Vmware internal error ошибка

Обнаружили внутреннюю ошибку VMware? Есть 4 решения [Новости MiniTool] Encountering An Vmware Internal Error Резюме : VMware — это полезное программное обеспечение на вашем компьютере, но вы можете получить сообщение об ошибке — Внутренняя ошибка, что очень раздражает. Теперь вам нужно прочитать этот пост. Он покажет вам некоторые причины внутренней ошибки VMware и решения […]


  1. Обнаружили внутреннюю ошибку VMware? Есть 4 решения [Новости MiniTool]
  2. Резюме :
  3. Причины внутренней ошибки VMware
  4. Решение 1. Запустите службу авторизации VMware с правами администратора.
  5. Решение 2. Переустановите VMware с возможностью восстановления.
  6. Решение 3. Запустите VMware с правами администратора
  7. Решение 4. Остановите и перезапустите все службы VMware
  8. Нижняя граница
  9. How to Fix VMware Internal Error?
  10. What causes the Vmware Internal Error?
  11. Solution 1: Run Vmware Authorization service with Administrative Privileges
  12. Solution 2: Reinstall Vmware with the Repair Option
  13. Solution 3: Start VMware with Administrative Privileges
  14. Solution 4: Stop and Restart all VMware Services
  15. How to fix VMware Internal Error while powering on
  16. What causes the VMware Workstation Internal Error?
  17. Fix VMware Internal Error
  18. 1] Check Vmware Authorization Service
  19. 2] Repair VMware
  20. 3] Check your antivirus
  21. 4] Restart VM Services
  22. 5] Reinstall VMware
  23. How do I fix VMware not working?

Обнаружили внутреннюю ошибку VMware? Есть 4 решения [Новости MiniTool]

Encountering An Vmware Internal Error

Резюме :

VMware — это полезное программное обеспечение на вашем компьютере, но вы можете получить сообщение об ошибке — Внутренняя ошибка, что очень раздражает. Теперь вам нужно прочитать этот пост. Он покажет вам некоторые причины внутренней ошибки VMware и решения для ее исправления. Получите эти решения от MiniTool Веб-сайт.

VMware — отличное программное обеспечение для создания и запуска виртуальных машин на вашем компьютере. Однако многие из вас могут получить ошибку в VMware, которая показывает «Внутренняя ошибка». когда вы загружаете виртуальную машину в VMware, обычно из-за сбоя загрузки службы авторизации Windows VMware.

Следующая часть покажет вам причины внутренней ошибки VMware, а затем познакомит вас с некоторыми решениями для устранения этой проблемы.

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Причины внутренней ошибки VMware

1. не удается запустить службу авторизации VMware

Как упоминалось ранее, основной причиной этой проблемы является невозможность запуска службы авторизации VMware в Windows. Эта ошибка может возникнуть, если служба авторизации не работает должным образом в Windows.

2. Нет прав администратора для службы авторизации VMware.

Служба авторизации VMware требует прав администратора VMware для запуска и запуска виртуальных машин, поэтому, если вы запустите службу на своем компьютере без прав администратора, вы получите это сообщение об ошибке.

3. агрессивное антивирусное программное обеспечение

Если на вашем компьютере установлено антивирусное программное обеспечение и он настроен на агрессивный режим, антивирусное программное обеспечение может даже не позволить вам запускать виртуальные машины на VMware. Некоторое антивирусное или антивредоносное программное обеспечение также может препятствовать запуску виртуальных машин в вашей системе, поэтому антивирусное или антивредоносное программное обеспечение также может быть причиной этой ошибки.

4. поврежденная рабочая станция или плеер VMware

Если ваша рабочая станция VMware повреждена, вы можете столкнуться с этой ошибкой.

5.Fix-game.exe вирус

Есть известный вирус, который не позволяет VMware запускать виртуальные машины. Это fix-game.exe, и вы можете найти его в диспетчере задач, если он запущен.

Наконечник: Если вы хотите знать как легко и безопасно увеличить жесткий диск для виртуальной машины , прочтите этот пост.

Решение 1. Запустите службу авторизации VMware с правами администратора.

Если вы хотите знать, как исправить внутреннюю ошибку VMware, вот первое решение — запустить службы авторизации VMware с правами администратора в Windows. Для этого вы должны убедиться, что вы вошли в систему как администратор.

Шаг 1: нажмите Windows ключ + р ключ, чтобы открыть Бежать коробка.

Шаг 2: введите services.msc в поле и щелкните Хорошо открыть обслуживание окно.

Шаг 3. В списке служб найдите службу авторизации VMware.

Шаг 4. Щелкните эту службу правой кнопкой мыши и выберите Свойства .

Шаг 5: Обязательно установите Тип запуска к Автоматический и нажмите Начало . Нажмите Хорошо .

Проверьте свою виртуальную машину еще раз в VMware. Если ошибка вызвана отказом службы авторизации VMware, теперь она может работать правильно.

Решение 2. Переустановите VMware с возможностью восстановления.

Чтобы исправить внутреннюю ошибку VMware, вы также можете попробовать переустановить VMware с помощью параметра «Восстановить» на панели управления.

Шаг 1: введите панель управления в строке поиска и нажмите Панель управления открыть его.

Шаг 2: нажмите Программы и особенности и найти VMware Workstation .

Шаг 3. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши VMware Workstation и нажмите Ремонт .

Если ваша VMware сломана или что-то в этом роде, и это вызвано ошибкой, восстановление VMware, вероятно, решит проблему.

Решение 3. Запустите VMware с правами администратора

Процесс авторизации VMware позволяет не администраторам создавать виртуальные машины. Если вы запускаете VMware с правами администратора, вам не нужна эта служба для создания виртуальной машины, потому что в этом случае вы сами являетесь администратором.

Поэтому, если Решение 1 не устраняет ошибку для вас, вам следует попытаться запустить VMware с правами администратора.

Для этого просто откройте рабочую станцию ​​VMware или проигрыватель VMware с правами администратора. Просто щелкните приложение правой кнопкой мыши и выберите Запустить от имени администратора , а затем вы можете запустить его с правами администратора в Windows.

Решение 4. Остановите и перезапустите все службы VMware

Если ни одно из вышеперечисленных решений не может решить вашу проблему, вы можете попытаться остановить и перезапустить все службы VMware, чтобы посмотреть, сможет ли это решить проблему за вас.

Шаг 1: введите cmd в строке поиска щелкните правой кнопкой мыши Командная строка и выберите Запустить от имени администратора .

Шаг 2: Выполните следующие команды:

NET STOP «Служба авторизации VMware»

NET STOP «Служба DHCP VMware»

NET STOP «Служба VMware NAT»

NET STOP «VMware USB Arbitration Service»

taskkill / им vmware-tray.exe / f

taskkill / им vmware-tray.exe / f

Это остановит все службы, связанные с VMware, работающие на компьютерах Windows.

Шаг 3. Снова запустите указанные выше службы. Выполните следующие команды:

NET START «Служба авторизации VMware»

NET START «Служба DHCP VMware»

NET START «Служба VMware NAT»

NET START «VMware USB Arbitration Service»

ЗАПУСК C: Progra


ЗАПУСК C: Progra


При запуске виртуальной машины проверьте, сохраняется ли внутренняя ошибка VMware.

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Подводя итог, этот пост показал вам некоторые причины внутренней ошибки VMware. Между тем, он также знакомит вас с некоторыми полезными решениями для исправления этой ошибки. Если вы получаете это сообщение об ошибке, вы можете попробовать эти решения.


How to Fix VMware Internal Error?

VMware is a nice software for making and running virtual machines on your computer. It allows you to run multiple guest operating systems (virtual machines) at the same time on a single host. Many people use VMware to run other operating systems like Linux etc on their Windows operating systems. VMware has many versions available like the Vmware player, which is free and VMware workstation, which is a paid version with additional features. Many users have been receiving an error on Vmware which says “Vmware internal error” while trying to start a virtual machine in VMware which is usually caused by VMware Windows authorization service failing to start.

Vmware Internal Error

Let us start with the causes of the error in detail and then we will be mentioning the solutions that you can implement to fix the issue.

What causes the Vmware Internal Error?

The VMware internal error is usually caused by the VMware authorization service not running properly in Windows but it can be caused by some other reasons as well depending on the scenario. Below are some of the reasons for this error to occur in Windows.

  • Vmware authorization service failing to start: As said earlier, the main reason for this error is that the VMware authorization service fails to start in Windows. If the authorization service does not run properly in Windows, then this error will likely occur.
  • No administration rights for VMware Authorization service: If the VMware authorization service does not run with Administrative privileges in Windows, then you may be getting this error because of that. The Vmware authorization service needs to be run with Administrative privileges for Vmware to work and launch virtual machines so if the service is running on your machine but not with administrative privileges, then you will get this error.
  • Aggressive Antivirus software: If you have antivirus software installed on your computer and it’s set to an aggressive mode i.e very strict security etc then your antivirus software may be blocking the Vmware’s ability to run virtual machines. Some antivirus or antimalware software might even not allow you to run virtual machines on your system so an antivirus or antimalware software can also be the cause of this issue.
  • Corrupt VMware workstation or player: If your VMware workstation has been corrupted then you may be facing this error due to that. A quick remedy for this is to reinstall Vmware.
  • Fix-game.exe virus: There is a known virus that blocks Vmwarea’s ability to run virtual machines. This virus is known as fix-game.exe and you can see it in Task Manager if it’s running. This virus blocks Vmware from running virtual machines.

There are some solutions that you can try to fix this error. As the solutions depend on the cause of the problem/error so each solution might not give the results but you can try all and hopefully, one or the other will work for you.

The first solution you can try is to run the VMware authorization service in Windows with administrative privileges. For this, you will have to make sure that you are logged in as an administrator. After that, do the following:

  1. Type services.msc in Run box. (To open the run box, press Windows key + R).
  2. Then, search for the Vmware Authorization service in the list of services.
  3. Double-click on the service and click on Start.
  4. Also, make sure that the Startup type is set to Automatic. Starting the VMware Service
  5. Now check your virtual machine again in Vmware. Hopefully, it will work properly now if the error was caused by VMware authorization service not running properly.

Solution 2: Reinstall Vmware with the Repair Option

For some users, the issue has been resolved by reinstalling VMware using the Repair option in the Control Panel. To reinstall Vmware by repairing it, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to Control Panel → Apps and Features → search for Vmware in the listed programs and right-click on it and click Repair. Control Panel Program List
  2. If your VMware was corrupted or anything like that and the error was caused due to it, then repairing Vmware would most probably solve the problem for you.

Solution 3: Start VMware with Administrative Privileges

The VMware authorization process is used because it allows a non-administrator to create virtual machines. Now, if you start VMware with Administrative privileges, then you won’t need that service to be running to create a virtual machine as you are the administrator yourself in that case. So if by following solution 1 does not get rid of the error for you then you should try starting Vmware with Administrative privileges.

To do that you just need to open Vmware workstation or VMware player with administrative privileges. You can run an app in Windows using Administrative privileges by right-clicking on it and clicking the option “Run as Administrator”.

Solution 4: Stop and Restart all VMware Services

If for some reason, your problem does not get solved by trying all of the solutions above, you can stop and restart all of the VMware services and see if it fixes your problem.

  1. To do that, open cmd with Administrative privileges. (To do that, search for cmd in Start Menu and right-click on the icon and click “Run as Administrator“). Running Command Prompt with Administrative Privileges
  2. Then you need to execute the following commands:

This will stop all the services related to Vmware running on your Windows machine.

The next thing to do is to start these services again. Run these commands in the command prompt (cmd).

Now see if Vmware still gives you this error while trying to launch a virtual machine. If the error was due to a service required by VMware not running properly, then stopping and starting them again would hopefully fix the problem.


How to fix VMware Internal Error while powering on

For many users, VMware is a go-to platform for creating and using Virtual Machine. It allows you to have multiple Operating Systems on a single host computer. But as of late, many users started complaining about VMware Internal Error and want to see some solutions to resolve the problem. That’s why we have accumulated and created some solutions that will help you in fixing the Internal Error in your VMware.

What causes the VMware Workstation Internal Error?

This error is caused when trying to open a VM in the VMware. So, the very obvious cause, in this case, would be the failure of the VMware authorization service. If it fails to start the VM won’t start and as a result, you will see the error question. Another reason that can cause this issue is your antivirus mistaking VM for a virus. This is not rare and sometimes, your antivirus or even the Windows Security system thinks that an app or a game is a virus and stops their working. There is a fix for this that we will talk about later in this article. There are some other reasons such as corrupted VM or VMware and some workaround that we will see hereinafter.

Fix VMware Internal Error

Let us start fixing VMware Internal Error by updating your system. You need to check for updates and install the latest one. If the issue is because of a bug then updating will resolve it. However, if installing the latest build is to no avail then you can try to follow solutions to resolve the issue.

  1. Check VMware Authorization Service
  2. Repair VMware
  3. Check your antivirus
  4. Restart VM Services
  5. Reinstall VMware

Let us talk about them in detail.

1] Check Vmware Authorization Service

First of all, you need to check the VMware Authorization Service and make sure that it is enabled and has administrator privilege. As for the latter, you don’t need to do anything extra, if you are logged in as administrator then that’s enough. To check the Vmware Authorization Service you need to follow the given steps.

  1. Open Services.
  2. Look for Vmware Authorization Service, right-click on it and select Properties.
  3. Make sure the Startup Type is Automatic and the service is running. If not you have to start the service.

You can also try restarting the service if it’s enabled, this will fix any glitch that the service may have. After doing that, see if the issue persists.

2] Repair VMware

If you are seeing the issue because of a corrupted VMware app then the best way to resolve it is by repairing the application. You can follow the given steps to do the same.

  • Open Settings.
  • Go to Apps.
  • Look for VMware.
    • For Windows 11: Click on the three vertical dots and click Modify/Repair.
    • For Windows 10: Select the app and click Modify/Repair.

Then an installation wizard will pop up. There, you need to click Next and then Repair. Hopefully, this will resolve your issue.

3] Check your antivirus

If you are not dealing with a corrupted app then maybe your antivirus is blocking the VM from running on the system. This is not seldom and is an issue many computer apps are dealing with. So, if you have a third-party application, you can either disable the security or whitelist VMWare. You have to do the same with Windows Defender, either turn it off temporarily or allow VMware through the firewall.

4] Restart VM Services

Sometimes, the issue is because of a glitch, and in that case, restarting all the VM Services is the way to go. So, you need to execute some commands. Therefore, pull out Command Prompt as an administrator from the Start Menu.

Execute the following commands to stop the services.

Execute the following commands to restart the services

Finally, restart your computer and see if the issue persists.

5] Reinstall VMware

If nothing works then restarting VMware is your last resort. So, just uninstall VMware and then reinstall it to see if the issue persists.

Hopefully, you are able to resolve the VMware issue with the solutions mentioned here.

How do I fix VMware not working?

VMware may not work because of many different reasons such as corrupted app clients or corrupted VMX files. But you need to know the exact error message and then search it on our website as all the different error messages mean different things. You should also execute the solutions mentioned here as they are more than capable to resolve almost all the VMware-related issues.


With all kinds of virtualization software and services, you can greatly expand the possibilities of your personal computer. For example if you want to deploy and test a website on your local machine, you need to install a local server environment on your computer. XAMPP is the most popular PHP development environment, see how you can install XAMPP on Windows PC. After that you can set up many websites such as Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, OpenCart, OScommerce and many other websites on your computer. Your computer works like a web server now. If you are using WordPress, you can see how to set up WordPress site or blog on Windows computer via XAMPP. This solution turns your computer into a virtual server, so you can develop and test your site before you subscribe a WordPress hosting service. These tools are very easy to use, to set up a local server environment or set up websites on local PC or Mac is just a matter of seconds or minutes. Many of them are provided free of charge. VMware workstation is the virtualization software can help you install Mac OSX system on a Windows computer. Sometimes if you like to test software on Mac and do not plan to buy a real Mac computer, you can install Mac OSX on Windows PC. It is not very difficult, however very time consuming. We will not discuss how to do that in this article, as it will require another long post. Today we will share with you a quick fix to the VMware Workstation Internal Error after Windows OS upgrade to a new operating system version, like Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, etc. I have set up Mac OSX on a Windows 8.1 PC via VMware, after upgrading from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, the created Mac virtual machine in VMware not work any more. I can’t start Mac virtual machine in VMware Workstation. It gives me an Internal Error in VMware Workstation, see below error message and screenshot.
vmware workstation internal error

How to fix VMware Workstation Internal Error after Windows OS upgrade to new versions? You can actually try to run VMware Workstation as administrator. This quick fix worked well for me after my PC has been upgraded to Windows 10. To do that, log on your PC as administrator, find the shortcut to VMware Workstation on your desktop, right click on it and choose Run as administrator. After that find the virtual machine in VMware Workstation which can’t be started previously, then choose Start Up Guest to power on the virtual machine again see if any help. Good Luck!
run vmware workstation as administrator on windows pc

Running VMware WS 10 on Windows 7. EASY-installed Ubuntu desktop 12.04 64-bit. Windows Task Manager seems to say VMware is running 32 bit, but I have a FreeBSD 64-bit guest running, and a Windows 8 64-bit guest running as well. Any pointers or clues will be most appreciated.

asked Nov 1, 2013 at 21:06

user210381's user avatar


This issue can occur when the VMware Authorization service is not running or when the service does not have administrator rights.

To resolve this issue, start the service and ensure that it does have administrator rights.

To start the VMware Authorization service or to check whether it’s running:
Login to the Windows operating system as the Administrator.
Click Start and then type Run. If you are unable to find the Run option, refer to Microsoft article What happened to the Run command?
Type services.msc and click OK.
Scroll down the list and locate that the VMware Authorization service.
Click Start the service, unless the service is already is showing a status of Started.

answered Nov 5, 2013 at 2:12

user211455's user avatar


3612 silver badges2 bronze badges


In case the VMWare Auth service is running and you are still getting this error, follow the given steps,

  1. Close VMWare
  2. Stop any VMWare processes (from Task Manager)
  3. Delete the .vmem file
  4. Re-start the VM and it would work fine

Hope it helps

answered Dec 7, 2013 at 7:34

Ashwin Balani's user avatar


You may discover that the option to start the Vmware Authorisation Service has been disabled and the option to start it has been greyed out.

In that case, right click the service, followed by Properties. Change the Startup Type to your desired status (eg. Automatic (Delayed Start)), then click Apply, followed by Start.

You can also just run Workstation as an Administrator if you want.

Right-click VMware Workstation in the Start Menu Icon or on the Desktop Shortcut Icon, followed by «Run as administrator».

answered Dec 28, 2013 at 10:46

GeckoSEO's user avatar


In my case I am running VMWare workstation V.10 on Windows server 2008 R2. I had to remove my server from domain and VMware started giving «Internal Error» while starting guest machines. I have tried couple of work-a-rounds.

finally Re-installing VMWare with repair option resolved the issue

Stormvirux's user avatar

answered Feb 24, 2014 at 10:38

user251749's user avatar

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