы с драйверами Windows на рабочих машинах. Я не могу поверить, что обходным путем для этой проблемы является удаление VMWare и Vagrant и удаление всех следов, затем перезагрузка и повторная установка, но, по крайней мере, это сработало для меня.

@karstengresch : это случается время от времени и помогает остановить все процессы vmware:

sudo pkill -f «/ Приложения / VMware Fusion»

@rrva Спасибо за подсказку! Вы имеете в виду, что остановить процесс более эффективно, чем перезапустить машину? Однако я попробую, если поведение повторится.

Спасибо @rrva Вот и все!

sudo pkill -f "/Applications/VMware Fusion"

У меня была аналогичная проблема. Я пытался запустить другую машину VMWare с уже включенной. Прекращение работы виртуальной машины решило проблему для меня. Кажется, VMWare_Fusion не может запускать несколько экземпляров.

Что сработало для меня здесь, так это безжалостное удаление некоторых файлов блокировки, которые, как я полагаю, заставили виртуальную машину думать, что она уже запущена.

ll .../.vagrant/machines/default/vmware_fusion/53c24151-4883-4594-bf6e-98312738d98d/
показал два каталога:

564d007c-5bba-0781-48a1-bd830e047645.vmem.lck и disk-cl1.vmdk.lck

Я просто mv перешел в другой каталог (так что у меня были резервные копии), и виртуальная машина заработала нормально.

У меня была эта проблема даже с последними на данный момент выпусками VMware Fusion (10.0.1) и его соответствующим поставщиком Vagrant (5.0.1). Не осталось файлов блокировки, и перезапуск ОС или завершение процессов не помогли. Однако одна крошечная команда все же решила:

$ vagrant halt
==> default: Discarding suspended state...

С этого момента vagrant up запустился успешно.

@barneyjackson Удаление файлов блокировки — единственное, что у меня сработало. Спасибо!

Я собираюсь заблокировать этот выпуск, потому что он был закрыт _30 дней_ ⏳. Это помогает нашим сопровождающим найти и сосредоточиться на активных проблемах.

Если вы обнаружили проблему, похожую на эту, откройте новую проблему и заполните шаблон проблемы, чтобы мы могли зафиксировать все сведения, необходимые для дальнейшего расследования.

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