Warframe как изменить цвет интерфейса

Warframe brought in the ability to change your user interface themes dramatically with The Sacrifice update. In this guide we show you how to do it.

Warframe brought in the ability to change your user interface dramatically with The Sacrifice update. You may now use interface themes to change how your various menus look.

Interface themes in Warframe are used to alter the user interface. The ability to do this was brought in with The Sacrifice update. Players may now use interface themes to change how various menus look. They can also change the user interface sounds and general background image.

How to Change Interface Themes in Warframe

To change your interface themes, first go to the Options screen via the main menu.

warframe main menu 1024x576 - How to Change Interface Themes in Warframe


From there, choose the Interface tab, then select the UI Customization option.

warframe interface menu 1024x576 - How to Change Interface Themes in Warframe


In the next menu, you can see options for Theme, Background, and Sounds. You can go into each one individually and choose which variant you would like to use. You will have some options available to you already, but you can purchase more for 50 Platinum, Warframe’s premium in-game currency.

warframe ui customization 1024x576 - How to Change Interface Themes in Warframe


Now you can set up your game to look and sound exactly how you want. Digital Extremes has also included a free colorblind-friendly theme for people who need it. Sadly, I cannot tell you exactly which type of colorblindness it is designed to help. You should be able to find something that suits your preferred look, however.

Interface themes are nice and simple ways to make your game feel more personal. It is also safe to assume that more themes, backgrounds, and sounds will become available in the game over time. An important thing to note here is that not all screens will be affected by the changes yet. There are 131 total screens in the game, and not all of them will have been affected by the new art. Instead, the changes will be slowly rolled out over time, as testing on the redesign is done for different screens.

Now that you know how to change your interface themes in Warframe, it’s time to make those menus suit your mood, Tenno!



Digital Extremes

Warframe situates players as members of the Tenno race, newly awoken after years of cryo-sleep into a solar system at war. Reborn into a corrupt era, the Tenno are sought by the oppressive Grineer Empire for annihilation. Warframe armor is the key to overthrowing the Grineer by providing players with unique offensive and defensive powers to explore, upgrade and master during purpose-driven radical raids.

  • PC (Microsoft Windows)
  • PlayStation Network
  • PlayStation 4
  • Xbox One
  • Nintendo Switch

Released: 2013-Nov-29

Обновлено: 09.02.2023

Изменяет, как клиент будет взаимодействовать с поиском партнеров(ПК будут предпочтительней ноутбуков по отношению к хостингу):

  • Автообнаружение
  • ПК
  • Ноутбук
  • 4950 & 4955
  • 4960 & 4965
  • 4970 & 4975
  • 4980 & 4985
  • 4990 & 4995

Анализ для любого UPnP и NAT-PMP сети.

  • На весь экран
  • Оконный
  • На весь экран без полей

Добавляет эффект «зрачка», точнее в темноте всё хорошо видно а на свету ничего не ослепляет.

Дмитрий Фролов

Подсмотрел у Оливки, сам накрутил что-то похожее. В посл. время летаю только с ним. Минус как и у любой схемы, кроме той, что стоит по умолчанию — важные цвета некоторые перепутаны на радаре, так что нужно привыкнуть :)

<MatrixRed> 0, 0.85, 0.15 </MatrixRed>
<MatrixGreen> 0.25, 0, 0 </MatrixGreen>
<MatrixBlue> 1, 0, 0 </MatrixBlue>

По параметрам: соотношение между 85-15 будет делать цвет или более холодным (голубоватым, изумрудным) или более тёплым (лайм). 25 во второй строке — по сути только окрашивает красным то, что в стандартной оранжевой теме было зелёное (союзники).

Warframe brought in the ability to change your user interface dramatically with The Sacrifice update. You may now use interface themes to change how your various menus look.

Interface themes in Warframe are used to alter the user interface. The ability to do this was brought in with The Sacrifice update. Players may now use interface themes to change how various menus look. They can also change the user interface sounds and general background image.

How to Change Interface Themes in Warframe

To change your interface themes, first go to the Options screen via the main menu.

warframe main menu 1024x576 - How to Change Interface Themes in Warframe

From there, choose the Interface tab, then select the UI Customization option.

warframe interface menu 1024x576 - How to Change Interface Themes in Warframe

In the next menu, you can see options for Theme, Background, and Sounds. You can go into each one individually and choose which variant you would like to use. You will have some options available to you already, but you can purchase more for 50 Platinum, Warframe’s premium in-game currency.

warframe ui customization 1024x576 - How to Change Interface Themes in Warframe

Now you can set up your game to look and sound exactly how you want. Digital Extremes has also included a free colorblind-friendly theme for people who need it. Sadly, I cannot tell you exactly which type of colorblindness it is designed to help. You should be able to find something that suits your preferred look, however.

Interface themes are nice and simple ways to make your game feel more personal. It is also safe to assume that more themes, backgrounds, and sounds will become available in the game over time. An important thing to note here is that not all screens will be affected by the changes yet. There are 131 total screens in the game, and not all of them will have been affected by the new art. Instead, the changes will be slowly rolled out over time, as testing on the redesign is done for different screens.

Now that you know how to change your interface themes in Warframe, it’s time to make those menus suit your mood, Tenno!


Интерфейс — это вся информация, отображающаяся во время игры. В неё входят: уведомления, информация о боезапасе, количестве щитов и здоровья Варфрейма, стража, прицел и прочее.

Значки интерфейса [ ]

Значки интерфейса на миссиях [ ]

Порой, в интерфейсе отображаются специальные значки. Это может быть ближайшая консоль управления с активированной блокировкой, или близко расположенная цель.

Следующие значки интерфейса появляются на всех видах миссий:

  • Значок ближайшей консоли управления — активирована блокировка дверей
  • Значок маркера, поставленного игроком. Может относиться к точке, на карте или ресурсу/моду. Если отмечена точка на карте, то будет надпись над значком Точка. Если отмечен ресурс/мод, то будет надпись над значком Ресурс/Мод
  • Значок цели задания/важного объекта. Может обозначать: экскаватор, цель убийства, терминал ввода пакета данных, пакет данных, терминал получения пакета данных.
  • Значок цели охоты. Обозначает цель, являющуюся объектом охоты.

Следующие значки интерфейса появляются лишь на миссиях Перехвата:

  • Значок захваченной вражеской фракцией башни Альфа
  • Значок захваченной вражеской фракцией башни Браво
  • Значок захваченной вражеской фракцией башни Чарли
  • Значок захваченной вражеской фракцией башни Дельта

Следующие значки интерфейса появляются лишь на миссиях Выживания:

Следующие значки интерфейса появляются лишь на миссиях Захвата:

Следующие значки интерфейса появляются лишь на миссиях Добыча артефактов:

Значки интерфейса вне миссий [ ]

Данные значки можно увидеть в правом верхнем углу экрана. Эти значки сообщают множество информации. К примеру, предмет создан в кузнице, или появилось предложение о дружбе.

Боевой интерфейс [ ]

Боевой интерфейс отображает всю важную информацию во время миссии. Уровень щитов, здоровья, количество боеприпасов в оружии и прочее. Смотрите фото выше.

  • Радар — отображение миникарты, включающее в себя показ врагов, целей миссии, близлежащих важных обьектов.
  • Цели/важные объекты миссии — здесь отображаются цели и важные объекты миссии. На миссиях зачистки здесь отображается количество врагов, которых нужно убить, чтобы выполнить миссию. На миссиях обороны здесь отображается состояние реактора/криокапсулы при его защите (количество щитов и здоровья).
  • Маркер атаки — этот маркер отображает с какой стороны вам наносит урон враг в данный момент. При нескольких атаках, будет отображено несколько маркеров.
  • Уровень щитов — количество щитов вашего Варфрейма.
  • Уровень здоровья — уровень здоровья вашего Варфрейма.
  • Уровень и синтез Варфрейма — Уровень и количество опыта вашего Варфрейма. На данный момент максимальный уровень Варфрейма/стража/Кубрау/оружия равен 30.
  • Уровень щитов стража — количество щитов вашего Стража/Кубрау.
  • Уровень здоровья стража — уровень здоровья вашего Стража/Кубрау.
  • Уровень и синтез стража — На данный момент максимальный уровень Варфрейма/стража/Кубрау/оружия равен 30.
  • Прицел — прицел вашего оружия. При попадании по врагу, окрашивается красным. При нанесении урона по времени, мигает красным цветом. Также, под прицелом находятся точки способностей, почти полностью дублирующие их состояние в строке способности Варфрейма. Точки не показывают лишь таймер/процент действия способностей.
  • Синтез — то, что является заменой опыта. Каждое убийство врага, успешный взлом консоли управления/терминала, использование способности, выполнение второстепенной цели миссии даёт Синтез. /боеприпасы — все предметы и боеприпасы, что вы поднимаете отображаются здесь. Это могут быть ресурсы, Сферы Энергии/Здоровья, боеприпасы (в том числе и боеприпасы, подвергшиеся действию мода трансмутации боеприпасов).
  • Количество боезапаса — количество боезапаса выбранного в данный момент вашего оружия. Отображается для основного и второстепенного видов оружия.
  • Количество патронов в магазине — количество патронов в магазине выбранного в данный момент вашего оружия. Отображается для основного и второстепенного видов оружия.
  • Уровень и опыт оружия — уровень и количество опыта выбранного в данный момент вашего оружия. Отображается для основного, второстепенного и мили (оружие ближнего боя. клинки, кинжалы, плети и прочее) видов оружия.
  • Способности Варфрейма — состояние всех четырёх способностей Варфрейма. Белым отображаются способности, которые готовы для использования (подходящий уровень энергии, выполненный откат). Серым отображаются способности, не готовые для использования (недостаточно энергии/способность не установлена). Также, здесь отображается таймер/процент действия способности. Варфрейма — количество энергии вашего Варфрейма. Энергия необходима для использования способностей Варфрейма. Белым отображается количество имеющейся энергии, синим отображается количество отсутствующей энергии. Также, внизу располагается номерное количество энергии.

Радар и карта [ ]

Радар весьма полезен в бою — на нём отображается различная информация, включаящая в себя: расположение сопартийцев, врагов (если установлена аура и/или мод), контейнеров, дропа, цели миссии и прочее.

Ниже приведён список значков радара:

  • Точка эвакуации. Её достижение успешно выполнит миссию.

Также, при нажатии клавиши открытия карты (по умолчанию M), на экране откроется карта, при этом радар скроется с экрана. На карте отображаются те же значки, что и на радаре.

Интерфейс миссий [ ]

В некоторых миссиях часть интерфейса подстраивается под них. К примеру, оборона, мобильная оборона и прочее.

Перехват это миссия, где основной целью является удержание 4-х контрольных точек на карте: Альфа (А), Браво (B), Чарли (C), Дельта (D). Победит та сторона, которая быстрее захватит данные врага (датчик прогресса до 100%).

Схема Добычи Артефактов.jpg

Добыча артефактов это миссия, цель которой заключается в добыче ресурса Криотик и дополнительных наград с помощью Экскаваторов.

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Добрый день, хотела спросить по какой причине или как сделать так чтобы в Интерфейсе был сплошной фон. У меня прозрачный фон и это сильно не удобно. Помогите объясните что сделать надо. -rjzituC9NM.jpg

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Без информации об используемых настройках сложно что-то посоветовать, кроме перебора по отключению/включению оных.

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15 часов назад, White_Lugaru сказал:

Без информации об используемых настройках сложно что-то посоветовать, кроме перебора по отключению/включению оных.

Если я скину настройки интерфейса, Вы скажите в чем может быть причина.
__ кроме перебора по отключению/включению оных.__ и что вы имели ввиду это

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16 минут назад, GomerIchigo сказал:

Если я скину настройки интерфейса, Вы скажите в чем может быть причина.

И настройки видео.

16 минут назад, GomerIchigo сказал:

__ кроме перебора по отключению/включению оных.__ и что вы имели ввиду это

Ровным счётом то, что написано: перебирать каждую настройку, включая/отключая её.

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Темы «старина» или «эквинокс» + фон «витрувиан» или «старина».

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2 часа назад, —VLP—Ijenius сказал:

Темы «старина» или «эквинокс» + фон «витрувиан» или «старина».

Нет такого же результата.

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42 минуты назад, White_Lugaru сказал:

Нет такого же результата.

В смысле, все еще видны внутренности лизета сквозь инвентарь? Ибо как я понял, это основная претензия.

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2 минуты назад, —VLP—Ijenius сказал:

В смысле, все еще видны внутренности лизета сквозь инвентарь? Ибо как я понял, это основная претензия.

В смысле нет возможности повторить то, что на скриншоте. В любых комбинациях.

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За это разве не «прозрачность интерфейса» отвечает?

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2 минуты назад, -10no-KiWad сказал:

За это разве не «прозрачность интерфейса» отвечает?

Обычно да. Но в варфрейме такого ползунка нету.

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Я даже настройки все скидывала и все равно прозрачный фон, не понимаю почему.
У меня по какой то причине фон не отображается 

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4 часа назад, GomerIchigo сказал:

Я даже настройки все скидывала и все равно прозрачный фон, не понимаю почему.
У меня по какой то причине фон не отображается 

Как насчёт проверки и оптимизации кэша загрузки через настройки лаунчера?

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14 часов назад, White_Lugaru сказал:

Как насчёт проверки и оптимизации кэша загрузки через настройки лаунчера?

Хорошо попробую, хотя проверки и оптимизации я делаю довольно часто, попробую) 

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В 09.10.2018 в 06:18, White_Lugaru сказал:

Как насчёт проверки и оптимизации кэша загрузки через настройки лаунчера?

Не помогло все тоже самое. 
Вот настройки мои 


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Просто скажу, что при низких настройках графики ты никак не добьешься непрозрачности интерфейса, говорю точно. 

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1 час назад, warp_cat сказал:

Просто скажу, что при низких настройках графики ты никак не добьешься непрозрачности интерфейса, говорю точно. 

Я сбрасывала все свои настройки, все было на высоких настройках, было тоже самое 

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4 часа назад, GomerIchigo сказал:

Не помогло все тоже самое. 
Вот настройки мои 

Хм, интересно. Приеду домой — попробую поколдовать у себя с настройками. А пока… При использовании других тем и фона — последнего так и нет?

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37 минут назад, White_Lugaru сказал:

Хм, интересно. Приеду домой — попробую поколдовать у себя с настройками. А пока… При использовании других тем и фона — последнего так и нет?

Да я все пробовала, все фоны, даже купила для пробы, тоже самое. 
У меня такое, с обновы нового интерфейса. Я этому значение не сильно придавала, но у лавки Баро, когда не видишь предметов, а видишь людей, меня бомбануло, и поняла что это мешает, и обнаружила косяк того что фон у меня не отображается … 
Спасибо, что пытаетесь помочь) 

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Поиск по форуму выдал вот эту тему, ОП жалуется, что на DirectX 9 у него фон прозрачный.

@GomerIchigo, можно скриншот настроек лаунчера?

Edit: убрал у себя галки с 10 и 11 директов и фон убрался вместе с ними.

Edited October 11, 2018 by Syasob

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5 часов назад, Syasob сказал:

Поиск по форуму выдал вот эту тему, ОП жалуется, что на DirectX 9 у него фон прозрачный.

@GomerIchigo, можно скриншот настроек лаунчера?

Edit: убрал у себя галки с 10 и 11 директов и фон убрался вместе с ними.

Хорошо проверю спасибки 

5 часов назад, Syasob сказал:

Поиск по форуму выдал вот эту тему, ОП жалуется, что на DirectX 9 у него фон прозрачный.

@GomerIchigo, можно скриншот настроек лаунчера?

Edit: убрал у себя галки с 10 и 11 директов и фон убрался вместе с ними.

Да 10 и 11 попробовала включить и да фон появился, спасибо) 

А какова может быть причина, что я включила все в лаунчере, и фон появился, выключила фона нет.  А у соклана, что с 10-11 он есть, что без него фон все равно у него есть 

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1 час назад, GomerIchigo сказал:

А какова может быть причина, что я включила все в лаунчере, и фон появился, выключила фона нет.  А у соклана, что с 10-11 он есть, что без него фон все равно у него есть 

Виной тому используемый DirectX. На DX9 фон пропадает, на DX10 и DX11 — фон есть.
Чтобы использовать DX9 нужно в лаунчере убрать галочки и с 10, и с 11.

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2 часа назад, White_Lugaru сказал:

Виной тому используемый DirectX. На DX9 фон пропадает, на DX10 и DX11 — фон есть.
Чтобы использовать DX9 нужно в лаунчере убрать галочки и с 10, и с 11.

Да это я поняла, просто я убираю и 10 и  11, Фона нет.Ставлю и 10 и 11, Фон есть. У соклана, он убирает и 10 и 11 фон есть, и снова ставит и 10 и 11 и тоже фон есть. Я вот, что спрашиваю. Почему такая разница. Что я все меняю и все меняется, он меняет но фон все равно есть и так и так

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54 минуты назад, GomerIchigo сказал:

Да это я поняла, просто я убираю и 10 и  11, Фона нет.Ставлю и 10 и 11, Фон есть. У соклана, он убирает и 10 и 11 фон есть, и снова ставит и 10 и 11 и тоже фон есть. Я вот, что спрашиваю. Почему такая разница. Что я все меняю и все меняется, он меняет но фон все равно есть и так и так

Нельзя сказать наверняка, не зная технические характеристики его ПК, его настройки и т.д. и т.п.

В любом случае, раз проблема решена, то тему можно закрыть.

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The configuration file for keybindings and other settings can be found in the following directory on Windows: C:Users[Username]AppDataLocalWarframeEE.cfg

Under [LotusWindows_KeyBindings,/Lotus/Types/Input/KeyBindings] in the configuration file.

Hotfix 32.2.9 (2023-01-11)

  • Fixes towards a rare crash that could occur when toggling between Enhanced and Classic Graphics Engine options while players are loading in around you in the Relay.

Hotfix 32.2.5 (2022-12-14)

  • Removed unintended “Auto Sprint” Option from settings. Related: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1330133-auto-sprint-option-cannot-be-set-to-yes-stays-disabled-by-default/
    • This was fallout from Lua’s Prey mainline, this option was not intended to be released.

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)

  • Added a search bar to the Options menus!

Hotfix 31.5.6 (2022-05-04)

  • Fixed the key binding screen tabs in Options overlapping with the top key to bind when resolution is set to 1920×1200 and the game is in windowed mode.

Hotfix 31.5.4 (2022-05-02)

  • Fixed [PH] tag appearing in the tooltip for ‘Melee with Fire Weapon Input’ and ‘Reload with Context Action’ Options.

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

UI Changes:
  • The Options icons have a new look!

Hotfix 30.9.4 (2021-11-16)

  • Fixed a rare crash if someone unsuccessfully modified their keybindings by hand.

Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)

  • Added ‘Numeric Separators’ option in the Interface settings to change how numbers are formatted. By default, the format chosen is selected based on your language. There are 4 different formats supported:
    • Comma for thousands and period for decimal
    • Period for thousands and comma for decimal
    • Non-breaking space for thousands and comma for decimal
    • Period for thousands and apostrophe for decimal

Hotfix 30.5.3 (2021-07-09)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Enhanced Renderer.

Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)

  • Added a new Mouse Cursor option inspired by Yareli! To equip, go to Options > Interface > UI Customization.
  • Fixed script error when attempting to change graphics preset using arrows in Options.

Hotfix 30.3.5 (2021-06-10)

  • Fixed long standing Dynamic Resolution related problem with motion vectors — characters would reproject wrong with Temporal AA and fall apart. Scale velocity by resolution scale fixes!
  • Fixed ‘pulsing’ intensity under camera movement you get with bright VFX with Temporal AA.
  • Fixed HUD margin adjustment for non 16:9 aspect displays.
    • It was using proportional window scaling rather than fixed size (like the HUD uses) and as a result, could visually appear warped and not accurately reflect HUD placement.

Hotfix 30.3.4 (2021-06-02)

  • Added custom aspect-ratio settings for advanced multi-monitor setups that confused our auto-detection.
  • Fixed Gara missing from the Invert Tap/Hold list options.

Update 30.3 (2021-05-25)

  • Removed the ‘BETA’ tag on the ‘Enhanced’ option under ‘Graphics Engine’ Display settings.
    • We’ve been working on this improved graphical mode for quite a while! It’s been available to PC players since last year, and deferred rendering is now the standard for our current-gen console players. At this point we don’t have any reservations in encouraging everybody to try this mode.

Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)

  • Added a ‘Self Shawzin Volume’ slider in the Audio options.
  • Added VRAM display to in-game FPS panel.

Hotfix 29.6.4 (2021-01-06)

  • ‘Invert Tap/Hold Abilities’ option now lets you control the setting for each valid Warframe.
  • Numerous Warframes Abilities new and old have been given the ‘Tap/Hold’ functionality to do varying actions. Feedback showed that having the option to Invert the ‘Tap/Hold’ across the board to all valid Warframes was not ideal, as some Ability default functionalities are preferred. Upon selecting the ‘Invert Tap/Hold Abilities’ in the Options menu, you’ll be met with a new screen allowing you to pick and choose which valid Warframes this applies to!

Hotfix 29.5.7 (2020-12-10)

  • Fixed Speech volume slider not resetting to 100 when default is pressed if the Transmission Volume slider is at 100.

Hotfix 29.5.6 (2020-12-01)

  • The ‘Hint Transmission’ audio toggle now applies to Glass Fissure Transmissions.

Hotfix 29.5.4 (2020-11-25)

  • Nora’s volume slider will now also affect the transmission in / out sound.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)


NEW Advanced Reverb:

Advanced Reverb is here in what we are calling its ‘Beta’ launch! This is an entirely new reverb system that uses a Convolution (Impulse Response) method. What this means is that instead of using an algorithmic (Legacy) reverb for the game, we are able to use real-life spaces instead. We can feed the reverb system a recording of a real reverberant space and it will combine it with the game’s sounds. So you will get a more realistic, vibrant, and deep listening experience. We’ve been busy adjusting the reverb setups across all tiles. So you can now experience this change across the entire game!

We also adjusted how the blending of the reverb works. When you traverse from different areas we need to blend the reverbs (think of a small space to a larger one). We used to do this based on your distance but now we calculate this based on time. This will give you a more accurate feeling of transition.

‘Advanced Reverb’ is turned on by default, you can switch back to ‘Legacy Reverb’ in the Audio Options if you desire.

General Audio Additions and Changes:

  • Added two brand new music pieces in Deimos! Time to start choreographing your Infestation hacking and slashing.
  • Added separate control in Audio Options for YOUR Mandachord volume.
    • Players have asked for this for a while and now you can control your own Mandachord volume in the game instead of having to adjust the main Sound Effects audio slider. This also includes Subsumed Octavia Resonator.
  • Music in all cinematics now respects the Music volume slider in Audio Options.
  • Dojo music levels are now adjustable using the “Music Volume” slider under the Audio options.
  • All of the Helminth ability sounds have been updated with new custom FX!
    • When the Helminth was released we used existing sound FX in the game as placeholders. Now, Helminth abilities (such as Empower, Master’s Summons, etc.) have their own unique sound to make them stand out from the rest!
  • There is now a ‘Nora Night’ audio slider in your Options that you can use to Mute Nora’s in-game transmissions.
  • Added “Reduce Teammate Visual Effects” toggle in the Display Options. Enabling this will reduce their ability and some weapon FX.

Hotfix 29.2.4 (2020-10-15)

  • Increased default analog stick deadzones values to 20%. The value was previously 15% only for look/aim inputs, but then was changed to 15% for all analog stick inputs, but this introduced some drift for certain players.

Hotfix 29.2.3 (2020-10-08)

  • Added a game setting to use the legacy deadzone remapping when controlling look/aim input using the controller analog sticks.
  • Changed the deadzone settings to go up and down by 1 instead of 5 when pressing the arrows.

Hotfix 29.2.2 (2020-10-06)

Enhanced Graphics Engine

Last week we included a ‘Missed Change Note’ that the ‘Deferred Rendering’ Display Option was renamed to ‘Graphics Engine’. While this is true at a base level, it’s actually more exciting than that, as it involves moving into “Next Gen’ by phasing out our old rendering engine!

Please read the full details here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1229889-the-enhanced-graphics-engine/

  • Made numerous micro-optimizations to scene rendering.
  • Optimized Local Reflections.
  • Optimized Foliage Rendering in the Enhanced Graphics Engine.
  • Added game settings for tweaking deadzone values and other input behaviour for controller analog sticks. Each analog stick now has 3 settings as outlined on https://www.warframe.com/gamepad. This should improve the accuracy for movement controls in particular, which previously used a square deadzone, resulting in inconsistent mapping for diagonal inputs.

Hotfix 29.2.1 (2020-10-01)

  • The ‘Deferred Rendering’ Display option has been retitled to ‘Graphics Engine’.

Hotfix 28.2.1 (2020-08-01)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur due to shadows with Deferred Rendering enabled.

Update 28.1 (2020-07-08)

  • Added a strength slider to the Color Blind Compensation filters.
  • Fixed setting the ‘Master Volume’ slider between 1-4 resulting in no volume.

Hotfix 28.0.7 (2020-06-25)

  • Tweaks to improve distinction between very saturated colors when Color Blind Compensation is enabled.
    • It’s worth noting here that our Color Blind Compensation approach is far from perfect and feedback will vary accordingly. We will continue to investigate larger scope accessibility issues!

Hotfix 28.0.6 (2020-06-24)

Color Blind Compensation

Under the Display Options tab, you’ll find a ‘Color Blind Compensation’ option that modifies game and interface colors to increase visibility for common forms of color blindness.

This setting will allow you to pick between the following options:

  • Protanopia: A setting for people with Protanopia, who have a reduced sensitivity to red lights.
  • Deuteranopia: A setting for people with Deuteranopia, who have a reduced sensitivity to green lights.
  • Tritanopia: A setting for people with Tritanopia, who have a reduced sensitivity to blue lights.

Please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have:

  • (Undocumented) Adaptive Exposure option removed as per https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1203051-psa-brightness-changes-in-hotfix-2806/

Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)

General UI Additions & Changes:
  • Introducing a new Deadlock UI Theme that goes hand-in-hand with the industrious origins of the Corpus.
  • You can now change your Mouse Cursor Icon, Mouse Cursor Color, and scale your Cursor in size!
  • Added two new cursor sliders under the Interface tab in your Options to give you more ways to customize and improve how you navigate the UI with a controller to your liking:
    • UI Cursor Acceleration: Adjust the rate the cursor accelerates when moving in a continuous direction can be changed.
      • The Sensitivity Option still determines the overall speed of the cursor, while Acceleration gives players the freedom to set how quickly they’d like to get from point A to B.
    • UI Cursor Magnetism: Adjust the level of “magnetism” (“stickiness”) there is between the cursor and interactive elements in the UI.
      • Before the update, the cursor was set to “stick” to items you pass over by default. It was sometimes helpful but often proved to be an annoyance that prevented you from having reasonable cursor speed on UI windows with many elements. Now, you are able to customize how the cursor “sticks” to these elements. Setting it to “0” simply means that there will be no friction whatsoever between the cursor and the UI elements.

Update 26.1 (2019-11-22)

  • (Undocumented) Removed Experimental Flight option.

Hotfix 26.0.5 (2019-11-06)


We have added an option to enable a faster method for Warframe to send frames to Windows which should improve framerate for Borderless Fullscreen and Windowed display modes.

On a laptop with a GTX 1650 running at 720p, a view from the Vallis elevator rose the framerate from 199 to 215 FPS with this option; the gains might be even more significant when playing at high-resolution.

Look for this option under the Display settings panel (Note: it does require restarting the game after changing).

Unfortunately, this option is only available on Windows 10 and may require Windows updates to enable (the Windows 10 Fall Creator’s Update in 2017 optimized out a frame of latency with this method).

Note that Native-Fullscreen and console platforms do not need this optimization because there’s no desktop window to composite the frame onto in those cases.

As a bonus this option should also improve our Dynamic Resolution optimizations when Vertical Sync is enabled because it allows us to get accurate GPU timings again; for more information on this see https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1040892-max-framerate/. We need testing and feedback, especially from Streamers and Content Creators, to ensure this option works with their software (since they intercept the frame we send to Windows and this option changes that process). Ideally after some broader testing we can enable it by default and everyone can benefit.

Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)

  • The Options screen, Ayatan Treasures screen, and Dojo Room Options UI have received a fresh new look!

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)

Custom UI
  • A new ‘Dark Lotus’ UI Theme and Background has been added! You can find it under Interface > UI Customization.
  • Fixed issue with being unable to swap back to Primary Weapon if the “Auto-Swap on Empty” option is enabled and the weapon runs out of ammo.

Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)

Custom UI
  • Prove your Prodman respect with new Corpus UI Theme, Background, and Sound under Options > Interface > UI Customization!

Update 24.6 (2019-04-04)

Creator Mode Setting Addition

We have added a new Option called «Creator Mode»! This exists to help players and Content Creators with a simple principle: no distractions, no spoilers.
When this is toggled on:

  • Fortuna Citizens won’t reveal their secret.
  • The Lotus will no longer be as purple.
  • Operator transmissions will be voice only.
  • Email on login screen will be all ********** like the password
  • On-orbiter transmissions and in-mission bumpers for Invasions / Alerts will not appear.
  • Changed High graphics setting to set Anisotropic Filtering to 16x instead of 8x. Added a faster 2x Anisotropic Filtering setting and removed the 16x option to save people from themselves.
  • Updated Enable Hint Transmissions in the Audio Options menu. This setting will stop a lot of the more common and repetitive Transmissions from playing.

Hotfix 24.5.4 (2019-03-20)

  • Common Nora Night Transmissions can now be disabled with ‘enable hint transmissions’ in the Audio Options menu.

Hotfix 24.5.3 (2019-03-19)

  • Increased volume of Chat notification sounds.

Hotfix 24.4.2 (2019-03-08)

Melee Phase 1: ‘Flow’ Changes
  • Manual blocking/parry has been added when players wield only a Melee weapon in a mission (i.e NO Secondary or Primary equipped). This is possible because in this specific state, the keybindings are free to allow this manual blocking. We do not plan on adding it to any other state yet. The default keybind for this is RMB/Right Mouse Button (LT for controller), as it was in the past.
Controller Changes & Fixes
  • Melee Channeling can no longer be rebound on Controller due to it completely breaking Melee 2.99997 changes. We apologize for the discomfort this may cause for those who have built their controllers comfortably around a different binding. You can’t make an omelette without cracking some eggs!

Update 24.4 (2019-03-08)

  • HUD Damage Numbers and Affinity Numbers can now be separately toggled in the Interface Settings!
  • Trigger Press Sensitivity: Adjusts the pressure required to fire/aim
  • Trigger Release Sensitivity: Adjusts the pressure required to release fire/aim

Update 24.3 (2019-02-27)

  • Removed the Radio Chatter toggle trigger in the Orbiter and moved into the Settings > Audio.

Update 24.0 (2018-11-08)

  • Added the option to toggle a ‘Grain’ filter to all gameplay.

Update 23.0 (2018-06-15)


Currently, we have exactly 131 screens in Warframe that need an artistic pass to the new style. 8 are done and ready to go — they’re here today! Themes similar to above are coming for the screens we have completed, and all subsequent screens will inherit whatever UI theme you’ve chosen (default or other purchased themes).

We have also have 2 free Themes specifically tailored for our visually impaired and color blind Tenno: the “Equinox Theme” (B&W theme) and the “High Contrast Theme”! We’d love to get your feedback on them so that we can increase Warframe’s accessibility: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/967241-pc-update-23-visual-accessibility-ui-themes-and-general-ui-feedback-megathread/

To change your UI theme, go to your Interface Options and select “UI Customization”.

There you can also change your Background from the 3 available options:

  • Equinox Background
  • Legacy Background
  • Vitruvian Background

You can also change the UI sounds from the “Legacy” and “Vitruvian” options.

Please see our Developer Workshop for more information: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/965952-ui-redesign-information-timeline/

General Changes:
  • Moved UI Cursor Sensitivity setting from “Controls” to “Interface”.
  • GPU particles are now part of melee slam sparks by default.
  • Updated “Show Friend Invite Notifications” in your Gameplay options to “Show Friend Request Notifications” and “Receive Friend Invites From” to “Receive Friend Requests From”.

Update 22.20 (2018-05-17)

  • Starchat music will now be affected by the Music slider and not the SFX slider
  • Added a ‘Show Ability Banner on Cast’ toggle to the Interface Options menu! This is off by default on PC. Console players already have these banners appear automatically, but they will have the option to turn them off once this change goes live on Xbox One and PS4! https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/coarseflowerybarb

Update 19.0 (2016-11-11)

  • Added in a Graphical Preset option to the Display Settings tab. Adjusting this will alter all graphical settings accordingly.
  • A more robust Display Options menu is here! You can now disable or enable more Graphics Quality options!

Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)

  • Added a new experimental graphics quality option for Temporal Anti-Aliasing. This can be enabled in the options menu.
  • Added the “Invert Tap/Hold Abilities” option in your settings. You may now choose to either tap to cycle and hold to fire, or invert to hold to cycle and tap to fire.

Update 18.6 (2016-03-16)

  • There is now a ‘Active Tab Notification Only’ setting in Chat Options. With this setting turned on, you will only see in-game chat notifications from channels that you’re currently active in.

Update 17.5 (2015-10-01)

  • A new ‘Show Health Over Enemies’ option has been added to the Options Menu, under HUD.

Hotfix 17.4.4 (2015-09-17)

  • Added 144fps and 200fps to the list of Max Framerate settings.

Update 17.0 (2015-07-31)

  • A new ‘Glare’ visual effect has been added — it can be disabled in the Options!

Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

  • Added Mission Progress shortcut option to the keybindings menu.

Update 14.6 (2014-09-11)

  • Added in a new «PC Type» detection for host election purposes. Laptops will get a small penalty equivalent to 150ms of ping so as to select the best host possible.

Update 14.5 (2014-08-28)

  • Added toggle to disable HUD damage/XP numbers in the in-game Options.

Update 14.0 (2014-07-18)

  • Added in a graphics option to disable Anisotropic Filtering. This should help with increase performance by approximately 10% on Intel HD Graphics units.

Update 13.0 (2014-04-09)

  • New Geometry Detail Setting! Enabling Low for this Setting should help improve GPU performance on lower end rigs. Most mid to high-end machines will be able to enable the High setting without taking a significant hit to performance.

Update 12.2 (2014-02-19)

  • Added setting for “Global Notifcations in Chat” to enable/disable Mauve Text and other notifications.

Update 11.1 (2013-11-27)

  • Melee Auto-Targeting System:
    • Allow more customization based on player preference.
    • Add Settings for Auto-lock (Melee Assist), attack toward character facing or camera (Align Attacks To Camera)
    • Auto-turning the camera to face the target (Camera Tracks Melee Target)
    • Do smooth turns when attacking away from a melee target.
  • Microphone sampling rate changed to 48KHz (from 8KHz) for dramatically improved VOIP (in-game chat).

Update 11.0 (2013-11-20)

  • Additional features to in-game voice communications. Microphone and output device can now be selected. Improvements to range on weak microphones has also been added.
  • Added Auto-target locking for gamepad melee. Melee Assist Option is a toggle.

Update 10.5 (2013-10-23)

  • Oft-requested “separate DOF/Motion Blur” options is now live. These are separate options now.

Update 10.0 (2013-09-13)

  • You can now control the Lotus’s dialog volume!

Update 9.3 (2013-07-26)

  • Added experimental new «Camera Controls Melee Direction» toggle to Settings screen (ON by default). When toggled off all melee attacks will be made in the direction your character is actually facing rather than using the reticle’s aiming point. Toggling OFF may be preferable for players using gamepads.

Update 9.0 (2013-07-13)

  • Added toggle for “gore” in Options Menu. Gore enabled by default.

Update 8.1 (2013-06-07)

  • Toggle Sprint now an option in UI Settings
  • Aim Assist for controllers is now a toggle option.

Update 7.11 (2013-05-17)

  • Users can now specify a ping range to filter out undesirable sessions.

Update 7.5 (2013-03-28)

  • Added Region chat filter toggle in Options Menu.

Update 7.1 (2013-03-19)

  • Gamepad: Jump moved back to A (need Wallrun Toggle controls for this to work) / Crouch moved back to R3 (may move back to B later) / Parry moved to LB so you can hold it while keeping full move & look controls / Use moved to X & reload moved to B (until I can move it on X, shared with Use)

Update 6.5 (2013-02-22)

  • Enabled manual configuration of network ports in options menu to allow multiple players on the same LAN.
  • Resolution should now save properly when switching from fullscreen to windowed mode.

Update 6.4 (2013-02-22)

  • FOV slider added to display options.
  • Options menu tabs now have a roll over effect when highlighted.

Update 6.0 (2013-01-29)

  • Dynamic Lighting added to Display Options for those with older hardware.
  • Firewall/NAT detection added to Options to diagnose connectivity/contact issues.

Update 5.4 (2013-01-14)

  • Settings screen now detects APEX support and disables the option if not supported.

Update 5.3 (2013-01-10)

  • Settings improvements for mouse sensitivity, brightness, contrast and UPnP.

Update 5.0 (2012-12-18)

  • The Lotus’ voice now conforms to volume control
  • Many menus & screens polished

The configuration file for keybindings and other settings can be found in the following directory on Windows: C:Users[Username]AppDataLocalWarframeEE.cfg

Under [LotusWindows_KeyBindings,/Lotus/Types/Input/KeyBindings] in the configuration file.

Hotfix 32.2.9 (2023-01-11)

  • Fixes towards a rare crash that could occur when toggling between Enhanced and Classic Graphics Engine options while players are loading in around you in the Relay.

Hotfix 32.2.5 (2022-12-14)

  • Removed unintended “Auto Sprint” Option from settings. Related: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1330133-auto-sprint-option-cannot-be-set-to-yes-stays-disabled-by-default/
    • This was fallout from Lua’s Prey mainline, this option was not intended to be released.

Update 31.6 (2022-06-09)

  • Added a search bar to the Options menus!

Hotfix 31.5.6 (2022-05-04)

  • Fixed the key binding screen tabs in Options overlapping with the top key to bind when resolution is set to 1920×1200 and the game is in windowed mode.

Hotfix 31.5.4 (2022-05-02)

  • Fixed [PH] tag appearing in the tooltip for ‘Melee with Fire Weapon Input’ and ‘Reload with Context Action’ Options.

Update 31.5 (2022-04-27)

UI Changes:
  • The Options icons have a new look!

Hotfix 30.9.4 (2021-11-16)

  • Fixed a rare crash if someone unsuccessfully modified their keybindings by hand.

Update 30.9 (2021-11-11)

  • Added ‘Numeric Separators’ option in the Interface settings to change how numbers are formatted. By default, the format chosen is selected based on your language. There are 4 different formats supported:
    • Comma for thousands and period for decimal
    • Period for thousands and comma for decimal
    • Non-breaking space for thousands and comma for decimal
    • Period for thousands and apostrophe for decimal

Hotfix 30.5.3 (2021-07-09)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Enhanced Renderer.

Update 30.5 (2021-07-06)

  • Added a new Mouse Cursor option inspired by Yareli! To equip, go to Options > Interface > UI Customization.
  • Fixed script error when attempting to change graphics preset using arrows in Options.

Hotfix 30.3.5 (2021-06-10)

  • Fixed long standing Dynamic Resolution related problem with motion vectors — characters would reproject wrong with Temporal AA and fall apart. Scale velocity by resolution scale fixes!
  • Fixed ‘pulsing’ intensity under camera movement you get with bright VFX with Temporal AA.
  • Fixed HUD margin adjustment for non 16:9 aspect displays.
    • It was using proportional window scaling rather than fixed size (like the HUD uses) and as a result, could visually appear warped and not accurately reflect HUD placement.

Hotfix 30.3.4 (2021-06-02)

  • Added custom aspect-ratio settings for advanced multi-monitor setups that confused our auto-detection.
  • Fixed Gara missing from the Invert Tap/Hold list options.

Update 30.3 (2021-05-25)

  • Removed the ‘BETA’ tag on the ‘Enhanced’ option under ‘Graphics Engine’ Display settings.
    • We’ve been working on this improved graphical mode for quite a while! It’s been available to PC players since last year, and deferred rendering is now the standard for our current-gen console players. At this point we don’t have any reservations in encouraging everybody to try this mode.

Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)

  • Added a ‘Self Shawzin Volume’ slider in the Audio options.
  • Added VRAM display to in-game FPS panel.

Hotfix 29.6.4 (2021-01-06)

  • ‘Invert Tap/Hold Abilities’ option now lets you control the setting for each valid Warframe.
  • Numerous Warframes Abilities new and old have been given the ‘Tap/Hold’ functionality to do varying actions. Feedback showed that having the option to Invert the ‘Tap/Hold’ across the board to all valid Warframes was not ideal, as some Ability default functionalities are preferred. Upon selecting the ‘Invert Tap/Hold Abilities’ in the Options menu, you’ll be met with a new screen allowing you to pick and choose which valid Warframes this applies to!

Hotfix 29.5.7 (2020-12-10)

  • Fixed Speech volume slider not resetting to 100 when default is pressed if the Transmission Volume slider is at 100.

Hotfix 29.5.6 (2020-12-01)

  • The ‘Hint Transmission’ audio toggle now applies to Glass Fissure Transmissions.

Hotfix 29.5.4 (2020-11-25)

  • Nora’s volume slider will now also affect the transmission in / out sound.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)


NEW Advanced Reverb:

Advanced Reverb is here in what we are calling its ‘Beta’ launch! This is an entirely new reverb system that uses a Convolution (Impulse Response) method. What this means is that instead of using an algorithmic (Legacy) reverb for the game, we are able to use real-life spaces instead. We can feed the reverb system a recording of a real reverberant space and it will combine it with the game’s sounds. So you will get a more realistic, vibrant, and deep listening experience. We’ve been busy adjusting the reverb setups across all tiles. So you can now experience this change across the entire game!

We also adjusted how the blending of the reverb works. When you traverse from different areas we need to blend the reverbs (think of a small space to a larger one). We used to do this based on your distance but now we calculate this based on time. This will give you a more accurate feeling of transition.

‘Advanced Reverb’ is turned on by default, you can switch back to ‘Legacy Reverb’ in the Audio Options if you desire.

General Audio Additions and Changes:

  • Added two brand new music pieces in Deimos! Time to start choreographing your Infestation hacking and slashing.
  • Added separate control in Audio Options for YOUR Mandachord volume.
    • Players have asked for this for a while and now you can control your own Mandachord volume in the game instead of having to adjust the main Sound Effects audio slider. This also includes Subsumed Octavia Resonator.
  • Music in all cinematics now respects the Music volume slider in Audio Options.
  • Dojo music levels are now adjustable using the “Music Volume” slider under the Audio options.
  • All of the Helminth ability sounds have been updated with new custom FX!
    • When the Helminth was released we used existing sound FX in the game as placeholders. Now, Helminth abilities (such as Empower, Master’s Summons, etc.) have their own unique sound to make them stand out from the rest!
  • There is now a ‘Nora Night’ audio slider in your Options that you can use to Mute Nora’s in-game transmissions.
  • Added “Reduce Teammate Visual Effects” toggle in the Display Options. Enabling this will reduce their ability and some weapon FX.

Hotfix 29.2.4 (2020-10-15)

  • Increased default analog stick deadzones values to 20%. The value was previously 15% only for look/aim inputs, but then was changed to 15% for all analog stick inputs, but this introduced some drift for certain players.

Hotfix 29.2.3 (2020-10-08)

  • Added a game setting to use the legacy deadzone remapping when controlling look/aim input using the controller analog sticks.
  • Changed the deadzone settings to go up and down by 1 instead of 5 when pressing the arrows.

Hotfix 29.2.2 (2020-10-06)

Enhanced Graphics Engine

Last week we included a ‘Missed Change Note’ that the ‘Deferred Rendering’ Display Option was renamed to ‘Graphics Engine’. While this is true at a base level, it’s actually more exciting than that, as it involves moving into “Next Gen’ by phasing out our old rendering engine!

Please read the full details here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1229889-the-enhanced-graphics-engine/

  • Made numerous micro-optimizations to scene rendering.
  • Optimized Local Reflections.
  • Optimized Foliage Rendering in the Enhanced Graphics Engine.
  • Added game settings for tweaking deadzone values and other input behaviour for controller analog sticks. Each analog stick now has 3 settings as outlined on https://www.warframe.com/gamepad. This should improve the accuracy for movement controls in particular, which previously used a square deadzone, resulting in inconsistent mapping for diagonal inputs.

Hotfix 29.2.1 (2020-10-01)

  • The ‘Deferred Rendering’ Display option has been retitled to ‘Graphics Engine’.

Hotfix 28.2.1 (2020-08-01)

  • Fixed a crash that could occur due to shadows with Deferred Rendering enabled.

Update 28.1 (2020-07-08)

  • Added a strength slider to the Color Blind Compensation filters.
  • Fixed setting the ‘Master Volume’ slider between 1-4 resulting in no volume.

Hotfix 28.0.7 (2020-06-25)

  • Tweaks to improve distinction between very saturated colors when Color Blind Compensation is enabled.
    • It’s worth noting here that our Color Blind Compensation approach is far from perfect and feedback will vary accordingly. We will continue to investigate larger scope accessibility issues!

Hotfix 28.0.6 (2020-06-24)

Color Blind Compensation

Under the Display Options tab, you’ll find a ‘Color Blind Compensation’ option that modifies game and interface colors to increase visibility for common forms of color blindness.

This setting will allow you to pick between the following options:

  • Protanopia: A setting for people with Protanopia, who have a reduced sensitivity to red lights.
  • Deuteranopia: A setting for people with Deuteranopia, who have a reduced sensitivity to green lights.
  • Tritanopia: A setting for people with Tritanopia, who have a reduced sensitivity to blue lights.

Please let us know of any issues or feedback you may have:

  • (Undocumented) Adaptive Exposure option removed as per https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1203051-psa-brightness-changes-in-hotfix-2806/

Update 28.0 (2020-06-11)

General UI Additions & Changes:
  • Introducing a new Deadlock UI Theme that goes hand-in-hand with the industrious origins of the Corpus.
  • You can now change your Mouse Cursor Icon, Mouse Cursor Color, and scale your Cursor in size!
  • Added two new cursor sliders under the Interface tab in your Options to give you more ways to customize and improve how you navigate the UI with a controller to your liking:
    • UI Cursor Acceleration: Adjust the rate the cursor accelerates when moving in a continuous direction can be changed.
      • The Sensitivity Option still determines the overall speed of the cursor, while Acceleration gives players the freedom to set how quickly they’d like to get from point A to B.
    • UI Cursor Magnetism: Adjust the level of “magnetism” (“stickiness”) there is between the cursor and interactive elements in the UI.
      • Before the update, the cursor was set to “stick” to items you pass over by default. It was sometimes helpful but often proved to be an annoyance that prevented you from having reasonable cursor speed on UI windows with many elements. Now, you are able to customize how the cursor “sticks” to these elements. Setting it to “0” simply means that there will be no friction whatsoever between the cursor and the UI elements.

Update 26.1 (2019-11-22)

  • (Undocumented) Removed Experimental Flight option.

Hotfix 26.0.5 (2019-11-06)


We have added an option to enable a faster method for Warframe to send frames to Windows which should improve framerate for Borderless Fullscreen and Windowed display modes.

On a laptop with a GTX 1650 running at 720p, a view from the Vallis elevator rose the framerate from 199 to 215 FPS with this option; the gains might be even more significant when playing at high-resolution.

Look for this option under the Display settings panel (Note: it does require restarting the game after changing).

Unfortunately, this option is only available on Windows 10 and may require Windows updates to enable (the Windows 10 Fall Creator’s Update in 2017 optimized out a frame of latency with this method).

Note that Native-Fullscreen and console platforms do not need this optimization because there’s no desktop window to composite the frame onto in those cases.

As a bonus this option should also improve our Dynamic Resolution optimizations when Vertical Sync is enabled because it allows us to get accurate GPU timings again; for more information on this see https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1040892-max-framerate/. We need testing and feedback, especially from Streamers and Content Creators, to ensure this option works with their software (since they intercept the frame we send to Windows and this option changes that process). Ideally after some broader testing we can enable it by default and everyone can benefit.

Update 26.0 (2019-10-31)

  • The Options screen, Ayatan Treasures screen, and Dojo Room Options UI have received a fresh new look!

Update 25.7 (2019-08-29)

Custom UI
  • A new ‘Dark Lotus’ UI Theme and Background has been added! You can find it under Interface > UI Customization.
  • Fixed issue with being unable to swap back to Primary Weapon if the “Auto-Swap on Empty” option is enabled and the weapon runs out of ammo.

Update 25.0 (2019-05-22)

Custom UI
  • Prove your Prodman respect with new Corpus UI Theme, Background, and Sound under Options > Interface > UI Customization!

Update 24.6 (2019-04-04)

Creator Mode Setting Addition

We have added a new Option called «Creator Mode»! This exists to help players and Content Creators with a simple principle: no distractions, no spoilers.
When this is toggled on:

  • Fortuna Citizens won’t reveal their secret.
  • The Lotus will no longer be as purple.
  • Operator transmissions will be voice only.
  • Email on login screen will be all ********** like the password
  • On-orbiter transmissions and in-mission bumpers for Invasions / Alerts will not appear.
  • Changed High graphics setting to set Anisotropic Filtering to 16x instead of 8x. Added a faster 2x Anisotropic Filtering setting and removed the 16x option to save people from themselves.
  • Updated Enable Hint Transmissions in the Audio Options menu. This setting will stop a lot of the more common and repetitive Transmissions from playing.

Hotfix 24.5.4 (2019-03-20)

  • Common Nora Night Transmissions can now be disabled with ‘enable hint transmissions’ in the Audio Options menu.

Hotfix 24.5.3 (2019-03-19)

  • Increased volume of Chat notification sounds.

Hotfix 24.4.2 (2019-03-08)

Melee Phase 1: ‘Flow’ Changes
  • Manual blocking/parry has been added when players wield only a Melee weapon in a mission (i.e NO Secondary or Primary equipped). This is possible because in this specific state, the keybindings are free to allow this manual blocking. We do not plan on adding it to any other state yet. The default keybind for this is RMB/Right Mouse Button (LT for controller), as it was in the past.
Controller Changes & Fixes
  • Melee Channeling can no longer be rebound on Controller due to it completely breaking Melee 2.99997 changes. We apologize for the discomfort this may cause for those who have built their controllers comfortably around a different binding. You can’t make an omelette without cracking some eggs!

Update 24.4 (2019-03-08)

  • HUD Damage Numbers and Affinity Numbers can now be separately toggled in the Interface Settings!
  • Trigger Press Sensitivity: Adjusts the pressure required to fire/aim
  • Trigger Release Sensitivity: Adjusts the pressure required to release fire/aim

Update 24.3 (2019-02-27)

  • Removed the Radio Chatter toggle trigger in the Orbiter and moved into the Settings > Audio.

Update 24.0 (2018-11-08)

  • Added the option to toggle a ‘Grain’ filter to all gameplay.

Update 23.0 (2018-06-15)


Currently, we have exactly 131 screens in Warframe that need an artistic pass to the new style. 8 are done and ready to go — they’re here today! Themes similar to above are coming for the screens we have completed, and all subsequent screens will inherit whatever UI theme you’ve chosen (default or other purchased themes).

We have also have 2 free Themes specifically tailored for our visually impaired and color blind Tenno: the “Equinox Theme” (B&W theme) and the “High Contrast Theme”! We’d love to get your feedback on them so that we can increase Warframe’s accessibility: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/967241-pc-update-23-visual-accessibility-ui-themes-and-general-ui-feedback-megathread/

To change your UI theme, go to your Interface Options and select “UI Customization”.

There you can also change your Background from the 3 available options:

  • Equinox Background
  • Legacy Background
  • Vitruvian Background

You can also change the UI sounds from the “Legacy” and “Vitruvian” options.

Please see our Developer Workshop for more information: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/965952-ui-redesign-information-timeline/

General Changes:
  • Moved UI Cursor Sensitivity setting from “Controls” to “Interface”.
  • GPU particles are now part of melee slam sparks by default.
  • Updated “Show Friend Invite Notifications” in your Gameplay options to “Show Friend Request Notifications” and “Receive Friend Invites From” to “Receive Friend Requests From”.

Update 22.20 (2018-05-17)

  • Starchat music will now be affected by the Music slider and not the SFX slider
  • Added a ‘Show Ability Banner on Cast’ toggle to the Interface Options menu! This is off by default on PC. Console players already have these banners appear automatically, but they will have the option to turn them off once this change goes live on Xbox One and PS4! https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/coarseflowerybarb

Update 19.0 (2016-11-11)

  • Added in a Graphical Preset option to the Display Settings tab. Adjusting this will alter all graphical settings accordingly.
  • A more robust Display Options menu is here! You can now disable or enable more Graphics Quality options!

Update: Specters of the Rail 0.0 (2016-07-08)

  • Added a new experimental graphics quality option for Temporal Anti-Aliasing. This can be enabled in the options menu.
  • Added the “Invert Tap/Hold Abilities” option in your settings. You may now choose to either tap to cycle and hold to fire, or invert to hold to cycle and tap to fire.

Update 18.6 (2016-03-16)

  • There is now a ‘Active Tab Notification Only’ setting in Chat Options. With this setting turned on, you will only see in-game chat notifications from channels that you’re currently active in.

Update 17.5 (2015-10-01)

  • A new ‘Show Health Over Enemies’ option has been added to the Options Menu, under HUD.

Hotfix 17.4.4 (2015-09-17)

  • Added 144fps and 200fps to the list of Max Framerate settings.

Update 17.0 (2015-07-31)

  • A new ‘Glare’ visual effect has been added — it can be disabled in the Options!

Update 15.0 (2014-10-24)

  • Added Mission Progress shortcut option to the keybindings menu.

Update 14.6 (2014-09-11)

  • Added in a new «PC Type» detection for host election purposes. Laptops will get a small penalty equivalent to 150ms of ping so as to select the best host possible.

Update 14.5 (2014-08-28)

  • Added toggle to disable HUD damage/XP numbers in the in-game Options.

Update 14.0 (2014-07-18)

  • Added in a graphics option to disable Anisotropic Filtering. This should help with increase performance by approximately 10% on Intel HD Graphics units.

Update 13.0 (2014-04-09)

  • New Geometry Detail Setting! Enabling Low for this Setting should help improve GPU performance on lower end rigs. Most mid to high-end machines will be able to enable the High setting without taking a significant hit to performance.

Update 12.2 (2014-02-19)

  • Added setting for “Global Notifcations in Chat” to enable/disable Mauve Text and other notifications.

Update 11.1 (2013-11-27)

  • Melee Auto-Targeting System:
    • Allow more customization based on player preference.
    • Add Settings for Auto-lock (Melee Assist), attack toward character facing or camera (Align Attacks To Camera)
    • Auto-turning the camera to face the target (Camera Tracks Melee Target)
    • Do smooth turns when attacking away from a melee target.
  • Microphone sampling rate changed to 48KHz (from 8KHz) for dramatically improved VOIP (in-game chat).

Update 11.0 (2013-11-20)

  • Additional features to in-game voice communications. Microphone and output device can now be selected. Improvements to range on weak microphones has also been added.
  • Added Auto-target locking for gamepad melee. Melee Assist Option is a toggle.

Update 10.5 (2013-10-23)

  • Oft-requested “separate DOF/Motion Blur” options is now live. These are separate options now.

Update 10.0 (2013-09-13)

  • You can now control the Lotus’s dialog volume!

Update 9.3 (2013-07-26)

  • Added experimental new «Camera Controls Melee Direction» toggle to Settings screen (ON by default). When toggled off all melee attacks will be made in the direction your character is actually facing rather than using the reticle’s aiming point. Toggling OFF may be preferable for players using gamepads.

Update 9.0 (2013-07-13)

  • Added toggle for “gore” in Options Menu. Gore enabled by default.

Update 8.1 (2013-06-07)

  • Toggle Sprint now an option in UI Settings
  • Aim Assist for controllers is now a toggle option.

Update 7.11 (2013-05-17)

  • Users can now specify a ping range to filter out undesirable sessions.

Update 7.5 (2013-03-28)

  • Added Region chat filter toggle in Options Menu.

Update 7.1 (2013-03-19)

  • Gamepad: Jump moved back to A (need Wallrun Toggle controls for this to work) / Crouch moved back to R3 (may move back to B later) / Parry moved to LB so you can hold it while keeping full move & look controls / Use moved to X & reload moved to B (until I can move it on X, shared with Use)

Update 6.5 (2013-02-22)

  • Enabled manual configuration of network ports in options menu to allow multiple players on the same LAN.
  • Resolution should now save properly when switching from fullscreen to windowed mode.

Update 6.4 (2013-02-22)

  • FOV slider added to display options.
  • Options menu tabs now have a roll over effect when highlighted.

Update 6.0 (2013-01-29)

  • Dynamic Lighting added to Display Options for those with older hardware.
  • Firewall/NAT detection added to Options to diagnose connectivity/contact issues.

Update 5.4 (2013-01-14)

  • Settings screen now detects APEX support and disables the option if not supported.

Update 5.3 (2013-01-10)

  • Settings improvements for mouse sensitivity, brightness, contrast and UPnP.

Update 5.0 (2012-12-18)

  • The Lotus’ voice now conforms to volume control
  • Many menus & screens polished


“It’s taking longer than I calculated.”

This page is actively being worked on and may not be completely correct. Please assist in making this page accurate. See WARFRAME Wiki:Research on ways to perform research on this game. Click here to add more info.

Missing : Spoiler mode’s energy / New waypoints for particular resources such as Sentient Cores / Teammates tab image with details about teammate’s energy left / Teammate in affinity range icon.

The Heads-Up Display, or HUD, is a set of indicators used in WARFRAME to show the player’s current status in a game, as well as other important information at a glance. HUD features can be toggled in the Settings menu.

Warframe Gameplay HUD[]

The gameplay HUD is the primary player HUD during a mission, which displays relevant information regarding the status of a player’s Warframe, Weapons, and other information. The various elements are shown as above:

[1] Player Vitality Stats[]

This section of a player’s HUD displays information related to a Warframe’s vitality and buffs, which includes:

  • The blue number in bold displays the current amount of the player’s Shields, while the red number in bold displays the player’s current amount of Health. Both stats are accompanied by colored bars below them that provides a visual indicator of the player’s Shield and Health levels, with each bar decreasing in length the less Shields and/or Health the player has. The Shields’ blue number and bar can also turn purple while possessing Overshields.
  • Displayed below the Health and Shield indicators is the Warframe’s current rank and name, and a number inside a small, white ball beside it which displays the player’s position within a group, with number 1 denoting the host of the session.
  • A translucent bar can be seen underneath the Warframe name, representing the amount of Affinity the Warframe currently has for that level. The bar fills white as the Warframe gains Affinity, and then empties upon ranking up. The bar no longer appears when the Warframe reaches the maximum rank available.
  • If the player is under the effect of an ability buff, a blue icon will appear to the left of the player’s Health and Shield counter representing the buff, along with a text of the same color that temporarily displays the name of the effect. If the player is suffering a Status Effect or an ability debuff a red color will be used instead.

[2] Ally Vitality Stats[]

If the player has a Companion (Sentinel, Kubrow, or Kavat) equipped, this section will display the relevant stats for the Companion in a fashion identical to the player’s own as outlined above.

  • When operating as a Squad with other allied players, the relevant stats of said players can be displayed below the Companion’s stats, displaying their Shield, Health, Energy, player name, and player group position. Their chosen Glyph will also be displayed to the right of their stats, overlaid by a white number displaying their current Mastery Rank. These allied player stats are shown by default, but can be hidden by pressing the Hide Player List key (default Z ); alternatively, the Player List can be made active by default via the Show Player List option under HUD in Settings.
    • Host player of the session will always have a «1» next to their name. Client players will be numbered from 2-4 on the order they connect to the host.
  • If any allied players are under the effect of a team buff ability, an icon representing the buff will appear to the left of their stats, with a countdown timer in white text overlaid on the icon representing the buff’s duration.

[3] Weapon Stats[]

This section displays various stats relating to the player’s currently armed weapon.

  • The large white number in bold represents the player’s magazine, which displays how many rounds are currently left in the weapon’s magazine, while the smaller number beside it after the slash (/) indicates the amount of reserve ammunition the current weapon has. This section only appears if a Primary or Secondary weapon is equipped.
  • If a melee weapon is equipped, the above section is empty, and relegated to the Melee Combo Counter, which only appears once the player has registered five successful enemy hits within the duration of the Combo Counter. The large, bold number for the melee weapon will represent the damage multiplier for that particular hit chain, while the smaller number beside it after the slash (/) represents the number of combo hits performed.
  • If the weapon is a Syndicate weapon or is equipped with Weapon Augments, a black icon representing the Syndicate the Augment is aligned with will be displayed beside either the Ammunition Counter or the Melee Combo Counter, and will fill up with white as it converts Affinity.
  • Below the numerical indicators is where the weapon’s current rank and name is displayed along with its current rank in square brackets ([]). If a melee weapon is equipped with a Stance, the name of the Stance will be displayed alongside the name in grey text.
  • Finally, identical to the Warframe stats, a white gauge underneath the weapon stats display serves as the weapon’s Affinity gauge, displaying how much affinity the weapon has acquired for that level.

[4] Abilities[]

Displayed below the Weapon Stats, this section displays relevant information regarding the Warframe’s energy and abilities.

  • The four white icons in this section represent the Warframe’s Abilities, with their numerical assignment arranged from left to right: the left-most icon represents Ability Number One (1), with the right-most icon representing Ability Number Four (4). The icons will light blue if the ability they represent is currently selected or has recently been used. If an ability’s energy cost is more than the Warframe’s current energy capacity, or has yet to be unlocked due to insufficient Warframe level, the ability’s icon will be grey instead of white. Duration-based abilities will display a running numerical timer on top of their representative icon while the ability is active, which counts down every second until the ability expires.
  • The light-blue bar underneath the ability icons is the Warframe’s Energy gauge, which displays the current amount of Energy the Warframe has. The gauge will fill with white from left to right as the amount of energy the Warframe has increases. A white number below the gauge numerically displays the amount of energy the Warframe has.

[5] Minimap[]

The Minimap located at the top left of the HUD is a navigation aid that displays the player’s current position in relation to their environment, as well the position and locations of other important elements in the mission.

  • The player is represented by a white triangle in the middle of the minimap, pointing in the direction the player is facing.
  • The map’s terrain features are displayed as white lines on the display, which show the boundaries and locations of various parts of the map. The map’s outlines become red if the map has initiated a map-wide alert, or enemies within a particular map become hostile.
  • Various objective and unit icons are represented by their own images on the minimap, displaying their current positions. If their positions are located outside of the minimap’s visible section, the icons will be visible along the minimap’s edge, showing the direction where the object is located.
  • The minimap’s type can be changed from the default small view to a larger rotating view with the M  key. The larger view can also be set as default in the game’s Settings.
  • Minimap rotation can be disabled in the game’s Settings.

Minimap icons can also be modified by altitude markers denoting the object’s location in height relative to the player’s position: a white arrow head pointing up above the icon represents the object being above the player, while a white arrow head pointing down below the icon represents the object being below the player.

From center to the edge the dimensions are horizontally 50m, vertically 30m, and to the very corner it’s around 60m. In other words, the minimap covers a 100 by 60 meter area centered around the player.

[6] Mission Objectives[]

Information about the mission’s current objective is displayed beneath the minimap. Its contents change depending on the current mission type, and can display various amounts of information from the number of enemy targets remaining, to life support levels.

[7] Mission Waypoints[]

Waypoints are on-screen icons that guide players to a certain location or enemy. The waypoint icons will match the icon displayed in the minimap and can be created by either the mission itself or from another player.

  • The following table lists the various icons that can be displayed on the minimap and as onscreen waypoints, as well as their respective legends:

[8] Aiming Reticle[]

The Aiming Reticle, shown as a small white dot, is displayed at the very center of the player’s screen, and is used to determine where the player’s weapons and abilities are being aimed at.

  • When aimed at an enemy the reticle will turn red and the bottom semi-circle will expand to four quarter-circles in an elliptical formation.
  • When aimed at an ally the reticle will turn blue and the bottom semi-circle will expand to four quarter-circles in an elliptical formation.
  • While sprinting, vertical lines will appear under the semicircle.
  • A white ring forming clockwise from the top will surround the center dot whenever the player reloads, or is charging up a weapon; its formation corresponding to the reloading/charging’s progress.
  • The 4 dots below the aiming reticle represent the Warframe’s abilities, with an arrangement similar to the Warframe’s ability icons as mentioned above. Each dot will glow blue if the ability they represent has recently been used or is currently selected.

[9] Frame Rate, Frame Time, and Ping[]

This counter at the bottom left of the screen shows the game’s current graphical performance. This can be activated within the game’s Settings.

Press Esc  → OPTIONS  → INTERFACE  tab → At 8th option Enable / Disable Show FPS

[10] Chat[]

Main article: Chat

The chat box can be accessed by pressing the T  key or clicking on the «T» icon in the lower left corner. This will bring up a chat screen with multiple tabs. Tabs include: Clan Chat, Alliance Chat, Squad Chat, Player Hub (Relays, Dojos, etc.) Chat, Region Chat, Recruitment Chat, Trade Chat, Council Chat (only available for players who have been chosen to join the Design Council), and tabs for any direct messages between two players. The chat box can be closed either by pressing Esc  or clicking the minimize button (-) in the upper right or clicking anywhere else besides chat box.

Chat commands are typed in line with the message with a single space between the command and the message.

Function Command Note
See Chat Commands /?
Talk to Region (global) /g message Switch to global (aka Region) chat tab and optionally post message
Talk to Clan /c message Switch to Clan chat tab and optionally post message
Talk to Squad /s message Switch to Squad chat tab and optionally post message
Talk to Relay /r message Switch to Relay chat tab and optionally post message
Talk to Design Council /d message Switch to Council chat tab and optionally post message. Only usable by those in the Design Council.
Talk to user (whisper) /w user message Send a private message to user
Ignore/Un-ignore user /i user This does not block Clan invitations from the ignored user. Additionally, an ignored user will get «User is not accepting invitations.» warning when attempting to invite you to their squad, and «User is ignoring you.» warning when attempting to send you a whisper message you or add you as a friend. If they are already your friend, they will not be automatically removed as your friend however.
Switch Active Chat Tab /t Switches to the next chat tab to the right of the currently active one
Add Friend /f add user "message" Add user as a friend with an optional «message»
Remove Friend /f remove user
Set Clan «Message of the day» /motd message Requires Ruler or Herald permissions.
Invite user to session /invite user
Join a user’s session /join user
View user profile /profile user
Jump to first player in user list with letter /goto letter
Disables private messages and invites /dnd Do Not Disturb, will provide an auto-response «Hello, I’m using Do Not Disturb mode. Please contact me later». Note that players who already sent you a whisper message in this game session before you enabled /dnd mode will still be able to continue messaging you.
Enables private messages and invites /normal
Teleports you back to the last «good» position /unstuck Only usable in missions with a 2 minute cooldown between uses. Also sends a bug report to Digital Extremes at the end of the mission.
Linking to an item [item] Typing ‘Riven Mod’, ‘Song’, ‘Zaw’, ‘Amp’ or ‘Kitgun’ will open menus where player can select the desired item to link.
Linking Warframe appearances [Look] Pulls up a window with loadouts for selection.
Linking Warframe/weapon mod configuration [Mod Config]
Linking OctaviaIcon272.png Octavia‘s Songs [Song] Pulls up a window with songs for selection.
Linking to Clan’s profile page {clan}
Linking to user’s profile page @user Will also ping this channel in user’s chat window.
Query farm locations where item Only works in Region and Relay channels. item can be the name of a warframe, weapon or resource and may optionally be enclosed in [].
E.g. where mag, where [Tellurium]
Query event schedule when event Only works in Region and Relay channels.
E.g. to see Baro Ki’Teer’s schedule: when baro
Helpful responses See KickBot Only works in Region and Relay channels.

[11] Nightwave Challenges[]

Progress towards certain Nightwave challenges may appear here. The challenge name, description, and current progress is displayed in a grey box in the bottom center of the screen at the beginning of each mission. This box will fade away after about five seconds, but can be viewed again in the Menu (Esc ).

Orbiter Icons[]

Various icons can appear while a player is in the Orbiter to display certain information. These icons will periodically flash on the upper right corner of the player’s screen, and will rotate between various applicable states. If there is only a single icon appearing, it will stay frozen on the player’s screen.



As of Update 29.10 (2021-03-19), players can change the color scheme of their HUD through the Settings. Players can individually recolor certain HUD elements using colors from owned Color Picker Extensions or choose from ten preset color themes provided by the developers:

  • Default
  • Protanopia
  • Deuteranopia
  • Tritanopia
  • Grineer
  • Corpus
  • Tenno
  • Vitruvian
  • Lotus
  • Neon

Here is a list of what players can customize:

HUD Element Default color Approx. Hex Code
Health #cc2a28
Shields #01d8ff
Overshields #b201fe
Armored health #e0a635
Invulnerable health #585858
Invulnerable shields #9c9c9a
Object health #6dada7
Buff icons #01d8ff
Debuff icons #cc2a28
Selected ability #01d6fe
Unselected ability #f0f0ee
Reticle #ffffff
Hit indicator #e9bb06
Headshot indicator #c80406
Normal (yellow) crit #ffff00
Big (orange) crit #fe6c09
Super (red) crit #fe0000
Default marker #ffffff
Friendly marker #0795d5
Enemy marker #c80406
Loot marker #ffffff
Downed teammate marker #c80406
Objective marker #e9ba08
Attack marker #c80406
Extraction #43b306
Tactical highlight
Focus drop #e4d570
Life support module #e9ba08
Dojo notable #01d6fe
Relay notable #15b7ff
Town notable #ff9a0c
Plexus mod loot #fed454
Salvage loot #a945bf
Energy spawner #3977fe
Synthesis target #ffd47b
K-Drive Race #9b07cb
VIP target #3765ff
Incoming life support #23effe
Kuva harvester #a01b1c
Text #ffffff
Disabled text #808080
Negative text #c80406
Text background #414141
Objective progress #ffffff
Objective glow #01a6ff


"What is this icon?" Infographic 5.0

Patch History[]

Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)


Spice up your HUD with your very own HUD Customization options! Choose numerous HUD elements to recolor from your Color Palettes. You can also choose from a collection of presets that range from Color Blind friendly choices to Warframe-themed presets.

Hotfix 25.3.2 (2019-07-12)

  • Objective UI markers now flash red to match red X attack markers.

Hotfix 24.4.4 (2019-03-11)

  • Selecting the Foundry notification in the UI will now take you to the appropriate Foundry screen to claim.

Update 23.7 (2018-09-06)

  • The pause menu UI now automatically displays the first 3 loadout items (Warframe, Aura, etc). Aura has also been moved to always be the second line under your Warframe.
    • We’re aware and working on improved line breaking for longer text Auras like Corrosive Projection, etc.

Update 22.16 (2018-03-15)

  • Added a Chat command to enable ‘Do Not Disturb’ (offline mode). Enabling this will prevent any new Private Messages and mission invites from appearing. If you have a private conversation tab active or if you initiate a private conversation, you will still be able to communicate.
    • Enable Do Not Disturb by typing /offline in Chat.
    • Disable Do Not Disturb by typing /online in Chat.

Update 22.13 (2018-02-15)

New Advanced Plains Map!
  • Hold M (default) to open Advanced Map (while in the Plains of Eidolon).
  • Right clicking (default) on the Advanced Map places a Waypoint.
  • Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
  • Left click and drag to move the Advanced Map around.
  • Areas/Regions have now been named! (also appears on the normal Plains Map).
Font Rendering overhaul!
  • And a bit of a visual reference can be found here: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DVDaFBnV4AAC_Cf.jpg:large
  • This change will make all fonts across Warframe more readable at all resolutions. We know change is scary, but this change is to make sure font scaling looks crisp across resolutions and with zooming!
  • All future UI work has had the stage set for it with this better text rendering!

Update 22.10 (2018-01-25)

Undocumented Changes
  • Firing a charged weapon shows the charging circle in red.
  • Reload circle is now blue.
  • Sprint reticle was changed again and has vertical lines flowing downwards now.
  • Elevator buttons have their own waypoint marker when you are close to the consoles.

Update 22.8 (2017-12-21)

  • Removed reticle animation when sprinting due to feedback.

Update 22.6 (2017-12-07)

Objective UI & UX Improvements
    • All non-endless Solar Map and quest missions now display short objective instructions for each stage with a matching marker icon in the UI, similar to those displayed on the Plains. Some endless missions also have new objective text.
    • Simplified and cleaned up any existing objective UI’s general alignment, ordering and spacing to make it more readable.
    • Reworded language in some existing missions’ objective UI for clarity, and added more appropriate text to some timers instead of the generic ‘Time’.

Hotfix (2017-01-06)

  • Fixed a script error caused by lingering Solstice Conclave Glyph references that could break your HUD for the duration of the mission.

Hotfix 19.5.4 (2017-01-03)

  • Fixed HUD elements being excessively scrambled if you had very high Health+Overshields compared to your max (most commonly seen in The Index).

Update 19.0 (2016-11-11)

  • The icon used to displayed dropped weapons from a disarm move now use the same Friendly marker on the minimap instead of the major objective iconography.

Update: The Silver Grove (2016-08-19)

  • Bosses now appear on your mini-map as a red ‘destroy/kill’ marker instead of the yellow marker for consistency.

Update 18.5 (2016-03-04)

  • The minimap will now display directional markers on enemies to show where their focus is, including an awareness indicator to display if the enemy has been alerted to your presence..

Update 15.10 (2015-01-15)

  • Ability buffs have been added to the Squad UI! Buffs will now show to the left of your squadmates health bar. Buffs cast on your teammates will show duration timers (ie Roar, Warcry, Banish, etc).
  • Ability buffs will also show self-buffs such as Roar, and Augment Mods that provide buffs such as Rhino’s Ironclad Charge will also detail information (ie armor gained from targets hit with Charge).

Update 14.1 (2014-07-30)

  • Added a minimap marker for downed Kubrow to help guide the revive efforts.

Update 12.0 (2014-02-05)

  • HUD 2.0 – all new look HUD with expanded informational output. DarvoDealMarketDiscount.png

Hotfix 11.5.6 (2014-01-02)

  • Your personal stat is back on the squad info panel when you press “Z”.

Update 11.0 (2013-11-20)

  • Full on-screen map: Press M during gameplay to view the overall level map as you uncover it through exploration!

Hotfix 10.7.1 (2013-11-08)

  • Changed ‘remaining enemy’ minimap-marker to be red dot and no longer the player waypoint icon.

Update 10.0 (2013-09-13)

  • Added a new icon for the Extraction Marker.

Update 8.3 (2013-07-04)

  • Improved enemy waypoints on minimap to show true location instead of next closest nav location.

Update 8.0 (2013-05-23)

  • Viewing your party’s stats is now a Toggle option instead of Hold key!
  • Want to take some fancy screenshots… WITHOUT the HUD? Now you can!

Update 7.8 (2013-04-19)

  • Added up/down arrows to objectives on the minimap if objective is above or below the player’s current level
Game System Mechanics Edit
Currencies Credits.png CreditsOrokinDucats.png Orokin DucatsEndo.png EndoPlatinumLarge.png PlatinumAya.png AyaRegalAya.png Regal AyaReputationLarge.png Standing
General Basics Arsenal • Codex • Daily Tribute • Empyrean • Foundry • Market • Mastery Rank • Nightwave • Orbiter • Player Profile • Reset • Star Chart
Lore Alignment • Fragments • Leverian • Quest
Factions Corpus • Grineer • Infested • Orokin • Sentient • Syndicates • Tenno
Social Chat • Clan • Clan Dojo • Leaderboards • Trading
Squad Host Migration • Inactivity Penalty • Matchmaking
Player Housing Clan Dojo • Dormizone • Drifter’s Camp • Orbiter
Gameplay Basics Affinity • Buff & Debuff • Death • Damage (Status, Type Modifier, Vulnerability) • Gravity • Hacking • Invisible • Landscape • Maneuvers • One-Handed Action • Pickups • Radar • Stealth • Threat Level • Tile Sets • Void Relic • Waypoint
Enemies Bosses • Death Mark • Enemy Behavior • Eximus (Overguard) • Lich System
Mission Arbitrations • Empyrean • Sortie • Tactical Alert • The Steel Path • Void Fissure
Activities Captura • Conservation • Fishing • K-Drive Race • Ludoplex • Mining
PvP Duel • Conclave (Lunaro) • Frame Fighter
Equipment Modding and Arcanes Arcane Enhancements • Fusion • Mods (Flawed, Riven) • Polarization • Transmutation
Warframe Attributes (Armor, Energy, Health, Shield, Sprint Speed) • Abilities (Augment, Casting Speed, Helminth System, Passives, Duration, Efficiency, Range, Strength)
Weapons Accuracy • Alternate Fire • Ammo • Attack Speed • Critical Hit • Damage Falloff • Exalted Weapon • Fire Rate • Holster • Melee • Multishot • Noise • Projectile Speed • Punch Through • Recoil • Reload • Trigger Type • Zoom
Operator Amp • Focus (Madurai, Vazarin, Naramon, Unairu, Zenurik) • Lens
Other Archwing • Companion • K-Drive • Necramech • Parazon • Railjack
Technical General AI Director • Cross Platform Play • Dedicated Servers • Drop Tables • EE.cfg • EE.log • File Directory • Fonts • HUD • Key Bindings • Material Structures • Network Architecture • PBR • Public Export • Rarity • RNG • Settings • Stress Test • Text Icons • Upgrade • Warframe Arsenal Twitch Extension • World State
Audio Mandachord • Music • Shawzin • Somachord • Sound
Mathematical Calculating Bonuses (Additive Stacking, Multiplicative Stacking) • Damage Reduction • Enemy Level Scaling • Maximization • User Research


“It’s taking longer than I calculated.”

This page is actively being worked on and may not be completely correct. Please assist in making this page accurate. See WARFRAME Wiki:Research on ways to perform research on this game. Click here to add more info.

Missing : Spoiler mode’s energy / New waypoints for particular resources such as Sentient Cores / Teammates tab image with details about teammate’s energy left / Teammate in affinity range icon.

The Heads-Up Display, or HUD, is a set of indicators used in WARFRAME to show the player’s current status in a game, as well as other important information at a glance. HUD features can be toggled in the Settings menu.

Warframe Gameplay HUD[]

The gameplay HUD is the primary player HUD during a mission, which displays relevant information regarding the status of a player’s Warframe, Weapons, and other information. The various elements are shown as above:

[1] Player Vitality Stats[]

This section of a player’s HUD displays information related to a Warframe’s vitality and buffs, which includes:

  • The blue number in bold displays the current amount of the player’s Shields, while the red number in bold displays the player’s current amount of Health. Both stats are accompanied by colored bars below them that provides a visual indicator of the player’s Shield and Health levels, with each bar decreasing in length the less Shields and/or Health the player has. The Shields’ blue number and bar can also turn purple while possessing Overshields.
  • Displayed below the Health and Shield indicators is the Warframe’s current rank and name, and a number inside a small, white ball beside it which displays the player’s position within a group, with number 1 denoting the host of the session.
  • A translucent bar can be seen underneath the Warframe name, representing the amount of Affinity the Warframe currently has for that level. The bar fills white as the Warframe gains Affinity, and then empties upon ranking up. The bar no longer appears when the Warframe reaches the maximum rank available.
  • If the player is under the effect of an ability buff, a blue icon will appear to the left of the player’s Health and Shield counter representing the buff, along with a text of the same color that temporarily displays the name of the effect. If the player is suffering a Status Effect or an ability debuff a red color will be used instead.

[2] Ally Vitality Stats[]

If the player has a Companion (Sentinel, Kubrow, or Kavat) equipped, this section will display the relevant stats for the Companion in a fashion identical to the player’s own as outlined above.

  • When operating as a Squad with other allied players, the relevant stats of said players can be displayed below the Companion’s stats, displaying their Shield, Health, Energy, player name, and player group position. Their chosen Glyph will also be displayed to the right of their stats, overlaid by a white number displaying their current Mastery Rank. These allied player stats are shown by default, but can be hidden by pressing the Hide Player List key (default Z ); alternatively, the Player List can be made active by default via the Show Player List option under HUD in Settings.
    • Host player of the session will always have a «1» next to their name. Client players will be numbered from 2-4 on the order they connect to the host.
  • If any allied players are under the effect of a team buff ability, an icon representing the buff will appear to the left of their stats, with a countdown timer in white text overlaid on the icon representing the buff’s duration.

[3] Weapon Stats[]

This section displays various stats relating to the player’s currently armed weapon.

  • The large white number in bold represents the player’s magazine, which displays how many rounds are currently left in the weapon’s magazine, while the smaller number beside it after the slash (/) indicates the amount of reserve ammunition the current weapon has. This section only appears if a Primary or Secondary weapon is equipped.
  • If a melee weapon is equipped, the above section is empty, and relegated to the Melee Combo Counter, which only appears once the player has registered five successful enemy hits within the duration of the Combo Counter. The large, bold number for the melee weapon will represent the damage multiplier for that particular hit chain, while the smaller number beside it after the slash (/) represents the number of combo hits performed.
  • If the weapon is a Syndicate weapon or is equipped with Weapon Augments, a black icon representing the Syndicate the Augment is aligned with will be displayed beside either the Ammunition Counter or the Melee Combo Counter, and will fill up with white as it converts Affinity.
  • Below the numerical indicators is where the weapon’s current rank and name is displayed along with its current rank in square brackets ([]). If a melee weapon is equipped with a Stance, the name of the Stance will be displayed alongside the name in grey text.
  • Finally, identical to the Warframe stats, a white gauge underneath the weapon stats display serves as the weapon’s Affinity gauge, displaying how much affinity the weapon has acquired for that level.

[4] Abilities[]

Displayed below the Weapon Stats, this section displays relevant information regarding the Warframe’s energy and abilities.

  • The four white icons in this section represent the Warframe’s Abilities, with their numerical assignment arranged from left to right: the left-most icon represents Ability Number One (1), with the right-most icon representing Ability Number Four (4). The icons will light blue if the ability they represent is currently selected or has recently been used. If an ability’s energy cost is more than the Warframe’s current energy capacity, or has yet to be unlocked due to insufficient Warframe level, the ability’s icon will be grey instead of white. Duration-based abilities will display a running numerical timer on top of their representative icon while the ability is active, which counts down every second until the ability expires.
  • The light-blue bar underneath the ability icons is the Warframe’s Energy gauge, which displays the current amount of Energy the Warframe has. The gauge will fill with white from left to right as the amount of energy the Warframe has increases. A white number below the gauge numerically displays the amount of energy the Warframe has.

[5] Minimap[]

The Minimap located at the top left of the HUD is a navigation aid that displays the player’s current position in relation to their environment, as well the position and locations of other important elements in the mission.

  • The player is represented by a white triangle in the middle of the minimap, pointing in the direction the player is facing.
  • The map’s terrain features are displayed as white lines on the display, which show the boundaries and locations of various parts of the map. The map’s outlines become red if the map has initiated a map-wide alert, or enemies within a particular map become hostile.
  • Various objective and unit icons are represented by their own images on the minimap, displaying their current positions. If their positions are located outside of the minimap’s visible section, the icons will be visible along the minimap’s edge, showing the direction where the object is located.
  • The minimap’s type can be changed from the default small view to a larger rotating view with the M  key. The larger view can also be set as default in the game’s Settings.
  • Minimap rotation can be disabled in the game’s Settings.

Minimap icons can also be modified by altitude markers denoting the object’s location in height relative to the player’s position: a white arrow head pointing up above the icon represents the object being above the player, while a white arrow head pointing down below the icon represents the object being below the player.

From center to the edge the dimensions are horizontally 50m, vertically 30m, and to the very corner it’s around 60m. In other words, the minimap covers a 100 by 60 meter area centered around the player.

[6] Mission Objectives[]

Information about the mission’s current objective is displayed beneath the minimap. Its contents change depending on the current mission type, and can display various amounts of information from the number of enemy targets remaining, to life support levels.

[7] Mission Waypoints[]

Waypoints are on-screen icons that guide players to a certain location or enemy. The waypoint icons will match the icon displayed in the minimap and can be created by either the mission itself or from another player.

  • The following table lists the various icons that can be displayed on the minimap and as onscreen waypoints, as well as their respective legends:

[8] Aiming Reticle[]

The Aiming Reticle, shown as a small white dot, is displayed at the very center of the player’s screen, and is used to determine where the player’s weapons and abilities are being aimed at.

  • When aimed at an enemy the reticle will turn red and the bottom semi-circle will expand to four quarter-circles in an elliptical formation.
  • When aimed at an ally the reticle will turn blue and the bottom semi-circle will expand to four quarter-circles in an elliptical formation.
  • While sprinting, vertical lines will appear under the semicircle.
  • A white ring forming clockwise from the top will surround the center dot whenever the player reloads, or is charging up a weapon; its formation corresponding to the reloading/charging’s progress.
  • The 4 dots below the aiming reticle represent the Warframe’s abilities, with an arrangement similar to the Warframe’s ability icons as mentioned above. Each dot will glow blue if the ability they represent has recently been used or is currently selected.

[9] Frame Rate, Frame Time, and Ping[]

This counter at the bottom left of the screen shows the game’s current graphical performance. This can be activated within the game’s Settings.

Press Esc  → OPTIONS  → INTERFACE  tab → At 8th option Enable / Disable Show FPS

[10] Chat[]

Main article: Chat

The chat box can be accessed by pressing the T  key or clicking on the «T» icon in the lower left corner. This will bring up a chat screen with multiple tabs. Tabs include: Clan Chat, Alliance Chat, Squad Chat, Player Hub (Relays, Dojos, etc.) Chat, Region Chat, Recruitment Chat, Trade Chat, Council Chat (only available for players who have been chosen to join the Design Council), and tabs for any direct messages between two players. The chat box can be closed either by pressing Esc  or clicking the minimize button (-) in the upper right or clicking anywhere else besides chat box.

Chat commands are typed in line with the message with a single space between the command and the message.

Function Command Note
See Chat Commands /?
Talk to Region (global) /g message Switch to global (aka Region) chat tab and optionally post message
Talk to Clan /c message Switch to Clan chat tab and optionally post message
Talk to Squad /s message Switch to Squad chat tab and optionally post message
Talk to Relay /r message Switch to Relay chat tab and optionally post message
Talk to Design Council /d message Switch to Council chat tab and optionally post message. Only usable by those in the Design Council.
Talk to user (whisper) /w user message Send a private message to user
Ignore/Un-ignore user /i user This does not block Clan invitations from the ignored user. Additionally, an ignored user will get «User is not accepting invitations.» warning when attempting to invite you to their squad, and «User is ignoring you.» warning when attempting to send you a whisper message you or add you as a friend. If they are already your friend, they will not be automatically removed as your friend however.
Switch Active Chat Tab /t Switches to the next chat tab to the right of the currently active one
Add Friend /f add user "message" Add user as a friend with an optional «message»
Remove Friend /f remove user
Set Clan «Message of the day» /motd message Requires Ruler or Herald permissions.
Invite user to session /invite user
Join a user’s session /join user
View user profile /profile user
Jump to first player in user list with letter /goto letter
Disables private messages and invites /dnd Do Not Disturb, will provide an auto-response «Hello, I’m using Do Not Disturb mode. Please contact me later». Note that players who already sent you a whisper message in this game session before you enabled /dnd mode will still be able to continue messaging you.
Enables private messages and invites /normal
Teleports you back to the last «good» position /unstuck Only usable in missions with a 2 minute cooldown between uses. Also sends a bug report to Digital Extremes at the end of the mission.
Linking to an item [item] Typing ‘Riven Mod’, ‘Song’, ‘Zaw’, ‘Amp’ or ‘Kitgun’ will open menus where player can select the desired item to link.
Linking Warframe appearances [Look] Pulls up a window with loadouts for selection.
Linking Warframe/weapon mod configuration [Mod Config]
Linking OctaviaIcon272.png Octavia‘s Songs [Song] Pulls up a window with songs for selection.
Linking to Clan’s profile page {clan}
Linking to user’s profile page @user Will also ping this channel in user’s chat window.
Query farm locations where item Only works in Region and Relay channels. item can be the name of a warframe, weapon or resource and may optionally be enclosed in [].
E.g. where mag, where [Tellurium]
Query event schedule when event Only works in Region and Relay channels.
E.g. to see Baro Ki’Teer’s schedule: when baro
Helpful responses See KickBot Only works in Region and Relay channels.

[11] Nightwave Challenges[]

Progress towards certain Nightwave challenges may appear here. The challenge name, description, and current progress is displayed in a grey box in the bottom center of the screen at the beginning of each mission. This box will fade away after about five seconds, but can be viewed again in the Menu (Esc ).

Orbiter Icons[]

Various icons can appear while a player is in the Orbiter to display certain information. These icons will periodically flash on the upper right corner of the player’s screen, and will rotate between various applicable states. If there is only a single icon appearing, it will stay frozen on the player’s screen.



As of Update 29.10 (2021-03-19), players can change the color scheme of their HUD through the Settings. Players can individually recolor certain HUD elements using colors from owned Color Picker Extensions or choose from ten preset color themes provided by the developers:

  • Default
  • Protanopia
  • Deuteranopia
  • Tritanopia
  • Grineer
  • Corpus
  • Tenno
  • Vitruvian
  • Lotus
  • Neon

Here is a list of what players can customize:

HUD Element Default color Approx. Hex Code
Health #cc2a28
Shields #01d8ff
Overshields #b201fe
Armored health #e0a635
Invulnerable health #585858
Invulnerable shields #9c9c9a
Object health #6dada7
Buff icons #01d8ff
Debuff icons #cc2a28
Selected ability #01d6fe
Unselected ability #f0f0ee
Reticle #ffffff
Hit indicator #e9bb06
Headshot indicator #c80406
Normal (yellow) crit #ffff00
Big (orange) crit #fe6c09
Super (red) crit #fe0000
Default marker #ffffff
Friendly marker #0795d5
Enemy marker #c80406
Loot marker #ffffff
Downed teammate marker #c80406
Objective marker #e9ba08
Attack marker #c80406
Extraction #43b306
Tactical highlight
Focus drop #e4d570
Life support module #e9ba08
Dojo notable #01d6fe
Relay notable #15b7ff
Town notable #ff9a0c
Plexus mod loot #fed454
Salvage loot #a945bf
Energy spawner #3977fe
Synthesis target #ffd47b
K-Drive Race #9b07cb
VIP target #3765ff
Incoming life support #23effe
Kuva harvester #a01b1c
Text #ffffff
Disabled text #808080
Negative text #c80406
Text background #414141
Objective progress #ffffff
Objective glow #01a6ff


"What is this icon?" Infographic 5.0

Patch History[]

Update 29.10 (2021-03-19)


Spice up your HUD with your very own HUD Customization options! Choose numerous HUD elements to recolor from your Color Palettes. You can also choose from a collection of presets that range from Color Blind friendly choices to Warframe-themed presets.

Hotfix 25.3.2 (2019-07-12)

  • Objective UI markers now flash red to match red X attack markers.

Hotfix 24.4.4 (2019-03-11)

  • Selecting the Foundry notification in the UI will now take you to the appropriate Foundry screen to claim.

Update 23.7 (2018-09-06)

  • The pause menu UI now automatically displays the first 3 loadout items (Warframe, Aura, etc). Aura has also been moved to always be the second line under your Warframe.
    • We’re aware and working on improved line breaking for longer text Auras like Corrosive Projection, etc.

Update 22.16 (2018-03-15)

  • Added a Chat command to enable ‘Do Not Disturb’ (offline mode). Enabling this will prevent any new Private Messages and mission invites from appearing. If you have a private conversation tab active or if you initiate a private conversation, you will still be able to communicate.
    • Enable Do Not Disturb by typing /offline in Chat.
    • Disable Do Not Disturb by typing /online in Chat.

Update 22.13 (2018-02-15)

New Advanced Plains Map!
  • Hold M (default) to open Advanced Map (while in the Plains of Eidolon).
  • Right clicking (default) on the Advanced Map places a Waypoint.
  • Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
  • Left click and drag to move the Advanced Map around.
  • Areas/Regions have now been named! (also appears on the normal Plains Map).
Font Rendering overhaul!
  • And a bit of a visual reference can be found here: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DVDaFBnV4AAC_Cf.jpg:large
  • This change will make all fonts across Warframe more readable at all resolutions. We know change is scary, but this change is to make sure font scaling looks crisp across resolutions and with zooming!
  • All future UI work has had the stage set for it with this better text rendering!

Update 22.10 (2018-01-25)

Undocumented Changes
  • Firing a charged weapon shows the charging circle in red.
  • Reload circle is now blue.
  • Sprint reticle was changed again and has vertical lines flowing downwards now.
  • Elevator buttons have their own waypoint marker when you are close to the consoles.

Update 22.8 (2017-12-21)

  • Removed reticle animation when sprinting due to feedback.

Update 22.6 (2017-12-07)

Objective UI & UX Improvements
    • All non-endless Solar Map and quest missions now display short objective instructions for each stage with a matching marker icon in the UI, similar to those displayed on the Plains. Some endless missions also have new objective text.
    • Simplified and cleaned up any existing objective UI’s general alignment, ordering and spacing to make it more readable.
    • Reworded language in some existing missions’ objective UI for clarity, and added more appropriate text to some timers instead of the generic ‘Time’.

Hotfix (2017-01-06)

  • Fixed a script error caused by lingering Solstice Conclave Glyph references that could break your HUD for the duration of the mission.

Hotfix 19.5.4 (2017-01-03)

  • Fixed HUD elements being excessively scrambled if you had very high Health+Overshields compared to your max (most commonly seen in The Index).

Update 19.0 (2016-11-11)

  • The icon used to displayed dropped weapons from a disarm move now use the same Friendly marker on the minimap instead of the major objective iconography.

Update: The Silver Grove (2016-08-19)

  • Bosses now appear on your mini-map as a red ‘destroy/kill’ marker instead of the yellow marker for consistency.

Update 18.5 (2016-03-04)

  • The minimap will now display directional markers on enemies to show where their focus is, including an awareness indicator to display if the enemy has been alerted to your presence..

Update 15.10 (2015-01-15)

  • Ability buffs have been added to the Squad UI! Buffs will now show to the left of your squadmates health bar. Buffs cast on your teammates will show duration timers (ie Roar, Warcry, Banish, etc).
  • Ability buffs will also show self-buffs such as Roar, and Augment Mods that provide buffs such as Rhino’s Ironclad Charge will also detail information (ie armor gained from targets hit with Charge).

Update 14.1 (2014-07-30)

  • Added a minimap marker for downed Kubrow to help guide the revive efforts.

Update 12.0 (2014-02-05)

  • HUD 2.0 – all new look HUD with expanded informational output. DarvoDealMarketDiscount.png

Hotfix 11.5.6 (2014-01-02)

  • Your personal stat is back on the squad info panel when you press “Z”.

Update 11.0 (2013-11-20)

  • Full on-screen map: Press M during gameplay to view the overall level map as you uncover it through exploration!

Hotfix 10.7.1 (2013-11-08)

  • Changed ‘remaining enemy’ minimap-marker to be red dot and no longer the player waypoint icon.

Update 10.0 (2013-09-13)

  • Added a new icon for the Extraction Marker.

Update 8.3 (2013-07-04)

  • Improved enemy waypoints on minimap to show true location instead of next closest nav location.

Update 8.0 (2013-05-23)

  • Viewing your party’s stats is now a Toggle option instead of Hold key!
  • Want to take some fancy screenshots… WITHOUT the HUD? Now you can!

Update 7.8 (2013-04-19)

  • Added up/down arrows to objectives on the minimap if objective is above or below the player’s current level
Game System Mechanics Edit
Currencies Credits.png CreditsOrokinDucats.png Orokin DucatsEndo.png EndoPlatinumLarge.png PlatinumAya.png AyaRegalAya.png Regal AyaReputationLarge.png Standing
General Basics Arsenal • Codex • Daily Tribute • Empyrean • Foundry • Market • Mastery Rank • Nightwave • Orbiter • Player Profile • Reset • Star Chart
Lore Alignment • Fragments • Leverian • Quest
Factions Corpus • Grineer • Infested • Orokin • Sentient • Syndicates • Tenno
Social Chat • Clan • Clan Dojo • Leaderboards • Trading
Squad Host Migration • Inactivity Penalty • Matchmaking
Player Housing Clan Dojo • Dormizone • Drifter’s Camp • Orbiter
Gameplay Basics Affinity • Buff & Debuff • Death • Damage (Status, Type Modifier, Vulnerability) • Gravity • Hacking • Invisible • Landscape • Maneuvers • One-Handed Action • Pickups • Radar • Stealth • Threat Level • Tile Sets • Void Relic • Waypoint
Enemies Bosses • Death Mark • Enemy Behavior • Eximus (Overguard) • Lich System
Mission Arbitrations • Empyrean • Sortie • Tactical Alert • The Steel Path • Void Fissure
Activities Captura • Conservation • Fishing • K-Drive Race • Ludoplex • Mining
PvP Duel • Conclave (Lunaro) • Frame Fighter
Equipment Modding and Arcanes Arcane Enhancements • Fusion • Mods (Flawed, Riven) • Polarization • Transmutation
Warframe Attributes (Armor, Energy, Health, Shield, Sprint Speed) • Abilities (Augment, Casting Speed, Helminth System, Passives, Duration, Efficiency, Range, Strength)
Weapons Accuracy • Alternate Fire • Ammo • Attack Speed • Critical Hit • Damage Falloff • Exalted Weapon • Fire Rate • Holster • Melee • Multishot • Noise • Projectile Speed • Punch Through • Recoil • Reload • Trigger Type • Zoom
Operator Amp • Focus (Madurai, Vazarin, Naramon, Unairu, Zenurik) • Lens
Other Archwing • Companion • K-Drive • Necramech • Parazon • Railjack
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Интерфейс — это вся информация, отображающаяся во время игры. В неё входят: уведомления, информация о боезапасе, количестве щитов и здоровья Варфрейма, стража, прицел и прочее.

Боевой интерфейс[]

Боевой интерфейс отображает всю важную информацию во время миссии. Уровень щитов, здоровья, количество боеприпасов в оружии и прочее. Смотрите фото выше.

  • Радар — отображение миникарты, включающее в себя показ врагов, целей миссии, близлежащих важных обьектов.
  • Цели/важные объекты миссии — здесь отображаются цели и важные объекты миссии. На миссиях зачистки здесь отображается количество врагов, которых нужно убить, чтобы выполнить миссию. На миссиях обороны здесь отображается состояние реактора/криокапсулы при его защите (количество щитов и здоровья).
  • Маркер атаки — этот маркер отображает с какой стороны вам наносит урон враг в данный момент. При нескольких атаках, будет отображено несколько маркеров.
  • Уровень щитов — количество щитов вашего Варфрейма.
  • Уровень здоровья — уровень здоровья вашего Варфрейма.
  • Уровень и синтез Варфрейма — Уровень и количество опыта вашего Варфрейма. На данный момент максимальный уровень Варфрейма/стража/Кубрау/оружия равен 30.
  • Уровень щитов стража — количество щитов вашего Стража/Кубрау.
  • Уровень здоровья стража — уровень здоровья вашего Стража/Кубрау.
  • Уровень и синтез стража — На данный момент максимальный уровень Варфрейма/стража/Кубрау/оружия равен 30.
  • Прицел — прицел вашего оружия. При попадании по врагу, окрашивается красным. При нанесении урона по времени, мигает красным цветом. Также, под прицелом находятся точки способностей, почти полностью дублирующие их состояние в строке способности Варфрейма. Точки не показывают лишь таймер/процент действия способностей.
  • Синтез — то, что является заменой опыта. Каждое убийство врага, успешный взлом консоли управления/терминала, использование способности, выполнение второстепенной цели миссии даёт Синтез.
  • Поднятые предметы/боеприпасы — все предметы и боеприпасы, что вы поднимаете отображаются здесь. Это могут быть ресурсы, Сферы Энергии/Здоровья, боеприпасы (в том числе и боеприпасы, подвергшиеся действию мода трансмутации боеприпасов).
  • Количество боезапаса — количество боезапаса выбранного в данный момент вашего оружия. Отображается для основного и второстепенного видов оружия.
  • Количество патронов в магазине — количество патронов в магазине выбранного в данный момент вашего оружия. Отображается для основного и второстепенного видов оружия.
  • Уровень и опыт оружия — уровень и количество опыта выбранного в данный момент вашего оружия. Отображается для основного, второстепенного и мили (оружие ближнего боя…клинки, кинжалы, плети и прочее) видов оружия.
  • Способности Варфрейма — состояние всех четырёх способностей Варфрейма. Белым отображаются способности, которые готовы для использования (подходящий уровень энергии, выполненный откат). Серым отображаются способности, не готовые для использования (недостаточно энергии/способность не установлена). Также, здесь отображается таймер/процент действия способности.
  • Энергия Варфрейма — количество энергии вашего Варфрейма. Энергия необходима для использования способностей Варфрейма. Белым отображается количество имеющейся энергии, синим отображается количество отсутствующей энергии. Также, внизу располагается номерное количество энергии.

Радар и карта[]

Радар весьма полезен в бою — на нём отображается различная информация, включаящая в себя: расположение сопартийцев, врагов (если установлена аура и/или мод), контейнеров, дропа, цели миссии и прочее.

Ниже приведён список значков радара:

Значок радара Враг.png

Значок радара консоль управления замечен.png

  • Консоли и терминалы — вас заметили

Значок радара консоль управления блокировка.png

  • Консоли и терминалы — двери заблокированы

Значок радара цель Захвата.png

  • Цель миссии Захват

Экскаватор радар png-версия.png

  • Цель миссии/экскаватор

Сканер экскавации радар png-версия.png

  • Сканер экскавации

Значок радара капсула жизнеобеспечения.png

  • Капсула жизнеобеспечения на миссиях Выживания

Значок радара Точка эвакуации.png

  • Точка эвакуации. Её достижение успешно выполнит миссию.


Карта локации.png

Также, при нажатии клавиши открытия карты (по умолчанию M), на экране откроется карта, при этом радар скроется с экрана. На карте отображаются те же значки, что и на радаре.

Интерфейс миссий[]

В некоторых миссиях часть интерфейса подстраивается под них. К примеру, оборона, Мобильная Оборона и прочее.


Схема Перехвата.jpg

Перехват это миссия, где основной целью является удержание 4-х контрольных точек на карте: Альфа (А), Браво (B), Чарли (C), Дельта (D). Победит та сторона, которая быстрее захватит данные врага (датчик прогресса до 100%).

  • Башня, захватываемая вами — башня, на территории которой находитесь вы в данный момент. Пока вы находитесь на её территории, враг не сможет захватить башню.
  • Состояние башен — состояние каждой башни. Имеют три состояния: башня не захвачена, башня захвачена Тэнно, башня захвачена врагом.
  • % перехвата Тэнно — процент выполнения перехвата данных, выполненного Тэнно.
  • % перехвата врага — процент выполнения перехвата данных, выполненного врагом.
  • Раунд — текущий раунд миссии Перехват.


Схема Добычи Артефактов.jpg

Добыча артефактов это миссия, цель которой заключается в добыче ресурса Криотик Криотик и дополнительных наград с помощью Экскаваторов.

Значки интерфейса[]

Значки интерфейса на миссиях[]

Порой, в интерфейсе отображаются специальные значки. Это может быть ближайшая консоль управления с активированной блокировкой, или близко расположенная цель.

Следующие значки интерфейса появляются на всех видах миссий:

Значок консоли управления замечен.png

  • Значок ближайшей консоли управления — замечен врагами

Значок консоли блокировка.png

  • Значок ближайшей консоли управления — активирована блокировка дверей


  • Значок маркера, поставленного игроком. Может относиться к точке, на карте или ресурсу/моду. Если отмечена точка на карте, то будет надпись над значком Точка. Если отмечен ресурс/мод, то будет надпись над значком Ресурс/Мод

Значок интерфейса цель.png

  • Значок цели задания/важного объекта. Может обозначать: экскаватор, цель убийства, терминал ввода пакета данных, пакет данных, терминал получения пакета данных.

Значок цель охоты.png

  • Значок цели охоты. Обозначает цель, являющуюся объектом охоты.

Следующие значки интерфейса появляются лишь на миссиях Перехвата:

Захваченная Тэнно точка A.png

  • Значок захваченной Тэнно башни Альфа

Захваченная Тэнно точка B.png

  • Значок захваченной Тэнно башни Браво

Захваченная Тэнно точка C.png

  • Значок захваченной Тэнно башни Чарли

Захваченная Тэнно точка D.png

  • Значок захваченной Тэнно башни Дельта

Захваченная врагом точка A.png

  • Значок захваченной вражеской фракцией башни Альфа

Захваченная врагом точка B.png

  • Значок захваченной вражеской фракцией башни Браво

Захваченная врагом точка C.png

  • Значок захваченной вражеской фракцией башни Чарли

Захваченная врагом точка D.png

  • Значок захваченной вражеской фракцией башни Дельта

Следующие значки интерфейса появляются лишь на миссиях Выживания:

Значок капсула жизнеобеспечения.png

  • Значок капсулы жизнеобеспечения

Значок личная капсула жизнеобеспечения.png

  • Значок личной капсулы жизнеобеспечения

Следующие значки интерфейса появляются лишь на миссиях Захвата:

Значок цель Захвата.png

  • Значок цели миссии Захват

Следующие значки интерфейса появляются лишь на миссиях Раскопки:

Значок интерфейса сканер экскавации.png

  • Значок сканера экскавации

Значки интерфейса вне миссий[]

Данные значки можно увидеть в правом верхнем углу экрана. Эти значки сообщают множество информации. К примеру, предмет создан в кузнице, или появилось предложение о дружбе.

Иконка Легенда Обозначение
BuildComplete.png Предмет создан Сообщает о завершении создания предмета в Кузнице. Число на иконке обозначает количество созданных предметов в Кузнице.
MarketIcon.png Скидка Показывает о неиспользованной скидке на платину, полученную в ежедневной награде. Значок Дарво в левом нижнем углу иконки означает скидку на определённый товар в Магазине.
MailIcon.png Письмо Сообщает о входящих сообщениях. Число на иконке обозначает количество входящих сообщений.
FriendRequestPendingIcon.png Запрос дружбы Показывает количество игроков, подавших вам запрос о принятии в друзья.
DroneComplete.png Экстрактор готов к разгрузке Сообщает о том, что один или несколько установленных Экстракторов завершил поиск ресурсов.
DroneDestroyed.png Экстрактор уничтожен Сообщает о том, что один из установленных Экстракторов уничтожен.
DoubleAffinityEventIcon.png Событие удвоенного синтеза Показывает событие удвоенного синтеза, которое можно использовать вместе с ускорителем синтеза, увеличивая получаемый синтез до х4.
DoubleCreditEvent.png Событие удвоенных кредитов Показывает событие удвоенных кредитов, которое можно использовать вместе с умножителем кредитов, увеличивая получаемые кредиты до х4.
DoubleResourcesEvent.png Событие удвоенных ресурсов Показывает событие удвоенных ресурсов, которое можно использовать вместе с усилителем ресурсов и усилителем шанса выпадения ресурсов, увеличивая количество ресурсов и шанс выпадения редких ресурсов до х4.

Трудности, с которыми сталкиваются разработчики, а также новые окна звездной карты и статистики миссий

На протяжении последних лет команда Digital Extremes постоянно работает над обновлением пользовательского интерфейса мультиплеерного шутера Warframe, чтобы внедрить возможность использования тем, а также улучшить его функционал.

Это довольно длительный процесс, ведь игра насчитывает почти 200 окон интерфейса и разработчики часто добавляют новые для поддержки вводимого контента. Когда они только начинали редизайн, существовало только 131 окна, поэтому работа над ним затянулась и пришло время более подробно рассказать о том, что уже сделано и какие решения DE планируют внедрить в ближайшем будущем.

Создавая новый интерфейс студия руководствуется двумя категориями отзывов: необходимостью отображать больше информации и недовольством его перегруженностью. Проблема заключается в том, что это 2 противоположных направления. В редких случаях удается найти решения, которые делают интерфейс менее громоздким без необходимости уменьшать количество отображаемой информации. Но чаще все же приходится чем-то жертвовать.

Компромисс, к которому пришли разработчики, заключается в прогрессивном раскрытии. На практике это означает, что они добавляют больше информации, но скрывают ее за всплывающими окнами и дополнительными нажатиями.

Окно способностей

На примере интерфейса способностей фреймов можно видеть 2 варианта дизайна. Старый был представлен в виде таблицы. Он хорошо справлялся со своей задачей, став мощным и полезным инструментом. Но только для тех кто работает с данными. Остальные чувствовали перегруженность интерфейса. он сразу показывал всю важную информацию о способностях.

Новая же версия более структурирована. Она предлагает игроку выбрать 1 из 6 опций, которую отображать: пассивку, способности или подсказки. В то же время модель фрейма выходит на главный план и занимает основную часть экрана. Такой подход позволил добавить больше информации, обучающие видеоролики, а также улучшить отображение характеристик.


Здесь Digital Extremes решили пойти немного другим путем. Они перенесли подсказки с данными о способностях в интерфейс улучшения фрейма. Таким образом игрокам не надо переключаться между окнами и вся нужная информация об изменениях находится сразу под рукой. Большой выигрыш от перехода к использованию всплывающих подсказок состоит в том, что функциональность, выполненная для этого, гораздо более переносима, чем раньше. Теперь разработчики смогли добавить их не только туда, но и в интерфейс рынка, арсенала и даже в окно выбора первого фрейма, когда проходите обучение.

В будущем подобное решение может быть использовано и в случае с иконками оружия для арсенала. Сейчас на них отображается ранг, вставленная линза и количество форм. Часть этой информации, возможно, перенесут в всплывающие подсказки, добавив туда и что-то новое. Но пока это лишь 1 из возможных вариантов и ничего еще не утверждено. Например, отсутствие типа линзы на иконке оружия может иметь негативные последствия.

К тому же сейчас отсутствует универсальность и многие окна интерфейса имеют свою собственную навигацию, которая иногда бывает довольно странной.

Использование удержания для подтверждения в интерфейсе Рейлджека

В дополнении «Empyrean» разработчики попробовали кое-что новое. Вместо всплывающего окна с подтверждением они сделали необходимость удержания кнопки. Это позволило решить проблему, когда из-за вылезающего окна не видно, какое именно совершается действие. Кроме этого некоторые игроки уже игнорируют подобные предупреждения. Означает ли это, что DE будут использовать удержание для всего интерфейса в игре? Зависит от отзывов сообщества.

А теперь перейдем к нескольким новым окнам интерфейса, над которыми сейчас ведется работа. Они не появятся в ближайших патчах, но и затягивать с ними вряд ли будут.

Миссии на звездной карте

Пожалуй, наиболее часто используемый интерфейс. У разработчиков нету планов кардинально его переделывать. В основном добавят темы, исправят некоторые проблемы с отображением и немного расширят функционал. Например, туда хотят перенести дронов, которые добывают на планетах ресурсы, чтобы можно было видеть, где они находятся, а также их статус.

Испытания для ранга мастерства

В этом окне появится кнопка для запуска пробного испытания, новые иконки рангов, которые были представлены некоторое время назад во время дев. стрима, и советы для новых игроков.

Статистика миссии

Еще 1 интерфейс, с которым регулярно сталкиваются игроки. Его планируют изменить более радикальным способом. Существенная часть экрана будет отведена демонстрации вашей группы. Моды и другие получаемые на миссии предметы объединят в единую категорию, увеличив видимую зону с 6 до 10 слотов. Изменение репутации также хотят объединить в 1 раздел с прогрессом прокачки вашего фрейма и оружия.

А вот для подробной статистики боя выделят отдельную секцию. Это позволит добавить такую информацию, как лечение союзников, контроль противников и предотвращение урона. Вместе с этим появится новая механика статусов за особые заслуги на миссии. Например, группа будет знать, если вы нашли много медальонов Синдиката, воскрешали союзников или потушили большое количество пожаров на Рейлджеке. DE хотят, чтобы подобные заслуги поощрялись, а не только нанесенный урон.

Разработчики пообещали, что будут использовать внутреннюю статистику, а также отзывы игроков для того, чтобы постараться сделать интерфейс Warframe как можно удобней.

Последний раз редактировалось 4ertik; 27.01.2020 в 22:48.

Причина: Добавлено сообщение

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