Wave license error

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Как установить плагины Waves Complete — инструкция

*Все запуски установок, кидженов, патчеров делаются от имени администратора при любой установке и активации. Нигде и никакие папки откудакуда будет вестись установка на всем пути, по всему адресу, не должны содержать кириллистических знаков (исключения — системные папки типа Пользователи). Также, имя компьютера и учетная запись должны быть на латинице. В системе вы должны находится на правах администратора. В системе для этих плагинов у вас должны быть установлены Microsoft Visual C++ 2005-2008-2010-2012-2013-2015-2017, а также .NET Framework. Не нужно создавать матрешки из 15 папок и качать туда. Из-за длинных имен файлов папок будет ошибка при установке. Качайте в корень диска.

Удалить предыдущую версию. Очистить систему от всех оставшихся папок и все записи в реестре.

(C:Program FilesCommon FilesVST3 — WaveShell1-VST3.
C:Program FilesVSTPlugins — WaveShell1-VST.
C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesVST3 — WaveShell1-VST3.
C:Program Files (x86)Common Files — WPAPI
C:Program Files (x86)VstPlugins — WaveShell1-VST.
C:Program Files (x86) — Waves , Waves Central
C:UsersИМЯ — .Waves Central
C:UsersИМЯAppDataLocal — Waves Audio
C:UsersИМЯAppDataRoaming — Waves Audio
C:UsersPublic — Waves Audio)

1. Установить Install_Waves_Central.exe
2. Запустить его c:Program FilesWaves CentralWaves Central.exe
3. Нажать Оffline Installer, затем на Browse под строкой Install from an Offline installer и выбрать папку РАЗДАЧА:WC.НОМЕР ВЕРСИИWIN
4. Выбрать желаемые плагины из списка кроме любых библиотек (где будут надписи напротив — SD или HD должны быть серыми, не подсвеченными синим)

и в правой части окна нажать на кнопку Install.

5. После окончания установки скопировать папку WavesLicenseEngine.bundle из раздачи с заменой в C:ProgramDataWaves AudioModules

Рекомендуемый список плагинов для установки:

StudioRack, Abbey Road Collection, Abbey Road Studio 3, Mercury, SSL 4000 Collection, OVox Vocal ReSynthesis, Content Creator Audio Toolkit, DTS Neural™ Surround Collection, NX.bundle
и инструменты
Flow Motion.bundle
Bass Slapper.bundle
Библиотеки для инструментов качаются отдельно. При выборе что устанавливать, библиотеки не выбираются, если вы не планируете использовать инструменты. Если же планируете и хотите, чтобы библиотеки установились сразу вместе с плагинами, тогда скачанную папку Instrument Data с ними перед установкой нужно поместить в . РаздачаWaves.12.Complete.vXXXXWavesInstallersV12, и в этом случае их надо отметить в Wave Central.

Если в FL отображаются только WaveShell
В менеджере плагинов ФЛ добавьте ещё одну дополнительную папку с VST плагинами по пути C:Program Files (x86)WavesPlug-Ins V12, затем пересканируйте плагины принудительно.

Во время установки появляется ошибка «sorry an error has occurred during installation»
Удалить папку cash (РАЗДАЧАWaves — 12 Complete vXXXDatacache)

Forum rules

ALL posts made in this forum are ‘Private‘ so that only you and staff can see them. This allows sharing of personal data, projects and other information. Posts are generally made public after they are marked ‘Solved’ AND there was no personal data contained in them. If you don’t want your post made public let the team know.

We know it’s frustrating when things don’t work. However, please help us to help you by following these suggestions:

  1. Update — Before trying anything else. Download and install the latest version of FL Studio from here. Your bug may be fixed already!
  2. Update plugins — If you are using 3rd party plugins. Look at crash logs for their names. Install the latest version for any you spot. See also Plugins Behaving Badly
  3. Simple clear explanation — Explain what you are doing, or trying to do, and exactly what is happening.
  4. Specific information — a) FL Studio version & build number, b) what you are doing and what happens exactly, c) step-by-step instructions how reproduce the problem.
  5. Screenshots — Another great way to demonstrate issues. Get a free screenshot app here. Include images using the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
  6. A video — The best way of demonstrating many issues. Windows 10 includes an integrated screen recorder, see here OR get a free free recorder here. Include mp4 videos to your post from the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
  7. Use English — Google Translate your post. Short simple sentences in your original language translate best. We are happy to work this way, no need to worry.

Waves Licensing Error

Hello, when I try to open some of my older projects that have a lot of tracks, instruments and Fx, everything loads fine except my Waves Plugins. I get an error message saying. «Waves Licensing Error» (Waves Plugin does not have a license. Please Check that you have a valid license.) It will do this for every waves plugin that is used in the project.

All of my waves plugins are updated and registered perfectly. They will load up on any new sessions and any older ones that don’t have a lot of tracks and memory usage.

Again, its ONLY when opening projects with high memory usage (Memory usage is high but not maxed out).

If anyone has had this problem and fixed it please let me know.

I have to go back and change a few tracks for a client but I can’t get into these sessions. This error message is causing me to lose money and reputation.
As every producer knows, its an absolute necessity to be able to open up older projects to tweak for their clients, so this problem needs to be fixed.


  • #1

Случайно обновил что-то в Waves Central и теперь все плагины от них говорят, что лицензия не найдена. Что делать: полностью сносить и переустанавливать или всё же есть способ активировать лицензию?

  • #2

И вы не подумайте, что я издеваюсь. Всё надо бэкапить.
А что теперь делать — хз.

  • #3

Случайно обновил что-то в Waves Central и теперь все плагины от них говорят, что лицензия не найдена. Что делать: полностью сносить и переустанавливать или всё же есть способ активировать лицензию?

Не был ли включен какой-нибудь VPN при прошлой установке, который при обновлении не был задействован (или наоборот). У меня была проблема из-за VPN. Собственно, она и сейчас есть. С выключенным VPN плагины не загружаются.
Читайте их FAQ на сайте. Там очень много ответов на всевозможные варианты проблем.

  • #4

Случайно обновил что-то в Waves Central и теперь все плагины от них говорят, что лицензия не найдена. Что делать: полностью сносить и переустанавливать или всё же есть способ активировать лицензию?

Похожая ситуация была с плагинами от артурии, решилось деактивацией с удалением папки из ProgramData и затем повторной активацией

  • #5

Последнее редактирование: 16 Дек 2021

  • #6

если типа жёсткий и материнка не менялись, то просто войдите в waves central, соединитесь с интерном … и всё активируется автоматом.

Ага, но при этом не должно меняться сетевое оборудование, а оно меняется даже на софтовом уровне, поэтому лицухи могли слететь и из-за этого.

Waves 13

Поехали. Первый подтвердившийся баг: Кирилица в имени учётной записи Виндоус 11 приводит к появлению сообщений Рантайм еррор и далее следует крэш Рипера. Решение от поддержки Waves — создание учётки на Латинице или откат к 12 версии плагинов. Обещают исправить в следующем обновление. Надеюсь не…



  • #7

@darbi, у вас лицензия или народная версия? По симптомам похоже на народную.

Константин Викторович

  • #8

Я по этому никогда купленное ваще ничего не обновляю. Потом проект какой-нить слетит, как у меня было с вэйвсом. Слетели все настройки в проекте на дефолтные, и потом заного трек пиши, а деньги уже взял по предоплате). Нах, зарёкся вообще глубоко на это дело. Причём ты за этот гемморой ещё и заплатил!

  1. magnaproxy


    Jul 10, 2016
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    I’m currently using Windows 7 Ultimate with Cubase 8 Pro.

    I’ve been using 9r21 for a while and decided to update it to the most recent ones, but no matter what I do, I’m still getting license errors…

    I’ve done everything described in the txt, but still no luck.

    I did get the 12 digit number for the comp, and I correctly generated the wlc file in the correct directory.

    Still nothing.

    I’ve erased my registry, cleaned every waves related folder and content, but still nothing…

    Could anyone help me out with the steps?

  2. Lepow


    Sep 12, 2015
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    doode, i’ve been using a usb stick, cause i didn’t know that disabling all my network cards would let me out of the bus.

    make sure you have at least wired card enabled, as i also like to let the machine offline, but that way at least it can grab your mac address.
    Also you will need MSVCR110.dll / MSVCP110.dll — Microsoft Visual C + + 2012 (or else the waves component wont be able to run — shout to waves)

    now if you run «show devices» application it will show you something, then just run the keygen and input the code there and enjoy, thanks r2r!

    oh yeah, i’m stoned, and forgot: copy the file to Waves/Licenses folder at %programData% i think, it’s same directory where you find the show me devices application.

  3. magnaproxy


    Jul 10, 2016
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    Uh.. thanks for the reply, but I can’t understand a word you’re saying.

    You said copy the file to Waves/Licences folder, right? But which files are you talking about?

  4. jaymo99

    Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    when you run the ID finder it puts a txt file in C:/program data/waves /Licences that contains your ID number…copy that and put it into the key gen… the Key gen opens a window on where to save the licence… navigate to where that txt file is (default is C:/program data/waves /Licences) and click save
    1. with this version you do not need or should you have waves central installed
    2. program data is a hidden folder so make sure show hidden files & folders is active.

    you should be ok then also make sure keygen is set to machine . small top right drop down window before generating the licence.
    You should be good then

    #### also run everything as admin when installing

  5. are you using a 32bit daw in a 64bit windows? if yes then you need to download a hotfix

    this one

    i had the a problem with my license too, legit one even, installed that hotfix and problem was solved

  6. magnaproxy


    Jul 10, 2016
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    There is no setting for «machine». It’s either comp or key. Tried both. It specifies on the cmd anyway.
    I’m starting to get suspicious of whether or not you’ve read my post properly. I’ve written the exact thing you described, and it still didn’t work.


    Is that something similar to JBridge?
    Thanks, I’ll try that out.

  7. no it’s a hotfix for windows, give it a shot it might work. i was able to find my plugins in my daw but when i tried to load them they couldnt find a license. this hotfix fixed that

  8. jaymo99

    Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
    Likes Received:

    Sorry by machine i meant Comp

  9. Lepow


    Sep 12, 2015
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    some can’t read, interpret text nor install software…

  10. magnaproxy


    Jul 10, 2016
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    I just went with the version that has waves central, and it was by far the easiest installation of Waves I’ve ever had to go through.
    Works perfectly on my Pro Tools 12 and Cubase 8 Pro.

    Thanks for the replies guys.

  11. OldSchoolFox


    Sep 25, 2016
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    can you please tell me how did you manage to install waves 9v30 so that pro tools 12 didnt ask for license … i think i am gonna start cryin

  12. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it

  13. AmilaM


    Oct 11, 2016
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    Hey man, i think still u dont have any help for this thing, try mine, ive done it and this will work for u charm,
    turn on the network drives and internet on ur pc and try again!!

  14. Lepow


    Sep 12, 2015
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    «Fuck me running»! Guys, it’s so simple, come on!

    1 — just grab the most recent release (Waves Complete v2016.08.31 Incl Patched and Keygen-R2R)
    2 — it’s simplified installation now, just run the installer. (Setup Waves Complete v2016.08.31.exe)
    3 — Ok everything installed. Now pay attention:
    3a — DISABLE your MAIN network card, i have 2 on my laptop, wireless and wired. since i use the wireless to access the internet and WE don’t wan’t that, right? (you have to let one available)
    SO we let the other (in my case WIRED — enabled — still tho there’s no ethernet cable plugged it’s just the interface available at «Network and Sharing» on Control Panel — that way you have a mac adrress available to the keygen work)
    3b — Now you grab that Mac address and use it to generate the keygen.
    3c — Move that generated file to C:Program DataWaves Audio LICENSES (just create the folder)

    if it didn’t work this time, fuck knows

04-15-2015, 07:27 AM


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Waves License Error

hi all
when adding waves plugins this message randomly show up
is anyone having the same trouble?

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04-15-2015, 07:54 AM


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did you remember to plug your waves USB stick in & have you authorised that particular plug in you waves account?

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04-15-2015, 07:57 AM


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Originally Posted by ivansc
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did you remember to plug your waves USB stick in & have you authorised that particular plug in you waves account?

I have a full license on my local device … v9r24 worked just fine… this is happening since v9r25… now i’m on v9r26…

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05-31-2015, 09:15 AM


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Same Problem

I have the same problem. Until now I only recieved this message now and then. After restarting Reaper I didnt get the message again. Today this is a permanent issue. Even restarting reaper or my computer doesnt help. Rescanning isnt possible…

Do you know what�s the issue here?

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05-31-2015, 10:08 AM


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I reinstalled Licence Center and plugins and the problem remains. I get an error message for my doubler and H-delay plugins. Funny thing about it is the doubler is part of a bundle. Every other plugin out of the bundle can be loaded. H-delay I bought separately.

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06-02-2015, 09:24 AM


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cool. nobody cares. Whatever

So far my contact to the Waves support didnt help. I noticed that my bridged 64 bit waves plugins do not make any trouble. It is only with my 32 bit plugins in 32 bit Reaper.

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06-02-2015, 10:46 AM


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Originally Posted by DCS
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cool. nobody cares. Whatever

So far my contact to the Waves support didnt help. I noticed that my bridged 64 bit waves plugins do not make any trouble. It is only with my 32 bit plugins in 32 bit Reaper.

Pretty much the only response you’ll get from Waves is, «Oh, you use REAPER? We don’t support that.»

There have been MANY issues regarding WAVES and Reaper addressed in this forum. Try doing a search and see what you come up with. At best, it’s hit and miss. Some people get the plugs working and some don’t.

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06-04-2015, 10:25 AM


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Hi Jeff

thanks for the reply. I ve seen some further threads but I coulnt find a solution. The Waves support wrote two standard mails with how to deinstall and reinstall and because that didnt help I received a third mail with the info they couldnt help cause I use reaper. I have a lot other third company plugins — no problem with any of those. The good thing is for every Waves Plugin there is a good alternative on the market…

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06-27-2015, 10:45 AM


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I am running into this too, Waves is no help.

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06-27-2015, 07:45 PM


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sometimes I have found it comes down to which version of waves you have installed. Ask waves for some previous versions if you don;t have them, install one at a time and see which one works best. I was on 9.18 for a while but could not get one pumper working ever. Finally on 9.25 all are working fine

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12-10-2015, 08:25 AM


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IMPORTANT!! only use a copy of the project file…plz

The problem is with different Wave-shell version 9.0,9.2 9.12 32bit 64bit in your session…I had to open up the project file in NOTEPAD (REAPER ONLY..Luv!!) and change each in instance of waves plugins to «WaveShell-VST 9.6_x64.dll» the version I had a license for…kinda of tedious but worked..and now that all my waves plugins are not bridge and the same wave-shell no more problems runs super efficient!!

One Tip: Use Find & Replace all… searches the entire document and replaces a string of exact letters…much faster…Notepad++ Find in Files

Last edited by K-BooGiE!; 12-10-2015 at 09:00 AM.

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11-07-2016, 12:52 PM


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I just installed Waves Center latest version and the plugins I own yesterday. Was working fine yesterday. All authorized to my local C drive.

Today this error popped up. Highly frustrating! This is in Cubase but I bet the same error happens in Reaper.

When I open Waves Central it shows my licenses are in Disconnected Device — Local Disk C. WTF? I can’t even access them to send them to another destination.

Last edited by keyman_sam; 11-07-2016 at 12:58 PM.

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waves license engine is missing что делать

I have the same problem. Until now I only recieved this message now and then. After restarting Reaper I didnt get the message again. Today this is a permanent issue. Even restarting reaper or my computer doesnt help. Rescanning isnt possible.

Do you know whatґs the issue here?

cool. nobody cares. Whatever

So far my contact to the Waves support didnt help. I noticed that my bridged 64 bit waves plugins do not make any trouble. It is only with my 32 bit plugins in 32 bit Reaper.

cool. nobody cares. Whatever

So far my contact to the Waves support didnt help. I noticed that my bridged 64 bit waves plugins do not make any trouble. It is only with my 32 bit plugins in 32 bit Reaper.

Pretty much the only response you’ll get from Waves is, «Oh, you use REAPER? We don’t support that.»

There have been MANY issues regarding WAVES and Reaper addressed in this forum. Try doing a search and see what you come up with. At best, it’s hit and miss. Some people get the plugs working and some don’t.

IMPORTANT!! only use a copy of the project file. plz

The problem is with different Wave-shell version 9.0,9.2 9.12 32bit 64bit in your session. I had to open up the project file in NOTEPAD (REAPER ONLY..Luv!!) and change each in instance of waves plugins to «WaveShell-VST 9.6_x64.dll» the version I had a license for. kinda of tedious but worked..and now that all my waves plugins are not bridge and the same wave-shell no more problems runs super efficient!!

One Tip: Use Find & Replace all. searches the entire document and replaces a string of exact letters. much faster. Notepad++ Find in Files

I just installed Waves Center latest version and the plugins I own yesterday. Was working fine yesterday. All authorized to my local C drive.

Today this error popped up. Highly frustrating! This is in Cubase but I bet the same error happens in Reaper.


Waves license engine is missing что делать

waves license engine is missing что делать

I have the same problem. Until now I only recieved this message now and then. After restarting Reaper I didnt get the message again. Today this is a permanent issue. Even restarting reaper or my computer doesnt help. Rescanning isnt possible.

Do you know whatґs the issue here?

cool. nobody cares. Whatever

So far my contact to the Waves support didnt help. I noticed that my bridged 64 bit waves plugins do not make any trouble. It is only with my 32 bit plugins in 32 bit Reaper.

cool. nobody cares. Whatever

So far my contact to the Waves support didnt help. I noticed that my bridged 64 bit waves plugins do not make any trouble. It is only with my 32 bit plugins in 32 bit Reaper.

Pretty much the only response you’ll get from Waves is, «Oh, you use REAPER? We don’t support that.»

There have been MANY issues regarding WAVES and Reaper addressed in this forum. Try doing a search and see what you come up with. At best, it’s hit and miss. Some people get the plugs working and some don’t.

IMPORTANT!! only use a copy of the project file. plz

The problem is with different Wave-shell version 9.0,9.2 9.12 32bit 64bit in your session. I had to open up the project file in NOTEPAD (REAPER ONLY..Luv!!) and change each in instance of waves plugins to «WaveShell-VST 9.6_x64.dll» the version I had a license for. kinda of tedious but worked..and now that all my waves plugins are not bridge and the same wave-shell no more problems runs super efficient!!

One Tip: Use Find & Replace all. searches the entire document and replaces a string of exact letters. much faster. Notepad++ Find in Files

I just installed Waves Center latest version and the plugins I own yesterday. Was working fine yesterday. All authorized to my local C drive.

Today this error popped up. Highly frustrating! This is in Cubase but I bet the same error happens in Reaper.


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waves license engine is missing что делать

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Waves license engine is missing что делать

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Waves Licensing Error

Hello, when I try to open some of my older projects that have a lot of tracks, instruments and Fx, everything loads fine except my Waves Plugins. I get an error message saying. «Waves Licensing Error» (Waves Plugin does not have a license. Please Check that you have a valid license.) It will do this for every waves plugin that is used in the project.

All of my waves plugins are updated and registered perfectly. They will load up on any new sessions and any older ones that don’t have a lot of tracks and memory usage.

Again, its ONLY when opening projects with high memory usage (Memory usage is high but not maxed out).

If anyone has had this problem and fixed it please let me know.

I have to go back and change a few tracks for a client but I can’t get into these sessions. This error message is causing me to lose money and reputation.
As every producer knows, its an absolute necessity to be able to open up older projects to tweak for their clients, so this problem needs to be fixed.


Waves license engine is missing что делать

I had a scarily similar issue with all Waves products over a year ago, and the Waves support response, after a few days, was to do a remote takeover (Teamviewer type thing) and «have a look around.

I have retired my Waves plugins.

. they basically laughed and told me that they were fairly confident that the problem was user error.

. I strongly urge you to start looking for replacement plugins. They are out there, and most are even better than what you had.

I retired the Waves plug-ins too. My iZotope tools are much better, and much more ethical in their business revenue/support model.

I retired the Waves plug-ins too. My iZotope tools are much better, and much more ethical in their business revenue/support model.

There is a way to load your project with all FX disabled to prevent crashing out on initialization.

I forget exactly what it is, but I seem to remember something like holding alt or something when opening reaper or something like that. There is a way for sure. I’ve had to do that before.

There is a way to load your project with all FX disabled to prevent crashing out on initialization.

I forget exactly what it is, but I seem to remember something like holding alt or something when opening reaper or something like that. There is a way for sure. I’ve had to do that before.

hay hay my my you all making me scared about waves, im completely opposite I tried all other plugins until I started using waves now I just dont bother with other plugins my go to plugins are waves.

on another note where is your license kept i did not see that or maybe I missed it, even if you have changed your net work card you should still be able to use waves, if licenses is on USB you can put them on cloud, sort your machine dude then bring them back,

waves are not that silly to think that we dont change components on our system, or even build a new system, or even system brake down, buying software online is very dodgy but there are some safe guards we can do.

I have removed two HD from my system and I still have waves working.

I can totally understand when things get messed up we wont to blame the product and tell them its your fault, my systems perfect its got to be the products fault,

We do a lot of things our self on our workstation a kind of do it your self but if you were in a company system you could not and will not be able to touch that machine if it brakes down or there was an error, the company would call in technicians who understands all the information about software and PC.

there are some of us me included that install software and close our eyes and hope for the best, not understanding conflicts or what adverse effect it can have on other programs on our system.

Some times when we install things a window item pops up and says this product is not registered and it may do harm to your system, how many of us have had those warnings but we still go ahead and install it anyway because we just got to have it.

few weeks down the line some thing stops working and we forgot about all those warning pop ups

So of course when we go back to the supplier they dont want to know, they cant be sure what crap we have on our system of course they will say get out of here dude.

Can you pay every time something goes wrong with your system can you pay a technician to rectify it some of us cant but that is what software demands that you get the right person to do the job some one who understands the ins and outs, but hay where living in the real world you say, well its not what software says.

there are to many questions to be answered before we can just blame one product and a hundred 1000 people our using that same product with out problems.

hay hay my my you all making me scared about waves, im completely opposite I tried all other plugins until I started using waves now I just dont bother with other plugins my go to plugins are waves.

on another note where is your license kept i did not see that or maybe I missed it, even if you have changed your net work card you should still be able to use waves, if licenses is on USB you can put them on cloud, sort your machine dude then bring them back,

waves are not that silly to think that we dont change components on our system, or even build a new system, or even system brake down, buying software online is very dodgy but there are some safe guards we can do.

I have removed two HD from my system and I still have waves working.

I can totally understand when things get messed up we wont to blame the product and tell them its your fault, my systems perfect its got to be the products fault,

We do a lot of things our self on our workstation a kind of do it your self but if you were in a company system you could not and will not be able to touch that machine if it brakes down or there was an error, the company would call in technicians who understands all the information about software and PC.

there are some of us me included that install software and close our eyes and hope for the best, not understanding conflicts or what adverse effect it can have on other programs on our system.

Some times when we install things a window item pops up and says this product is not registered and it may do harm to your system, how many of us have had those warnings but we still go ahead and install it anyway because we just got to have it.

few weeks down the line some thing stops working and we forgot about all those warning pop ups

So of course when we go back to the supplier they dont want to know, they cant be sure what crap we have on our system of course they will say get out of here dude.

Can you pay every time something goes wrong with your system can you pay a technician to rectify it some of us cant but that is what software demands that you get the right person to do the job some one who understands the ins and outs, but hay where living in the real world you say, well its not what software says.

there are to many questions to be answered before we can just blame one product and a hundred 1000 people our using that same product with out problems.


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