Warning main bios checksum error retrieving recovery source from hpa bios not available

Retrieving recovery source from backup bios После прошивки работала мать долго и счастливо. Только после того как собрал на ней другую систему появилось вот это сообщение. Вот изменение комплектации Сейчас: проц-Athlon 5200+ БП-FSP 600W Видео-HD4850 512mb Оператива-2х2Гига Kingston Стояла раньше: проц-Athlon 7750+ БП-Chieftec 650W Видео-HD4850 512mb Оператива-2х2Гига Kingston Систему собрал меньше месяца назад. мне […]


  1. Retrieving recovery source from backup bios
  2. Motherboard Bios Error
  3. kazenteshi
  4. Main bios checksum error (mb gigabyte GA-P55-USB3)
  5. name__
  6. Aefuan
  7. Aefuan
  8. Main BIOS Checksum Error
  9. Niketan
  10. nitinvaid20
  11. [Gigabyte Motherboard Issue] «Main BIOS Checksum Error!»
  12. Purple18
  13. Akashdeep
  14. puttsy
  15. Purple18
  16. Akashdeep
  17. Purple18
  18. Akashdeep
  19. Purple18
  20. Deleted member 217926
  21. puttsy
  22. Purple18
  23. grrht
  24. andy_wijaya_med
  25. Guest
  26. hevydevyTH
  27. Deleted member 217926
  28. capt4377
  29. bsdubois_57

Retrieving recovery source from backup bios

После прошивки работала мать долго и счастливо. Только после того как собрал на ней другую систему появилось вот это сообщение.
Вот изменение комплектации
проц-Athlon 5200+
Видео-HD4850 512mb
Оператива-2х2Гига Kingston

Стояла раньше:
проц-Athlon 7750+
БП-Chieftec 650W
Видео-HD4850 512mb
Оператива-2х2Гига Kingston

Систему собрал меньше месяца назад.

мне кажется что тебе нужно по новой установить Программу Xpress Recovery2
похоже проблема в том что ты делал прошивку на другой комплектаций.

Recovery2 Xpress предназначена для обеспечения быстрого резервного копирования и восстановления жесткого диска данных. Поддержка Microsoft операционных систем, включая Windows Vista/XP/2K/NT/98/Me и DOS и файловых систем, включая FAT16, FAT32 и NTFS, Xpress Recovery2 может создать резервную копию данных на жестких дисках на PATA и SATA IDE контроллеров. После Xpress Recovery2 выполняется с компакт-диска в первый раз, он будет оставаться постоянным на вашем жестком диске. Если вы хотите запустить Xpress Recovery2 позже, вы можете просто нажать F9 во время загрузки системы для ввода Xpress Recovery2 без CD-ROM. Системные требования:

1. Intel x86 платформы
2. По крайней мере, 64M байт оперативной памяти
3. VESA-поддерживаемых видеокарт

Как использовать Xpress Recovery2Initial доступ к загрузке с компакт-дисков и последующего доступа, нажав клавишу F9: Шаги: После перехода в BIOS Setup, выберите Advanced BIOS Feature и установите загрузку с CD-ROM. Сохранить настройки и выхода из BIOS Setup. Вставьте условии драйвера компакт-диск в дисковод компакт-дисков. После перезагрузки системы, послание, которое говорит: «Загрузка с CD / DVD:» появится в левом нижнем углу экрана. Нажмите любую клавишу для ввода Xpress Recovery2. После выполнения действий, описанных выше, последующий доступ к Xpress Recovery2 можно сделать, просто нажав на клавишу во время система включения.

1. Впервые использования Xpress Recovery2, пользователь должен назначить до загрузки BIOS опции «Загрузка с CD-ROM», и положил на CD с драйверами назначен оптических дисков. После перезагрузки системы, когда пользователь экране появляется «Нажмите любую клавишу для загрузки Xpress Recovery2», затем нажмите любую клавишу, чтобы запустить программу Xpress Recovery2.
2. Если пользователь был опытный и установлены Xpress Recovery2 применения в ПК раньше, пользователь может запустить приложение Xpress Recovery2 пресс «F9» во время загрузки последовательности.
3. Если Вы уже вступили Xpress Recovery2 загрузиться с компакт-диска, вы можете ввести Xpress Recovery2 нажатием клавиши в будущем.
4. Емкость системы хранения и чтения / записи скорость жесткого диска будет влиять на скорость резервного копирования данных.
5. Рекомендуется Xpress Recovery2 быть немедленно установлены После завершения установки ОС и всех необходимых драйверов, а также программного обеспечения.

1. RESTORE: Восстановление резервной копии данных на жестком диске. (Эта кнопка не будет появляться, если нет резервной копии.)

2. BACKUP: Резервное копирование данных с жесткого диска.
4. УДАЛИТЬ: удаление ранее созданных резервных копий файлов освободить дисковое пространство.
(Эта кнопка не будет появляться, если нет резервной копии.)
6. Reboot: Выход в главное меню и перезагрузить систему.

1. Не совместимо с Xpress Recovery.
2. Для использования Xpress Recovery2, первичный раздел должен быть защищены.
3. Xpress Recovery2 будет хранить резервную копию файла изображения в конце жесткого диска, так что пользователю необходимо зарезервировать достаточное нераспределенного пространства на жестком диске раздел заранее. (Минимум 4 Гб рекомендуется, но фактическое пространство зависит от размера данных для резервного копирования)
4. Способный резервного копирования жестких дисков, установленных с операционными системами, включая DOS и Windows Vista/XP/2K/NT/98/Me.
5. USB жесткие диски в настоящее время не поддерживается.
6. Не поддерживает RAID / AHCI (код класса 0104/0106) жестких дисков.
7. Способный резервного копирования и восстановления только первый физический жесткий диск.
Жесткие диски обнаружения последовательности выглядит следующим образом:
1. PATA IDE Primary канала
2. Secondary IDE PATA канала
3. SATA IDE Channel 1
4. SATA 2 канала IDE
5. SATA IDE Channel 3
6. SATA IDE Channel 4

1. Это нормально, что резервное копирование данных занимает больше времени, чем восстановление данных.
2. Xpress Recovery2 совместимо с правилами GPL.
3. На некоторых материнских платах на чипсетах nVidia, Обновление BIOS необходимо для Xpress Recovery2 правильно определить RAID IDE и SATA режиме. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с производителем вашей материнской платы.
4. Xpress Recovery2 PATA поддерживает только жесткие диски, а не SATA жестких дисков на следующих плат:
GA-K8N Ultra-SLI
GA-K8N Ultra-9
GA-K8NF-9 (PCB Ver. 1.0)
GA-K8NE (PCB Ver. 1.0)
GA-8N-SLI Royal

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Motherboard Bios Error



Ok first here are my specs

Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3 motherboard
fx-4100 CPU
8 GB of Gskill 1866mhz ram
9800GT Nvidia GPU
750Watt psu

I am experiencing an issue now what happend is i was going to go to a friends house for a LAN party, and i went home shut my computer off completely fine nothing wrong unplugged all the cables i needed once it was shut off completely, i drove to my friends house and plugged it all back in and turned it on and the computer said


Retrieving recovery source from HPA. HPA BIOS not available!!

Retrieving recovery source from backup BIOS. Done!
Writing BIOS image. 1-4080KB \it went all the way to 4080

once it finished doing that it restarted and starting writing the image again in an infinite loop it did it for about and hour

so the next day i started messing with it trying to get in to BIOS or QFlash but neither would let me so desperate to make it work i took my CMOS Battery out (i think that was a bad idea. ) ever since then my computer when i turn on doesnt pass POST it gives me 1 Long beep im not sure but i think i hear little beeps after the long beep but it is very fast.

I have tried resetting cmos after i did that but still to no avail. the cmos has no jumpers so i used a screw driver to attempt to restart it nothing works and it still beeps at me D: any help would be much appreciated


Main bios checksum error (mb gigabyte GA-P55-USB3)



i have this error. I have read some other solutions on this forum. norhing worked for me. When i turn on PC it restarts after 3-5 seconds.


Retrieving recovery source from HPA. HPA BIOS not available!!

Retrieving recovery source from backup BIOS. Done!
Writing BIOS image.

After all this it shuts down. Thank for help.



This means your BIOS got a problem and it tried to got a recovery, and done.

But maybe your CMOS battery is dead and that’s why this will appear everytime. Try to change it.



This means your BIOS got a problem and it tried to got a recovery, and done.

But maybe your CMOS battery is dead and that’s why this will appear everytime. Try to change it.


Main BIOS Checksum Error



I had a PC running daily , then I didn’t use it for a couple of days and now it shows an error like this :
Main Bios Checksum Error . . .
Retrieving Recovery Source from HPA . .
Retrieving Recovery source from backup Bios . .

And then it shuts down and restarts again with this.
My specs are : (Pretty Old PC though I know )

Gigabyte G31M-ES2L Motherboard
Intel Pentium Dual Core 3.00Ghz Processor ( I don’t remember the exact name )
2 GB RAM ( 1GB × 2 )
Windows 10 — 32 bits

I tried clearing the CMOS by both removing the battery and the CMOS jumper. It did work when I removed the battery for like 1 day . But When I inserted the battery , it would still shut down after booting up ( sometimes in Lock screen and sometimes on l the desktop ) .
I changed the CMOS Battery but the issue persist.Tried replugging everything. I haven’t updated the BIOS. I am afraid to do it as it sometimes screws up whole thing. I have a strange feeling that any Virus could have altered the BIOS . I can’t get into BIOS settings . Is there something I could try or is it my Motherboard dead . Please let me know if you can help let. Thank you.



I had a PC running daily , then I didn’t use it for a couple of days and now it shows an error like this :
Main Bios Checksum Error . . .
Retrieving Recovery Source from HPA . .
Retrieving Recovery source from backup Bios . .

And then it shuts down and restarts again with this.
My specs are : (Pretty Old PC though I know )

Gigabyte G31M-ES2L Motherboard
Intel Pentium Dual Core 3.00Ghz Processor ( I don’t remember the exact name )
2 GB RAM ( 1GB × 2 )
Windows 10 — 32 bits


[Gigabyte Motherboard Issue] «Main BIOS Checksum Error!»



Hello, I’ve bought a gaming computer online that contains a GA-970A-D3 Gigabyte motherboard.
I’ve been using it for about 2-3 months now without any problems. I did not update my BIOS or anything because I expected the website I bought this computer from (cyberpowerpc) to have already taken care of that. One night I shut off my computer, and the next day I turn on my computer, it boots as it normally would: the computer gives one beep, and I receive the logo message. But then, I receive this message:

The part where I added the «_______» contains a number that increases
all the way to 4080K, and then the computer reboots and completely restarts this process.

Some extra information:
1)My PSU is not the issue as it’s a 700W Corsair Brand PSU. My PC originally came with a 700W PSU with a very bad brand (XtremeGear), so I replaced it with the Corsair the minute I got it (Which was 2-3 months ago XD)

2)I’ve already cleared my CMOS by both using the jumper, and removing the battery for 30 seconds with no success.

3)I don’t believe it is a wiring issue because it worked untouched for the 2-3 months that I have been using it.

4)The cursor is under «OK» when I am given this error message, but pressing ENTER or any other keys will not do anything.

5)I am still able to enter the BIOS menu from the logo screen.

6) I have Q-Flashed the BIOS from F6 to F7 and the problem still persists.

The only thing that I haven’t tried is replacing the battery, which I am planning on going over to CVS and buying one tomorrow, but I really don’t think the battery is the issue since I’ve only had this computer for 2-3 months.

I’ve tried to be as detailed as I can in order for someone on the forums to help me, but if there is any other information that you need, please reply and let me know. I have spending a very long time attempting many things to get this to work, and I’d really appreciate any help.





Try taking all but one stick of RAM out. If you bought it from cyberpowerpc you probably have some sort of warranty on it from them. That would probably be the best option. Also look into how to dump the BIOS on this board and see if that solves the problem. Finally, stick a Windows Install DVD in and see if you can get to the Install screen. If you can, there’s probably a problem with your HDD or, your Windows install is corrupted. Either way, it’s worth a shot. Probably try the install dvd first, then look into dumping the BIOS.

Come back with your results.



Thank you for the suggestions!

Attempt with RAM — No success

Attempt with Windows 7 Operating System Disk — No success, mainly because it won’t allow me to boot from the CD. Plus, I truly believe that the Operating System has nothing to do with it, and that it is the BIOS that is corrupt.

Attempt with replacing the battery — I’m going to buy a new battery tomorrow, I’ll be sure to give an update on that as well. I’m truly hoping that this will fix it :

And about the warranty, I do have a 1 year warranty but I’m currently trying to attempt as many possible solutions as I can before turning it in, I’m also not sure if cyberpower will even accept my computer since I changed the power supply.



Thank you for the suggestions!

Attempt with RAM — No success

Attempt with Windows 7 Operating System Disk — No success, mainly because it won’t allow me to boot from the CD. Plus, I truly believe that the Operating System has nothing to do with it, and that it is the BIOS that is corrupt.

Attempt with replacing the battery — I’m going to buy a new battery tomorrow, I’ll be sure to give an update on that as well. I’m truly hoping that this will fix it :

And about the warranty, I do have a 1 year warranty but I’m currently trying to attempt as many possible solutions as I can before turning it in, I’m also not sure if cyberpower will even accept my computer since I changed the power supply.

This should be the CMOS battery issue.

For the warranty cocern, if it is CMOS battery issue then the battery has warranty of six months mostly.





CMOS battery doesn’t cost much. All you need to ensure is the voltage matching. Rest all are fine with any brand.



Deleted member 217926




Put the old PSU back in. Odds are, you have already voided the warranty from cracking it open BUT, who knows. I am not sure of their warranty about working on their machine. Again, look into warranty repair.

I also, once again, recommend dumping the BIOS. There is likely a «back-up» BIOS on the board that can be dumped back into the primary CMOS. Gigabyte likes to hype their «Dual-BIOS» and «Virtual BIOS». It’s not too terribly difficult to dump them back to original/stable versions but, it’s not as simple as «resetting» the BIOS. It is something all-but entirely different



I’ve already attempted dumping the BIOS, and even shorting the Main BIOS chip for the computer to force boot the Backup BIOS, but it didn’t work.
I actually attempted to flash my BIOS to every version available to my board, and when I flashed to F3 (successfully, no interruptions), my computer would no longer even boot in the BIOS, the fans are running and everything, but it doesn’t boot.

From this point there is nothing more that I can do, I’m going to put in the old PSU that I fortunately kept and try and send it in for warranty. Thanks for all the help everyone.









Deleted member 217926




Have u resolved your problem with the bios? Mine are screwed just like yours and I am curious as to the fix.



Check out the newegg site and look at the one egg reviews for the Gigabyte 990 FXA-UD5 motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=13-128-508&SortField=0&SummaryType=0&Pagesize=10&SelectedRating=1&VideoOnlyMark=False&IsFeedbackTab=true&Keywords=%28keywords%29&Page=1&RandomID=50688751622815620120625000109 . Many are having the same BIOS updating loop issue you indicate in your post. This appears to be an issue with some UD5 motherboards. I was researching a new MB for a new system build. I thought I would try the 8 core AMD bulldozer. I built a system using a Gigabyte P55A-UD7 and an Intel i5 750 Socket 1156 processor. I am very happy with this Mother board/ processor combination.

I decided to compare the differences between the 990 FXA UD5 and UD7. The UD5 has bios loop issues that seem to surface at approximately two months. The UD7 has power issues with revision 1 of the MB which makes over clocking difficult to impossible. Gigabyte has a revision 2 of the 990 FXA-UD7 motherboard, however, most posts on NewEgg indicate Gigabyte will not RMA the revision 1 board and replace it with revision 2 even though there is a known issue with the older board (Please review NewEgg customer reviews with one egg for the 990 FXA-UD7 motherboard).

It would be nice to learn if Gigabyte followed through with their promises to promptly correct the issues described in the various «one star» reviews on the NewEgg site.

My next Mother Board may not (will not) be a Gigabyte.

I wish I could purchase a MB and processor made in USA with USA components. The greedy PC manufacturers go to Third World Countries for cheap labor. Other World Computing has a product line of SSD’s that is made in USA. OWC will receive my business as soon as I decide which SSD best meets my needs. Please check out Computer Power User Magazine’s (April or May 2012 issue) interview with the owner of OWC. It is good article and he explains why he builds his product in the USA.



Часовой пояс GMT +4, время: 05:16 .

Hello, I’ve bought a gaming computer online that contains a GA-970A-D3 Gigabyte motherboard.
I’ve been using it for about 2-3 months now without any problems. I did not update my BIOS or anything because I expected the website I bought this computer from (cyberpowerpc) to have already taken care of that. One night I shut off my computer, and the next day I turn on my computer, it boots as it normally would: the computer gives one beep, and I receive the logo message. But then, I receive this message:

Retrieving recovery source from HPA..HPA BIOS not available!!
Retreiving recovery source from Back BIOS.... Done!
Writing BIOS Image..... _____K OK

The part where I added the «_______» contains a number that increases
all the way to 4080K, and then the computer reboots and completely restarts this process.

Some extra information:
1)My PSU is not the issue as it’s a 700W Corsair Brand PSU.

2)I’ve already cleared my CMOS by both using the jumper, and removing the battery for 30 seconds with no success.

3)I don’t believe it is a wiring issue because it worked untouched for the 2-3 months that I have been using it.

4)When I first received my computer, I replaced the power supply before its first boot (I’ll note again, it has been working untouched for the past 2-3 months, so I don’t believe that the PSU replacement was the risk factor)

5)The cursor is under «OK» when I am given this error message, but pressing ENTER or any other keys will not do anything.

6)I am still able to enter the BIOS menu from the logo screen.

7) I have flashed the BIOS from F6 to F7 and the problem still persists. I really don’t understand the problem.

The only thing that I haven’t tried is replacing the battery, which I am planning on going over to CVS and buying one tomorrow, but I really don’t think the battery is the issue since I’ve only had this computer for 2-3 months.

I’ve tried to be as detailed as I can in order for someone on the forums to help me, but if there is any other information that you need, please reply and let me know. I have spending a very long time attempting many things to get this to work, and I’d really appreciate any help.  ;)

Nov 26, 2011





  • #1

Hello, I’ve bought a gaming computer online that contains a GA-970A-D3 Gigabyte motherboard.
I’ve been using it for about 2-3 months now without any problems. I did not update my BIOS or anything because I expected the website I bought this computer from (cyberpowerpc) to have already taken care of that. One night I shut off my computer, and the next day I turn on my computer, it boots as it normally would: the computer gives one beep, and I receive the logo message. But then, I receive this message:

Retrieving recovery source from HPA..HPA BIOS not available!!
Retreiving recovery source from Back BIOS…. Done!
Writing BIOS Image….. _____K OK

The part where I added the «_______» contains a number that increases
all the way to 4080K, and then the computer reboots and completely restarts this process.

Some extra information:
1)My PSU is not the issue as it’s a 700W Corsair Brand PSU. My PC originally came with a 700W PSU with a very bad brand (XtremeGear), so I replaced it with the Corsair the minute I got it (Which was 2-3 months ago XD)

2)I’ve already cleared my CMOS by both using the jumper, and removing the battery for 30 seconds with no success.

3)I don’t believe it is a wiring issue because it worked untouched for the 2-3 months that I have been using it.

4)The cursor is under «OK» when I am given this error message, but pressing ENTER or any other keys will not do anything.

5)I am still able to enter the BIOS menu from the logo screen.

6) I have Q-Flashed the BIOS from F6 to F7 and the problem still persists.

The only thing that I haven’t tried is replacing the battery, which I am planning on going over to CVS and buying one tomorrow, but I really don’t think the battery is the issue since I’ve only had this computer for 2-3 months.

I’ve tried to be as detailed as I can in order for someone on the forums to help me, but if there is any other information that you need, please reply and let me know. I have spending a very long time attempting many things to get this to work, and I’d really appreciate any help. ;)


Feb 9, 2011





  • #2

Try replacing your battery.


Aug 14, 2010





  • #3

Try taking all but one stick of RAM out. If you bought it from cyberpowerpc you probably have some sort of warranty on it from them. That would probably be the best option. Also look into how to dump the BIOS on this board and see if that solves the problem. Finally, stick a Windows Install DVD in and see if you can get to the Install screen. If you can, there’s probably a problem with your HDD or, your Windows install is corrupted. Either way, it’s worth a shot. Probably try the install dvd first, then look into dumping the BIOS.

Come back with your results.

Nov 26, 2011





  • #4

Thank you for the suggestions!

Attempt with RAM — No success

Attempt with Windows 7 Operating System Disk — No success, mainly because it won’t allow me to boot from the CD. Plus, I truly believe that the Operating System has nothing to do with it, and that it is the BIOS that is corrupt.

Attempt with replacing the battery — I’m going to buy a new battery tomorrow, I’ll be sure to give an update on that as well. I’m truly hoping that this will fix it :

And about the warranty, I do have a 1 year warranty but I’m currently trying to attempt as many possible solutions as I can before turning it in, I’m also not sure if cyberpower will even accept my computer since I changed the power supply.


Feb 9, 2011





  • #5

Thank you for the suggestions!

Attempt with RAM — No success

Attempt with Windows 7 Operating System Disk — No success, mainly because it won’t allow me to boot from the CD. Plus, I truly believe that the Operating System has nothing to do with it, and that it is the BIOS that is corrupt.

Attempt with replacing the battery — I’m going to buy a new battery tomorrow, I’ll be sure to give an update on that as well. I’m truly hoping that this will fix it :

And about the warranty, I do have a 1 year warranty but I’m currently trying to attempt as many possible solutions as I can before turning it in, I’m also not sure if cyberpower will even accept my computer since I changed the power supply.

This should be the CMOS battery issue.

For the warranty cocern, if it is CMOS battery issue then the battery has warranty of six months mostly.

Nov 26, 2011





  • #6

Alright, Thanks!
My CMOS battery is CR2032. Should I just buy a CR2032 battery at my local pharmacy (CVS) for about 2-3 dollars, since they are currently in stock?


Feb 9, 2011





  • #7

Alright, Thanks!
My CMOS battery is CR2032. Should I just buy a CR2032 battery at my local pharmacy (CVS) for about 2-3 dollars, since they are currently in stock?

CMOS battery doesn’t cost much. All you need to ensure is the voltage matching. Rest all are fine with any brand.

Nov 26, 2011





  • #8

Replaced the battery, and the problem still remains.

Deleted member 217926


  • #9

Yeah, personally I have never seen a battery go dead on a new computer. Sounds like your motherboard died to me. I suppose it could also be your power supply but probably the board. Your best bet is to contact CyberpowerPC and ask them what to do. Most prebuilt PCs come with a 1 year parts warranty.


Aug 14, 2010





  • #10

Put the old PSU back in. Odds are, you have already voided the warranty from cracking it open BUT, who knows. I am not sure of their warranty about working on their machine. Again, look into warranty repair.

I also, once again, recommend dumping the BIOS. There is likely a «back-up» BIOS on the board that can be dumped back into the primary CMOS. Gigabyte likes to hype their «Dual-BIOS» and «Virtual BIOS». It’s not too terribly difficult to dump them back to original/stable versions but, it’s not as simple as «resetting» the BIOS. It is something all-but entirely different

Nov 26, 2011





  • #11

I’ve already attempted dumping the BIOS, and even shorting the Main BIOS chip for the computer to force boot the Backup BIOS, but it didn’t work.
I actually attempted to flash my BIOS to every version available to my board, and when I flashed to F3 (successfully, no interruptions), my computer would no longer even boot in the BIOS, the fans are running and everything, but it doesn’t boot.

From this point there is nothing more that I can do, I’m going to put in the old PSU that I fortunately kept and try and send it in for warranty. Thanks for all the help everyone.

Mar 23, 2012





  • #12

i had same problem with my gigabyte main board but it was recovered form backup bios, u shuld try to contact service center, or try to reset all setting as default in bios menu, del>load optimized default. then press f10 to save reboot.

Mar 30, 2012





  • #13

I also have an exactly same problem.? Nothing seems to work. Change the battery, reflash, upgrade BIOS, set to fail safe, set to optimized.. Nothing.. :-( Is there anything that I can do?



  • #14

very same situation i have right now, my motherboard is m68m s2p, it all stuck in Bios Auto Recovering….. and i cannot even get in to the BIOS.. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 17, 2012





  • #15

My Gigabyte 990FXA UD5 is doing the same after 4 weeks :( Contacted Gigabyte 5 days ago and they still haven’t read the flipping mail. Just want to know if it’s defo a mainboard issue.

Deleted member 217926


  • #16

Old, dead post. Mods need to close it.

Jun 15, 2012





  • #17

My Gigabyte 990FXA UD5 is doing the same after 4 weeks :( Contacted Gigabyte 5 days ago and they still haven’t read the flipping mail. Just want to know if it’s defo a mainboard issue.

Have u resolved your problem with the bios? Mine are screwed just like yours and I am curious as to the fix.

Jun 25, 2012





  • #18

Have u resolved your problem with the bios? Mine are screwed just like yours and I am curious as to the fix.

Check out the newegg site and look at the one egg reviews for the Gigabyte 990 FXA-UD5 motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=13-128-508&SortField=0&SummaryType=0&Pagesize=10&SelectedRating=1&VideoOnlyMark=False&IsFeedbackTab=true&Keywords=%28keywords%29&Page=1&RandomID=50688751622815620120625000109 . Many are having the same BIOS updating loop issue you indicate in your post. This appears to be an issue with some UD5 motherboards. I was researching a new MB for a new system build. I thought I would try the 8 core AMD bulldozer. I built a system using a Gigabyte P55A-UD7 and an Intel i5 750 Socket 1156 processor. I am very happy with this Mother board/ processor combination.

I decided to compare the differences between the 990 FXA UD5 and UD7. The UD5 has bios loop issues that seem to surface at approximately two months. The UD7 has power issues with revision 1 of the MB which makes over clocking difficult to impossible. Gigabyte has a revision 2 of the 990 FXA-UD7 motherboard, however, most posts on NewEgg indicate Gigabyte will not RMA the revision 1 board and replace it with revision 2 even though there is a known issue with the older board (Please review NewEgg customer reviews with one egg for the 990 FXA-UD7 motherboard).

It would be nice to learn if Gigabyte followed through with their promises to promptly correct the issues described in the various «one star» reviews on the NewEgg site.

My next Mother Board may not (will not) be a Gigabyte.

I wish I could purchase a MB and processor made in USA with USA components. The greedy PC manufacturers go to Third World Countries for cheap labor. Other World Computing has a product line of SSD’s that is made in USA. OWC will receive my business as soon as I decide which SSD best meets my needs. Please check out

Computer Power User Magazine’s (April or May 2012 issue) interview with the owner of OWC. It is good article and he explains why he builds his product in the USA.

Jul 29, 2012





  • #19

I had the same BIOS problem today on my GA-990FXA-UD3. Here’s what I did to fix it. I downloaded the latest BIOS from Gigabyte’s website for my motherboard. In this case I took my chances with a Beta version. Had nothing to lose. After flashing the BIOS error came up again then looped through once or twice, I can’t be sure on that because I was reading this thread ;) . Anyway, the next thing I know my screen stated «Loading Operating System» like always. But it would hang. Then I remembered I had my flash drive USB stick still in the back of the computer. I removed it and my computer booted as if there were no problems at all. I didn’t load any defaults or optimized defaults because I boot into Windows 7 Pro from a SSD which requires SATA to be set to AHDI *I think that’s what it is* so the defaults would fail to allow me to boot correctly. But, if you do boot from a hard drive, you may want to reset to optimized defaults. Anyone having this issue, try the latest BIOS update from Gigabytes website. Others may not work.

Hope you all get your systems running, if you haven’t already.

Take Care

Jun 23, 2013





  • #20

Removing the battery worked for me!
I have a Ga 970a-ud3 motherboard and I was having the same problem, but I removed the cmos batery and wait for 30 min +- and it worked =D

Jul 29, 2012





  • #21

Removing the battery worked for me!
I have a Ga 970a-ud3 motherboard and I was having the same problem, but I removed the cmos batery and wait for 30 min +- and it worked =D

Good to hear that your solution ended up being so simple as that. I tried that when I had the issue. It’s been close to a year now without BIOS errors. :) This has turned out to be one of the best mother boards I’ve ever used to build a system with. Take care

Jul 29, 2012





  • #22

Removing the battery worked for me!
I have a Ga 970a-ud3 motherboard and I was having the same problem, but I removed the cmos batery and wait for 30 min +- and it worked =D

Good to hear that your solution ended up being so simple as that. I tried that when I had the issue. It’s been close to a year now without BIOS errors. :) This has turned out to be one of the best mother boards I’ve ever used to build a system with. Take care

Jul 29, 2012





  • #23

Removing the battery worked for me!
I have a Ga 970a-ud3 motherboard and I was having the same problem, but I removed the cmos batery and wait for 30 min +- and it worked =D

Good to hear that your solution ended up being so simple as that. I tried that when I had the issue. It’s been close to a year now without BIOS errors. :) This has turned out to be one of the best mother boards I’ve ever used to build a system with. Take care

Mar 23, 2013





  • #24

Removing the battery worked for me!
I have a Ga 970a-ud3 motherboard and I was having the same problem, but I removed the cmos batery and wait for 30 min +- and it worked =D

Good to hear that your solution ended up being so simple as that. I tried that when I had the issue. It’s been close to a year now without BIOS errors. :) This has turned out to be one of the best mother boards I’ve ever used to build a system with. Take care

  • #25

Hello, I’ve bought a gaming computer online that contains a GA-970A-D3 Gigabyte motherboard.
I’ve been using it for about 2-3 months now without any problems. I did not update my BIOS or anything because I expected the website I bought this computer from (cyberpowerpc) to have already taken care of that. One night I shut off my computer, and the next day I turn on my computer, it boots as it normally would: the computer gives one beep, and I receive the logo message. But then, I receive this message:

Retrieving recovery source from HPA..HPA BIOS not available!!
Retreiving recovery source from Back BIOS…. Done!
Writing BIOS Image….. _____K OK

The part where I added the «_______» contains a number that increases
all the way to 4080K, and then the computer reboots and completely restarts this process.

Some extra information:
1)My PSU is not the issue as it’s a 700W Corsair Brand PSU. My PC originally came with a 700W PSU with a very bad brand (XtremeGear), so I replaced it with the Corsair the minute I got it (Which was 2-3 months ago XD)

2)I’ve already cleared my CMOS by both using the jumper, and removing the battery for 30 seconds with no success.

3)I don’t believe it is a wiring issue because it worked untouched for the 2-3 months that I have been using it.

4)The cursor is under «OK» when I am given this error message, but pressing ENTER or any other keys will not do anything.

5)I am still able to enter the BIOS menu from the logo screen.

6) I have Q-Flashed the BIOS from F6 to F7 and the problem still persists.

The only thing that I haven’t tried is replacing the battery, which I am planning on going over to CVS and buying one tomorrow, but I really don’t think the battery is the issue since I’ve only had this computer for 2-3 months.

I’ve tried to be as detailed as I can in order for someone on the forums to help me, but if there is any other information that you need, please reply and let me know. I have spending a very long time attempting many things to get this to work, and I’d really appreciate any help. ;)

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