Waves runtime error

Не могу установить плагины в waves central в пакет Waves complete ( FL studio) 5 Гб) на жесткий диск с образа и у меня пошла установка Мне помогли установить вот эти рекомендации: Удалите папку Cash из установочной папки*Все запуски установок, кидженов, патчеров делаются от имени администратора при любой установке и активации. Нигде и никакие […]


  1. Не могу установить плагины в waves central в пакет Waves complete ( FL studio)
  2. Waves Central — новая система регистрациискачивания (1 онлайн
  3. Wham_48
  4. Waves central ошибка при установке
  5. Waves central ошибка при установке

Не могу установить плагины в waves central в пакет Waves complete ( FL studio)

5 Гб) на жесткий диск с образа и у меня пошла установка

Мне помогли установить вот эти рекомендации:

Удалите папку Cash из установочной папки
*Все запуски установок, кидженов, патчеров делаются от имени администратора при любой установке и активации. Нигде и никакие папки откудакуда будет вестись установка на всем пути, по всему адресу, не должны содержать кириллистических знаков (исключения — системные папки типа Пользователи). Также, имя компьютера и учетная запись должны быть на латинице. В системе вы должны находится на правах администратора. В системе по умолчанию и без обсуждений для этих плагинов у вас должны быть установлены Microsoft Visual C++ 2005-2008-2010-2012-2013-2015-2017. Не нужно создавать матрешки из 15 папок и качать туда. Из-за длинных имен файлов папок будет ошибка при установке. Качайте в корень диска.
Удалить предыдущую версию. Очистить систему от всех оставшихся папок и все записи в реестре.
(C:Program FilesCommon FilesVST3 — WaveShell1-VST3…
C:Program FilesVSTPlugins — WaveShell1-VST…
C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesVST3 — WaveShell1-VST3…
C:Program Files (x86)Common Files — WPAPI
C:Program Files (x86)VstPlugins — WaveShell1-VST…
C:Program Files (x86) — Waves, Waves Central
C:UsersИМЯ — .Waves Central
C:UsersИМЯAppDataLocal — Waves Audio
C:UsersИМЯAppDataRoaming — Waves Audio
C:UsersPublic — Waves Audio)


Waves Central — новая система регистрациискачивания (1 онлайн


Sneiro Member

Пробую сейчас поставить на чистую систему (Win7 64бит), глючная софтина всё ещё. Решил попробовать создать оффлайн инсталлер, выбрал сингл-продукт, уазал папку куда сохранить — вроде запомнило. Чтото скачивало-скачивало, выдало комплит. В итоге в указанной папке ничего не обнаружил, исчу вот куда оно чего скинуло.. И это явно системный раздел, т.к. места там поуменьшилось. И не в основной папке вейвсов (C:Program Files (x86)Waves), а фиг знает где.
Вообще плохо то что теперь уже изначально (при установке етого централа) всё валится на системный раздел.
Блин, раньше всё было просто, оффлайн инсталлер и клиент для регистрации. Сейчас я так понимаю такой возможности уже непредвидется (чтоб для последних версий плагинов).
Гемор какойто вейвсы придумали.

UP Во, и чувак на квр пишет что после последнего апдейта через централ ID плагина поменялся ))) «Now my projects with automation data won’t work propertly» http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=451130#p6305804
Вообще весело.

UP2 После инсталяции того что скачал, всё это инсталится в корень стстемного раздела в папку Waves, без возможности выбора (?)

Навсякий, после всего этого, вейвс оказывается в следующих местах:
C:ProgramDataWaves Audio
C:Program Files (x86)Waves
C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesWPAPI

Короче снёс всю эту хрень нафиг (причём все папки с кучей файлов после унинстала остались на своих местах, вручную надо вычищать), поставлю обратно V9r30.


Waves central ошибка при установке

Waves плагины. Проблемы с установкой.

Джеиймс Дата: Понедельник, 07.09.2015, 18:58 | Сообщение # 1

Здравствуйте, работаю в Кубейсе 7, столкнулась с проблемой: стояли раньше плагины Waves v9r26, все отлично работало, но вскоре полетел ноут (ничего особенного, просто шлейф от матрицы отошел) я разобрала, починила. Оказалось, что Кубейс перестал видеть прагины, он при запуске выкидывал окна по поводу этих плагинов. раньше уже было такое, я полность сбивала весь ноут ( возврат к заводским настройкам, ну и естественно все все данные были стерты). Сейчас решила попробовала переустановить плагины — удалила все, на компе ничего не осталось от них, но при установки нового пакета ( при закуске установщика) выдает ошибку — Runtime error. Версию меняла — тоже не помогает. может кто сталкивался с подобной проблемой?

вот фото окна с ошибкой

Elaim Дата: Понедельник, 07.09.2015, 19:21 | Сообщение # 2

Нашел статью: Как исправить «runtime error»?

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Waves central ошибка при установке

I had a heck of time upgrading to Waves 9.6 last week. I finally got everything installed and running. DRM and obfuscation is truly a wonderful thing for users (NOT). I’ll note that you now have no choice as to where the Waves plugs are installed.

You think I would have learned my lesson, but I got another Waves plug during their Cyber Monday sale today, used Waves Central to install & authorize it — and it did not show up in REAPER! «Rescan» — nothing. >:-(

After some thrashing, I found out (on Windows x64) that if you delete all the «WavesShell_VST_9.6. » lines from reaper-vstplugins64.ini and restart REAPER the new plugs appear. I suspect that just removing the «WaveShell_VST_9.6_x64.dll=123456789,0, » line would do it. My theory is that now that everything runs through WavesShell, you have to ‘touch’ WavesShell so REAPER calls it’s init routine, which I suspect is the only time WS looks for new plugs.

Hope this helps others who find themselves in the same situation. I’m fairly sure (for the masochists) «Delete VST cache and re-scan» would also work.

it seems that users have trouble to install Waves plugins. A few explanations may be helpful.
This is how it works:

On Windows, the Waves installer copies all required files (DLL and others) into an installation directory
named «c:Program FilesWaves» (32 bit OS) or «c:Program Files(x86)Waves» (64 bit OS).

The Waves installation folder contains a subfolder named «Waveshells».

The Waveshell gives you access to all Waves plugins. It is like a single DLL file that contains all Waves plugins.
Several versions are available:

  • WaveShell-VST 9.6.dll . VST2 plugins for 32 bit DAW
  • WaveShell-VST 9.6_x64.dll . VST2 plugins for 64 bit DAW
  • WaveShell-VST3 9.6.vst3 . VST3 plugins for 32 bit DAW
  • WaveShell-VST3 9.6_x64.vst3 . VST3 plugins for 64 bit DAW

In short, you must copy the required WaveShell file to your plugins folder.

Proceed as follows in order to use Waves VST2 plugins:

1. Locate your VST plugins folder (e.g. c:VstPlugins)

2. In this folder, create a subfolder named «Waves»

3. Copy the required Waveshell DLL file into this subfolder

Certain Waves VST2 plugins offer sidechain functionality. These plugins
feature an [SC] icon in the upper left corner, next to the Waves logo.

Examples: C1 comp, C1 gate, RCompressor, InPhase.

Click the [SC] icon in the upper left corner of the plugin to switch from internal
to external gain reduction detection.
[SC] black = internal detection; [SC] orange = sidechain inputs used for detection.

Proceed as follows in order to use Waves VST3 plugins:

1. Locate the VST3 folder
«c:Program FilesCommon FilesVST3» (normal case)
«c:Program Files(x86)Common FilesVST3» (special case: 64 bit OS with 32 bit DAW)

2. In this folder, create a subfolder named «Waves»

3. Copy the required Waveshell VST3 file into this subfolder

Certain Waves VST3 plugins offer sidechain funtionality.

Examples: C1 comp, C1 gate, RCompressor, InPhase, VocalRider

The «plug-in pin connector» window is used to switch from internal to
external gain reduction detection. Sidechain inputs are used for detection
if they are connected in the connector window. Otherwise the normal input
signal determines gain reduction.

Make sure that the VST plugins folder (and optionally also the VST3 plugins folder) is specified in the Reaper VST preferences. After [Clear cache/re-scan], Reaper will show all installed Waves plugins although only the related Waveshell has been scanned.

That sort of confirms what I was thinking. However, from my experiences so far REAPER will not «see» new plugins added unless you get it to call the WaveShell initialization routine (by removing the WaveShell from the appropriate plugin INI file or doing a full clear cache + rescan)

Edit: I just retested this and confirmed new WaveShell plugs don’t show up in REAPER until you remove the «WaveShell_VST_9.6_x64.dll=0123456789,0, » line from the reaper-vstplugins64.ini file. I haven’t tested the ‘clear cache and rescan’ theory yet (and hope not to!)

Also I find I often get weird errors in Waves Central unless I start it using ‘Run as Administrator.’

it seems that users have trouble to install Waves plugins. A few explanations may be helpful.
This is how it works:

I assume you are from Waves?

well, your explanations are another reason why I dont use Waves and will not use Waves plugins.

is there another way thinkable to install plugins without all that hassle? how do other developers do it? is it really wise, to force an installation path on the user?? there are so many reasons to have the plugins NOT on C:

but you professional developers (with that prices for plugins) are not able to develop an installer that lets the user choose? or are you not willing to do so? ok, then its your problem. you will loose customer after customer, because Waves is since some time not the top of the cream anymore, if it anytime was the top at all, what I really doubt.

this whole thing is ridiculous. I wanted to jump on the black friday plugin, saw that I would have to install Waves central, read a little bit about it and thought to myself: well, f*** Waves reverb, there are other that are at least equally good.

time will come and time will tell. but that thread and especially that post is telling that everyone should be think about Waves twice and if in doubt, leave it out. Waves is for me of no interest, and I think, that many others feel the same.

maybe you at Waves rethink what you are doing. hope it for you.

I assume you are from Waves?

well, your explanations are another reason why I dont use Waves and will not use Waves plugins.

is there another way thinkable to install plugins without all that hassle? how do other developers do it? is it really wise, to force an installation path on the user?? there are so many reasons to have the plugins NOT on C:

but you professional developers (with that prices for plugins) are not able to develop an installer that lets the user choose? or are you not willing to do so? ok, then its your problem. you will loose customer after customer, because Waves is since some time not the top of the cream anymore, if it anytime was the top at all, what I really doubt.

this whole thing is ridiculous. I wanted to jump on the black friday plugin, saw that I would have to install Waves central, read a little bit about it and thought to myself: well, f*** Waves reverb, there are other that are at least equally good.

time will come and time will tell. but that thread and especially that post is telling that everyone should be think about Waves twice and if in doubt, leave it out. Waves is for me of no interest, and I think, that many others feel the same.

maybe you at Waves rethink what you are doing. hope it for you.

Here is some person that may have been from waves, from what I see what he or she was trying to do was give help and advice.

When the hell are we going to start entreating people instead of dissing people.

Not every one has had a bad experience with waves and they that have had a bad experience are still using waves plugins.

many do use waves and many dont, but its not only waves that some have bad experiences there are many plugins that people have bad experiences with.

I for one have not had that many bad experiences with waves and even now with waves central am finding it very quick and easy to install and use plugins, when i here of some of the problems people have i am baffled, because I just dont get them,

truth is you really dont need waves central to install your plugins, only there newly made plugins you will need waves central.

From what I am being told waves is soon going to be supporting reaper just like they started supporting FL.

But one thing must be said if we are representing a reaper forum then we must make people welcome, and if there trying to help then except it, it may not have helped you but it would have helped some one else.

The cyber world is huge it would be quite impossible not to have a bad experience with plugins and vsts instruments,

If you were working for waves and you were told to distribute a product a certain way thats what you need to do.

Alot of this difficulty in dongles and licenses, and it only can be installed here or there came because of thieves people who steal software and crack software and share it with all there friends,

Yes it can still be cracked but it makes it a little more difficult.

So lets give the guys from waves a little brake, they have really contributed to the musical needs of thousands of music producers, given great quality of plugins and have pushed the boundary of plugin creation, and emulation, lets stop bad mouthing these company’s on this reaper forum it does not look right and it does not represent me and many more people who are involved in this forum.


Last Updated: 07/03/2022
[Reading Time Required: 3.5 minutes]

Waves.dls is considered a type of Downloadable Sounds file. It is most-commonly used in Midnight Club II demo demo developed by Rockstar Games. It uses the DLS file extension and is considered a RIFF (Downloadable Sounds) file.

The first version of waves.dls was released for the Windows 10 Operating System on 07/23/2003 inside Midnight Club II demo demo.

This is the most recent release date from Rockstar Games, according to our records.

In this short article, you will discover detailed file information, steps for troubleshooting DLS file problems with waves.dls, and list of free downloads for every version that exists in our comprehensive file directory.

What are waves.dls Error Messages?

General waves.dls Runtime Errors

Waves.dls file errors often occur during the startup phase of Midnight Club II demo, but can also occur while the program is running.
These types DLS errors are also known as “runtime errors” because they occur while Midnight Club II demo is running. Here are some of the most common waves.dls runtime errors:

  • waves.dls could not be found.
  • waves.dls error.
  • waves.dls failed to load.
  • Error loading waves.dls.
  • Failed to register waves.dls / Cannot register waves.dls.
  • Runtime Error — waves.dls.
  • The file waves.dls is missing or corrupt.

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Runtime Error!

Program: C:Program Files (x86)Rockstar GamesMidnight Club II DemoaudioDirectMusicPCwaves.dls

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application’s support team for more information.

Most DLS errors are due to missing or corrupt files. Your waves.dls file could be missing due to accidental deletion, uninstalled as a shared file of another program (shared with Midnight Club II demo), or deleted by a malware infection. Furthermore, waves.dls file corruption could be caused from a power outage when loading Midnight Club II demo, system crash while loading or saving waves.dls, bad sectors on your storage media (usually your primary hard drive), or malware infection. Thus, it’s critical to make sure your anti-virus is kept up-to-date and scanning regularly.

How to Fix waves.dls Errors in 3 Steps (Time to complete: ~5-15 minutes)

If you’re encountering one of the error messages above, follow these troubleshooting steps to resolve your waves.dls issue. These troubleshooting steps are listed in the recommended order of execution.

Step 1: Restore your PC back to the latest restore point, «snapshot», or backup image before error occurred.

To begin System Restore (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10):

  1. Hit the Windows Start button
  2. When you see the search box, type «System Restore» and press «ENTER«.
  3. In the search results, find and click System Restore.
  4. Please enter the administrator password (if applicable / prompted).
  5. Follow the steps in the System Restore Wizard to choose a relevant restore point.
  6. Restore your computer to that backup image.

If the Step 1 fails to resolve the waves.dls error, please proceed to the Step 2 below.

Step 2: If recently installed Midnight Club II demo (or related software), uninstall then try reinstalling Midnight Club II demo software.

You can uninstall Midnight Club II demo software by following these instructions (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10):

  1. Hit the Windows Start button
  2. In the search box, type «Uninstall» and press «ENTER«.
  3. In the search results, find and click «Add or Remove Programs«
  4. Find the entry for Midnight Club II demo demo and click «Uninstall«
  5. Follow the prompts for uninstallation.

After the software has been fully uninstalled, restart your PC and reinstall Midnight Club II demo software.

If this Step 2 fails as well, please proceed to the Step 3 below.

Midnight Club II demo demo

Rockstar Games

Step 3: Perform a Windows Update.

When the first two steps haven’t solved your issue, it might be a good idea to run Windows Update. Many waves.dls error messages that are encountered can be contributed to an outdated Windows Operating System. To run Windows Update, please follow these easy steps:

  1. Hit the Windows Start button
  2. In the search box, type «Update» and press «ENTER«.
  3. In the Windows Update dialog box, click «Check for Updates» (or similar button depending on your Windows version)
  4. If updates are available for download, click «Install Updates«.
  5. After the update is completed, restart your PC.

If Windows Update failed to resolve the waves.dls error message, please proceed to next step. Please note that this final step is recommended for advanced PC users only.

If Those Steps Fail: Download and Replace Your waves.dls File (Caution: Advanced)

If none of the previous three troubleshooting steps have resolved your issue, you can try a more aggressive approach (Note: Not recommended for amateur PC users) by downloading and replacing your appropriate waves.dls file version. We maintain a comprehensive database of 100% malware-free waves.dls files for every applicable version of Midnight Club II demo. Please follow the steps below to download and properly replace you file:

  1. Locate your Windows operating system version in the list of below «Download waves.dls Files».
  2. Click the appropriate «Download Now» button and download your Windows file version.
  3. Copy this file to the appropriate Midnight Club II demo folder location:

    Windows 10: C:Program Files (x86)Rockstar GamesMidnight Club II DemoaudioDirectMusicPC

  4. Restart your computer.

If this final step has failed and you’re still encountering the error, you’re only remaining option is to do a clean installation of Windows 10.

GEEK TIP : We must emphasize that reinstalling Windows will be a very time-consuming and advanced task to resolve waves.dls problems. To avoid data loss, you must be sure that you have backed-up all of your important documents, pictures, software installers, and other personal data before beginning the process. If you are not currently backing up your data, you need to do so immediately.

Download waves.dls Files (Malware-Tested 100% Clean)

CAUTION : We strongly advise against downloading and copying waves.dls to your appropriate Windows system directory. Rockstar Games typically does not release Midnight Club II demo DLS files for download because they are bundled together inside of a software installer. The installer’s task is to ensure that all correct verifications have been made before installing and placing waves.dls and all other DLS files for Midnight Club II demo. An incorrectly installed DLS file may create system instability and could cause your program or operating system to stop functioning altogether. Proceed with caution.

Files Related to waves.dls

DLS Files Related to waves.dls

File Name Description Software Program (Version) File Size (bytes) File Location
road_work.dls Downloadable Sounds Midnight Club II demo demo 228018 C:Program Files (x86)Rockstar GamesMidnight …
l_hills.dls Downloadable Sounds Midnight Club II demo demo 538296 C:Program Files (x86)Rockstar GamesMidnight …
club.dls Downloadable Sounds Midnight Club II demo demo 126458 C:Program Files (x86)Rockstar GamesMidnight …
bells.dls Downloadable Sounds Midnight Club II demo demo 134852 C:Program Files (x86)Rockstar GamesMidnight …
power_lines.dls Downloadable Sounds Midnight Club II demo demo 204686 C:Program Files (x86)Rockstar GamesMidnight …

Other Files Related to waves.dls

File Name Description Software Program (Version) File Size (bytes) File Location
setupact.log Log Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.3.4 1304398 C:WindowsPantherNewOsPanther
setupact.log Log Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.3.4 217109 C:WindowsLogsDPX
setupapi.dev.log Log Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne demo demo 684126 C:Windowsinf
WmiApRpl.ini Windows Initialization Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.3.4 29736 C:WindowsinfWmiApRpl009
WmiApRpl.ini Windows Initialization Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne demo demo 29736 C:WindowsinfWmiApRpl009

You are downloading trial software. The purchase of a one-year software subscription at the price of $39.95 USD is required to unlock all software features. Subscription auto-renews at the end of the term (Learn more). By clicking the «Start Download» button above and installing «Software», I acknowledge I have read and agree to the Solvusoft End User License Agreement and Privacy Policy.

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Как установить плагины Waves Complete — инструкция

*Все запуски установок, кидженов, патчеров делаются от имени администратора при любой установке и активации. Нигде и никакие папки откудакуда будет вестись установка на всем пути, по всему адресу, не должны содержать кириллистических знаков (исключения — системные папки типа Пользователи). Также, имя компьютера и учетная запись должны быть на латинице. В системе вы должны находится на правах администратора. В системе для этих плагинов у вас должны быть установлены Microsoft Visual C++ 2005-2008-2010-2012-2013-2015-2017, а также .NET Framework. Не нужно создавать матрешки из 15 папок и качать туда. Из-за длинных имен файлов папок будет ошибка при установке. Качайте в корень диска.

Удалить предыдущую версию. Очистить систему от всех оставшихся папок и все записи в реестре.

(C:Program FilesCommon FilesVST3 — WaveShell1-VST3.
C:Program FilesVSTPlugins — WaveShell1-VST.
C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesVST3 — WaveShell1-VST3.
C:Program Files (x86)Common Files — WPAPI
C:Program Files (x86)VstPlugins — WaveShell1-VST.
C:Program Files (x86) — Waves , Waves Central
C:UsersИМЯ — .Waves Central
C:UsersИМЯAppDataLocal — Waves Audio
C:UsersИМЯAppDataRoaming — Waves Audio
C:UsersPublic — Waves Audio)

1. Установить Install_Waves_Central.exe
2. Запустить его c:Program FilesWaves CentralWaves Central.exe
3. Нажать Оffline Installer, затем на Browse под строкой Install from an Offline installer и выбрать папку РАЗДАЧА:WC.НОМЕР ВЕРСИИWIN
4. Выбрать желаемые плагины из списка кроме любых библиотек (где будут надписи напротив — SD или HD должны быть серыми, не подсвеченными синим)

и в правой части окна нажать на кнопку Install.

5. После окончания установки скопировать папку WavesLicenseEngine.bundle из раздачи с заменой в C:ProgramDataWaves AudioModules

Рекомендуемый список плагинов для установки:

StudioRack, Abbey Road Collection, Abbey Road Studio 3, Mercury, SSL 4000 Collection, OVox Vocal ReSynthesis, Content Creator Audio Toolkit, DTS Neural™ Surround Collection, NX.bundle
и инструменты
Flow Motion.bundle
Bass Slapper.bundle
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Если в FL отображаются только WaveShell
В менеджере плагинов ФЛ добавьте ещё одну дополнительную папку с VST плагинами по пути C:Program Files (x86)WavesPlug-Ins V12, затем пересканируйте плагины принудительно.

Во время установки появляется ошибка «sorry an error has occurred during installation»
Удалить папку cash (РАЗДАЧАWaves — 12 Complete vXXXDatacache)

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ALL posts made in this forum are ‘Private‘ so that only you and staff can see them. This allows sharing of personal data, projects and other information. Posts are generally made public after they are marked ‘Solved’ AND there was no personal data contained in them. If you don’t want your post made public let the team know.

We know it’s frustrating when things don’t work. However, please help us to help you by following these suggestions:

  1. Update — Before trying anything else. Download and install the latest version of FL Studio from here. Your bug may be fixed already!
  2. Update plugins — If you are using 3rd party plugins. Look at crash logs for their names. Install the latest version for any you spot. See also Plugins Behaving Badly
  3. Simple clear explanation — Explain what you are doing, or trying to do, and exactly what is happening.
  4. Specific information — a) FL Studio version & build number, b) what you are doing and what happens exactly, c) step-by-step instructions how reproduce the problem.
  5. Screenshots — Another great way to demonstrate issues. Get a free screenshot app here. Include images using the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
  6. A video — The best way of demonstrating many issues. Windows 10 includes an integrated screen recorder, see here OR get a free free recorder here. Include mp4 videos to your post from the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
  7. Use English — Google Translate your post. Short simple sentences in your original language translate best. We are happy to work this way, no need to worry.

Waves Licensing Error

Hello, when I try to open some of my older projects that have a lot of tracks, instruments and Fx, everything loads fine except my Waves Plugins. I get an error message saying. «Waves Licensing Error» (Waves Plugin does not have a license. Please Check that you have a valid license.) It will do this for every waves plugin that is used in the project.

All of my waves plugins are updated and registered perfectly. They will load up on any new sessions and any older ones that don’t have a lot of tracks and memory usage.

Again, its ONLY when opening projects with high memory usage (Memory usage is high but not maxed out).

If anyone has had this problem and fixed it please let me know.

I have to go back and change a few tracks for a client but I can’t get into these sessions. This error message is causing me to lose money and reputation.
As every producer knows, its an absolute necessity to be able to open up older projects to tweak for their clients, so this problem needs to be fixed.

I called Waves. I almost got whiplash from how fast Omry answered the phone. Fast as Chinese takeout! He sent me an email with instructions.

This should keep me busy for a little while:


Hi Jonathan,

It was nice talking to you over the phone.

Per our conversation, please follow the step below to start fresh with all Waves related, by uninstall and reinstall Waves.

If you have IR convolution reverb impulse files, please back up the following folders:

C:Program Files (x86)WavesDataIR1Impulses

C:Program Files (x86)WavesDataIR1Impulses V2

C:Program Files (x86)WavesDataAcoustics.net Impulses (if exists)

First, uninstall:

Launch Central.

Go to Install > Uninstall, checkmark all boxes and click Uninstall.

Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features and uninstall Central.

Go to C:Program Files (x86) and delete the Waves folder.

Press [Win key]+R, type %AppData% and hit Enter.

In the Roaming folder that shows, drag the Waves Audio folder to your desktop.

Press [Win key]+R, type %LocalAppData% and hit Enter. In the window that shows, delete the Waves Audio folder.

Press [Win key]+R, type %ProgramData% and hit Enter. In the window that shows, delete the Waves Audio folder.

Delete any WaveShell files you find in the following locations (if exist):

C:Program FilesVSTPlugins

C:Program FilesCommon FilesAvidAudioPlug-ins

C:Program FilesCommon FilesVST3 

C:Program Files (x86)VSTPlugins

C:Program Files (x86)Common Files DigiDesignDAEPlug-Ins

C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesVST3

C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesWPAPI

Now to re-install:

Looking at your Waves account I can see that some of your licenses are V10 and some are V9.

Please note that Waves Central install online (Easy Install & Activate, Install Products from online) only the latest V10 plug-ins.

Further, note that V9 and V10 can run on the same system, as long as you don’t install two versions (V9 and V10) of the same plugin. 

Each plugin should only be installed in either V9 or V10. 

For example: 

Version 9 of J37 Tape and version 10 of Torque can run on the same system.

Version 9 of H-Reverb and version 10 of H-Reverb can’t.

Follow these steps to install V10:

Download and install Central.

Run Central and log in.

Go to Install Products. 

On the left column, select Online.

On the middle column, click on My Products and select the products you wish to install. 

Click Install on the bottom right.

Follow these steps to install V9, using the dedicated V9.92 Offline Installation folder:

Quit any host application.

Click here to download the v.9.92 Offline Installer for Windows.

Unzip the folder to your desktop.

Launch Waves Central and click on Install Products.

In the left panel, click on Select Offline Installer.

When prompted, highlight the Waves- 24.5.18 folder on your desktop and click Select folder/Open.

In the middle panel, search and select the V9 products you wish to install.
Refer to your Waves account to view your exact licenses.

Click Install.

As discussed as well, as there are multiple issues with the computer, which as you mentioned, seem to be related to Cakewalk by BandLab’s redistributables, I suggest reinstalling Cakewalk as well.
Please contact BandLab support for assistance on that matter.

I had mentioned that it wasn’t only Waves plugins but other brands of aftermarket plugins as well as the Sonitus plugins. Basically all the plugins I’m using on my project except for Softube’s Trident A-Range.


02-21-2020, 10:52 AM


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Join Date: Feb 2020

Posts: 10

Waves Central Crashed Reaper! 2-20-2020

I was using Reaper all day, then saw an upgrade to Waves Central, and wanted to make my VSTs current, so downloaded it, but, it froze. Spent two hours with Waves, and everytime I now try to open Reaper, It freezes when the opening gets to VSTs. So don�t download Waves until they get this fixed. Will post when I do.
BTW, Reaper did open, without Waves, with it�s built in VSTs, But, crashed again with WAVES Central reinstalled.

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02-21-2020, 04:46 PM


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Hi & welcome to the forums. When you say you spent 2 hours with waves, was that waves support?

Sounds like what you need to do is uninstall all the waves central stuff (and possibly ALL the waves stuff) & start over. Because of their unique system of installing & accessing their plugins, this is probably the safest way to fix it.

Ici on parles Franglais

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02-21-2020, 07:13 PM


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Waves Central Crashing Reaper

Yes, I was on life support with Waves, (that’s a joke!) and I have been working through it tonight,

I have 4 hard drives, and one is strictly for Recording, and I’ve found that I can now open everything

and have Reaper up and running, with the other 3 hard drives attached, and waves VSTs’ are back and

running, except for the one that has the music on it. I open it and everything locks up, and freezes.

I need to goes through the last hard drive to see what is causing the freeze, but, that might have to

wait until tomorrow. But, it started with a Waves Central update.

Peace out.

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02-22-2020, 02:00 AM


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«the one that has the music on it». Hmmm…
Does this mean «the plugin you wanted to use on the track in Reaper that you had recorded to?»
What plugin is crashing?

I would suggest that you try restarting Reaper with all plugins bypassed & then «online» the ones you know work. Once you are sure all that is working, see if reaper still crashes. This way you have a known working (or not) baseline.

Ici on parles Franglais

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02-22-2020, 03:25 PM


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Waves Crashed

Thanks Ivan,
I have a separate hard drive, that I record to. So here is what I’ve done today, or what is going on.
If I disconnect that hard drive from my Mac, and leave the others in place and running, I can start Reaper, and use Reaper, and use Waves on Reaper, with a random free range song off another hard drive. But, if and when I turn on that hard drive, either it won’t boot up, The hard drive, or I can restart the system, and the drive will rejoin everything else. (it won’t boot if Reaper is active)
So when I do have it up and running, I can activate Reaper, add a song from another drive and as long as it doesn’t have a Waves VST on it, I can add Reacomp, the JS VSTs, Any non- Waves VST. and it works fine. As soon as I add a Wave VST it freezes up, and I lose all control. The song will keep playing, but, to stop it I have to force quit. I’m trying to figure out what I have on that hard drive, that I haven’t trashed is causing it to freeze.
Mind you, when the hard drive is disconnected even the Waves VSTs work, so this is a boogeyman specific to what is on the hard drive.
I’m trying not to have to move a couple hundred gigs of music, elsewhere, and totally wipe the hard drive. ouch.

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02-23-2020, 02:36 AM


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I am mostly windows-centric, but is there not an app in OSX that will allow you to physically check connected drives without destroying the contents?

Ici on parles Franglais

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05-18-2020, 01:16 PM


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I downloaded free Sibilance from waves the other day.

Reaper started to crash in every project I inserted the plugin.

Runtime error.

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05-21-2020, 11:59 AM


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Originally Posted by Javier Robledo
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I downloaded free Sibilance from waves the other day.

Reaper started to crash in every project I inserted the plugin.

Runtime error.

Same — I installed H Reverb, it worked briefly and then everything crashed. Had to restart the Mac for things to look normal again.

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05-22-2020, 12:50 PM


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Well I do have a Mac but I don’t use it for music any more, so I can`t really help. Have you guys posted anything in the Mac section of these forums?

Ici on parles Franglais

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07-14-2020, 01:51 PM


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Just wanted to bump this up and say i’m having the same issue with L2, on windows.

Any suggestions?

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07-14-2020, 03:30 PM


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Originally Posted by jherman
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Just wanted to bump this up and say i’m having the same issue with L2, on windows.

Any suggestions?

Are you using the AU versions? If so, don’t.

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08-02-2020, 09:45 AM


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I’m unable to open waves VST on my pc based Reaper.

It seem to happen when I started using 4k screen?

Anyone else having the same problem?


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08-14-2020, 09:50 PM


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Same issue here — When I try to add a Waves 11 plugin in FX, Reaper crashes.


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08-14-2020, 11:42 PM


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A general reply to all of you who have added yourselves to this thread recently.
1. Are you using Waves Central application to install & manage your waves plugins? You should be.


3. Regardless of how you got to this situation, did you go into reaper`s plugin location window and do a CLEAR/re-scan rather than just a re-scan/ This is crucial with waves plugins that don`t show up after installation.

Sorry about the capslock mess in 2. but I have bad hands & cant touch type.

Ici on parles Franglais

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