Websocket 1000 error

The code read-only property of the CloseEvent interface returns a WebSocket connection close code indicating the reason the server gave for closing the connection.

The code read-only property of the CloseEvent interface returns a WebSocket connection close code indicating the reason the server gave for closing the connection.


An integer WebSocket connection close code in the range 10004999, indicating the reason the server gave for closing the connection.

Status code Meaning Description
0999 Not used.
1000 Normal Closure The connection successfully completed the purpose for which it was
1001 Going Away The endpoint is going away, either because of a server failure or
because the browser is navigating away from the page that opened the
1002 Protocol error The endpoint is terminating the connection due to a protocol error.
1003 Unsupported Data The connection is being terminated because the endpoint received data of
a type it cannot accept. (For example, a text-only endpoint received
binary data.)
1004 Reserved Reserved. A meaning might be defined in the future.
1005 No Status Rcvd Reserved. Indicates that no status code was provided even though one was expected.
1006 Abnormal Closure Reserved. Indicates that a connection was closed abnormally (that is, with no
close frame being sent) when a status code is expected.
1007 Invalid frame payload data The endpoint is terminating the connection because a message was
received that contained inconsistent data (e.g., non-UTF-8 data within a
text message).
1008 Policy Violation The endpoint is terminating the connection because it received a message
that violates its policy. This is a generic status code, used when codes
1003 and 1009 are not suitable.
1009 Message Too Big The endpoint is terminating the connection because a data frame was
received that is too large.
1010 Mandatory Ext. The client is terminating the connection because it expected the server
to negotiate one or more extension, but the server didn’t.
1011 Internal Error The server is terminating the connection because it encountered an
unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
1012 Service Restart The server is terminating the connection because it is restarting.
1013 Try Again Later The server is terminating the connection due to a temporary condition,
e.g. it is overloaded and is casting off some of its clients.
1014 Bad Gateway The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid
response from the upstream server. This is similar to 502 HTTP Status
1015 TLS handshake Reserved. Indicates that the connection was closed due
to a failure to perform a TLS handshake (e.g., the server certificate
can’t be verified).
10162999 For definition by future revisions of the WebSocket Protocol specification, and for definition by extension specifications.
30003999 For use by libraries, frameworks, and applications. These status codes are registered directly with IANA. The interpretation of these codes is undefined by the WebSocket protocol.
40004999 For private use, and thus can’t be registered. Such codes can be used by prior agreements between WebSocket applications. The interpretation of these codes is undefined by the WebSocket protocol.


The following example prints the value of code to the console.

WebSocket.onclose = (event) => {


WebSockets Standard
# ref-for-dom-closeevent-code②

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

  • RFC 6455 (the WebSocket Protocol specification)
  • WebSocket Close Code Number Registry (IANA)

My bot has been dying with websocket code 1000 (normal close). Previously the bot would run forever, but after interfacing with another API and doing aiohttp get requests on the same event loop (10 req/10 s), I would get a close after about 15 mins. Without load it runs forever. Is there some kind of interference between aiohttp requests and websockets on the same event loop? Secondly, shouldn’t the websocket never close with code 1000?

I the below I added a bit of logging to discord.py to validate that it is indeed exiting with code 1000.

2016/05/28 12:05:51 AM:DEBUG:websockets.protocol: client >> Frame(fin=True, opcode=1, data=b'{"op":1,"d":2}')
2016/05/28 12:05:51 AM:DEBUG:websockets.protocol: client << Frame(fin=True, opcode=8, data=b'x03xe8')
2016/05/28 12:05:51 AM:DEBUG:websockets.protocol: client >> Frame(fin=True, opcode=8, data=b'x03xe8')
2016/05/28 12:05:51 AM:DEBUG:asyncio: <_SelectorSocketTransport fd=13 read=polling write=<idle, bufsize=0>> received EOF
2016/05/28 12:05:51 AM:DEBUG:asyncio: <asyncio.sslproto.SSLProtocol object at 0x7fa0a65a76a0> received EOF
2016/05/28 12:05:51 AM:ERROR:discord.client: WS yielding failed: WebSocket connection is closed: code = 1000, no reason.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/yesimon/src/discord.py/discord/gateway.py", line 346, in poll_event
    msg = yield from self.recv()
  File "/home/yesimon/.pyenv/versions/3.5.1/lib/python3.5/asyncio/coroutines.py", line 105, in __next__
    return self.gen.send(None)
  File "/home/yesimon/.pyenv/versions/3.5.1/lib/python3.5/site-packages/websockets/protocol.py", line 296, in recv
    raise ConnectionClosed(self.close_code, self.close_reason)
websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed: WebSocket connection is closed: code = 1000, no reason.

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/yesimon/src/discord.py/discord/client.py", line 403, in connect
    yield from self.ws.poll_event()
  File "/home/yesimon/.pyenv/versions/3.5.1/lib/python3.5/asyncio/coroutines.py", line 105, in __next__
    return self.gen.send(None)
  File "/home/yesimon/src/discord.py/discord/gateway.py", line 353, in poll_event
    raise ConnectionClosed(e) from e
discord.errors.ConnectionClosed: WebSocket connection is closed: code = 1000, no reason.
2016/05/28 12:05:51 AM:ERROR:discord.client: ws is closed
2016/05/28 12:05:51 AM:DEBUG:asyncio: Close <_UnixSelectorEventLoop running=False closed=False debug=True>
tail: discord.log: file truncated
2016/05/28 12:05:51 AM:ERROR:asyncio: Task was destroyed but it is pending!


1000 indicates a normal closure, meaning that the purpose for which the connection was established has been fulfilled.


1001 indicates that an endpoint is «going away», such as a server going down or a browser having navigated away from a page.


1002 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection due to a protocol error.


1003 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a type of data it cannot accept (e.g., an endpoint that understands only text data MAY send this if it receives a binary message).


Reserved. The specific meaning might be defined in the future.


1005 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a Close control frame by an endpoint. It is designated for use in applications expecting a status code to indicate that no status code was actually present.


1006 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a Close control frame by an endpoint. It is designated for use in applications expecting a status code to indicate that the connection was closed abnormally, e.g., without sending or receiving a Close control frame.

1007 Unsupported payload

1007 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received data within a message that was not consistent with the type of the message (e.g., non-UTF-8 [RFC3629] data within a text message).

1008 Policy violation

1008 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a message that violates its policy. This is a generic status code that can be returned when there is no other more suitable status code (e.g., 1003 or 1009) or if there is a need to hide specific details about the policy.


1009 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received a message that is too big for it to process.

1010 Mandatory extension

1010 indicates that an endpoint (client) is terminating the connection because it has expected the server to negotiate one or more extension, but the server didn’t return them in the response message of the WebSocket handshake. The list of extensions that are needed SHOULD appear in the /reason/ part of the Close frame. Note that this status code is not used by the server, because it can fail the WebSocket handshake instead.

1011 Server error

1011 indicates that a server is terminating the connection because it encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

1012 Service restart

1012 indicates that the server / service is restarting.

1013 Try again later

1013 indicates that a temporary server condition forced blocking the client’s request.

1014 Bad gateway

1014 indicates that the server acting as gateway received an invalid response

1015 TLS handshake fail

1015 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a Close control frame by an endpoint. It is designated for use in applications expecting a status code to indicate that the connection was closed due to a failure to perform a TLS handshake (e.g., the server certificate can’t be verified).

У меня такой сервер:

import os
import asyncio
import websockets

class Server:

    def get_port(self):
        return os.getenv('WS_PORT', '8765')

    def get_host(self):
        return os.getenv('WS_HOST', 'localhost')

    def start(self):
        return websockets.serve(self.handler, self.get_host(), self.get_port())

    async def handler(self, websocket, path):
        while True:
            async for message in websocket:
                await websocket.send(message)

И клиент:

import asyncio
import websockets

async def msg():
    async with websockets.connect('ws://localhost:8765') as websocket:
        await websocket.send('test message')


Когда я выполняю asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(msg()), я получаю следующую ошибку:

websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed: WebSocket connection is closed: code = 1000 (OK), no reason

Также код app.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python3.6

import asyncio
from server import Server

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ws = Server()

P.S. Добавлен while True в handler, как предлагается в комментарии ниже. Но я все еще получаю эту ошибку

1 ответ

Лучший ответ

Вы не запускаете сервер

server.py :

import os
import asyncio
import websockets

class Server:

    def get_port(self):
        return os.getenv('WS_PORT', '8765')

    def get_host(self):
        return os.getenv('WS_HOST', 'localhost')

    def start(self):
        return websockets.serve(self.handler, self.get_host(), self.get_port())

    async def handler(self, websocket, path):
      async for message in websocket:
        print('server received :', message)
        await websocket.send(message)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  ws = Server()


#!/usr/bin/env python3.6

import asyncio
import websockets

async def msg():
    async with websockets.connect('ws://localhost:8765') as websocket:

        await websocket.send('test message')
        msg = await websocket.recv()

if __name__ == '__main__':


2 Янв 2018 в 01:26



websockets — websockets 10.4

licence version pyversions tests
docs openssf

websockets is a library for building WebSocket servers and
clients in Python with a focus on correctness, simplicity, robustness, and

Built on top of asyncio, Python’s standard asynchronous I/O
framework, it provides an elegant coroutine-based API.

Here’s how a client sends and receives messages:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import websockets
async def hello():

async with websockets.connect("ws://localhost:8765") as websocket:
await websocket.send("Hello world!")
await websocket.recv() asyncio.run(hello())

And here’s an echo server:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import websockets
async def echo(websocket):

async for message in websocket:
await websocket.send(message) async def main():
async with websockets.serve(echo, "localhost", 8765):
await asyncio.Future() # run forever asyncio.run(main())

Don’t worry about the opening and closing handshakes, pings and
pongs, or any other behavior described in the specification. websockets
takes care of this under the hood so you can focus on your application!

Also, websockets provides an interactive client:

$ python -m websockets ws://localhost:8765/
Connected to ws://localhost:8765/.
> Hello world!
< Hello world!
Connection closed: 1000 (OK).

Do you like it? Let’s dive in!



websockets requires Python ≥ 3.7.

Use the most recent Python

For each minor version (3.x), only the latest bugfix or
security release (3.x.y) is officially supported.

It doesn’t have any dependencies.


Install websockets with:

Wheels are available for all platforms.


Learn how to build an real-time web application with

Part 1 — Send & receive

In this tutorial, you’re going to build a web-based Connect

The web removes the constraint of being in the same room for
playing a game. Two players can connect over of the Internet, regardless of
where they are, and play in their browsers.

When a player makes a move, it should be reflected immediately on
both sides. This is difficult to implement over HTTP due to the
request-response style of the protocol.

Indeed, there is no good way to be notified when the other player
makes a move. Workarounds such as polling or long-polling introduce
significant overhead.

Enter WebSocket.

The WebSocket protocol provides two-way communication between a
browser and a server over a persistent connection. That’s exactly what you
need to exchange moves between players, via a server.

This is the first part of the
  • In this first part, you will create a server and connect one
    browser; you can play if you share the same browser.
  • In the second part, you will connect a second browser; you can play
    from different browsers on a local network.
  • In the third part, you will deploy the game to the web; you can
    play from any browser connected to the Internet.


This tutorial assumes basic knowledge of Python and

If you’re comfortable with virtual environments, you can
use one for this tutorial. Else, don’t worry: websockets doesn’t have any
dependencies; it shouldn’t create trouble in the default environment.

If you haven’t installed websockets yet, do it now:

Confirm that websockets is installed:

$ python -m websockets --version
This tutorial is written
for websockets 10.4.

If you installed another version, you should switch to the
corresponding version of the documentation.

Download the starter kit

Create a directory and download these three files:
connect4.js, connect4.css, and connect4.py.

The JavaScript module, along with the CSS file, provides a
web-based user interface. Here’s its API.

Color of the first player.
Color of the second player.
Draw a board.
board — DOM element containing the board; must be initially
player, column, row)
Play a move.
  • board — DOM element containing the board.
  • playerPLAYER1 or PLAYER2.
  • column — between 0 and 6.
  • row — between 0 and 5.

The Python module provides a class to record moves and tell when a
player wins. Here’s its API.

= «red»
Color of the first player.
= «yellow»
Color of the second player.
A Connect Four game.
Play a move.
  • playerPLAYER1 or PLAYER2.
  • column — between 0 and 6.
Row where the checker lands, between 0 and 5.
RuntimeError — if the move is illegal.
List of moves played during this game, as (player, column, row)
PLAYER1 or PLAYER2 if they won; None if the game is
still ongoing.

Bootstrap the web UI

Create an index.html file next to connect4.js and
connect4.css with this content:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<title>Connect Four</title>
<div class="board"></div>
<script src="main.js" type="module"></script>
</body> </html>

This HTML page contains an empty <div> element where
you will draw the Connect Four board. It loads a main.js script where
you will write all your JavaScript code.

Create a main.js file next to index.html. In this
script, when the page loads, draw the board:

import { createBoard, playMove } from "./connect4.js";
window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {

// Initialize the UI.
const board = document.querySelector(".board");
createBoard(board); });

Open a shell, navigate to the directory containing these files,
and start a HTTP server:

Open http://localhost:8000/ in a web browser. The page
displays an empty board with seven columns and six rows. You will play moves
in this board later.

Bootstrap the server

Create an app.py file next to connect4.py with this

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import websockets
async def handler(websocket):

while True:
message = await websocket.recv()
print(message) async def main():
async with websockets.serve(handler, "", 8001):
await asyncio.Future() # run forever if __name__ == "__main__":

The entry point of this program is asyncio.run(main()). It
creates an asyncio event loop, runs the main() coroutine, and shuts
down the loop.

The main() coroutine calls serve() to start a
websockets server. serve() takes three positional arguments:

  • handler is a coroutine that manages a connection. When a client
    connects, websockets calls handler with the connection in argument.
    When handler terminates, websockets closes the connection.
  • The second argument defines the network interfaces where the server can be
    reached. Here, the server listens on all interfaces, so that other devices
    on the same local network can connect.
  • The third argument is the port on which the server listens.

Invoking serve() as an asynchronous context manager, in an
async with block, ensures that the server shuts down properly when
terminating the program.

For each connection, the handler() coroutine runs an
infinite loop that receives messages from the browser and prints them.

Open a shell, navigate to the directory containing app.py,
and start the server:

This doesn’t display anything. Hopefully the WebSocket server is
running. Let’s make sure that it works. You cannot test the WebSocket server
with a web browser like you tested the HTTP server. However, you can test it
with websockets’ interactive client.

Open another shell and run this command:

$ python -m websockets ws://localhost:8001/

You get a prompt. Type a message and press «Enter».
Switch to the shell where the server is running and check that the server
received the message. Good!

Exit the interactive client with Ctrl-C or Ctrl-D.

Now, if you look at the console where you started the server, you
can see the stack trace of an exception:

connection handler failed
Traceback (most recent call last):

File "app.py", line 22, in handler
message = await websocket.recv()
... websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK: received 1000 (OK); then sent 1000 (OK)

Indeed, the server was waiting for the next message with
recv() when the client disconnected. When this happens, websockets
raises a ConnectionClosedOK exception to let you know that you won’t
receive another message on this connection.

This exception creates noise in the server logs, making it more
difficult to spot real errors when you add functionality to the server.
Catch it in the handler() coroutine:

async def handler(websocket):

while True:
message = await websocket.recv()
except websockets.ConnectionClosedOK:

Stop the server with Ctrl-C and start it again:

You must restart the WebSocket
server when you make changes.

The WebSocket server loads the Python code in app.py
then serves every WebSocket request with this version of the code. As a
consequence, changes to app.py aren’t visible until you restart
the server.

This is unlike the HTTP server that you started earlier with
python -m http.server. For every request, this HTTP server
reads the target file and sends it. That’s why changes are immediately

It is possible to restart the WebSocket server
but this isn’t necessary for this tutorial.

Try connecting and disconnecting the interactive client again. The
ConnectionClosedOK exception doesn’t appear anymore.

This pattern is so common that websockets provides a shortcut for
iterating over messages received on the connection until the client

async def handler(websocket):

async for message in websocket:

Restart the server and check with the interactive client that its
behavior didn’t change.

At this point, you bootstrapped a web application and a WebSocket
server. Let’s connect them.

Transmit from browser to server

In JavaScript, you open a WebSocket connection as follows:

const websocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8001/");

Before you exchange messages with the server, you need to decide
their format. There is no universal convention for this.

Let’s use JSON objects with a type key identifying the type
of the event and the rest of the object containing properties of the

Here’s an event describing a move in the middle slot of the

const event = {type: "play", column: 3};

Here’s how to serialize this event to JSON and send it to the


Now you have all the building blocks to send moves to the

Add this function to main.js:

function sendMoves(board, websocket) {

// When clicking a column, send a "play" event for a move in that column.
board.addEventListener("click", ({ target }) => {
const column = target.dataset.column;
// Ignore clicks outside a column.
if (column === undefined) {
const event = {
type: "play",
column: parseInt(column, 10),
}); }

sendMoves() registers a listener for click events on
the board. The listener figures out which column was clicked, builds a event
of type «play», serializes it, and sends it to the

Modify the initialization to open the WebSocket connection and
call the sendMoves() function:

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {

// Initialize the UI.
const board = document.querySelector(".board");
// Open the WebSocket connection and register event handlers.
const websocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8001/");
sendMoves(board, websocket); });

Check that the HTTP server and the WebSocket server are still
running. If you stopped them, here are the commands to start them again:

Refresh http://localhost:8000/ in your web browser. Click
various columns in the board. The server receives messages with the expected
column number.

There isn’t any feedback in the board because you haven’t
implemented that yet. Let’s do it.

Transmit from server to browser

In JavaScript, you receive WebSocket messages by listening to
message events. Here’s how to receive a message from the server and
deserialize it from JSON:

websocket.addEventListener("message", ({ data }) => {

const event = JSON.parse(data);
// do something with event });

You’re going to need three types of messages from the server to
the browser:

{type: "play", player: "red", column: 3, row: 0}
{type: "win", player: "red"}
{type: "error", message: "This slot is full."}

The JavaScript code receiving these messages will dispatch events
depending on their type and take appropriate action. For example, it will
react to an event of type «play» by displaying the move on
the board with the playMove() function.

Add this function to main.js:

function showMessage(message) {

window.setTimeout(() => window.alert(message), 50); } function receiveMoves(board, websocket) {
websocket.addEventListener("message", ({ data }) => {
const event = JSON.parse(data);
switch (event.type) {
case "play":
// Update the UI with the move.
playMove(board, event.player, event.column, event.row);
case "win":
showMessage(`Player ${event.player} wins!`);
// No further messages are expected; close the WebSocket connection.
case "error":
throw new Error(`Unsupported event type: ${event.type}.`);
}); }
Why does showMessage use

When playMove() modifies the state of the board, the
browser renders changes asynchronously. Conversely,
window.alert() runs synchronously and blocks rendering while the
alert is visible.

If you called window.alert() immediately after
playMove(), the browser could display the alert before rendering
the move. You could get a «Player red wins!» alert without
seeing red’s last move.

We’re using window.alert() for simplicity in this
tutorial. A real application would display these messages in the user
interface instead. It wouldn’t be vulnerable to this problem.

Modify the initialization to call the receiveMoves()

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {

// Initialize the UI.
const board = document.querySelector(".board");
// Open the WebSocket connection and register event handlers.
const websocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8001/");
receiveMoves(board, websocket);
sendMoves(board, websocket); });

At this point, the user interface should receive events properly.
Let’s test it by modifying the server to send some events.

Sending an event from Python is quite similar to JavaScript:

event = {"type": "play", "player": "red", "column": 3, "row": 0}
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event))
Don’t forget to serialize the
event with json.dumps().

Else, websockets raises TypeError: data is a dict-like

Modify the handler() coroutine in app.py as

import json
from connect4 import PLAYER1, PLAYER2
async def handler(websocket):

for player, column, row in [
(PLAYER1, 3, 0),
(PLAYER2, 3, 1),
(PLAYER1, 4, 0),
(PLAYER2, 4, 1),
(PLAYER1, 2, 0),
(PLAYER2, 1, 0),
(PLAYER1, 5, 0),
event = {
"type": "play",
"player": player,
"column": column,
"row": row,
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event))
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
event = {
"type": "win",
"player": PLAYER1,
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event))

Restart the WebSocket server and refresh
http://localhost:8000/ in your web browser. Seven moves appear at 0.5
second intervals. Then an alert announces the winner.

Good! Now you know how to communicate both ways.

Once you plug the game engine to process moves, you will have a
fully functional game.

Add the game logic

In the handler() coroutine, you’re going to initialize a

from connect4 import Connect4
async def handler(websocket):

# Initialize a Connect Four game.
game = Connect4()

Then, you’re going to iterate over incoming messages and take
these steps:

  • parse an event of type «play», the only type of event
    that the user interface sends;
  • play the move in the board with the play() method, alternating
    between the two players;
  • if play() raises RuntimeError because the move is illegal,
    send an event of type «error»;
  • else, send an event of type «play» to tell the user
    interface where the checker lands;
  • if the move won the game, send an event of type

Try to implement this by yourself!

Keep in mind that you must restart the WebSocket server and reload
the page in the browser when you make changes.

When it works, you can play the game from a single browser, with
players taking alternate turns.

Enable debug logs to see
all messages sent and received.

Here’s how to enable debug logs:

import logging
logging.basicConfig(format="%(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG)

If you’re stuck, a solution is available at the bottom of this


In this first part of the tutorial, you learned how to:

  • build and run a WebSocket server in Python with serve();
  • receive a message in a connection handler with recv();
  • send a message in a connection handler with send();
  • iterate over incoming messages with async for message in
    websocket: …
  • open a WebSocket connection in JavaScript with the WebSocket
  • send messages in a browser with WebSocket.send();
  • receive messages in a browser by listening to message events;
  • design a set of events to be exchanged between the browser and the

You can now play a Connect Four game in a browser, communicating
over a WebSocket connection with a server where the game logic resides!

However, the two players share a browser, so the constraint of
being in the same room still applies.

Move on to the second part of the tutorial to break this
constraint and play from separate browsers.



#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import itertools
import json
import websockets
from connect4 import PLAYER1, PLAYER2, Connect4
async def handler(websocket):

# Initialize a Connect Four game.
game = Connect4()
# Players take alternate turns, using the same browser.
turns = itertools.cycle([PLAYER1, PLAYER2])
player = next(turns)
async for message in websocket:
# Parse a "play" event from the UI.
event = json.loads(message)
assert event["type"] == "play"
column = event["column"]
# Play the move.
row = game.play(player, column)
except RuntimeError as exc:
# Send an "error" event if the move was illegal.
event = {
"type": "error",
"message": str(exc),
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event))
# Send a "play" event to update the UI.
event = {
"type": "play",
"player": player,
"column": column,
"row": row,
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event))
# If move is winning, send a "win" event.
if game.winner is not None:
event = {
"type": "win",
"player": game.winner,
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event))
# Alternate turns.
player = next(turns) async def main():
async with websockets.serve(handler, "", 8001):
await asyncio.Future() # run forever if __name__ == "__main__":


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<title>Connect Four</title>
<div class="board"></div>
<script src="main.js" type="module"></script>
</body> </html>


import { createBoard, playMove } from "./connect4.js";
function showMessage(message) {

window.setTimeout(() => window.alert(message), 50); } function receiveMoves(board, websocket) {
websocket.addEventListener("message", ({ data }) => {
const event = JSON.parse(data);
switch (event.type) {
case "play":
// Update the UI with the move.
playMove(board, event.player, event.column, event.row);
case "win":
showMessage(`Player ${event.player} wins!`);
// No further messages are expected; close the WebSocket connection.
case "error":
throw new Error(`Unsupported event type: ${event.type}.`);
}); } function sendMoves(board, websocket) {
// When clicking a column, send a "play" event for a move in that column.
board.addEventListener("click", ({ target }) => {
const column = target.dataset.column;
// Ignore clicks outside a column.
if (column === undefined) {
const event = {
type: "play",
column: parseInt(column, 10),
}); } window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
// Initialize the UI.
const board = document.querySelector(".board");
// Open the WebSocket connection and register event handlers.
const websocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8001/");
receiveMoves(board, websocket);
sendMoves(board, websocket); });

Part 2 — Route & broadcast

This is the second part of
the tutorial.
  • In the first part, you created a server and connected one browser;
    you could play if you shared the same browser.
  • In this second part, you will connect a second browser; you can
    play from different browsers on a local network.
  • In the third part, you will deploy the game to the web; you can
    play from any browser connected to the Internet.

In the first part of the tutorial, you opened a WebSocket
connection from a browser to a server and exchanged events to play moves.
The state of the game was stored in an instance of the Connect4
class, referenced as a local variable in the connection handler

Now you want to open two WebSocket connections from two separate
browsers, one for each player, to the same server in order to play the same
game. This requires moving the state of the game to a place where both
connections can access it.

As long as you’re running a single server process, you can share
state by storing it in a global variable.

What if you need to scale to
multiple server processes?

In that case, you must design a way for the process that
handles a given connection to be aware of relevant events for that
client. This is often achieved with a publish / subscribe mechanism.

How can you make two connection handlers agree on which game
they’re playing? When the first player starts a game, you give it an
identifier. Then, you communicate the identifier to the second player. When
the second player joins the game, you look it up with the identifier.

In addition to the game itself, you need to keep track of the
WebSocket connections of the two players. Since both players receive the
same events, you don’t need to treat the two connections differently; you
can store both in the same set.

Let’s sketch this in code.

A module-level dict enables lookups by identifier:

When the first player starts the game, initialize and store

import secrets
async def handler(websocket):

# Initialize a Connect Four game, the set of WebSocket connections
# receiving moves from this game, and secret access token.
game = Connect4()
connected = {websocket}
join_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(12)
JOIN[join_key] = game, connected
del JOIN[join_key]

When the second player joins the game, look it up:

async def handler(websocket):

join_key = ... # TODO
# Find the Connect Four game.
game, connected = JOIN[join_key]
# Register to receive moves from this game.

Notice how we’re carefully cleaning up global state with try:
finally: … blocks. Else, we could leave references to games
or connections in global state, which would cause a memory leak.

In both connection handlers, you have a game pointing to
the same Connect4 instance, so you can interact with the game, and a
connected set of connections, so you can send game events to both
players as follows:

async def handler(websocket):

for connection in connected:
await connection.send(json.dumps(event))

Perhaps you spotted a major piece missing from the puzzle. How
does the second player obtain join_key? Let’s design new events to
carry this information.

To start a game, the first player sends an «init»

The connection handler for the first player creates a game as
shown above and responds with:

{type: "init", join: "<join_key>"}

With this information, the user interface of the first player can
create a link to http://localhost:8000/?join=<join_key>. For
the sake of simplicity, we will assume that the first player shares this
link with the second player outside of the application, for example via an
instant messaging service.

To join the game, the second player sends a different
«init» event:

{type: "init", join: "<join_key>"}

The connection handler for the second player can look up the game
with the join key as shown above. There is no need to respond.

Let’s dive into the details of implementing this design.

Start a game

We’ll start with the initialization sequence for the first

In main.js, define a function to send an initialization
event when the WebSocket connection is established, which triggers an
open event:

function initGame(websocket) {

websocket.addEventListener("open", () => {
// Send an "init" event for the first player.
const event = { type: "init" };
}); }

Update the initialization sequence to call initGame():

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {

// Initialize the UI.
const board = document.querySelector(".board");
// Open the WebSocket connection and register event handlers.
const websocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8001/");
receiveMoves(board, websocket);
sendMoves(board, websocket); });

In app.py, define a new handler coroutine —
keep a copy of the previous one to reuse it later:

import secrets
JOIN = {}
async def start(websocket):

# Initialize a Connect Four game, the set of WebSocket connections
# receiving moves from this game, and secret access token.
game = Connect4()
connected = {websocket}
join_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(12)
JOIN[join_key] = game, connected
# Send the secret access token to the browser of the first player,
# where it'll be used for building a "join" link.
event = {
"type": "init",
"join": join_key,
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event))
# Temporary - for testing.
print("first player started game", id(game))
async for message in websocket:
print("first player sent", message)
del JOIN[join_key] async def handler(websocket):
# Receive and parse the "init" event from the UI.
message = await websocket.recv()
event = json.loads(message)
assert event["type"] == "init"
# First player starts a new game.
await start(websocket)

In index.html, add an <a> element to display
the link to share with the other player.


<div class="actions">
<a class="action join" href="">Join</a>
<!-- ... --> </body>

In main.js, modify receiveMoves() to handle the
«init» message and set the target of that link:

switch (event.type) {

case "init":
// Create link for inviting the second player.
document.querySelector(".join").href = "?join=" + event.join;
// ... }

Restart the WebSocket server and reload
http://localhost:8000/ in the browser. There’s a link labeled JOIN
below the board with a target that looks like

The server logs say first player started game …. If you
click the board, you see «play» events. There is no
feedback in the UI, though, because you haven’t restored the game logic

Before we get there, let’s handle links with a join query

Join a game

We’ll now update the initialization sequence to account for the
second player.

In main.js, update initGame() to send the join key
in the «init» message when it’s in the URL:

function initGame(websocket) {

websocket.addEventListener("open", () => {
// Send an "init" event according to who is connecting.
const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
let event = { type: "init" };
if (params.has("join")) {
// Second player joins an existing game.
event.join = params.get("join");
} else {
// First player starts a new game.
}); }

In app.py, update the handler coroutine to look for
the join key in the «init» message, then load that

async def error(websocket, message):

event = {
"type": "error",
"message": message,
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event)) async def join(websocket, join_key):
# Find the Connect Four game.
game, connected = JOIN[join_key]
except KeyError:
await error(websocket, "Game not found.")
# Register to receive moves from this game.
# Temporary - for testing.
print("second player joined game", id(game))
async for message in websocket:
print("second player sent", message)
connected.remove(websocket) async def handler(websocket):
# Receive and parse the "init" event from the UI.
message = await websocket.recv()
event = json.loads(message)
assert event["type"] == "init"
if "join" in event:
# Second player joins an existing game.
await join(websocket, event["join"])
# First player starts a new game.
await start(websocket)

Restart the WebSocket server and reload
http://localhost:8000/ in the browser.

Copy the link labeled JOIN and open it in another browser. You may
also open it in another tab or another window of the same browser; however,
that makes it a bit tricky to remember which one is the first or second

You must start a new game
when you restart the server.

Since games are stored in the memory of the Python process,
they’re lost when you stop the server.

Whenever you make changes to app.py, you must restart
the server, create a new game in a browser, and join it in another

The server logs say first player started game … and
second player joined game …. The numbers match, proving that
the game local variable in both connection handlers points to same
object in the memory of the Python process.

Click the board in either browser. The server receives
«play» events from the corresponding player.

In the initialization sequence, you’re routing connections to
start() or join() depending on the first message received by
the server. This is a common pattern in servers that handle different

Why not use different URIs
for start() and join()?

Instead of sending an initialization event, you could encode
the join key in the WebSocket URI e.g.
ws://localhost:8001/join/<join_key>. The WebSocket server
would parse websocket.path and route the connection, similar to
how HTTP servers route requests.

When you need to send sensitive data like authentication
credentials to the server, sending it an event is considered more secure
than encoding it in the URI because URIs end up in logs.

For the purposes of this tutorial, both approaches are
equivalent because the join key comes from a HTTP URL. There isn’t much
at risk anyway!

Now you can restore the logic for playing moves and you’ll have a
fully functional two-player game.

Add the game logic

Once the initialization is done, the game is symmetrical, so you
can write a single coroutine to process the moves of both players:

async def play(websocket, game, player, connected):


With such a coroutine, you can replace the temporary code for
testing in start() by:

await play(websocket, game, PLAYER1, connected)

and in join() by:

await play(websocket, game, PLAYER2, connected)

The play() coroutine will reuse much of the code you wrote
in the first part of the tutorial.

Try to implement this by yourself!

Keep in mind that you must restart the WebSocket server, reload
the page to start a new game with the first player, copy the JOIN link, and
join the game with the second player when you make changes.

When play() works, you can play the game from two separate
browsers, possibly running on separate computers on the same local

A complete solution is available at the bottom of this

Watch a game

Let’s add one more feature: allow spectators to watch the

The process for inviting a spectator can be the same as for
inviting the second player. You will have to duplicate all the
initialization logic:

  • declare a WATCH global variable similar to JOIN;
  • generate a watch key when creating a game; it must be different from the
    join key, or else a spectator could hijack a game by tweaking the
  • include the watch key in the «init» event sent to the
    first player;
  • generate a WATCH link in the UI with a watch query parameter;
  • update the initGame() function to handle such links;
  • update the handler() coroutine to invoke a watch() coroutine
    for spectators;
  • prevent sendMoves() from sending «play» events for

Once the initialization sequence is done, watching a game is as
simple as registering the WebSocket connection in the connected set
in order to receive game events and doing nothing until the spectator
disconnects. You can wait for a connection to terminate with

async def watch(websocket, watch_key):

await websocket.wait_closed()

The connection can terminate because the receiveMoves()
function closed it explicitly after receiving a «win»
event, because the spectator closed their browser, or because the network

Again, try to implement this by yourself.

When watch() works, you can invite spectators to watch the
game from other browsers, as long as they’re on the same local network.

As a further improvement, you may support adding spectators while
a game is already in progress. This requires replaying moves that were
played before the spectator was added to the connected set. Past
moves are available in the moves attribute of the game.

This feature is included in the solution proposed below.


When you need to send a message to the two players and to all
spectators, you’re using this pattern:

async def handler(websocket):

for connection in connected:
await connection.send(json.dumps(event))

Since this is a very common pattern in WebSocket servers,
websockets provides the broadcast() helper for this purpose:

async def handler(websocket):

websockets.broadcast(connected, json.dumps(event))

Calling broadcast() once is more efficient than calling
send() in a loop.

However, there’s a subtle difference in behavior. Did you notice
that there’s no await in the second version? Indeed,
broadcast() is a function, not a coroutine like send() or

It’s quite obvious why recv() is a coroutine. When you want
to receive the next message, you have to wait until the client sends it and
the network transmits it.

It’s less obvious why send() is a coroutine. If you send
many messages or large messages, you could write data faster than the
network can transmit it or the client can read it. Then, outgoing data will
pile up in buffers, which will consume memory and may crash your

To avoid this problem, send() waits until the write buffer
drains. By slowing down the application as necessary, this ensures that the
server doesn’t send data too quickly. This is called backpressure and it’s
useful for building robust systems.

That said, when you’re sending the same messages to many clients
in a loop, applying backpressure in this way can become counterproductive.
When you’re broadcasting, you don’t want to slow down everyone to the pace
of the slowest clients; you want to drop clients that cannot keep up with
the data stream. That’s why broadcast() doesn’t wait until write
buffers drain.

For our Connect Four game, there’s no difference in practice: the
total amount of data sent on a connection for a game of Connect Four is less
than 64 KB, so the write buffer never fills up and backpressure never
kicks in anyway.


In this second part of the tutorial, you learned how to:

  • configure a connection by exchanging initialization messages;
  • keep track of connections within a single server process;
  • wait until a client disconnects in a connection handler;
  • broadcast a message to many connections efficiently.

You can now play a Connect Four game from separate browser,
communicating over WebSocket connections with a server that synchronizes the
game logic!

However, the two players have to be on the same local network as
the server, so the constraint of being in the same place still mostly

Head over to the third part of the tutorial to deploy the
game to the web and remove this constraint.



#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import json
import secrets
import websockets
from connect4 import PLAYER1, PLAYER2, Connect4
JOIN = {}
WATCH = {}
async def error(websocket, message):

Send an error message.
event = {
"type": "error",
"message": message,
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event)) async def replay(websocket, game):
Send previous moves.
# Make a copy to avoid an exception if game.moves changes while iteration
# is in progress. If a move is played while replay is running, moves will
# be sent out of order but each move will be sent once and eventually the
# UI will be consistent.
for player, column, row in game.moves.copy():
event = {
"type": "play",
"player": player,
"column": column,
"row": row,
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event)) async def play(websocket, game, player, connected):
Receive and process moves from a player.
async for message in websocket:
# Parse a "play" event from the UI.
event = json.loads(message)
assert event["type"] == "play"
column = event["column"]
# Play the move.
row = game.play(player, column)
except RuntimeError as exc:
# Send an "error" event if the move was illegal.
await error(websocket, str(exc))
# Send a "play" event to update the UI.
event = {
"type": "play",
"player": player,
"column": column,
"row": row,
websockets.broadcast(connected, json.dumps(event))
# If move is winning, send a "win" event.
if game.winner is not None:
event = {
"type": "win",
"player": game.winner,
websockets.broadcast(connected, json.dumps(event)) async def start(websocket):
Handle a connection from the first player: start a new game.
# Initialize a Connect Four game, the set of WebSocket connections
# receiving moves from this game, and secret access tokens.
game = Connect4()
connected = {websocket}
join_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(12)
JOIN[join_key] = game, connected
watch_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(12)
WATCH[watch_key] = game, connected
# Send the secret access tokens to the browser of the first player,
# where they'll be used for building "join" and "watch" links.
event = {
"type": "init",
"join": join_key,
"watch": watch_key,
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event))
# Receive and process moves from the first player.
await play(websocket, game, PLAYER1, connected)
del JOIN[join_key]
del WATCH[watch_key] async def join(websocket, join_key):
Handle a connection from the second player: join an existing game.
# Find the Connect Four game.
game, connected = JOIN[join_key]
except KeyError:
await error(websocket, "Game not found.")
# Register to receive moves from this game.
# Send the first move, in case the first player already played it.
await replay(websocket, game)
# Receive and process moves from the second player.
await play(websocket, game, PLAYER2, connected)
connected.remove(websocket) async def watch(websocket, watch_key):
Handle a connection from a spectator: watch an existing game.
# Find the Connect Four game.
game, connected = WATCH[watch_key]
except KeyError:
await error(websocket, "Game not found.")
# Register to receive moves from this game.
# Send previous moves, in case the game already started.
await replay(websocket, game)
# Keep the connection open, but don't receive any messages.
await websocket.wait_closed()
connected.remove(websocket) async def handler(websocket):
Handle a connection and dispatch it according to who is connecting.
# Receive and parse the "init" event from the UI.
message = await websocket.recv()
event = json.loads(message)
assert event["type"] == "init"
if "join" in event:
# Second player joins an existing game.
await join(websocket, event["join"])
elif "watch" in event:
# Spectator watches an existing game.
await watch(websocket, event["watch"])
# First player starts a new game.
await start(websocket) async def main():
async with websockets.serve(handler, "", 8001):
await asyncio.Future() # run forever if __name__ == "__main__":


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<title>Connect Four</title>
<div class="actions">
<a class="action new" href="/">New</a>
<a class="action join" href="">Join</a>
<a class="action watch" href="">Watch</a>
<div class="board"></div>
<script src="main.js" type="module"></script>
</body> </html>


import { createBoard, playMove } from "./connect4.js";
function initGame(websocket) {

websocket.addEventListener("open", () => {
// Send an "init" event according to who is connecting.
const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
let event = { type: "init" };
if (params.has("join")) {
// Second player joins an existing game.
event.join = params.get("join");
} else if (params.has("watch")) {
// Spectator watches an existing game.
event.watch = params.get("watch");
} else {
// First player starts a new game.
}); } function showMessage(message) {
window.setTimeout(() => window.alert(message), 50); } function receiveMoves(board, websocket) {
websocket.addEventListener("message", ({ data }) => {
const event = JSON.parse(data);
switch (event.type) {
case "init":
// Create links for inviting the second player and spectators.
document.querySelector(".join").href = "?join=" + event.join;
document.querySelector(".watch").href = "?watch=" + event.watch;
case "play":
// Update the UI with the move.
playMove(board, event.player, event.column, event.row);
case "win":
showMessage(`Player ${event.player} wins!`);
// No further messages are expected; close the WebSocket connection.
case "error":
throw new Error(`Unsupported event type: ${event.type}.`);
}); } function sendMoves(board, websocket) {
// Don't send moves for a spectator watching a game.
const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
if (params.has("watch")) {
// When clicking a column, send a "play" event for a move in that column.
board.addEventListener("click", ({ target }) => {
const column = target.dataset.column;
// Ignore clicks outside a column.
if (column === undefined) {
const event = {
type: "play",
column: parseInt(column, 10),
}); } window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
// Initialize the UI.
const board = document.querySelector(".board");
// Open the WebSocket connection and register event handlers.
const websocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8001/");
receiveMoves(board, websocket);
sendMoves(board, websocket); });

Part 3 — Deploy to the web

This is the third part of
the tutorial.
  • In the first part, you created a server and connected one browser;
    you could play if you shared the same browser.
  • In this second part, you connected a second browser; you could play
    from different browsers on a local network.
  • In this third part, you will deploy the game to the web; you can
    play from any browser connected to the Internet.

In the first and second parts of the tutorial, for local
development, you ran a HTTP server on http://localhost:8000/

and a WebSocket server on ws://localhost:8001/ with:

Now you want to deploy these servers on the Internet. There’s a
vast range of hosting providers to choose from. For the sake of simplicity,
we’ll rely on:

  • GitHub Pages for the HTTP server;
  • Heroku for the WebSocket server.

Commit project to git

Perhaps you committed your work to git while you were progressing
through the tutorial. If you didn’t, now is a good time, because GitHub and
Heroku offer git-based deployment workflows.

Initialize a git repository:

$ git init -b main
Initialized empty Git repository in websockets-tutorial/.git/
$ git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit."
[main (root-commit) ...] Initial commit.

Add all files and commit:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial implementation of Connect Four game."
[main ...] Initial implementation of Connect Four game.

6 files changed, 500 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 app.py
create mode 100644 connect4.css
create mode 100644 connect4.js
create mode 100644 connect4.py
create mode 100644 index.html
create mode 100644 main.js

Prepare the WebSocket server

Before you deploy the server, you must adapt it to meet
requirements of Heroku’s runtime. This involves two small changes:

Heroku expects the server to listen on a specific port, provided in
the $PORT environment variable.
Heroku sends a SIGTERM signal when shutting down a dyno,
which should trigger a clean exit.

Adapt the main() coroutine accordingly:

async def main():

# Set the stop condition when receiving SIGTERM.
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
stop = loop.create_future()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set_result, None)
port = int(os.environ.get("PORT", "8001"))
async with websockets.serve(handler, "", port):
await stop

To catch the SIGTERM signal, main() creates a
Future called stop and registers a signal handler that sets
the result of this future. The value of the future doesn’t matter; it’s only
for waiting for SIGTERM.

Then, by using serve() as a context manager and exiting the
context when stop has a result, main() ensures that the server
closes connections cleanly and exits on SIGTERM.

The app is now fully compatible with Heroku.

Deploy the WebSocket server

Create a requirements.txt file with this content to install
websockets when building the image:

Heroku treats
requirements.txt as a signal to detect a Python app.

That’s why you don’t need to declare that you need a Python

Create a Procfile file with this content to configure the
command for running the server:

Commit your changes:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Deploy to Heroku."
[main ...] Deploy to Heroku.

3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Procfile
create mode 100644 requirements.txt

Follow the set-up instructions to install the Heroku CLI
and to log in, if you haven’t done that yet.

Create a Heroku app. You must choose a unique name and replace
websockets-tutorial by this name in the following command:

$ heroku create websockets-tutorial
Creating ⬢ websockets-tutorial... done
https://websockets-tutorial.herokuapp.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/websockets-tutorial.git

If you reuse a name that someone else already uses, you will
receive this error; if this happens, try another name:

$ heroku create websockets-tutorial
Creating ⬢ websockets-tutorial... !

▸ Name websockets-tutorial is already taken

Deploy by pushing the code to Heroku:

$ git push heroku
... lots of output...
remote:        Released v1
remote:        https://websockets-tutorial.herokuapp.com/ deployed to Heroku
remote: Verifying deploy... done.
To https://git.heroku.com/websockets-tutorial.git

* [new branch] main -> main

You can test the WebSocket server with the interactive client
exactly like you did in the first part of the tutorial. Replace
websockets-tutorial by the name of your app in the following

$ python -m websockets wss://websockets-tutorial.herokuapp.com/
Connected to wss://websockets-tutorial.herokuapp.com/.
> {"type": "init"}
< {"type": "init", "join": "54ICxFae_Ip7TJE2", "watch": "634w44TblL5Dbd9a"}
Connection closed: 1000 (OK).

It works!

Prepare the web application

Before you deploy the web application, perhaps you’re wondering
how it will locate the WebSocket server? Indeed, at this point, its address
is hard-coded in main.js:

const websocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8001/");

You can take this strategy one step further by checking the
address of the HTTP server and determining the address of the WebSocket
server accordingly.

Add this function to main.js; replace aaugustin by
your GitHub username and websockets-tutorial by the name of your app
on Heroku:

function getWebSocketServer() {

if (window.location.host === "aaugustin.github.io") {
return "wss://websockets-tutorial.herokuapp.com/";
} else if (window.location.host === "localhost:8000") {
return "ws://localhost:8001/";
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported host: ${window.location.host}`);
} }

Then, update the initialization to connect to this address

const websocket = new WebSocket(getWebSocketServer());

Commit your changes:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Configure WebSocket server address."
[main ...] Configure WebSocket server address.

1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

Deploy the web application

Go to GitHub and create a new repository called

Push your code to this repository. You must replace
aaugustin by your GitHub username in the following command:

$ git remote add origin git@github.com:aaugustin/websockets-tutorial.git
$ git push -u origin main
Enumerating objects: 11, done.
Counting objects: 100% (11/11), done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
Writing objects: 100% (11/11), 5.90 KiB | 2.95 MiB/s, done.
Total 11 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
To github.com:<username>/websockets-tutorial.git

* [new branch] main -> main Branch 'main' set up to track remote branch 'main' from 'origin'.

Go back to GitHub, open the Settings tab of the repository and
select Pages in the menu. Select the main branch as source and click Save.
GitHub tells you that your site is published.

Follow the link and start a game!


In this third part of the tutorial, you learned how to deploy a
WebSocket application with Heroku.

You can start a Connect Four game, send the JOIN link to a friend,
and play over the Internet!

Congratulations for completing the tutorial. Enjoy building
real-time web applications with websockets!



#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import json
import os
import secrets
import signal
import websockets
from connect4 import PLAYER1, PLAYER2, Connect4
JOIN = {}
WATCH = {}
async def error(websocket, message):

Send an error message.
event = {
"type": "error",
"message": message,
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event)) async def replay(websocket, game):
Send previous moves.
# Make a copy to avoid an exception if game.moves changes while iteration
# is in progress. If a move is played while replay is running, moves will
# be sent out of order but each move will be sent once and eventually the
# UI will be consistent.
for player, column, row in game.moves.copy():
event = {
"type": "play",
"player": player,
"column": column,
"row": row,
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event)) async def play(websocket, game, player, connected):
Receive and process moves from a player.
async for message in websocket:
# Parse a "play" event from the UI.
event = json.loads(message)
assert event["type"] == "play"
column = event["column"]
# Play the move.
row = game.play(player, column)
except RuntimeError as exc:
# Send an "error" event if the move was illegal.
await error(websocket, str(exc))
# Send a "play" event to update the UI.
event = {
"type": "play",
"player": player,
"column": column,
"row": row,
websockets.broadcast(connected, json.dumps(event))
# If move is winning, send a "win" event.
if game.winner is not None:
event = {
"type": "win",
"player": game.winner,
websockets.broadcast(connected, json.dumps(event)) async def start(websocket):
Handle a connection from the first player: start a new game.
# Initialize a Connect Four game, the set of WebSocket connections
# receiving moves from this game, and secret access tokens.
game = Connect4()
connected = {websocket}
join_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(12)
JOIN[join_key] = game, connected
watch_key = secrets.token_urlsafe(12)
WATCH[watch_key] = game, connected
# Send the secret access tokens to the browser of the first player,
# where they'll be used for building "join" and "watch" links.
event = {
"type": "init",
"join": join_key,
"watch": watch_key,
await websocket.send(json.dumps(event))
# Receive and process moves from the first player.
await play(websocket, game, PLAYER1, connected)
del JOIN[join_key]
del WATCH[watch_key] async def join(websocket, join_key):
Handle a connection from the second player: join an existing game.
# Find the Connect Four game.
game, connected = JOIN[join_key]
except KeyError:
await error(websocket, "Game not found.")
# Register to receive moves from this game.
# Send the first move, in case the first player already played it.
await replay(websocket, game)
# Receive and process moves from the second player.
await play(websocket, game, PLAYER2, connected)
connected.remove(websocket) async def watch(websocket, watch_key):
Handle a connection from a spectator: watch an existing game.
# Find the Connect Four game.
game, connected = WATCH[watch_key]
except KeyError:
await error(websocket, "Game not found.")
# Register to receive moves from this game.
# Send previous moves, in case the game already started.
await replay(websocket, game)
# Keep the connection open, but don't receive any messages.
await websocket.wait_closed()
connected.remove(websocket) async def handler(websocket):
Handle a connection and dispatch it according to who is connecting.
# Receive and parse the "init" event from the UI.
message = await websocket.recv()
event = json.loads(message)
assert event["type"] == "init"
if "join" in event:
# Second player joins an existing game.
await join(websocket, event["join"])
elif "watch" in event:
# Spectator watches an existing game.
await watch(websocket, event["watch"])
# First player starts a new game.
await start(websocket) async def main():
# Set the stop condition when receiving SIGTERM.
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
stop = loop.create_future()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set_result, None)
port = int(os.environ.get("PORT", "8001"))
async with websockets.serve(handler, "", port):
await stop if __name__ == "__main__":


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<title>Connect Four</title>
<div class="actions">
<a class="action new" href="/">New</a>
<a class="action join" href="">Join</a>
<a class="action watch" href="">Watch</a>
<div class="board"></div>
<script src="main.js" type="module"></script>
</body> </html>


import { createBoard, playMove } from "./connect4.js";
function getWebSocketServer() {

if (window.location.host === "aaugustin.github.io") {
return "wss://websockets-tutorial.herokuapp.com/";
} else if (window.location.host === "localhost:8000") {
return "ws://localhost:8001/";
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported host: ${window.location.host}`);
} } function initGame(websocket) {
websocket.addEventListener("open", () => {
// Send an "init" event according to who is connecting.
const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
let event = { type: "init" };
if (params.has("join")) {
// Second player joins an existing game.
event.join = params.get("join");
} else if (params.has("watch")) {
// Spectator watches an existing game.
event.watch = params.get("watch");
} else {
// First player starts a new game.
}); } function showMessage(message) {
window.setTimeout(() => window.alert(message), 50); } function receiveMoves(board, websocket) {
websocket.addEventListener("message", ({ data }) => {
const event = JSON.parse(data);
switch (event.type) {
case "init":
// Create links for inviting the second player and spectators.
document.querySelector(".join").href = "?join=" + event.join;
document.querySelector(".watch").href = "?watch=" + event.watch;
case "play":
// Update the UI with the move.
playMove(board, event.player, event.column, event.row);
case "win":
showMessage(`Player ${event.player} wins!`);
// No further messages are expected; close the WebSocket connection.
case "error":
throw new Error(`Unsupported event type: ${event.type}.`);
}); } function sendMoves(board, websocket) {
// Don't send moves for a spectator watching a game.
const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
if (params.has("watch")) {
// When clicking a column, send a "play" event for a move in that column.
board.addEventListener("click", ({ target }) => {
const column = target.dataset.column;
// Ignore clicks outside a column.
if (column === undefined) {
const event = {
type: "play",
column: parseInt(column, 10),
}); } window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
// Initialize the UI.
const board = document.querySelector(".board");
// Open the WebSocket connection and register event handlers.
const websocket = new WebSocket(getWebSocketServer());
receiveMoves(board, websocket);
sendMoves(board, websocket); });



In a hurry?

Look at the quick start guide.


In a hurry? Check out these examples.

Quick start

Here are a few examples to get you started quickly with

Say «Hello world!»

Here’s a WebSocket server.

It receives a name from the client, sends a greeting, and closes
the connection.


#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import websockets
async def hello(websocket):

name = await websocket.recv()
print(f"<<< {name}")
greeting = f"Hello {name}!"
await websocket.send(greeting)
print(f">>> {greeting}") async def main():
async with websockets.serve(hello, "localhost", 8765):
await asyncio.Future() # run forever if __name__ == "__main__":

serve() executes the connection handler coroutine
hello() once for each WebSocket connection. It closes the WebSocket
connection when the handler returns.

Here’s a corresponding WebSocket client.

It sends a name to the server, receives a greeting, and closes the


#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import websockets
async def hello():

uri = "ws://localhost:8765"
async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:
name = input("What's your name? ")
await websocket.send(name)
print(f">>> {name}")
greeting = await websocket.recv()
print(f"<<< {greeting}") if __name__ == "__main__":

Using connect() as an asynchronous context manager ensures
the WebSocket connection is closed.

Encrypt connections

Secure WebSocket connections improve confidentiality and also
reliability because they reduce the risk of interference by bad proxies.

The wss protocol is to ws what https is to
http. The connection is encrypted with TLS (Transport Layer
Security). wss requires certificates like https.


TLS is sometimes referred to as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).
SSL was an earlier encryption protocol; the name stuck.

Here’s how to adapt the server to encrypt connections. You must
download localhost.pem and save it in the same directory as

See the documentation of the ssl module for details on
configuring the TLS context securely.


#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import pathlib
import ssl
import websockets
async def hello(websocket):

name = await websocket.recv()
print(f"<<< {name}")
greeting = f"Hello {name}!"
await websocket.send(greeting)
print(f">>> {greeting}") ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER) localhost_pem = pathlib.Path(__file__).with_name("localhost.pem") ssl_context.load_cert_chain(localhost_pem) async def main():
async with websockets.serve(hello, "localhost", 8765, ssl=ssl_context):
await asyncio.Future() # run forever if __name__ == "__main__":

Here’s how to adapt the client similarly.


#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import pathlib
import ssl
import websockets
ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT)
localhost_pem = pathlib.Path(__file__).with_name("localhost.pem")
async def hello():

uri = "wss://localhost:8765"
async with websockets.connect(uri, ssl=ssl_context) as websocket:
name = input("What's your name? ")
await websocket.send(name)
print(f">>> {name}")
greeting = await websocket.recv()
print(f"<<< {greeting}") if __name__ == "__main__":

In this example, the client needs a TLS context because the server
uses a self-signed certificate.

When connecting to a secure WebSocket server with a valid
certificate — any certificate signed by a CA that your Python
installation trusts — you can simply pass ssl=True to

Connect from a browser

The WebSocket protocol was invented for the web — as the
name says!

Here’s how to connect to a WebSocket server from a browser.

Run this script in a console:


#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import datetime
import random
import websockets
async def show_time(websocket):

while True:
message = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + "Z"
await websocket.send(message)
await asyncio.sleep(random.random() * 2 + 1) async def main():
async with websockets.serve(show_time, "localhost", 5678):
await asyncio.Future() # run forever if __name__ == "__main__":

Save this file as show_time.html:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<title>WebSocket demo</title>
<script src="show_time.js"></script>
</body> </html>

Save this file as show_time.js:


window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {

const messages = document.createElement("ul");
const websocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:5678/");
websocket.onmessage = ({ data }) => {
const message = document.createElement("li");
const content = document.createTextNode(data);
}; });

Then, open show_time.html in several browsers. Clocks tick

Broadcast messages

Let’s change the previous example to send the same timestamps to
all browsers, instead of generating independent sequences for each

Stop the previous script if it’s still running and run this script
in a console:


#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import datetime
import random
import websockets
async def register(websocket):

await websocket.wait_closed()
CONNECTIONS.remove(websocket) async def show_time():
while True:
message = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + "Z"
websockets.broadcast(CONNECTIONS, message)
await asyncio.sleep(random.random() * 2 + 1) async def main():
async with websockets.serve(register, "localhost", 5678):
await show_time() if __name__ == "__main__":

Refresh show_time.html in all browsers. Clocks tick in

Manage application state

A WebSocket server can receive events from clients, process them
to update the application state, and broadcast the updated state to all
connected clients.

Here’s an example where any client can increment or decrement a
counter. The concurrency model of asyncio guarantees that updates are

Run this script in a console:


#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import json
import logging
import websockets
USERS = set()
def users_event():

return json.dumps({"type": "users", "count": len(USERS)}) def value_event():
return json.dumps({"type": "value", "value": VALUE}) async def counter(websocket):
# Register user
websockets.broadcast(USERS, users_event())
# Send current state to user
await websocket.send(value_event())
# Manage state changes
async for message in websocket:
event = json.loads(message)
if event["action"] == "minus":
VALUE -= 1
websockets.broadcast(USERS, value_event())
elif event["action"] == "plus":
VALUE += 1
websockets.broadcast(USERS, value_event())
logging.error("unsupported event: %s", event)
# Unregister user
websockets.broadcast(USERS, users_event()) async def main():
async with websockets.serve(counter, "localhost", 6789):
await asyncio.Future() # run forever if __name__ == "__main__":

Save this file as counter.html:


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

<title>WebSocket demo</title>
<link href="counter.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div class="buttons">
<div class="minus button">-</div>
<div class="value">?</div>
<div class="plus button">+</div>
<div class="state">
<span class="users">?</span> online
<script src="counter.js"></script>
</body> </html>

Save this file as counter.css:


body {

font-family: "Courier New", sans-serif;
text-align: center; } .buttons {
font-size: 4em;
display: flex;
justify-content: center; } .button, .value {
line-height: 1;
padding: 2rem;
margin: 2rem;
border: medium solid;
min-height: 1em;
min-width: 1em; } .button {
cursor: pointer;
user-select: none; } .minus {
color: red; } .plus {
color: green; } .value {
min-width: 2em; } .state {
font-size: 2em; }

Save this file as counter.js:


window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {

const websocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:6789/");
document.querySelector(".minus").addEventListener("click", () => {
websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "minus" }));
document.querySelector(".plus").addEventListener("click", () => {
websocket.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "plus" }));
websocket.onmessage = ({ data }) => {
const event = JSON.parse(data);
switch (event.type) {
case "value":
document.querySelector(".value").textContent = event.value;
case "users":
const users = `${event.count} user${event.count == 1 ? "" : "s"}`;
document.querySelector(".users").textContent = users;
console.error("unsupported event", event);
}; });

Then open counter.html file in several browsers and play
with [+] and [-].

If you’re stuck, perhaps you’ll find the answer here.

Cheat sheet


Write a coroutine that handles a single connection. It receives a
WebSocket protocol instance and the URI path in argument.
  • Call recv() and send() to receive and send messages at any
  • When recv() or send() raises ConnectionClosed, clean
    up and exit. If you started other asyncio.Task, terminate them
    before exiting.
  • If you aren’t awaiting recv(), consider awaiting
    wait_closed() to detect quickly when the connection is closed.
  • You may ping() or pong() if you wish but it isn’t needed in
Create a server with serve() which is similar to asyncio’s
create_server(). You can also use it as an asynchronous context
  • The server takes care of establishing connections, then lets the handler
    execute the application logic, and finally closes the connection after the
    handler exits normally or with an exception.
  • For advanced customization, you may subclass
    WebSocketServerProtocol and pass either this subclass or a factory
    function as the create_protocol argument.


Create a client with connect() which is similar to asyncio’s
create_connection(). You can also use it as an asynchronous context
For advanced customization, you may subclass
WebSocketClientProtocol and pass either this subclass or a factory
function as the create_protocol argument.
  • Call recv() and send() to receive and send messages at any
  • You may ping() or pong() if you wish but it isn’t needed in
  • If you aren’t using connect() as a context manager, call
    close() to terminate the connection.


If you don’t understand what websockets is doing, enable

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('websockets')

The logs contain:

  • Exceptions in the connection handler at the ERROR level
  • Exceptions in the opening or closing handshake at the INFO
  • All frames at the DEBUG level — this can be very

If you’re new to asyncio, you will certainly encounter
issues that are related to asynchronous programming in general rather than
to websockets in particular. Fortunately Python’s official documentation
provides advice to develop with asyncio. Check it out: it’s


Here are typical patterns for processing messages in a WebSocket
server or client. You will certainly implement some of them in your

This page gives examples of connection handlers for a server.
However, they’re also applicable to a client, simply by assuming that
websocket is a connection created with connect().

WebSocket connections are long-lived. You will usually write a
loop to process several messages during the lifetime of a connection.


To receive messages from the WebSocket connection:

async def consumer_handler(websocket):

async for message in websocket:
await consumer(message)

In this example, consumer() is a coroutine implementing
your business logic for processing a message received on the WebSocket
connection. Each message may be str or bytes.

Iteration terminates when the client disconnects.


To send messages to the WebSocket connection:

async def producer_handler(websocket):

while True:
message = await producer()
await websocket.send(message)

In this example, producer() is a coroutine implementing
your business logic for generating the next message to send on the WebSocket
connection. Each message must be str or bytes.

Iteration terminates when the client disconnects because
send() raises a ConnectionClosed exception, which breaks out
of the while True loop.

Consumer and producer

You can receive and send messages on the same WebSocket connection
by combining the consumer and producer patterns. This requires running two
tasks in parallel:

async def handler(websocket):

await asyncio.gather(

If a task terminates, gather() doesn’t cancel the other
task. This can result in a situation where the producer keeps running after
the consumer finished, which may leak resources.

Here’s a way to exit and close the WebSocket connection as soon as
a task terminates, after canceling the other task:

async def handler(websocket):

consumer_task = asyncio.create_task(consumer_handler(websocket))
producer_task = asyncio.create_task(producer_handler(websocket))
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(
[consumer_task, producer_task],
for task in pending:


To keep track of currently connected clients, you can register
them when they connect and unregister them when they disconnect:

connected = set()
async def handler(websocket):

# Register.
# Broadcast a message to all connected clients.
websockets.broadcast(connected, "Hello!")
await asyncio.sleep(10)
# Unregister.

This example maintains the set of connected clients in memory.
This works as long as you run a single process. It doesn’t scale to multiple


If you plan to run multiple processes and you want to communicate
updates between processes, then you must deploy a messaging system. You may
find publish-subscribe functionality useful.

A complete implementation of this idea with Redis is described in
the Django integration guide.

Reload on code changes

When developing a websockets server, you may run it locally to
test changes. Unfortunately, whenever you want to try a new version of the
code, you must stop the server and restart it, which slows down your
development process.

Web frameworks such as Django or Flask provide a development
server that reloads the application automatically when you make code
changes. There is no such functionality in websockets because it’s designed
for production rather than development.

However, you can achieve the same result easily.

Install watchdog with the watchmedo shell

$ pip install 'watchdog[watchmedo]'

Run your server with watchmedo auto-restart:

$ watchmedo auto-restart --pattern "*.py" --recursive --signal SIGTERM 

python app.py

This example assumes that the server is defined in a script called
app.py. Adapt it as necessary.

This guide will help you integrate websockets into a broader

Integrate with Django

If you’re looking at adding real-time capabilities to a Django
project with WebSocket, you have two main options.

Using Django Channels, a project adding WebSocket to Django, among
other features. This approach is fully supported by Django. However, it
requires switching to a new deployment architecture.
Deploying a separate WebSocket server next to your Django project. This
technique is well suited when you need to add a small set of real-time
features — maybe a notification service — to a HTTP

This guide shows how to implement the second technique with
websockets. It assumes familiarity with Django.

Authenticate connections

Since the websockets server runs outside of Django, we need to
integrate it with django.contrib.auth.

We will generate authentication tokens in the Django project. Then
we will send them to the websockets server, where they will authenticate the

Generating a token for the current user and making it available in
the browser is up to you. You could render the token in a template or fetch
it with an API call.

Refer to the topic guide on authentication for details on
this design.

Generate tokens

We want secure, short-lived tokens containing the user ID. We’ll
rely on django-sesame, a small library designed exactly for this

Add django-sesame to the dependencies of your Django project,
install it, and configure it in the settings of the project:


"sesame.backends.ModelBackend", ]

(If your project already uses another authentication backend than
the default «django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend»,
adjust accordingly.)

You don’t need
«sesame.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware». It is for
authenticating users in the Django server, while we’re authenticating them
in the websockets server.

We’d like our tokens to be valid for 30 seconds. We expect web
pages to load and to establish the WebSocket connection within this delay.
Configure django-sesame accordingly in the settings of your Django

If you expect your web site to load faster for all clients, a
shorter lifespan is possible. However, in the context of this document, it
would make manual testing more difficult.

You could also enable single-use tokens. However, this would
update the last login date of the user every time a WebSocket connection is
established. This doesn’t seem like a good idea, both in terms of behavior
and in terms of performance.

Now you can generate tokens in a django-admin shell as

>>> from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
>>> User = get_user_model()
>>> user = User.objects.get(username="<your username>")
>>> from sesame.utils import get_token
>>> get_token(user)
'<your token>'

Keep this console open: since tokens expire after 30 seconds,
you’ll have to generate a new token every time you want to test connecting
to the server.

Validate tokens

Let’s move on to the websockets server.

Add websockets to the dependencies of your Django project and
install it. Indeed, we’re going to reuse the environment of the Django
project, so we can call its APIs in the websockets server.

Now here’s how to implement authentication.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import django
import websockets
from sesame.utils import get_user
async def handler(websocket):

sesame = await websocket.recv()
user = await asyncio.to_thread(get_user, sesame)
if user is None:
await websocket.close(1011, "authentication failed")
await websocket.send(f"Hello {user}!") async def main():
async with websockets.serve(handler, "localhost", 8888):
await asyncio.Future() # run forever if __name__ == "__main__":

Let’s unpack this code.

We’re calling django.setup() before doing anything with
Django because we’re using Django in a standalone script. This
assumes that the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable is set
to the Python path to your settings module.

The connection handler reads the first message received from the
client, which is expected to contain a django-sesame token. Then it
authenticates the user with get_user(), the API for authentication
outside a view
. If authentication fails, it closes the connection and

When we call an API that makes a database query such as
get_user(), we wrap the call in to_thread(). Indeed, the
Django ORM doesn’t support asynchronous I/O. It would block the event loop
if it didn’t run in a separate thread. to_thread() is available since
Python 3.9. In earlier versions, use run_in_executor() instead.

Finally, we start a server with serve().

We’re ready to test!

Save this code to a file called authentication.py, make
sure the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable is set properly,
and start the websockets server:

$ python authentication.py

Generate a new token — remember, they’re only valid for 30
seconds — and use it to connect to your server. Paste your token and
press Enter when you get a prompt:

$ python -m websockets ws://localhost:8888/
Connected to ws://localhost:8888/
> <your token>
< Hello <your username>!
Connection closed: 1000 (OK).

It works!

If you enter an expired or invalid token, authentication fails and
the server closes the connection:

$ python -m websockets ws://localhost:8888/
Connected to ws://localhost:8888.
> not a token
Connection closed: 1011 (unexpected error) authentication failed.

You can also test from a browser by generating a new token and
running the following code in the JavaScript console of the browser:

websocket = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8888/");
websocket.onopen = (event) => websocket.send("<your token>");
websocket.onmessage = (event) => console.log(event.data);

If you don’t want to import your entire Django project into the
websockets server, you can build a separate Django project with
django.contrib.auth, django-sesame, a suitable User
model, and a subset of the settings of the main project.

Stream events

We can connect and authenticate but our server doesn’t do anything
useful yet!

Let’s send a message every time a user makes an action in the
admin. This message will be broadcast to all users who can access the model
on which the action was made. This may be used for showing notifications to
other users.

Many use cases for WebSocket with Django follow a similar

Set up event bus

We need a event bus to enable communications between Django and
websockets. Both sides connect permanently to the bus. Then Django writes
events and websockets reads them. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll rely on
Redis Pub/Sub.

The easiest way to add Redis to a Django project is by configuring
a cache backend with django-redis. This library manages connections
to Redis efficiently, persisting them between requests, and provides an API
to access the Redis connection directly.

Install Redis, add django-redis to the dependencies of your Django
project, install it, and configure it in the settings of the project:


"default": {
"BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache",
"LOCATION": "redis://",
}, }

If you already have a default cache, add a new one with a
different name and change get_redis_connection(«default»)
in the code below to the same name.

Publish events

Now let’s write events to the bus.

Add the following code to a module that is imported when your
Django project starts. Typically, you would put it in a signals.py
module, which you would import in the AppConfig.ready() method of one
of your apps:

import json
from django.contrib.admin.models import LogEntry
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django_redis import get_redis_connection
@receiver(post_save, sender=LogEntry)
def publish_event(instance, **kwargs):

event = {
"model": instance.content_type.name,
"object": instance.object_repr,
"message": instance.get_change_message(),
"timestamp": instance.action_time.isoformat(),
"user": str(instance.user),
"content_type_id": instance.content_type_id,
"object_id": instance.object_id,
connection = get_redis_connection("default")
payload = json.dumps(event)
connection.publish("events", payload)

This code runs every time the admin saves a LogEntry object
to keep track of a change. It extracts interesting data, serializes it to
JSON, and writes an event to Redis.

Let’s check that it works:

$ redis-cli> SELECT 1
OK[1]> SUBSCRIBE events
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
1) "subscribe"
2) "events"
3) (integer) 1

Leave this command running, start the Django development server
and make changes in the admin: add, modify, or delete objects. You should
see corresponding events published to the «events»

Broadcast events

Now let’s turn to reading events and broadcasting them to
connected clients. We need to add several features:

  • Keep track of connected clients so we can broadcast messages.
  • Tell which content types the user has permission to view or to
  • Connect to the message bus and read events.
  • Broadcast these events to users who have corresponding permissions.

Here’s a complete implementation.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import json
import aioredis
import django
import websockets
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from sesame.utils import get_user
def get_content_types(user):

"""Return the set of IDs of content types visible by user."""
# This does only three database queries because Django caches
# all permissions on the first call to user.has_perm(...).
return {
for ct in ContentType.objects.all()
if user.has_perm(f"{ct.app_label}.view_{ct.model}")
or user.has_perm(f"{ct.app_label}.change_{ct.model}")
} async def handler(websocket):
"""Authenticate user and register connection in CONNECTIONS."""
sesame = await websocket.recv()
user = await asyncio.to_thread(get_user, sesame)
if user is None:
await websocket.close(1011, "authentication failed")
ct_ids = await asyncio.to_thread(get_content_types, user)
CONNECTIONS[websocket] = {"content_type_ids": ct_ids}
await websocket.wait_closed()
del CONNECTIONS[websocket] async def process_events():
"""Listen to events in Redis and process them."""
redis = aioredis.from_url("redis://")
pubsub = redis.pubsub()
await pubsub.subscribe("events")
async for message in pubsub.listen():
if message["type"] != "message":
payload = message["data"].decode()
# Broadcast event to all users who have permissions to see it.
event = json.loads(payload)
recipients = (
for websocket, connection in CONNECTIONS.items()
if event["content_type_id"] in connection["content_type_ids"]
websockets.broadcast(recipients, payload) async def main():
async with websockets.serve(handler, "localhost", 8888):
await process_events() # runs forever if __name__ == "__main__":

Since the get_content_types() function makes a database
query, it is wrapped inside asyncio.to_thread(). It runs once when
each WebSocket connection is open; then its result is cached for the
lifetime of the connection. Indeed, running it for each message would
trigger database queries for all connected users at the same time, which
would hurt the database.

The connection handler merely registers the connection in a global
variable, associated to the list of content types for which events should be
sent to that connection, and waits until the client disconnects.

The process_events() function reads events from Redis and
broadcasts them to all connections that should receive them. We don’t care
much if a sending a notification fails — this happens when a
connection drops between the moment we iterate on connections and the moment
the corresponding message is sent — so we start a task with for each
message and forget about it. Also, this means we’re immediately ready to
process the next event, even if it takes time to send a message to a slow

Since Redis can publish a message to multiple subscribers,
multiple instances of this server can safely run in parallel.

Does it scale?

In theory, given enough servers, this design can scale to a
hundred million clients, since Redis can handle ten thousand servers and
each server can handle ten thousand clients. In practice, you would need a
more scalable message bus before reaching that scale, due to the volume of

The WebSocket protocol makes provisions for extending or
specializing its features, which websockets supports fully.

Write an extension

During the opening handshake, WebSocket clients and servers
negotiate which extensions will be used with which parameters. Then
each frame is processed by extensions before being sent or after being

As a consequence, writing an extension requires implementing
several classes:

  • Extension Factory: it negotiates parameters and instantiates the

    Clients and servers require separate extension factories with
    distinct APIs.

    Extension factories are the public API of an extension.

  • Extension: it decodes incoming frames and encodes outgoing frames.

    If the extension is symmetrical, clients and servers can use
    the same class.

    Extensions are initialized by extension factories, so they
    don’t need to be part of the public API of an extension.

websockets provides base classes for extension factories and
extensions. See ClientExtensionFactory,
ServerExtensionFactory, and Extension for details.

Once your application is ready, learn how to deploy it on various

Deploy to Render

This guide describes how to deploy a websockets server to

The free plan of Render is
sufficient for trying this guide.

However, on a free plan, connections are dropped after
five minutes, which is quite short for WebSocket application.

We’re going to deploy a very simple app. The process would be
identical for a more realistic app.

Create repository

Deploying to Render requires a git repository. Let’s initialize

$ mkdir websockets-echo
$ cd websockets-echo
$ git init -b main
Initialized empty Git repository in websockets-echo/.git/
$ git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit."
[main (root-commit) 816c3b1] Initial commit.

Render requires the git repository to be hosted at GitHub or

Sign up or log in to GitHub. Create a new repository named
websockets-echo. Don’t enable any of the initialization options
offered by GitHub. Then, follow instructions for pushing an existing
repository from the command line.

After pushing, refresh your repository’s homepage on GitHub. You
should see an empty repository with an empty initial commit.

Create application

Here’s the implementation of the app, an echo server. Save it in a
file called app.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import http
import signal
import websockets
async def echo(websocket):

async for message in websocket:
await websocket.send(message) async def health_check(path, request_headers):
if path == "/healthz":
return http.HTTPStatus.OK, [], b"OKn" async def main():
# Set the stop condition when receiving SIGTERM.
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
stop = loop.create_future()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set_result, None)
async with websockets.serve(
await stop if __name__ == "__main__":

This app implements requirements for zero downtime

  • it provides a health check at /healthz;
  • it closes connections and exits cleanly when it receives a SIGTERM

Create a requirements.txt file containing this line to
declare a dependency on websockets:

Confirm that you created the correct files and commit them to

$ ls
app.py           requirements.txt
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial implementation."
[main f26bf7f] Initial implementation.
2 files changed, 37 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 app.py
create mode 100644 requirements.txt

Push the changes to GitHub:

$ git push
To github.com:<username>/websockets-echo.git

816c3b1..f26bf7f main -> main

The app is ready. Let’s deploy it!

Deploy application

Sign up or log in to Render.

Create a new web service. Connect the git repository that you just

Then, finalize the configuration of your app as follows:

  • Name: websockets-echo
  • Start Command: python app.py

If you’re just experimenting, select the free plan. Create the web

To configure the health check, go to Settings, scroll down to
Health & Alerts, and set:

Health Check Path: /healthz

This triggers a new deployment.

Validate deployment

Let’s confirm that your application is running as expected.

Since it’s a WebSocket server, you need a WebSocket client, such
as the interactive client that comes with websockets.

If you’re currently building a websockets server, perhaps you’re
already in a virtualenv where websockets is installed. If not, you can
install it in a new virtualenv as follows:

$ python -m venv websockets-client
$ . websockets-client/bin/activate
$ pip install websockets

Connect the interactive client — you must replace
websockets-echo with the name of your Render app in this command:

$ python -m websockets wss://websockets-echo.onrender.com/
Connected to wss://websockets-echo.onrender.com/.

Great! Your app is running!

Once you’re connected, you can send any message and the server
will echo it, or press Ctrl-D to terminate the connection:

> Hello!
< Hello!
Connection closed: 1000 (OK).

You can also confirm that your application shuts down gracefully
when you deploy a new version. Due to limitations of Render’s free plan, you
must upgrade to a paid plan before you perform this test.

Connect an interactive client again — remember to replace
websockets-echo with your app:

$ python -m websockets wss://websockets-echo.onrender.com/
Connected to wss://websockets-echo.onrender.com/.

Trigger a new deployment with Manual Deploy > Deploy latest
commit. When the deployment completes, the connection is closed with code
1001 (going away).

$ python -m websockets wss://websockets-echo.onrender.com/
Connected to wss://websockets-echo.onrender.com/.
Connection closed: 1001 (going away).

If graceful shutdown wasn’t working, the server wouldn’t perform a
closing handshake and the connection would be closed with code 1006
(connection closed abnormally).

Remember to downgrade to a free plan if you upgraded just for
testing this feature.

Deploy to Fly

This guide describes how to deploy a websockets server to

The free tier of Fly is
sufficient for trying this guide.

The free tier include up to three small VMs. This guide
uses only one.

We’re going to deploy a very simple app. The process would be
identical for a more realistic app.

Create application

Here’s the implementation of the app, an echo server. Save it in a
file called app.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import http
import signal
import websockets
async def echo(websocket):

async for message in websocket:
await websocket.send(message) async def health_check(path, request_headers):
if path == "/healthz":
return http.HTTPStatus.OK, [], b"OKn" async def main():
# Set the stop condition when receiving SIGTERM.
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
stop = loop.create_future()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set_result, None)
async with websockets.serve(
await stop if __name__ == "__main__":

This app implements typical requirements for running on a Platform
as a Service:

  • it provides a health check at /healthz;
  • it closes connections and exits cleanly when it receives a SIGTERM

Create a requirements.txt file containing this line to
declare a dependency on websockets:

The app is ready. Let’s deploy it!

Deploy application

Follow the instructions to install the Fly CLI, if you
haven’t done that yet.

Sign up or log in to Fly.

Launch the app — you’ll have to pick a different name
because I’m already using websockets-echo:

$ fly launch
Creating app in ...
Scanning source code
Detected a Python app
Using the following build configuration:

Builder: paketobuildpacks/builder:base ? App Name (leave blank to use an auto-generated name): websockets-echo ? Select organization: ... ? Select region: ... Created app websockets-echo in organization ... Wrote config file fly.toml ? Would you like to set up a Postgresql database now? No We have generated a simple Procfile for you. Modify it to fit your needs and run "fly deploy" to deploy your application.
This will build the image
with a generic buildpack.

Fly can build images with a Dockerfile or a buildpack.
Here, fly launch configures a generic Paketo

If you’d rather package the app with a Dockerfile, check out
the guide to containerize an application.

Replace the auto-generated fly.toml with:

app = "websockets-echo"
kill_signal = "SIGTERM"

builder = "paketobuildpacks/builder:base" [[services]]
internal_port = 8080
protocol = "tcp"
path = "/healthz"
handlers = ["tls", "http"]
port = 443

This configuration:

  • listens on port 443, terminates TLS, and forwards to the app on port
  • declares a health check at /healthz;
  • requests a SIGTERM for terminating the app.

Replace the auto-generated Procfile with:

This tells Fly how to run the app.

Now you can deploy it:

$ fly deploy
... lots of output...
==> Monitoring deployment
1 desired, 1 placed, 1 healthy, 0 unhealthy [health checks: 1 total, 1 passing]
--> v0 deployed successfully

Validate deployment

Let’s confirm that your application is running as expected.

Since it’s a WebSocket server, you need a WebSocket client, such
as the interactive client that comes with websockets.

If you’re currently building a websockets server, perhaps you’re
already in a virtualenv where websockets is installed. If not, you can
install it in a new virtualenv as follows:

$ python -m venv websockets-client
$ . websockets-client/bin/activate
$ pip install websockets

Connect the interactive client — you must replace
websockets-echo with the name of your Fly app in this command:

$ python -m websockets wss://websockets-echo.fly.dev/
Connected to wss://websockets-echo.fly.dev/.

Great! Your app is running!

Once you’re connected, you can send any message and the server
will echo it, or press Ctrl-D to terminate the connection:

> Hello!
< Hello!
Connection closed: 1000 (OK).

You can also confirm that your application shuts down

Connect an interactive client again — remember to replace
websockets-echo with your app:

$ python -m websockets wss://websockets-echo.fly.dev/
Connected to wss://websockets-echo.fly.dev/.

In another shell, restart the app — again, replace
websockets-echo with your app:

$ fly restart websockets-echo
websockets-echo is being restarted

Go back to the first shell. The connection is closed with code
1001 (going away).

$ python -m websockets wss://websockets-echo.fly.dev/
Connected to wss://websockets-echo.fly.dev/.
Connection closed: 1001 (going away).

If graceful shutdown wasn’t working, the server wouldn’t perform a
closing handshake and the connection would be closed with code 1006
(connection closed abnormally).

Deploy to Heroku

This guide describes how to deploy a websockets server to
Heroku. The same principles should apply to other Platform as a
Service providers.

Heroku no longer
offers a free tier.

When this tutorial was written, in September 2021, Heroku
offered a free tier where a websockets app could run at no cost. In
November 2022, Heroku removed the free tier, making it impossible to
maintain this document. As a consequence, it isn’t updated anymore and
may be removed in the future.

We’re going to deploy a very simple app. The process would be
identical for a more realistic app.

Create repository

Deploying to Heroku requires a git repository. Let’s initialize

$ mkdir websockets-echo
$ cd websockets-echo
$ git init -b main
Initialized empty Git repository in websockets-echo/.git/
$ git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit."
[main (root-commit) 1e7947d] Initial commit.

Create application

Here’s the implementation of the app, an echo server. Save it in a
file called app.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import signal
import os
import websockets
async def echo(websocket):

async for message in websocket:
await websocket.send(message) async def main():
# Set the stop condition when receiving SIGTERM.
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
stop = loop.create_future()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set_result, None)
async with websockets.serve(
await stop if __name__ == "__main__":

Heroku expects the server to listen on a specific port,
which is provided in the $PORT environment variable. The app reads it
and passes it to serve().

Heroku sends a SIGTERM signal to all processes when
shutting down a dyno. When the app receives this signal, it
closes connections and exits cleanly.

Create a requirements.txt file containing this line to
declare a dependency on websockets:

Create a Procfile.

This tells Heroku how to run the app.

Confirm that you created the correct files and commit them to

$ ls
Procfile         app.py           requirements.txt
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial implementation."
[main 8418c62] Initial implementation.
 3 files changed, 32 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Procfile
 create mode 100644 app.py
 create mode 100644 requirements.txt

The app is ready. Let’s deploy it!

Deploy application

Follow the instructions to install the Heroku CLI, if you
haven’t done that yet.

Sign up or log in to Heroku.

Create a Heroku app — you’ll have to pick a different name
because I’m already using websockets-echo:

$ heroku create websockets-echo
Creating ⬢ websockets-echo... done
https://websockets-echo.herokuapp.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/websockets-echo.git
$ git push heroku
... lots of output...
remote: -----> Launching...
remote:        Released v1
remote:        https://websockets-echo.herokuapp.com/ deployed to Heroku
remote: Verifying deploy... done.
To https://git.heroku.com/websockets-echo.git
 * [new branch]      main -> main

Validate deployment

Let’s confirm that your application is running as expected.

Since it’s a WebSocket server, you need a WebSocket client, such
as the interactive client that comes with websockets.

If you’re currently building a websockets server, perhaps you’re
already in a virtualenv where websockets is installed. If not, you can
install it in a new virtualenv as follows:

$ python -m venv websockets-client
$ . websockets-client/bin/activate
$ pip install websockets

Connect the interactive client — you must replace
websockets-echo with the name of your Heroku app in this command:

$ python -m websockets wss://websockets-echo.herokuapp.com/
Connected to wss://websockets-echo.herokuapp.com/.

Great! Your app is running!

Once you’re connected, you can send any message and the server
will echo it, or press Ctrl-D to terminate the connection:

> Hello!
< Hello!
Connection closed: 1000 (OK).

You can also confirm that your application shuts down

Connect an interactive client again — remember to replace
websockets-echo with your app:

$ python -m websockets wss://websockets-echo.herokuapp.com/
Connected to wss://websockets-echo.herokuapp.com/.

In another shell, restart the app — again, replace
websockets-echo with your app:

$ heroku dyno:restart -a websockets-echo
Restarting dynos on ⬢ websockets-echo... done

Go back to the first shell. The connection is closed with code
1001 (going away).

$ python -m websockets wss://websockets-echo.herokuapp.com/
Connected to wss://websockets-echo.herokuapp.com/.
Connection closed: 1001 (going away).

If graceful shutdown wasn’t working, the server wouldn’t perform a
closing handshake and the connection would be closed with code 1006
(connection closed abnormally).

Deploy to Kubernetes

This guide describes how to deploy a websockets server to
Kubernetes. It assumes familiarity with Docker and Kubernetes.

We’re going to deploy a simple app to a local Kubernetes cluster
and to ensure that it scales as expected.

In a more realistic context, you would follow your organization’s
practices for deploying to Kubernetes, but you would apply the same
principles as far as websockets is concerned.

Containerize application

Here’s the app we’re going to deploy. Save it in a file called

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import http
import signal
import sys
import time
import websockets
async def slow_echo(websocket):

async for message in websocket:
# Block the event loop! This allows saturating a single asyncio
# process without opening an impractical number of connections.
time.sleep(0.1) # 100ms
await websocket.send(message) async def health_check(path, request_headers):
if path == "/healthz":
return http.HTTPStatus.OK, [], b"OKn"
if path == "/inemuri":
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
loop.call_later(1, time.sleep, 10)
return http.HTTPStatus.OK, [], b"Sleeping for 10sn"
if path == "/seppuku":
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
loop.call_later(1, sys.exit, 69)
return http.HTTPStatus.OK, [], b"Terminatingn" async def main():
# Set the stop condition when receiving SIGTERM.
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
stop = loop.create_future()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set_result, None)
async with websockets.serve(
await stop if __name__ == "__main__":

This is an echo server with one twist: every message blocks the
server for 100ms, which creates artificial starvation of CPU time. This
makes it easier to saturate the server for load testing.

The app exposes a health check on /healthz. It also
provides two other endpoints for testing purposes: /inemuri will make
the app unresponsive for 10 seconds and /seppuku will terminate

The quest for the perfect Python container image is out of scope
of this guide, so we’ll go for the simplest possible configuration

FROM python:3.9-alpine
RUN pip install websockets
COPY app.py .
CMD ["python", "app.py"]

After saving this Dockerfile, build the image:

$ docker build -t websockets-test:1.0 .

Test your image by running:

$ docker run --name run-websockets-test --publish 32080:80 --rm 


Then, in another shell, in a virtualenv where websockets is
installed, connect to the app and check that it echoes anything you

$ python -m websockets ws://localhost:32080/
Connected to ws://localhost:32080/.
> Hey there!
< Hey there!

Now, in yet another shell, stop the app with:

$ docker kill -s TERM run-websockets-test

Going to the shell where you connected to the app, you can confirm
that it shut down gracefully:

$ python -m websockets ws://localhost:32080/
Connected to ws://localhost:32080/.
> Hey there!
< Hey there!
Connection closed: 1001 (going away).

If it didn’t, you’d get code 1006 (connection closed

Deploy application

Configuring Kubernetes is even further beyond the scope of this
guide, so we’ll use a basic configuration for testing, with just one
Service and one Deployment:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service

name: websockets-test spec:
type: NodePort
- port: 80
nodePort: 32080
app: websockets-test --- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata:
name: websockets-test spec:
app: websockets-test
app: websockets-test
- name: websockets-test
image: websockets-test:1.0
path: /healthz
port: 80
periodSeconds: 1
- containerPort: 80

For local testing, a service of type NodePort is good
enough. For deploying to production, you would configure an

After saving this to a file called deployment.yaml, you can

$ kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
service/websockets-test created
deployment.apps/websockets-test created

Now you have a deployment with one pod running:

$ kubectl get deployment websockets-test
websockets-test   1/1     1            1           10s
$ kubectl get pods -l app=websockets-test
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
websockets-test-86b48f4bb7-nltfh   1/1     Running   0          10s

You can connect to the service — press Ctrl-D to exit:

$ python -m websockets ws://localhost:32080/
Connected to ws://localhost:32080/.
Connection closed: 1000 (OK).

Validate deployment

First, let’s ensure the liveness probe works by making the app

$ curl http://localhost:32080/inemuri
Sleeping for 10s

Since we have only one pod, we know that this pod will go to

The liveness probe is configured to run every second. By default,
liveness probes time out after one second and have a threshold of three
failures. Therefore Kubernetes should restart the pod after at most 5

Indeed, after a few seconds, the pod reports a restart:

$ kubectl get pods -l app=websockets-test
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
websockets-test-86b48f4bb7-nltfh   1/1     Running   1          42s

Next, let’s take it one step further and crash the app:

$ curl http://localhost:32080/seppuku

The pod reports a second restart:

$ kubectl get pods -l app=websockets-test
NAME                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
websockets-test-86b48f4bb7-nltfh   1/1     Running   2          72s

All good — Kubernetes delivers on its promise to keep our
app alive!

Scale deployment

Of course, Kubernetes is for scaling. Let’s scale —
modestly — to 10 pods:

$ kubectl scale deployment.apps/websockets-test --replicas=10
deployment.apps/websockets-test scaled

After a few seconds, we have 10 pods running:

$ kubectl get deployment websockets-test
websockets-test   10/10   10           10          10m

Now let’s generate load. We’ll use this script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import sys
import websockets
URI = "ws://localhost:32080"
async def run(client_id, messages):

async with websockets.connect(URI) as websocket:
for message_id in range(messages):
await websocket.send(f"{client_id}:{message_id}")
await websocket.recv() async def benchmark(clients, messages):
await asyncio.wait([
asyncio.create_task(run(client_id, messages))
for client_id in range(clients)
]) if __name__ == "__main__":
clients, messages = int(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2])
asyncio.run(benchmark(clients, messages))

We’ll connect 500 clients in parallel, meaning 50 clients per pod,
and have each client send 6 messages. Since the app blocks for 100ms before
responding, if connections are perfectly distributed, we expect a total run
time slightly over 50 * 6 * 0.1 = 30 seconds.

Let’s try it:

$ ulimit -n 512
$ time python benchmark.py 500 6
python benchmark.py 500 6  2.40s user 0.51s system 7% cpu 36.471 total

A total runtime of 36 seconds is in the right ballpark. Repeating
this experiment with other parameters shows roughly consistent results, with
the high variability you’d expect from a quick benchmark without any effort
to stabilize the test setup.

Finally, we can scale back to one pod.

$ kubectl scale deployment.apps/websockets-test --replicas=1
deployment.apps/websockets-test scaled
$ kubectl get deployment websockets-test
websockets-test   1/1     1            1           15m

Deploy with Supervisor

This guide proposes a simple way to deploy a websockets server
directly on a Linux or BSD operating system.

We’ll configure Supervisor to run several server processes
and to restart them if needed.

We’ll bind all servers to the same port. The OS will take care of
balancing connections.

Create and activate a virtualenv:

$ python -m venv supervisor-websockets
$ . supervisor-websockets/bin/activate

Install websockets and Supervisor:

$ pip install websockets
$ pip install supervisor

Save this app to a file called app.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import signal
import websockets
async def echo(websocket):

async for message in websocket:
await websocket.send(message) async def main():
# Set the stop condition when receiving SIGTERM.
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
stop = loop.create_future()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set_result, None)
async with websockets.serve(
await stop if __name__ == "__main__":

This is an echo server with two features added for the purpose of
this guide:

  • It shuts down gracefully when receiving a SIGTERM signal;
  • It enables the reuse_port option of create_server(), which
    in turns sets SO_REUSEPORT on the accept socket.

Save this Supervisor configuration to supervisord.conf:

command = python app.py
process_name = %(program_name)s_%(process_num)02d
numprocs = 4
autorestart = true

This is the minimal configuration required to keep four instances
of the app running, restarting them if they exit.

Now start Supervisor in the foreground:

$ supervisord -c supervisord.conf -n
INFO Increased RLIMIT_NOFILE limit to 1024
INFO supervisord started with pid 43596
INFO spawned: 'websockets-test_00' with pid 43597
INFO spawned: 'websockets-test_01' with pid 43598
INFO spawned: 'websockets-test_02' with pid 43599
INFO spawned: 'websockets-test_03' with pid 43600
INFO success: websockets-test_00 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
INFO success: websockets-test_01 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
INFO success: websockets-test_02 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
INFO success: websockets-test_03 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

In another shell, after activating the virtualenv, we can connect
to the app — press Ctrl-D to exit:

$ python -m websockets ws://localhost:8080/
Connected to ws://localhost:8080/.
> Hello!
< Hello!
Connection closed: 1000 (OK).

Look at the pid of an instance of the app in the logs and
terminate it:

The logs show that Supervisor restarted this instance:

INFO exited: websockets-test_00 (exit status 0; expected)
INFO spawned: 'websockets-test_00' with pid 43629
INFO success: websockets-test_00 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)

Now let’s check what happens when we shut down Supervisor, but
first let’s establish a connection and leave it open:

$ python -m websockets ws://localhost:8080/
Connected to ws://localhost:8080/.

Look at the pid of supervisord itself in the logs and terminate

The logs show that Supervisor terminated all instances of the app
before exiting:

WARN received SIGTERM indicating exit request
INFO waiting for websockets-test_00, websockets-test_01, websockets-test_02, websockets-test_03 to die
INFO stopped: websockets-test_02 (exit status 0)
INFO stopped: websockets-test_03 (exit status 0)
INFO stopped: websockets-test_01 (exit status 0)
INFO stopped: websockets-test_00 (exit status 0)

And you can see that the connection to the app was closed

$ python -m websockets ws://localhost:8080/
Connected to ws://localhost:8080/.
Connection closed: 1001 (going away).

In this example, we’ve been sharing the same virtualenv for
supervisor and websockets.

In a real deployment, you would likely:

  • Install Supervisor with the package manager of the OS.
  • Create a virtualenv dedicated to your application.
  • Add environment=PATH=»path/to/your/virtualenv/bin» in the
    Supervisor configuration. Then python app.py runs in that

Deploy behind nginx

This guide demonstrates a way to load balance connections across
multiple websockets server processes running on the same machine with

We’ll run server processes with Supervisor as described in this

Run server processes

Save this app to app.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import os
import signal
import websockets
async def echo(websocket):

async for message in websocket:
await websocket.send(message) async def main():
# Set the stop condition when receiving SIGTERM.
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
stop = loop.create_future()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set_result, None)
async with websockets.unix_serve(
await stop if __name__ == "__main__":

We’d like to nginx to connect to websockets servers via Unix
sockets in order to avoid the overhead of TCP for communicating between
processes running in the same OS.

We start the app with unix_serve(). Each server process
listens on a different socket thanks to an environment variable set by
Supervisor to a different value.

Save this configuration to supervisord.conf:

command = python app.py
process_name = %(program_name)s_%(process_num)02d
numprocs = 4
autorestart = true

This configuration runs four instances of the app.

Install Supervisor and run it:

$ supervisord -c supervisord.conf -n

Configure and run nginx

Here’s a simple nginx configuration to load balance connections
across four processes:

daemon off;
events {
http {

server {
listen localhost:8080;
location / {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_pass http://websocket;
proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
upstream websocket {
server unix:websockets-test_00.sock;
server unix:websockets-test_01.sock;
server unix:websockets-test_02.sock;
server unix:websockets-test_03.sock;
} }

We set daemon off so we can run nginx in the foreground for

Then we combine the WebSocket proxying and load

  • The WebSocket protocol requires HTTP/1.1. We must set the HTTP protocol
    version to 1.1, else nginx defaults to HTTP/1.0 for proxying.
  • The WebSocket handshake involves the Connection and Upgrade
    HTTP headers. We must pass them to the upstream explicitly, else nginx
    drops them because they’re hop-by-hop headers.

    We deviate from the WebSocket proxying guide because
    its example adds a Connection: Upgrade header to every upstream
    request, even if the original request didn’t contain that header.

  • In the upstream configuration, we set the load balancing method to
    least_conn in order to balance the number of active connections
    across servers. This is best for long running connections.

Save the configuration to nginx.conf, install nginx, and
run it:

$ nginx -c nginx.conf -p .

You can confirm that nginx proxies connections properly:

$ PYTHONPATH=src python -m websockets ws://localhost:8080/
Connected to ws://localhost:8080/.
> Hello!
< Hello!
Connection closed: 1000 (OK).

Deploy behind HAProxy

This guide demonstrates a way to load balance connections across
multiple websockets server processes running on the same machine with

We’ll run server processes with Supervisor as described in this

Run server processes

Save this app to app.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import os
import signal
import websockets
async def echo(websocket):

async for message in websocket:
await websocket.send(message) async def main():
# Set the stop condition when receiving SIGTERM.
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
stop = loop.create_future()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set_result, None)
async with websockets.serve(
port=8000 + int(os.environ["SUPERVISOR_PROCESS_NAME"][-2:]),
await stop if __name__ == "__main__":

Each server process listens on a different port by extracting an
incremental index from an environment variable set by Supervisor.

Save this configuration to supervisord.conf:

command = python app.py
process_name = %(program_name)s_%(process_num)02d
numprocs = 4
autorestart = true

This configuration runs four instances of the app.

Install Supervisor and run it:

$ supervisord -c supervisord.conf -n

Configure and run HAProxy

Here’s a simple HAProxy configuration to load balance connections
across four processes:


mode http
timeout connect 10s
timeout client 30s
timeout server 30s frontend websocket
bind localhost:8080
default_backend websocket backend websocket
balance leastconn
server websockets-test_00 localhost:8000
server websockets-test_01 localhost:8001
server websockets-test_02 localhost:8002
server websockets-test_03 localhost:8003

In the backend configuration, we set the load balancing method to
leastconn in order to balance the number of active connections across
servers. This is best for long running connections.

Save the configuration to haproxy.cfg, install HAProxy, and
run it:

You can confirm that HAProxy proxies connections properly:

$ PYTHONPATH=src python -m websockets ws://localhost:8080/
Connected to ws://localhost:8080/.
> Hello!
< Hello!
Connection closed: 1000 (OK).

If you’re integrating the Sans-I/O layer of websockets into a
library, rather than building an application with websockets, follow this

Integrate the Sans-I/O layer

This guide explains how to integrate the Sans-I/O layer of
websockets to add support for WebSocket in another library.

As a prerequisite, you should decide how you will handle network
I/O and asynchronous control flow.

Your integration layer will provide an API for the application on
one side, will talk to the network on the other side, and will rely on
websockets to implement the protocol in the middle. [image]

Opening a connection


If you’re building a client, parse the URI you’d like to connect

from websockets.uri import parse_uri
wsuri = parse_uri("ws://example.com/")

Open a TCP connection to (wsuri.host, wsuri.port) and
perform a TLS handshake if wsuri.secure is True.

Initialize a ClientConnection:

from websockets.client import ClientConnection
connection = ClientConnection(wsuri)

Create a WebSocket handshake request with connect() and
send it with send_request():

request = connection.connect()

Then, call data_to_send() and send its output to the
network, as described in Send data below.

The first event returned by events_received() is the
WebSocket handshake response.

When the handshake fails, the reason is available in

if connection.handshake_exc is not None:

raise connection.handshake_exc

Else, the WebSocket connection is open.

A WebSocket client API usually performs the handshake then returns
a wrapper around the network connection and the ClientConnection.


If you’re building a server, accept network connections from
clients and perform a TLS handshake if desired.

For each connection, initialize a ServerConnection:

from websockets.server import ServerConnection
connection = ServerConnection()

The first event returned by events_received() is the
WebSocket handshake request.

Create a WebSocket handshake response with accept() and
send it with send_response():

response = connection.accept(request)

Alternatively, you may reject the WebSocket handshake and return a
HTTP response with reject():

response = connection.reject(status, explanation)

Then, call data_to_send() and send its output to the
network, as described in Send data below.

Even when you call accept(), the WebSocket handshake may
fail if the request is incorrect or unsupported.

When the handshake fails, the reason is available in

if connection.handshake_exc is not None:

raise connection.handshake_exc

Else, the WebSocket connection is open.

A WebSocket server API usually builds a wrapper around the network
connection and the ServerConnection. Then it invokes a connection
handler that accepts the wrapper in argument.

It may also provide a way to close all connections and to shut
down the server gracefully.

Going forwards, this guide focuses on handling an individual

From the network to the application

Go through the five steps below until you reach the end of the
data stream.

Receive data

When receiving data from the network, feed it to the connection’s
receive_data() method.

When reaching the end of the data stream, call the connection’s
receive_eof() method.

For example, if sock is a socket:


data = sock.recv(4096) except OSError: # socket closed
data = b"" if data:
connection.receive_data(data) else:

These methods aren’t expected to raise exceptions — unless
you call them again after calling receive_eof(), which is an error.
(If you get an exception, please file a bug!)

Send data

Then, call data_to_send() and send its output to the

for data in connection.data_to_send():

if data:

The empty bytestring signals the end of the data stream. When you
see it, you must half-close the TCP connection.

Sending data right after receiving data is necessary because
websockets responds to ping frames, close frames, and incorrect inputs

Expect TCP connection to close

Closing a WebSocket connection normally involves a two-way
WebSocket closing handshake. Then, regardless of whether the closure is
normal or abnormal, the server starts the four-way TCP closing handshake. If
the network fails at the wrong point, you can end up waiting until the TCP
timeout, which is very long.

To prevent dangling TCP connections when you expect the end of the
data stream but you never reach it, call close_expected() and, if it
returns True, schedule closing the TCP connection after a short

# start a new execution thread to run this code
sock.close()  # does nothing if the socket is already closed

If the connection is still open when the timeout elapses, closing
the socket makes the execution thread that reads from the socket reach the
end of the data stream, possibly with an exception.

Close TCP connection

If you called receive_eof(), close the TCP connection now.
This is a clean closure because the receive buffer is empty.

After receive_eof() signals the end of the read stream,
data_to_send() always signals the end of the write stream, unless it
already ended. So, at this point, the TCP connection is already half-closed.
The only reason for closing it now is to release resources related to the

Now you can exit the loop relaying data from the network to the

Receive events

Finally, call events_received() to obtain events parsed
from the data provided to receive_data():

events = connection.events_received()

The first event will be the WebSocket opening handshake request or
response. See Opening a connection above for details.

All later events are WebSocket frames. There are two types of

  • Data frames contain messages transferred over the WebSocket connections.
    You should provide them to the application. See Fragmentation below
    for how to reassemble messages from frames.
  • Control frames provide information about the connection’s state. The main
    use case is to expose an abstraction over ping and pong to the
    application. Keep in mind that websockets responds to ping frames and
    close frames automatically. Don’t duplicate this functionality!

From the application to the network

The connection object provides one method for each type of
WebSocket frame.

For sending a data frame:

  • send_continuation()
  • send_text()
  • send_binary()

These methods raise ProtocolError if you don’t set the
FIN bit correctly in fragmented messages.

For sending a control frame:

  • send_close()
  • send_ping()
  • send_pong()

send_close() initiates the closing handshake. See
Closing a connection below for details.

If you encounter an unrecoverable error and you must fail the
WebSocket connection, call fail().

After any of the above, call data_to_send() and send its
output to the network, as shown in Send data above.

If you called send_close() or fail(), you expect the
end of the data stream. You should follow the process described in Close
TCP connection
above in order to prevent dangling TCP connections.

Closing a connection

Under normal circumstances, when a server wants to close the TCP

  • it closes the write side;
  • it reads until the end of the stream, because it expects the client to
    close the read side;
  • it closes the socket.

When a client wants to close the TCP connection:

  • it reads until the end of the stream, because it expects the server to
    close the read side;
  • it closes the write side;
  • it closes the socket.

Applying the rules described earlier in this document gives the
intended result. As a reminder, the rules are:

  • When data_to_send() returns the empty bytestring, close the write
    side of the TCP connection.
  • When you reach the end of the read stream, close the TCP connection.
  • When close_expected() returns True, if you don’t reach the
    end of the read stream quickly, close the TCP connection.


WebSocket messages may be fragmented. Since this is a
protocol-level concern, you may choose to reassemble fragmented messages
before handing them over to the application.

To reassemble a message, read data frames until you get a frame
where the FIN bit is set, then concatenate the payloads of all

You will never receive an inconsistent sequence of frames because
websockets raises a ProtocolError and fails the connection when this
happens. However, you may receive an incomplete sequence if the connection
drops in the middle of a fragmented message.


Serialize operations

The Sans-I/O layer expects to run sequentially. If your interact
with it from multiple threads or coroutines, you must ensure correct
serialization. This should happen automatically in a cooperative
multitasking environment.

However, you still have to make sure you don’t break this property
by accident. For example, serialize writes to the network when
data_to_send() returns multiple values to prevent concurrent writes
from interleaving incorrectly.

Avoid buffers

The Sans-I/O layer doesn’t do any buffering. It makes events
available in events_received() as soon as they’re received.

You should make incoming messages available to the application
immediately and stop further processing until the application fetches them.
This will usually result in the best performance.


Many questions asked in
websockets’ issue tracker are really
about asyncio

Python’s documentation about developing with asyncio is
a good complement.


Why does the server close the connection prematurely?

Your connection handler exits prematurely. Wait for the work to be
finished before returning.

For example, if your handler has a structure similar to:

async def handler(websocket):


change it to:

async def handler(websocket):

await do_some_work()

Why does the server close the connection after one message?

Your connection handler exits after processing one message. Write
a loop to process multiple messages.

For example, if your handler looks like this:

async def handler(websocket):


change it like this:

async def handler(websocket):

async for message in websocket:

Don’t feel bad if this happens to you — it’s the most
common question in
websockets’ issue tracker :-)

Why can only one client connect at a time?

Your connection handler blocks the event loop. Look for blocking
calls. Any call that may take some time must be asynchronous.

For example, if you have:

async def handler(websocket):


change it to:

async def handler(websocket):

await asyncio.sleep(1)

This is part of learning asyncio. It isn’t specific to

See also Python’s documentation about running blocking

How do I send a message to all users?

Record all connections in a global variable:

async def handler(websocket):

await websocket.wait_closed()

Then, call broadcast():

import websockets
def message_all(message):

websockets.broadcast(CONNECTIONS, message)

If you’re running multiple server processes, make sure you call
message_all in each process.

How do I send a message to a single user?

Record connections in a global variable, keyed by user

async def handler(websocket):

user_id = ... # identify user in your app's context
CONNECTIONS[user_id] = websocket
await websocket.wait_closed()
del CONNECTIONS[user_id]

Then, call send():

async def message_user(user_id, message):

websocket = CONNECTIONS[user_id] # raises KeyError if user disconnected
await websocket.send(message) # may raise websockets.ConnectionClosed

Add error handling according to the behavior you want if the user
disconnected before the message could be sent.

This example supports only one connection per user. To support
concurrent connects by the same user, you can change CONNECTIONS to
store a set of connections for each user.

If you’re running multiple server processes, call
message_user in each process. The process managing the user’s
connection sends the message; other processes do nothing.

When you reach a scale where server processes cannot keep up with
the stream of all messages, you need a better architecture. For example, you
could deploy an external publish / subscribe system such as Redis.
Server processes would subscribe their clients. Then, they would receive
messages only for the connections that they’re managing.

How do I send a message to a channel, a topic, or some users?

websockets doesn’t provide built-in publish / subscribe

Record connections in a global variable, keyed by user identifier,
as shown in How do I send a message to a single user?

Then, build the set of recipients and broadcast the message to
them, as shown in How do I send a message to all users?

Integrate with Django contains a complete implementation of
this pattern.

Again, as you scale, you may reach the performance limits of a
basic in-process implementation. You may need an external publish /
subscribe system like Redis.

How do I pass arguments to the connection handler?

You can bind additional arguments to the connection handler with

import asyncio
import functools
import websockets
async def handler(websocket, extra_argument):

... bound_handler = functools.partial(handler, extra_argument='spam') start_server = websockets.serve(bound_handler, ...)

Another way to achieve this result is to define the handler
coroutine in a scope where the extra_argument variable exists instead
of injecting it through an argument.

How do I access the request path?

It is available in the path attribute.

You may route a connection to different handlers depending on the
request path:

async def handler(websocket):

if websocket.path == "/blue":
await blue_handler(websocket)
elif websocket.path == "/green":
await green_handler(websocket)
# No handler for this path; close the connection.

You may also route the connection based on the first message
received from the client, as shown in the tutorial. When you want to
authenticate the connection before routing it, this is usually more

Generally speaking, there is far less emphasis on the request path
in WebSocket servers than in HTTP servers. When a WebSockt server provides a
single endpoint, it may ignore the request path entirely.

How do I access HTTP headers?

To access HTTP headers during the WebSocket handshake, you can
override process_request:

async def process_request(self, path, request_headers):

authorization = request_headers["Authorization"]

Once the connection is established, HTTP headers are available in
request_headers and response_headers:

async def handler(websocket):

authorization = websocket.request_headers["Authorization"]

How do I set HTTP headers?

To set the Sec-WebSocket-Extensions or
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol headers in the WebSocket handshake response,
use the extensions or subprotocols arguments of

To override the Server header, use the server_header
argument. Set it to None to remove the header.

To set other HTTP headers, use the extra_headers

How do I get the IP address of the client?

It’s available in remote_address:

async def handler(websocket):

remote_ip = websocket.remote_address[0]

How do I set the IP addresses my server listens on?

Look at the host argument of create_server().

serve() accepts the same arguments as

What does OSError: [Errno 99] error
while attempting to bind on address
(‘::1’, 80, 0, 0): address not
available mean?

You are calling serve() without a host argument in a
context where IPv6 isn’t available.

To listen only on IPv4, specify host=»″ or

Refer to the documentation of create_server() for

How do I close a connection?

websockets takes care of closing the connection when the handler

How do I stop a server?

Exit the serve() context manager.

Here’s an example that terminates cleanly when it receives SIGTERM
on Unix:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import signal
import websockets
async def echo(websocket):

async for message in websocket:
await websocket.send(message) async def server():
# Set the stop condition when receiving SIGTERM.
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
stop = loop.create_future()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set_result, None)
async with websockets.serve(echo, "localhost", 8765):
await stop asyncio.run(server())

How do I run HTTP and WebSocket servers on the same port?

You don’t.

HTTP and WebSocket have widely different operational
characteristics. Running them with the same server becomes inconvenient when
you scale.

Providing a HTTP server is out of scope for websockets. It only
aims at providing a WebSocket server.

There’s limited support for returning HTTP responses with the
process_request hook.

If you need more, pick a HTTP server and run it separately.

Alternatively, pick a HTTP framework that builds on top of
websockets to support WebSocket connections, like Sanic.


Why does the client close the connection prematurely?

You’re exiting the context manager prematurely. Wait for the work
to be finished before exiting.

For example, if your code has a structure similar to:

async with connect(...) as websocket:


change it to:

async with connect(...) as websocket:

await do_some_work()

How do I access HTTP headers?

Once the connection is established, HTTP headers are available in
request_headers and response_headers.

How do I set HTTP headers?

To set the Origin, Sec-WebSocket-Extensions, or
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol headers in the WebSocket handshake request,
use the origin, extensions, or subprotocols arguments
of connect().

To override the User-Agent header, use the
user_agent_header argument. Set it to None to remove the

To set other HTTP headers, for example the Authorization
header, use the extra_headers argument:

async with connect(..., extra_headers={"Authorization": ...}) as websocket:


How do I close a connection?

The easiest is to use connect() as a context manager:

async with connect(...) as websocket:


The connection is closed when exiting the context manager.

How do I reconnect when the connection drops?

Use connect() as an asynchronous iterator:

async for websocket in websockets.connect(...):

except websockets.ConnectionClosed:

Make sure you handle exceptions in the async for loop.
Uncaught exceptions will break out of the loop.

How do I stop a client that is processing messages in a loop?

You can close the connection.

Here’s an example that terminates cleanly when it receives SIGTERM
on Unix:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import signal
import websockets
async def client():

uri = "ws://localhost:8765"
async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:
# Close the connection when receiving SIGTERM.
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
signal.SIGTERM, loop.create_task, websocket.close())
# Process messages received on the connection.
async for message in websocket:
... asyncio.run(client())

How do I disable TLS/SSL certificate verification?

Look at the ssl argument of create_connection().

connect() accepts the same arguments as

Both sides

What does ConnectionClosedError: no close
frame received or sent mean?

If you’re seeing this traceback in the logs of a server:

connection handler failed
Traceback (most recent call last):

... asyncio.exceptions.IncompleteReadError: 0 bytes read on a total of 2 expected bytes The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last):
... websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError: no close frame received or sent

or if a client crashes with this traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):

... ConnectionResetError: [Errno 54] Connection reset by peer The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last):
... websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError: no close frame received or sent

it means that the TCP connection was lost. As a consequence, the
WebSocket connection was closed without receiving and sending a close frame,
which is abnormal.

You can catch and handle ConnectionClosed to prevent it
from being logged.

There are several reasons why long-lived connections may be

  • End-user devices tend to lose network connectivity often and unpredictably
    because they can move out of wireless network coverage, get unplugged from
    a wired network, enter airplane mode, be put to sleep, etc.
  • HTTP load balancers or proxies that aren’t configured for long-lived
    connections may terminate connections after a short amount of time,
    usually 30 seconds, despite websockets’ keepalive mechanism.

If you’re facing a reproducible issue, enable debug logs to
see when and how connections are closed.

What does ConnectionClosedError: sent 1011
(unexpected error) keepalive ping timeout;
no close frame received mean?

If you’re seeing this traceback in the logs of a server:

connection handler failed
Traceback (most recent call last):

... asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last):
... websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError: sent 1011 (unexpected error) keepalive ping timeout; no close frame received

or if a client crashes with this traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):

... asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last):
... websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError: sent 1011 (unexpected error) keepalive ping timeout; no close frame received

it means that the WebSocket connection suffered from excessive
latency and was closed after reaching the timeout of websockets’ keepalive

You can catch and handle ConnectionClosed to prevent it
from being logged.

There are two main reasons why latency may increase:

  • Poor network connectivity.
  • More traffic than the recipient can handle.

See the discussion of timeouts for details.

If websockets’ default timeout of 20 seconds is too short for your
use case, you can adjust it with the ping_timeout argument.

How do I set a timeout on recv()?

Use wait_for():

await asyncio.wait_for(websocket.recv(), timeout=10)

This technique works for most APIs, except for asynchronous
context managers. See issue 574.

How can I pass arguments to a custom protocol subclass?

You can bind additional arguments to the protocol factory with

import asyncio
import functools
import websockets
class MyServerProtocol(websockets.WebSocketServerProtocol):

def __init__(self, extra_argument, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# do something with extra_argument create_protocol = functools.partial(MyServerProtocol, extra_argument='spam') start_server = websockets.serve(..., create_protocol=create_protocol)

This example was for a server. The same pattern applies on a

How do I keep idle connections open?

websockets sends pings at 20 seconds intervals to keep the
connection open.

It closes the connection if it doesn’t get a pong within 20

You can adjust this behavior with ping_interval and

See Timeouts for details.

How do I respond to pings?

Don’t bother; websockets takes care of responding to pings with

asyncio usage

How do I run two coroutines in parallel?

You must start two tasks, which the event loop will run
concurrently. You can achieve this with asyncio.gather() or

Keep track of the tasks and make sure they terminate or you cancel
them when the connection terminates.

Why does my program never receive any messages?

Your program runs a coroutine that never yields control to the
event loop. The coroutine that receives messages never gets a chance to

Putting an await statement in a for or a
while loop isn’t enough to yield control. Awaiting a coroutine may
yield control, but there’s no guarantee that it will.

For example, send() only yields control when send buffers
are full, which never happens in most practical cases.

If you run a loop that contains only synchronous operations and a
send() call, you must yield control explicitly with

async def producer(websocket):

message = generate_next_message()
await websocket.send(message)
await asyncio.sleep(0) # yield control to the event loop

asyncio.sleep() always suspends the current task, allowing
other tasks to run. This behavior is documented precisely because it isn’t
expected from every coroutine.

See issue 867.

Why am I having problems with threads?

You shouldn’t use threads. Use tasks instead.

Indeed, when you chose websockets, you chose asyncio as the
primary framework to handle concurrency. This choice is mutually exclusive
with threading.

If you believe that you need to run websockets in a thread and
some logic in another thread, you should run that logic in a Task

If you believe that you cannot run that logic in the same event
loop because it will block websockets, run_in_executor() may

This question is really about asyncio. Please review the
advice about Concurrency and Multithreading in the Python

Why does my simple program misbehave mysteriously?

You are using time.sleep() instead of
asyncio.sleep(), which blocks the event loop and prevents asyncio
from operating normally.

This may lead to messages getting send but not received, to
connection timeouts, and to unexpected results of shotgun debugging e.g.
adding an unnecessary call to send() makes the program


Why do I get the error: module ‘websockets’ has no attribute ‘…’?

Often, this is because you created a script called
websockets.py in your current working directory. Then import
imports this module instead of the websockets library.

Why does my IDE fail to show documentation for websockets APIs?

You are probably using the convenience imports e.g.:

import websockets

This is incompatible with static code analysis. It may break
auto-completion and contextual documentation in IDEs, type checking with
mypy, etc.

Instead, use the real import paths e.g.:

import websockets.client
import websockets.server

Why is websockets slower than another Python library in my benchmark?

Not all libraries are as feature-complete as websockets. For a
fair benchmark, you should disable features that the other library doesn’t
provide. Typically, you may need to disable:

  • Compression: set compression=None
  • Keepalive: set ping_interval=None
  • UTF-8 decoding: send bytes rather than str

If websockets is still slower than another Python library, please
file a bug.

Can I use websockets without async and await?

No, there is no convenient way to do this. You should use another

Are there onopen, onmessage, onerror, and onclose callbacks?

No, there aren’t.

websockets provides high-level, coroutine-based APIs. Compared to
callbacks, coroutines make it easier to manage control flow in concurrent

If you prefer callback-based APIs, you should use another


websockets provides client and server implementations, as shown in
the getting started guide.

The process for opening and closing a WebSocket connection depends
on which side you’re implementing.

  • On the client side, connecting to a server with connect() yields a
    connection object that provides methods for interacting with the
    connection. Your code can open a connection, then send or receive

    If you use connect() as an asynchronous context
    manager, then websockets closes the connection on exit. If not, then
    your code is responsible for closing the connection.

  • On the server side, serve() starts listening for client connections
    and yields an server object that you can use to shut down the server.

    Then, when a client connects, the server initializes a
    connection object and passes it to a handler coroutine, which is where
    your code can send or receive messages. This pattern is called
    inversion of control. It’s common in frameworks implementing

    When the handler coroutine terminates, websockets closes the
    connection. You may also close it in the handler coroutine if you’d

Once the connection is open, the WebSocket protocol is
symmetrical, except for low-level details that websockets manages under the
hood. The same methods are available on client connections created with
connect() and on server connections received in argument by the
connection handler of serve().



Starting a server

websockets.server.serve(ws_handler, host=None, port=None, *,
create_protocol=None, logger=None, compression=’deflate’, origins=None,
extensions=None, subprotocols=None, extra_headers=None,
server_header=’Python/x.y.z websockets/X.Y’, process_request=None,
select_subprotocol=None, ping_interval=20, ping_timeout=20,
close_timeout=10, max_size=2**20, max_queue=2**5, read_limit=2**16,
write_limit=2**16, **kwds)
Start a WebSocket server listening on host and port.

Whenever a client connects, the server creates a
WebSocketServerProtocol, performs the opening handshake, and
delegates to the connection handler, ws_handler.

The handler receives the WebSocketServerProtocol and
uses it to send and receive messages.

Once the handler completes, either normally or with an
exception, the server performs the closing handshake and closes the

Awaiting serve() yields a WebSocketServer. This
object provides close() and wait_closed() methods for
shutting down the server.

serve() can be used as an asynchronous context

stop = asyncio.Future()  # set this future to exit the server
async with serve(...):

await stop

The server is shut down automatically when exiting the

  • ws_handler
    Awaitable[Any]]]) —
    connection handler. It receives the WebSocket connection, which is a
    WebSocketServerProtocol, in argument.
  • host (Optional[Union[str,
    Sequence[str]]]) — network
    interfaces the server is bound to; see create_server() for
  • port (Optional[int]) — TCP port the
    server listens on; see create_server() for details.
  • create_protocol
    WebSocketServerProtocol]]) — factory for the
    asyncio.Protocol managing the connection; defaults to
    WebSocketServerProtocol; may be set to a wrapper or a subclass to
    customize connection handling.
  • logger (Optional[LoggerLike]) — logger
    for this server; defaults to
    logging.getLogger(«websockets.server»); see the
    logging guide for details.
  • compression (Optional[str]) — shortcut
    that enables the «permessage-deflate» extension by default; may
    be set to None to disable compression; see the compression
    for details.
  • origins
    — acceptable values of the Origin header; include None in
    the list if the lack of an origin is acceptable. This is useful for
    defending against Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking attacks.
  • extensions
    — list of supported extensions, in order in which they should be
  • subprotocols
    — list of supported subprotocols, in order of decreasing preference.
  • extra_headers (Union[HeadersLike,
    Headers], HeadersLike]]) —
    arbitrary HTTP headers to add to the request; this can be a
    HeadersLike or a callable taking the request path and headers in
    arguments and returning a HeadersLike.
  • server_header (Optional[str]) — value
    of the Server response header; defaults to «Python/x.y.z
    ; None removes the header.
  • process_request
    bytes]]]]]) — intercept
    HTTP request before the opening handshake; see process_request()
    for details.
  • select_subprotocol
    Subprotocol]]) — select a subprotocol supported
    by the client; see select_subprotocol() for details.

See WebSocketCommonProtocol for the documentation of
ping_interval, ping_timeout, close_timeout,
max_size, max_queue, read_limit, and

Any other keyword arguments are passed the event loop’s
create_server() method.

For example:

  • You can set ssl to a SSLContext to enable TLS.
  • You can set sock to a socket that you created outside of
WebSocket server.
websockets.server.unix_serve(ws_handler, path=None, *, create_protocol=None,
logger=None, compression=’deflate’, origins=None, extensions=None,
subprotocols=None, extra_headers=None, server_header=’Python/x.y.z
websockets/X.Y’, process_request=None, select_subprotocol=None,
ping_interval=20, ping_timeout=20, close_timeout=10, max_size=2**20,
max_queue=2**5, read_limit=2**16, write_limit=2**16, **kwds)
Similar to serve(), but for listening on Unix sockets.

This function builds upon the event loop’s
create_unix_server() method.

It is only available on Unix.

It’s useful for deploying a server behind a reverse proxy such
as nginx.

path (Optional[str]) — file system
path to the Unix socket.

Stopping a server

WebSocket server returned by serve().

This class provides the same interface as Server,
notably the close() and wait_closed() methods.

It keeps track of WebSocket connections in order to close them
properly when shutting down.

logger (Optional[LoggerLike]) — logger
for this server; defaults to
logging.getLogger(«websockets.server»); see the
logging guide for details.
Close the server.

This method:

  • closes the underlying Server;
  • rejects new WebSocket connections with an HTTP 503 (service unavailable)
    error; this happens when the server accepted the TCP connection but didn’t
    complete the WebSocket opening handshake prior to closing;
  • closes open WebSocket connections with close code 1001 (going away).

close() is idempotent.

Wait until the server is closed.

When wait_closed() returns, all TCP connections are
closed and all connection handlers have returned.

To ensure a fast shutdown, a connection handler should always
be awaiting at least one of:

  • recv(): when the connection is closed, it raises
  • wait_closed(): when the connection is closed, it returns.

Then the connection handler is immediately notified of the
shutdown; it can clean up and exit.

See asyncio.Server.get_loop().

See asyncio.Server.is_serving().

See asyncio.Server.start_serving().

Typical use:

server = await serve(..., start_serving=False)
# perform additional setup here...
# ... then start the server
await server.start_serving()

See asyncio.Server.serve_forever().

Typical use:

server = await serve(...)
# this coroutine doesn't return
# canceling it stops the server
await server.serve_forever()

This is an alternative to using serve() as an asynchronous
context manager. Shutdown is triggered by canceling serve_forever()
instead of exiting a serve() context.

See asyncio.Server.sockets.

Using a connection

websockets.server.WebSocketServerProtocol(ws_handler, ws_server, *,
logger=None, origins=None, extensions=None, subprotocols=None,
extra_headers=None, server_header=’Python/x.y.z websockets/X.Y’,
process_request=None, select_subprotocol=None, ping_interval=20,
ping_timeout=20, close_timeout=10, max_size=2**20, max_queue=2**5,
read_limit=2**16, write_limit=2**16)
WebSocket server connection.

WebSocketServerProtocol provides recv() and
send() coroutines for receiving and sending messages.

It supports asynchronous iteration to receive messages:

async for message in websocket:

await process(message)

The iterator exits normally when the connection is closed with
close code 1000 (OK) or 1001 (going away). It raises a
ConnectionClosedError when the connection is closed with any other

You may customize the opening handshake in a subclass by
overriding process_request() or select_subprotocol().

ws_server (WebSocketServer) — WebSocket server that created
this connection.

See serve() for the documentation of ws_handler,
logger, origins, extensions, subprotocols,
extra_headers, and server_header.

See WebSocketCommonProtocol for the documentation of
ping_interval, ping_timeout, close_timeout,
max_size, max_queue, read_limit, and

Receive the next message.

When the connection is closed, recv() raises
ConnectionClosed. Specifically, it raises
ConnectionClosedOK after a normal connection closure and
ConnectionClosedError after a protocol error or a network
failure. This is how you detect the end of the message stream.

Canceling recv() is safe. There’s no risk of losing the
next message. The next invocation of recv() will return it.

This makes it possible to enforce a timeout by wrapping
recv() in wait_for().

A string (str) for a Text frame. A bytestring (bytes)
for a Binary frame.
  • ConnectionClosed — when the connection is closed.
  • RuntimeError — if two coroutines call recv()
Send a message.

A string (str) is sent as a Text frame. A
bytestring or bytes-like object (bytes, bytearray, or
memoryview) is sent as a Binary frame.

send() also accepts an iterable or an asynchronous
iterable of strings, bytestrings, or bytes-like objects to enable
fragmentation. Each item is treated as a message fragment and
sent in its own frame. All items must be of the same type, or else
send() will raise a TypeError and the connection will be

send() rejects dict-like objects because this is often
an error. (If you want to send the keys of a dict-like object as
fragments, call its keys() method and pass the result to

Canceling send() is discouraged. Instead, you should
close the connection with close(). Indeed, there are only two
situations where send() may yield control to the event loop and
then get canceled; in both cases, close() has the same effect and
is more clear:

The write buffer is full. If you don’t want to wait until enough data is
sent, your only alternative is to close the connection. close()
will likely time out then abort the TCP connection.
message is an asynchronous iterator that yields control. Stopping
in the middle of a fragmented message will cause a protocol error and the
connection will be closed.

When the connection is closed, send() raises
ConnectionClosed. Specifically, it raises ConnectionClosedOK
after a normal connection closure and ConnectionClosedError after a
protocol error or a network failure.

message (Union[Data,
AsyncIterable[Data]) — message to
  • ConnectionClosed — when the connection is closed.
  • TypeError — if message doesn’t have a supported type.
close(code=1000, reason=»)
Perform the closing handshake.

close() waits for the other end to complete the
handshake and for the TCP connection to terminate. As a consequence,
there’s no need to await wait_closed() after close().

close() is idempotent: it doesn’t do anything once the
connection is closed.

Wrapping close() in create_task() is safe, given
that errors during connection termination aren’t particularly

Canceling close() is discouraged. If it takes too long,
you can set a shorter close_timeout. If you don’t want to wait,
let the Python process exit, then the OS will take care of closing the
TCP connection.

  • code (int) — WebSocket close code.
  • reason (str) — WebSocket close reason.
Wait until the connection is closed.

This coroutine is identical to the closed attribute,
except it can be awaited.

This can make it easier to detect connection termination,
regardless of its cause, in tasks that interact with the WebSocket

Send a Ping.

A ping may serve as a keepalive, as a check that the remote
endpoint received all messages up to this point, or to measure

Canceling ping() is discouraged. If ping()
doesn’t return immediately, it means the write buffer is full. If you
don’t want to wait, you should close the connection.

Canceling the Future returned by ping() has no

data (Optional[Data]) — payload of the
ping; a string will be encoded to UTF-8; or None to generate a
payload containing four random bytes.
A future that will be completed when the corresponding pong is received.
You can ignore it if you don’t intend to wait. The result of the future is
the latency of the connection in seconds.
pong_waiter = await ws.ping()
# only if you want to wait for the corresponding pong
latency = await pong_waiter
  • ConnectionClosed — when the connection is closed.
  • RuntimeError — if another ping was sent with the same data and

    the corresponding pong wasn’t received yet.
Send a Pong.

An unsolicited pong may serve as a unidirectional

Canceling pong() is discouraged. If pong()
doesn’t return immediately, it means the write buffer is full. If you
don’t want to wait, you should close the connection.

data (Data) — payload of the pong; a string will be encoded
to UTF-8.
ConnectionClosed — when the connection is closed.

You can customize the opening handshake in a subclass by
overriding these methods:

process_request(path, request_headers)
Intercept the HTTP request and return an HTTP response if appropriate.

You may override this method in a
WebSocketServerProtocol subclass, for example:

  • to return a HTTP 200 OK response on a given path; then a load balancer can
    use this path for a health check;
  • to authenticate the request and return a HTTP 401 Unauthorized or a HTTP
    403 Forbidden when authentication fails.

You may also override this method with the process_request
argument of serve() and WebSocketServerProtocol. This is
equivalent, except process_request won’t have access to the protocol
instance, so it can’t store information for later use.

process_request() is expected to complete quickly. If it
may run for a long time, then it should await wait_closed() and exit
if wait_closed() completes, or else it could prevent the server from
shutting down.

  • path (str) — request path, including optional query
  • request_headers (Headers) — request headers.
None to continue the WebSocket handshake normally.

An HTTP response, represented by a 3-uple of the response
status, headers, and body, to abort the WebSocket handshake and return
that HTTP response instead.

Optional[Tuple[http.HTTPStatus, HeadersLike,
Pick a subprotocol among those offered by the client.

If several subprotocols are supported by the client and the
server, the default implementation selects the preferred subprotocol by
giving equal value to the priorities of the client and the server. If no
subprotocol is supported by the client and the server, it proceeds
without a subprotocol.

This is unlikely to be the most useful implementation in
practice. Many servers providing a subprotocol will require that the
client uses that subprotocol. Such rules can be implemented in a

You may also override this method with the
select_subprotocol argument of serve() and

  • client_subprotocols
    (Sequence[Subprotocol]) — list of
    subprotocols offered by the client.
  • server_subprotocols
    (Sequence[Subprotocol]) — list of
    subprotocols available on the server.
Selected subprotocol.

None to continue without a subprotocol.


WebSocket connection objects also provide these attributes:

Unique identifier of the connection. Useful in logs.
Logger for this connection.
local_address: Any
Local address of the connection.

For IPv4 connections, this is a (host, port) tuple.

The format of the address depends on the address family; see

None if the TCP connection isn’t established yet.

remote_address: Any
Remote address of the connection.

For IPv4 connections, this is a (host, port) tuple.

The format of the address depends on the address family; see

None if the TCP connection isn’t established yet.

property open:
True when the connection is open; False otherwise.

This attribute may be used to detect disconnections. However,
this approach is discouraged per the EAFP principle. Instead, you
should handle ConnectionClosed exceptions.

closed: bool
True when the connection is closed; False otherwise.

Be aware that both open and closed are
False during the opening and closing sequences.

Latency of the connection, in seconds.

This value is updated after sending a ping frame and receiving
a matching pong frame. Before the first ping, latency is

By default, websockets enables a keepalive mechanism
that sends ping frames automatically at regular intervals. You can also
send ping frames and measure latency with ping().

The following attributes are available after the opening
handshake, once the WebSocket connection is open:

Path of the opening handshake request.
Opening handshake request headers.
Opening handshake response headers.
Subprotocol, if one was negotiated.

The following attributes are available after the closing
handshake, once the WebSocket connection is closed:

close_code: Optional[int]
WebSocket close code, defined in section 7.1.5 of RFC 6455.

None if the connection isn’t closed yet.

close_reason: Optional[str]
WebSocket close reason, defined in section 7.1.6 of RFC 6455.

None if the connection isn’t closed yet.

Basic authentication

websockets supports HTTP Basic Authentication according to RFC
and RFC 7617.

credentials=None, check_credentials=None, create_protocol=None)
Protocol factory that enforces HTTP Basic Auth.

basic_auth_protocol_factory() is designed to integrate
with serve() like this:


realm="my dev server",
credentials=("hello", "iloveyou"),
) )
  • realm (Optional[str]) — indicates the
    scope of protection. It should contain only ASCII characters because the
    encoding of non-ASCII characters is undefined. Refer to section 2.2 of
    RFC 7235 for details.
  • credentials
    str]]]]) — defines hard coded
    authorized credentials. It can be a (username, password) pair or a
    list of such pairs.
  • check_credentials
    Awaitable[bool]]]) —
    defines a coroutine that verifies credentials. This coroutine receives
    username and password arguments and returns a bool.
    One of credentials or check_credentials must be provided but
    not both.
  • create_protocol
    BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol]]) — factory
    that creates the protocol. By default, this is
    BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol. It can be replaced by a
TypeError — if the credentials or check_credentials
argument is

websockets.auth.BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol(*args, realm=None,
check_credentials=None, **kwargs)
WebSocket server protocol that enforces HTTP Basic Auth.

realm: str =
Scope of protection.

If provided, it should contain only ASCII characters because
the encoding of non-ASCII characters is undefined.

Optional[str] = None
Username of the authenticated user.
check_credentials(username, password)
Check whether credentials are authorized.

This coroutine may be overridden in a subclass, for example to
authenticate against a database or an external service.

  • username (str) — HTTP Basic Auth username.
  • password (str) — HTTP Basic Auth password.
True if the handshake should continue; False if it should
fail with a HTTP 401 error.


websockets.server.ServerConnection(origins=None, extensions=None,
subprotocols=None, state=State.CONNECTING, max_size=2**20,
Sans-I/O implementation of a WebSocket server connection.
  • origins
    — acceptable values of the Origin header; include None in
    the list if the lack of an origin is acceptable. This is useful for
    defending against Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking attacks.
  • extensions (List[Extension]) — list of
    supported extensions, in order in which they should be tried.
  • subprotocols
    — list of supported subprotocols, in order of decreasing preference.
  • state (State) — initial state of the WebSocket
  • max_size (Optional[int]) — maximum
    size of incoming messages in bytes; None to disable the limit.
  • logger (Union[Logger,
    LoggerAdapter]) — logger for this connection; defaults
    to logging.getLogger(«websockets.client»); see the
    logging guide for details.
Receive data from the network.

After calling this method:

  • You must call data_to_send() and send this data to the
  • You should call events_received() and process resulting
EOFError — if receive_eof() was called earlier.
Receive the end of the data stream from the network.

After calling this method:

  • You must call data_to_send() and send this data to the
  • You aren’t expected to call events_received(); it won’t return any
    new events.
EOFError — if receive_eof() was called earlier.
Create a handshake response to accept the connection.

If the connection cannot be established, the handshake
response actually rejects the handshake.

You must send the handshake response with

You can modify it before sending it, for example to add HTTP

request (Request) — WebSocket handshake request event
received from the client.
WebSocket handshake response event to send to the client.
Create a handshake response to reject the connection.

A short plain text response is the best fallback when failing
to establish a WebSocket connection.

You must send the handshake response with

You can modify it before sending it, for example to alter HTTP

  • status (HTTPStatus) — HTTP status code.
  • text (str) — HTTP response body; will be encoded to
WebSocket handshake response event to send to the client.
Send a handshake response to the client.
response (Response) — WebSocket handshake response event to
Send a Continuation frame.
  • data (bytes) — payload containing the same kind of data as
    the initial frame.
  • fin (bool) — FIN bit; set it to True if this is the
    last frame of a fragmented message and to False otherwise.
ProtocolError — if a fragmented message isn’t in progress.
Send a Text frame.
  • data (bytes) — payload containing text encoded with
  • fin (bool) — FIN bit; set it to False if this is the
    first frame of a fragmented message.
ProtocolError — if a fragmented message is in progress.
Send a Binary frame.
  • data (bytes) — payload containing arbitrary binary
  • fin (bool) — FIN bit; set it to False if this is the
    first frame of a fragmented message.
ProtocolError — if a fragmented message is in progress.
Send a Close frame.
  • code (Optional[int]) — close
  • reason (str) — close reason.
ProtocolError — if a fragmented message is being sent, if the code

isn’t valid, or if a reason is provided without a code
Send a Ping frame.
data (bytes) — payload containing arbitrary binary
Send a Pong frame.
data (bytes) — payload containing arbitrary binary
Fail the WebSocket connection.
  • code (int) — close code
  • reason (str) — close reason
ProtocolError — if the code isn’t valid.
Fetch events generated from data received from the network.

Call this method immediately after any of the
receive_*() methods.

Process resulting events, likely by passing them to the

Events read from the connection.
Obtain data to send to the network.

Call this method immediately after any of the
receive_*(), send_*(), or fail() methods.

Write resulting data to the connection.

The empty bytestring SEND_EOF signals the end of the
data stream. When you receive it, half-close the TCP connection.

Data to write to the connection.
Tell if the TCP connection is expected to close soon.

Call this method immediately after any of the
receive_*() or fail() methods.

If it returns True, schedule closing the TCP connection
after a short timeout if the other side hasn’t already closed it.

Whether the TCP connection is expected to close soon.
Unique identifier of the connection. Useful in logs.
Logger for this connection.
property state:
WebSocket connection state.

Defined in 4.1, 4.2, 7.1.3, and 7.1.4 of RFC 6455.

Exception to raise if the opening handshake failed.

None if the opening handshake succeeded.

close_code: Optional[int]
WebSocket close code.

None if the connection isn’t closed yet.

close_reason: Optional[str]
WebSocket close reason.

None if the connection isn’t closed yet.

close_exc: ConnectionClosed
Exception to raise when trying to interact with a closed connection.

Don’t raise this exception while the connection state
is CLOSING; wait until it’s CLOSED.

Indeed, the exception includes the close code and reason,
which are known only once the connection is closed.

AssertionError — if the connection isn’t closed yet.



Opening a connection

websockets.client.connect(uri, *, create_protocol=None, logger=None,
compression=’deflate’, origin=None, extensions=None, subprotocols=None,
extra_headers=None, user_agent_header=’Python/x.y.z websockets/X.Y’,
open_timeout=10, ping_interval=20, ping_timeout=20, close_timeout=10,
max_size=2**20, max_queue=2**5, read_limit=2**16, write_limit=2**16,
Connect to the WebSocket server at uri.

Awaiting connect() yields a
WebSocketClientProtocol which can then be used to send and
receive messages.

connect() can be used as a asynchronous context

async with websockets.connect(...) as websocket:


The connection is closed automatically when exiting the

connect() can be used as an infinite asynchronous iterator
to reconnect automatically on errors:

async for websocket in websockets.connect(...):

except websockets.ConnectionClosed:

The connection is closed automatically after each iteration of the

If an error occurs while establishing the connection,
connect() retries with exponential backoff. The backoff delay starts
at three seconds and increases up to one minute.

If an error occurs in the body of the loop, you can handle the
exception and connect() will reconnect with the next iteration; or
you can let the exception bubble up and break out of the loop. This lets you
decide which errors trigger a reconnection and which errors are fatal.

  • uri (str) — URI of the WebSocket server.
  • create_protocol
    WebSocketClientProtocol]]) — factory for the
    asyncio.Protocol managing the connection; defaults to
    WebSocketClientProtocol; may be set to a wrapper or a subclass to
    customize connection handling.
  • logger (Optional[LoggerLike]) — logger
    for this connection; defaults to
    logging.getLogger(«websockets.client»); see the
    logging guide for details.
  • compression (Optional[str]) — shortcut
    that enables the «permessage-deflate» extension by default; may
    be set to None to disable compression; see the compression
    for details.
  • origin (Optional[Origin]) — value of
    the Origin header. This is useful when connecting to a server that
    validates the Origin header to defend against Cross-Site WebSocket
    Hijacking attacks.
  • extensions
    — list of supported extensions, in order in which they should be
  • subprotocols
    — list of supported subprotocols, in order of decreasing preference.
  • extra_headers (Optional[HeadersLike])
    — arbitrary HTTP headers to add to the request.
  • user_agent_header (Optional[str]) —
    value of the User-Agent request header; defaults to
    «Python/x.y.z websockets/X.Y»; None removes the
  • open_timeout (Optional[float]) —
    timeout for opening the connection in seconds; None to disable the

See WebSocketCommonProtocol for the documentation of
ping_interval, ping_timeout, close_timeout,
max_size, max_queue, read_limit, and

Any other keyword arguments are passed the event loop’s
create_connection() method.

For example:

  • You can set ssl to a SSLContext to enforce TLS settings.
    When connecting to a wss:// URI, if ssl isn’t provided, a
    TLS context is created with create_default_context().
  • You can set host and port to connect to a different host and
    port from those found in uri. This only changes the destination of
    the TCP connection. The host name from uri is still used in the TLS
    handshake for secure connections and in the Host header.
WebSocket connection.
  • InvalidURI — if uri isn’t a valid WebSocket URI.
  • InvalidHandshake — if the opening handshake fails.
  • TimeoutError — if the opening handshake times out.
websockets.client.unix_connect(path, uri=’ws://localhost/’, *,
create_protocol=None, logger=None, compression=’deflate’, origin=None,
extensions=None, subprotocols=None, extra_headers=None,
user_agent_header=’Python/x.y.z websockets/X.Y’, open_timeout=10,
ping_interval=20, ping_timeout=20, close_timeout=10, max_size=2**20,
max_queue=2**5, read_limit=2**16, write_limit=2**16, **kwds)
Similar to connect(), but for connecting to a Unix socket.

This function builds upon the event loop’s
create_unix_connection() method.

It is only available on Unix.

It’s mainly useful for debugging servers listening on Unix

  • path (Optional[str]) — file system
    path to the Unix socket.
  • uri (str) — URI of the WebSocket server; the host is used
    in the TLS handshake for secure connections and in the Host

Using a connection

websockets.client.WebSocketClientProtocol(*, logger=None, origin=None,
extensions=None, subprotocols=None, extra_headers=None,
user_agent_header=’Python/x.y.z websockets/X.Y’, ping_interval=20,
ping_timeout=20, close_timeout=10, max_size=2**20, max_queue=2**5,
read_limit=2**16, write_limit=2**16)
WebSocket client connection.

WebSocketClientProtocol provides recv() and
send() coroutines for receiving and sending messages.

It supports asynchronous iteration to receive incoming

async for message in websocket:

await process(message)

The iterator exits normally when the connection is closed with
close code 1000 (OK) or 1001 (going away). It raises a
ConnectionClosedError when the connection is closed with any other

See connect() for the documentation of logger,
origin, extensions, subprotocols, extra_headers,
and user_agent_header.

See WebSocketCommonProtocol for the documentation of
ping_interval, ping_timeout, close_timeout,
max_size, max_queue, read_limit, and

Receive the next message.

When the connection is closed, recv() raises
ConnectionClosed. Specifically, it raises
ConnectionClosedOK after a normal connection closure and
ConnectionClosedError after a protocol error or a network
failure. This is how you detect the end of the message stream.

Canceling recv() is safe. There’s no risk of losing the
next message. The next invocation of recv() will return it.

This makes it possible to enforce a timeout by wrapping
recv() in wait_for().

A string (str) for a Text frame. A bytestring (bytes)
for a Binary frame.
  • ConnectionClosed — when the connection is closed.
  • RuntimeError — if two coroutines call recv()
Send a message.

A string (str) is sent as a Text frame. A
bytestring or bytes-like object (bytes, bytearray, or
memoryview) is sent as a Binary frame.

send() also accepts an iterable or an asynchronous
iterable of strings, bytestrings, or bytes-like objects to enable
fragmentation. Each item is treated as a message fragment and
sent in its own frame. All items must be of the same type, or else
send() will raise a TypeError and the connection will be

send() rejects dict-like objects because this is often
an error. (If you want to send the keys of a dict-like object as
fragments, call its keys() method and pass the result to

Canceling send() is discouraged. Instead, you should
close the connection with close(). Indeed, there are only two
situations where send() may yield control to the event loop and
then get canceled; in both cases, close() has the same effect and
is more clear:

The write buffer is full. If you don’t want to wait until enough data is
sent, your only alternative is to close the connection. close()
will likely time out then abort the TCP connection.
message is an asynchronous iterator that yields control. Stopping
in the middle of a fragmented message will cause a protocol error and the
connection will be closed.

When the connection is closed, send() raises
ConnectionClosed. Specifically, it raises ConnectionClosedOK
after a normal connection closure and ConnectionClosedError after a
protocol error or a network failure.

message (Union[Data,
AsyncIterable[Data]) — message to
  • ConnectionClosed — when the connection is closed.
  • TypeError — if message doesn’t have a supported type.
close(code=1000, reason=»)
Perform the closing handshake.

close() waits for the other end to complete the
handshake and for the TCP connection to terminate. As a consequence,
there’s no need to await wait_closed() after close().

close() is idempotent: it doesn’t do anything once the
connection is closed.

Wrapping close() in create_task() is safe, given
that errors during connection termination aren’t particularly

Canceling close() is discouraged. If it takes too long,
you can set a shorter close_timeout. If you don’t want to wait,
let the Python process exit, then the OS will take care of closing the
TCP connection.

  • code (int) — WebSocket close code.
  • reason (str) — WebSocket close reason.
Wait until the connection is closed.

This coroutine is identical to the closed attribute,
except it can be awaited.

This can make it easier to detect connection termination,
regardless of its cause, in tasks that interact with the WebSocket

Send a Ping.

A ping may serve as a keepalive, as a check that the remote
endpoint received all messages up to this point, or to measure

Canceling ping() is discouraged. If ping()
doesn’t return immediately, it means the write buffer is full. If you
don’t want to wait, you should close the connection.

Canceling the Future returned by ping() has no

data (Optional[Data]) — payload of the
ping; a string will be encoded to UTF-8; or None to generate a
payload containing four random bytes.
A future that will be completed when the corresponding pong is received.
You can ignore it if you don’t intend to wait. The result of the future is
the latency of the connection in seconds.
pong_waiter = await ws.ping()
# only if you want to wait for the corresponding pong
latency = await pong_waiter
  • ConnectionClosed — when the connection is closed.
  • RuntimeError — if another ping was sent with the same data and

    the corresponding pong wasn’t received yet.
Send a Pong.

An unsolicited pong may serve as a unidirectional

Canceling pong() is discouraged. If pong()
doesn’t return immediately, it means the write buffer is full. If you
don’t want to wait, you should close the connection.

data (Data) — payload of the pong; a string will be encoded
to UTF-8.
ConnectionClosed — when the connection is closed.

WebSocket connection objects also provide these attributes:

Unique identifier of the connection. Useful in logs.
Logger for this connection.
local_address: Any
Local address of the connection.

For IPv4 connections, this is a (host, port) tuple.

The format of the address depends on the address family; see

None if the TCP connection isn’t established yet.

remote_address: Any
Remote address of the connection.

For IPv4 connections, this is a (host, port) tuple.

The format of the address depends on the address family; see

None if the TCP connection isn’t established yet.

open: bool
True when the connection is open; False otherwise.

This attribute may be used to detect disconnections. However,
this approach is discouraged per the EAFP principle. Instead, you
should handle ConnectionClosed exceptions.

closed: bool
True when the connection is closed; False otherwise.

Be aware that both open and closed are
False during the opening and closing sequences.

Latency of the connection, in seconds.

This value is updated after sending a ping frame and receiving
a matching pong frame. Before the first ping, latency is

By default, websockets enables a keepalive mechanism
that sends ping frames automatically at regular intervals. You can also
send ping frames and measure latency with ping().

The following attributes are available after the opening
handshake, once the WebSocket connection is open:

Path of the opening handshake request.
Opening handshake request headers.
Opening handshake response headers.
Subprotocol, if one was negotiated.

The following attributes are available after the closing
handshake, once the WebSocket connection is closed:

close_code: Optional[int]
WebSocket close code, defined in section 7.1.5 of RFC 6455.

None if the connection isn’t closed yet.

close_reason: Optional[str]
WebSocket close reason, defined in section 7.1.6 of RFC 6455.

None if the connection isn’t closed yet.


websockets.client.ClientConnection(wsuri, origin=None, extensions=None,
subprotocols=None, state=State.CONNECTING, max_size=2**20,
Sans-I/O implementation of a WebSocket client connection.
  • wsuri (WebSocketURI) — URI of the WebSocket server, parsed
    with parse_uri().
  • origin (Optional[Origin]) — value of
    the Origin header. This is useful when connecting to a server that
    validates the Origin header to defend against Cross-Site WebSocket
    Hijacking attacks.
  • extensions
    — list of supported extensions, in order in which they should be
  • subprotocols
    — list of supported subprotocols, in order of decreasing preference.
  • state (State) — initial state of the WebSocket
  • max_size (Optional[int]) — maximum
    size of incoming messages in bytes; None to disable the limit.
  • logger (Optional[LoggerLike]) — logger
    for this connection; defaults to
    logging.getLogger(«websockets.client»); see the
    logging guide for details.
Receive data from the network.

After calling this method:

  • You must call data_to_send() and send this data to the
  • You should call events_received() and process resulting
EOFError — if receive_eof() was called earlier.
Receive the end of the data stream from the network.

After calling this method:

  • You must call data_to_send() and send this data to the
  • You aren’t expected to call events_received(); it won’t return any
    new events.
EOFError — if receive_eof() was called earlier.
Create a handshake request to open a connection.

You must send the handshake request with

You can modify it before sending it, for example to add HTTP

WebSocket handshake request event to send to the server.
Send a handshake request to the server.
request (Request) — WebSocket handshake request event.
Send a Continuation frame.
  • data (bytes) — payload containing the same kind of data as
    the initial frame.
  • fin (bool) — FIN bit; set it to True if this is the
    last frame of a fragmented message and to False otherwise.
ProtocolError — if a fragmented message isn’t in progress.
Send a Text frame.
  • data (bytes) — payload containing text encoded with
  • fin (bool) — FIN bit; set it to False if this is the
    first frame of a fragmented message.
ProtocolError — if a fragmented message is in progress.
Send a Binary frame.
  • data (bytes) — payload containing arbitrary binary
  • fin (bool) — FIN bit; set it to False if this is the
    first frame of a fragmented message.
ProtocolError — if a fragmented message is in progress.
Send a Close frame.
  • code (Optional[int]) — close
  • reason (str) — close reason.
ProtocolError — if a fragmented message is being sent, if the code

isn’t valid, or if a reason is provided without a code
Send a Ping frame.
data (bytes) — payload containing arbitrary binary
Send a Pong frame.
data (bytes) — payload containing arbitrary binary
Fail the WebSocket connection.
  • code (int) — close code
  • reason (str) — close reason
ProtocolError — if the code isn’t valid.
Fetch events generated from data received from the network.

Call this method immediately after any of the
receive_*() methods.

Process resulting events, likely by passing them to the

Events read from the connection.
Obtain data to send to the network.

Call this method immediately after any of the
receive_*(), send_*(), or fail() methods.

Write resulting data to the connection.

The empty bytestring SEND_EOF signals the end of the
data stream. When you receive it, half-close the TCP connection.

Data to write to the connection.
Tell if the TCP connection is expected to close soon.

Call this method immediately after any of the
receive_*() or fail() methods.

If it returns True, schedule closing the TCP connection
after a short timeout if the other side hasn’t already closed it.

Whether the TCP connection is expected to close soon.
Unique identifier of the connection. Useful in logs.
Logger for this connection.
state: State
WebSocket connection state.

Defined in 4.1, 4.2, 7.1.3, and 7.1.4 of RFC 6455.

Exception to raise if the opening handshake failed.

None if the opening handshake succeeded.

close_code: Optional[int]
WebSocket close code.

None if the connection isn’t closed yet.

close_reason: Optional[str]
WebSocket close reason.

None if the connection isn’t closed yet.

close_exc: ConnectionClosed
Exception to raise when trying to interact with a closed connection.

Don’t raise this exception while the connection state
is CLOSING; wait until it’s CLOSED.

Indeed, the exception includes the close code and reason,
which are known only once the connection is closed.

AssertionError — if the connection isn’t closed yet.

Both sides


websockets.legacy.protocol.WebSocketCommonProtocol(*, logger=None,
ping_interval=20, ping_timeout=20, close_timeout=10, max_size=2**20,
max_queue=2**5, read_limit=2**16, write_limit=2**16)
WebSocket connection.

WebSocketCommonProtocol provides APIs shared between
WebSocket servers and clients. You shouldn’t use it directly. Instead,
use WebSocketClientProtocol or

This documentation focuses on low-level details that aren’t
covered in the documentation of WebSocketClientProtocol and
WebSocketServerProtocol for the sake of simplicity.

Once the connection is open, a Ping frame is sent every
ping_interval seconds. This serves as a keepalive. It helps
keeping the connection open, especially in the presence of proxies with
short timeouts on inactive connections. Set ping_interval to
None to disable this behavior.

If the corresponding Pong frame isn’t received within
ping_timeout seconds, the connection is considered unusable and
is closed with code 1011. This ensures that the remote endpoint remains
responsive. Set ping_timeout to None to disable this

The close_timeout parameter defines a maximum wait time
for completing the closing handshake and terminating the TCP connection.
For legacy reasons, close() completes in at most 5 *
seconds for clients and 4 * close_timeout for

See the discussion of timeouts for details.

close_timeout needs to be a parameter of the protocol
because websockets usually calls close() implicitly upon

  • on the client side, when connect() is used as a context
  • on the server side, when the connection handler terminates;

To apply a timeout to any other API, wrap it in

The max_size parameter enforces the maximum size for
incoming messages in bytes. The default value is 1 MiB. If a larger
message is received, recv() will raise ConnectionClosedError
and the connection will be closed with code 1009.

The max_queue parameter sets the maximum length of the
queue that holds incoming messages. The default value is 32. Messages
are added to an in-memory queue when they’re received; then recv()
pops from that queue. In order to prevent excessive memory consumption when
messages are received faster than they can be processed, the queue must be
bounded. If the queue fills up, the protocol stops processing incoming data
until recv() is called. In this situation, various receive buffers
(at least in asyncio and in the OS) will fill up, then the TCP
receive window will shrink, slowing down transmission to avoid packet

Since Python can use up to 4 bytes of memory to represent a single
character, each connection may use up to 4 * max_size * max_queue
bytes of memory to store incoming messages. By default, this is
128 MiB. You may want to lower the limits, depending on your
application’s requirements.

The read_limit argument sets the high-water limit of the
buffer for incoming bytes. The low-water limit is half the high-water limit.
The default value is 64 KiB, half of asyncio’s default (based on the
current implementation of StreamReader).

The write_limit argument sets the high-water limit of the
buffer for outgoing bytes. The low-water limit is a quarter of the
high-water limit. The default value is 64 KiB, equal to asyncio’s
default (based on the current implementation of

See the discussion of memory usage for details.

  • logger (Optional[LoggerLike]) — logger
    for this connection; defaults to
    logging.getLogger(«websockets.protocol»); see the
    logging guide for details.
  • ping_interval (Optional[float]) —
    delay between keepalive pings in seconds; None to disable keepalive
  • ping_timeout (Optional[float]) —
    timeout for keepalive pings in seconds; None to disable
  • close_timeout (Optional[float]) —
    timeout for closing the connection in seconds; for legacy reasons, the
    actual timeout is 4 or 5 times larger.
  • max_size (Optional[int]) — maximum
    size of incoming messages in bytes; None to disable the limit.
  • max_queue (Optional[int]) — maximum
    number of incoming messages in receive buffer; None to disable the
  • read_limit (int) — high-water mark of read buffer in
  • write_limit (int) — high-water mark of write buffer in
Receive the next message.

When the connection is closed, recv() raises
ConnectionClosed. Specifically, it raises
ConnectionClosedOK after a normal connection closure and
ConnectionClosedError after a protocol error or a network
failure. This is how you detect the end of the message stream.

Canceling recv() is safe. There’s no risk of losing the
next message. The next invocation of recv() will return it.

This makes it possible to enforce a timeout by wrapping
recv() in wait_for().

A string (str) for a Text frame. A bytestring (bytes)
for a Binary frame.
  • ConnectionClosed — when the connection is closed.
  • RuntimeError — if two coroutines call recv()
Send a message.

A string (str) is sent as a Text frame. A
bytestring or bytes-like object (bytes, bytearray, or
memoryview) is sent as a Binary frame.

send() also accepts an iterable or an asynchronous
iterable of strings, bytestrings, or bytes-like objects to enable
fragmentation. Each item is treated as a message fragment and
sent in its own frame. All items must be of the same type, or else
send() will raise a TypeError and the connection will be

send() rejects dict-like objects because this is often
an error. (If you want to send the keys of a dict-like object as
fragments, call its keys() method and pass the result to

Canceling send() is discouraged. Instead, you should
close the connection with close(). Indeed, there are only two
situations where send() may yield control to the event loop and
then get canceled; in both cases, close() has the same effect and
is more clear:

The write buffer is full. If you don’t want to wait until enough data is
sent, your only alternative is to close the connection. close()
will likely time out then abort the TCP connection.
message is an asynchronous iterator that yields control. Stopping
in the middle of a fragmented message will cause a protocol error and the
connection will be closed.

When the connection is closed, send() raises
ConnectionClosed. Specifically, it raises ConnectionClosedOK
after a normal connection closure and ConnectionClosedError after a
protocol error or a network failure.

message (Union[Data,
AsyncIterable[Data]) — message to
  • ConnectionClosed — when the connection is closed.
  • TypeError — if message doesn’t have a supported type.
close(code=1000, reason=»)
Perform the closing handshake.

close() waits for the other end to complete the
handshake and for the TCP connection to terminate. As a consequence,
there’s no need to await wait_closed() after close().

close() is idempotent: it doesn’t do anything once the
connection is closed.

Wrapping close() in create_task() is safe, given
that errors during connection termination aren’t particularly

Canceling close() is discouraged. If it takes too long,
you can set a shorter close_timeout. If you don’t want to wait,
let the Python process exit, then the OS will take care of closing the
TCP connection.

  • code (int) — WebSocket close code.
  • reason (str) — WebSocket close reason.
Wait until the connection is closed.

This coroutine is identical to the closed attribute,
except it can be awaited.

This can make it easier to detect connection termination,
regardless of its cause, in tasks that interact with the WebSocket

Send a Ping.

A ping may serve as a keepalive, as a check that the remote
endpoint received all messages up to this point, or to measure

Canceling ping() is discouraged. If ping()
doesn’t return immediately, it means the write buffer is full. If you
don’t want to wait, you should close the connection.

Canceling the Future returned by ping() has no

data (Optional[Data]) — payload of the
ping; a string will be encoded to UTF-8; or None to generate a
payload containing four random bytes.
A future that will be completed when the corresponding pong is received.
You can ignore it if you don’t intend to wait. The result of the future is
the latency of the connection in seconds.
pong_waiter = await ws.ping()
# only if you want to wait for the corresponding pong
latency = await pong_waiter
  • ConnectionClosed — when the connection is closed.
  • RuntimeError — if another ping was sent with the same data and

    the corresponding pong wasn’t received yet.
Send a Pong.

An unsolicited pong may serve as a unidirectional

Canceling pong() is discouraged. If pong()
doesn’t return immediately, it means the write buffer is full. If you
don’t want to wait, you should close the connection.

data (Data) — payload of the pong; a string will be encoded
to UTF-8.
ConnectionClosed — when the connection is closed.

WebSocket connection objects also provide these attributes:

Unique identifier of the connection. Useful in logs.
Union[Logger, LoggerAdapter]
Logger for this connection.
local_address: Any
Local address of the connection.

For IPv4 connections, this is a (host, port) tuple.

The format of the address depends on the address family; see

None if the TCP connection isn’t established yet.

remote_address: Any
Remote address of the connection.

For IPv4 connections, this is a (host, port) tuple.

The format of the address depends on the address family; see

None if the TCP connection isn’t established yet.

open: bool
True when the connection is open; False otherwise.

This attribute may be used to detect disconnections. However,
this approach is discouraged per the EAFP principle. Instead, you
should handle ConnectionClosed exceptions.

closed: bool
True when the connection is closed; False otherwise.

Be aware that both open and closed are
False during the opening and closing sequences.

Latency of the connection, in seconds.

This value is updated after sending a ping frame and receiving
a matching pong frame. Before the first ping, latency is

By default, websockets enables a keepalive mechanism
that sends ping frames automatically at regular intervals. You can also
send ping frames and measure latency with ping().

The following attributes are available after the opening
handshake, once the WebSocket connection is open:

Path of the opening handshake request.
Opening handshake request headers.
Opening handshake response headers.
Subprotocol, if one was negotiated.

The following attributes are available after the closing
handshake, once the WebSocket connection is closed:

close_code: Optional[int]
WebSocket close code, defined in section 7.1.5 of RFC 6455.

None if the connection isn’t closed yet.

close_reason: Optional[str]
WebSocket close reason, defined in section 7.1.6 of RFC 6455.

None if the connection isn’t closed yet.


websockets.connection.Connection(side, state=State.OPEN, max_size=2**20,
Sans-I/O implementation of a WebSocket connection.
  • side (Side) — CLIENT or SERVER.
  • state (State) — initial state of the WebSocket
  • max_size (Optional[int]) — maximum
    size of incoming messages in bytes; None to disable the limit.
  • logger (Optional[LoggerLike]) — logger
    for this connection; depending on side, defaults to
    logging.getLogger(«websockets.client») or
    logging.getLogger(«websockets.server»); see the
    logging guide for details.
Receive data from the network.

After calling this method:

  • You must call data_to_send() and send this data to the
  • You should call events_received() and process resulting
EOFError — if receive_eof() was called earlier.
Receive the end of the data stream from the network.

After calling this method:

  • You must call data_to_send() and send this data to the
  • You aren’t expected to call events_received(); it won’t return any
    new events.
EOFError — if receive_eof() was called earlier.
Send a Continuation frame.
  • data (bytes) — payload containing the same kind of data as
    the initial frame.
  • fin (bool) — FIN bit; set it to True if this is the
    last frame of a fragmented message and to False otherwise.
ProtocolError — if a fragmented message isn’t in progress.
Send a Text frame.
  • data (bytes) — payload containing text encoded with
  • fin (bool) — FIN bit; set it to False if this is the
    first frame of a fragmented message.
ProtocolError — if a fragmented message is in progress.
Send a Binary frame.
  • data (bytes) — payload containing arbitrary binary
  • fin (bool) — FIN bit; set it to False if this is the
    first frame of a fragmented message.
ProtocolError — if a fragmented message is in progress.
Send a Close frame.
  • code (Optional[int]) — close
  • reason (str) — close reason.
ProtocolError — if a fragmented message is being sent, if the code

isn’t valid, or if a reason is provided without a code
Send a Ping frame.
data (bytes) — payload containing arbitrary binary
Send a Pong frame.
data (bytes) — payload containing arbitrary binary
Fail the WebSocket connection.
  • code (int) — close code
  • reason (str) — close reason
ProtocolError — if the code isn’t valid.
Fetch events generated from data received from the network.

Call this method immediately after any of the
receive_*() methods.

Process resulting events, likely by passing them to the

Events read from the connection.
Obtain data to send to the network.

Call this method immediately after any of the
receive_*(), send_*(), or fail() methods.

Write resulting data to the connection.

The empty bytestring SEND_EOF signals the end of the
data stream. When you receive it, half-close the TCP connection.

Data to write to the connection.
Tell if the TCP connection is expected to close soon.

Call this method immediately after any of the
receive_*() or fail() methods.

If it returns True, schedule closing the TCP connection
after a short timeout if the other side hasn’t already closed it.

Whether the TCP connection is expected to close soon.
Unique identifier of the connection. Useful in logs.
Union[Logger, LoggerAdapter]
Logger for this connection.
state: State
WebSocket connection state.

Defined in 4.1, 4.2, 7.1.3, and 7.1.4 of RFC 6455.

close_code: Optional[int]
WebSocket close code.

None if the connection isn’t closed yet.

close_reason: Optional[str]
WebSocket close reason.

None if the connection isn’t closed yet.

close_exc: ConnectionClosed
Exception to raise when trying to interact with a closed connection.

Don’t raise this exception while the connection state
is CLOSING; wait until it’s CLOSED.

Indeed, the exception includes the close code and reason,
which are known only once the connection is closed.

AssertionError — if the connection isn’t closed yet.
A WebSocket connection is either a server or a client.
A WebSocket connection is in one of these four states.
= b»
Sentinel signaling that the TCP connection must be half-closed.



Broadcast a message to several WebSocket connections.

A string (str) is sent as a Text frame. A
bytestring or bytes-like object (bytes, bytearray, or
memoryview) is sent as a Binary frame.

broadcast() pushes the message synchronously to all
connections even if their write buffers are overflowing. There’s no

broadcast() skips silently connections that aren’t open
in order to avoid errors on connections where the closing handshake is
in progress.

If you broadcast messages faster than a connection can handle
them, messages will pile up in its write buffer until the connection
times out. Keep low values for ping_interval and
ping_timeout to prevent excessive memory usage by slow
connections when you use broadcast().

Unlike send(), broadcast() doesn’t support
sending fragmented messages. Indeed, fragmentation is useful for sending
large messages without buffering them in memory, while
broadcast() buffers one copy per connection as fast as

  • websockets
    (Iterable[WebSocketCommonProtocol]) —
    WebSocket connections to which the message will be sent.
  • message (Data) — message to send.
  • RuntimeError — if a connection is busy sending a fragmented
  • TypeError — if message doesn’t have a supported type.

WebSocket events

websockets.frames.Frame(opcode, data, fin=True, rsv1=False, rsv2=False,
WebSocket frame.


Only these fields are needed. The MASK bit, payload length and
masking-key are handled on the fly when parsing and serializing frames.

Opcode values for WebSocket frames.
websockets.frames.Close(code, reason)
Code and reason for WebSocket close frames.

HTTP events

websockets.http11.Request(path, headers, _exception=None)
WebSocket handshake request.

Request path, including optional query.
Request headers.
websockets.http11.Response(status_code, reason_phrase, headers, body=None,
WebSocket handshake response.

Response code.
Response reason.
Response headers.
Response body, if any.
websockets.datastructures.Headers(*args, **kwargs)
Efficient data structure for manipulating HTTP headers.

A list of (name, values) is inefficient for

A dict doesn’t suffice because header names are
case-insensitive and multiple occurrences of headers with the same name
are possible.

Headers stores HTTP headers in a hybrid data structure
to provide efficient insertions and lookups while preserving the
original data.

In order to account for multiple values with minimal hassle,
Headers follows this logic:

When getting a header with
  • if there’s no value, KeyError is raised;
  • if there’s exactly one value, it’s returned;
  • if there’s more than one value, MultipleValuesError is raised.
  • When setting a header with headers[name] = value, the value is
    appended to the list of values for that header.
  • When deleting a header with del headers[name], all values for that
    header are removed (this is slow).

Other methods for manipulating headers are consistent with this

As long as no header occurs multiple times, Headers behaves
like dict, except keys are lower-cased to provide

Two methods support manipulating multiple values explicitly:

  • get_all() returns a list of all values for a header;
  • raw_items() returns an iterator of (name, values)

Return the (possibly empty) list of all values for a header.
key (str) — header name.
Return an iterator of all values as (name, value) pairs.

Exception raised when Headers has more than one value for a


Parse and validate a WebSocket URI.
uri (str) — WebSocket URI.
Parsed WebSocket URI.
InvalidURI — if uri isn’t a valid WebSocket URI.
websockets.uri.WebSocketURI(secure, host, port, path, query, username=None,
WebSocket URI.

True for a wss URI, False for a ws URI.
Normalized to lower case.
Always set even if it’s the default.
May be empty if the URI doesn’t include a query component.
Available when the URI contains User Information.
Available when the URI contains User Information.


websockets.exceptions defines the following exception

  • ConnectionClosedError
  • ConnectionClosedOK
  • SecurityError
  • InvalidMessage
  • InvalidHeaderFormat
  • InvalidHeaderValue
  • InvalidOrigin
  • InvalidUpgrade
  • InvalidStatus
  • InvalidStatusCode (legacy)
  • DuplicateParameter
  • InvalidParameterName
  • InvalidParameterValue
  • AbortHandshake
  • RedirectHandshake
  • InvalidState
  • InvalidURI
  • PayloadTooBig
  • ProtocolError
websockets.exceptions.AbortHandshake(status, headers, body=b»)
Raised to abort the handshake on purpose and return a HTTP response.

This exception is an implementation detail.

The public API is process_request().

websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed(rcvd, sent,
Raised when trying to interact with a closed connection.

if a close frame was received, its code and reason are available in
rcvd.code and rcvd.reason.
if a close frame was sent, its code and reason are available in
sent.code and sent.reason.
if close frames were received and sent, this attribute tells in which
order this happened, from the perspective of this side of the
websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedError(rcvd, sent,
Like ConnectionClosed, when the connection terminated with an

A close code other than 1000 (OK) or 1001 (going away) was
received or sent, or the closing handshake didn’t complete properly.

websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosedOK(rcvd, sent,
Like ConnectionClosed, when the connection terminated properly.

A close code 1000 (OK) or 1001 (going away) was received and

Raised when a parameter name is repeated in an extension header.

Raised during the handshake when the WebSocket connection fails.
websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeader(name, value=None)
Raised when a HTTP header doesn’t have a valid format or value.

websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderFormat(name, error, header,
Raised when a HTTP header cannot be parsed.

The format of the header doesn’t match the grammar for that

websockets.exceptions.InvalidHeaderValue(name, value=None)
Raised when a HTTP header has a wrong value.

The format of the header is correct but a value isn’t

Raised when a handshake request or response is malformed.
Raised when the Origin header in a request isn’t allowed.

Raised when a parameter name in an extension header is invalid.

websockets.exceptions.InvalidParameterValue(name, value)
Raised when a parameter value in an extension header is invalid.

Raised when an operation is forbidden in the current state.

This exception is an implementation detail.

It should never be raised in normal circumstances.

Raised when a handshake response rejects the WebSocket upgrade.

websockets.exceptions.InvalidStatusCode(status_code, headers)
Raised when a handshake response status code is invalid.

websockets.exceptions.InvalidURI(uri, msg)
Raised when connecting to an URI that isn’t a valid WebSocket URI.

websockets.exceptions.InvalidUpgrade(name, value=None)
Raised when the Upgrade or Connection header isn’t correct.

Raised when negotiating an extension fails.
Raised when receiving a frame with a payload exceeding the maximum
Raised when a frame breaks the protocol.
Raised when a handshake gets redirected.

This exception is an implementation detail.

Raised when a handshake request or response breaks a security rule.

Security limits are hard coded.

Base class for all exceptions defined by websockets.
alias of ProtocolError


Types supported in a WebSocket message: str for a Text
frame, bytes for a Binary.

alias of Union[str, bytes]

Types accepted where a Logger is expected.

alias of Union[Logger, LoggerAdapter]

Value of a Origin header.

alias of str

Subprotocol in a Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header.

alias of str

Name of a WebSocket extension.

alias of str

Parameter of a WebSocket extension.

alias of Tuple[str,

Events that events_received() may return.

alias of Union[Request, Response,

Types accepted where Headers is expected.

In addition to Headers itself, this includes dict-like
types where both keys and values are str.

alias of Union[Headers,
Mapping[str, str],
Iterable[Tuple[str, str]],

= <class
Dict-like types with keys() -> str and __getitem__(key: str)
-> str


The WebSocket protocol supports extensions.

At the time of writing, there’s only one registered
with a public specification, WebSocket Per-Message

Per-Message Deflate

websockets.extensions.permessage_deflate implements
WebSocket Per-Message Deflate.

This extension is specified in RFC 7692.

Refer to the topic guide on compression to learn more about
tuning compression settings.

client_no_context_takeover=False, server_max_window_bits=None,
client_max_window_bits=True, compress_settings=None)
Client-side extension factory for the Per-Message Deflate extension.

Parameters behave as described in section 7.1 of RFC

Set them to True to include them in the negotiation
offer without a value or to an integer value to include them with this

  • server_no_context_takeover (bool) — prevent server from
    using context takeover.
  • client_no_context_takeover (bool) — prevent client from
    using context takeover.
  • server_max_window_bits (Optional[int])
    — maximum size of the server’s LZ77 sliding window in bits, between 8 and
  • client_max_window_bits
    bool]]) — maximum size of the client’s LZ77
    sliding window in bits, between 8 and 15, or True to indicate
    support without setting a limit.
  • compress_settings
    Any]]) — additional keyword arguments for
    zlib.compressobj(), excluding wbits.
client_no_context_takeover=False, server_max_window_bits=None,
client_max_window_bits=None, compress_settings=None,
Server-side extension factory for the Per-Message Deflate extension.

Parameters behave as described in section 7.1 of RFC

Set them to True to include them in the negotiation
offer without a value or to an integer value to include them with this

  • server_no_context_takeover (bool) — prevent server from
    using context takeover.
  • client_no_context_takeover (bool) — prevent client from
    using context takeover.
  • server_max_window_bits (Optional[int])
    — maximum size of the server’s LZ77 sliding window in bits, between 8 and
  • client_max_window_bits (Optional[int])
    — maximum size of the client’s LZ77 sliding window in bits, between 8 and
  • compress_settings
    Any]]) — additional keyword arguments for
    zlib.compressobj(), excluding wbits.
  • require_client_max_window_bits (bool) — do not enable
    compression at all if client doesn’t advertise support for
    client_max_window_bits; the default behavior is to enable
    compression without enforcing client_max_window_bits.

Base classes

Refer to the how-to guide on extensions to learn more about
writing an extension.

Base class for extensions.
Extension identifier.
*, max_size=None)
Decode an incoming frame.
  • frame (Frame) — incoming frame.
  • max_size (Optional[int]) — maximum
    payload size in bytes.
Decoded frame.
PayloadTooBig — if decoding the payload exceeds
Encode an outgoing frame.
frame (Frame) — outgoing frame.
Encoded frame.
Base class for client-side extension factories.
Extension identifier.
Build parameters to send to the server for this extension.
Parameters to send to the server.
Process parameters received from the server.
  • params (Sequence[ExtensionParameter])
    — parameters received from the server for this extension.
  • accepted_extensions
    (Sequence[Extension]) — list of previously
    accepted extensions.
An extension instance.
NegotiationError — if parameters aren’t acceptable.
Base class for server-side extension factories.
Process parameters received from the client.
  • params (Sequence[ExtensionParameter])
    — parameters received from the client for this extension.
  • accepted_extensions
    (Sequence[Extension]) — list of previously
    accepted extensions.
To accept the offer, parameters to send to the client for this extension
and an extension instance.
Tuple[List[ExtensionParameter], Extension]
NegotiationError — to reject the offer, if parameters received

the client aren’t acceptable.



The client doesn’t attempt to guarantee that there is no more than
one connection to a given IP address in a CONNECTING state. This behavior is
mandated by RFC 6455. However, connect() isn’t the right layer
for enforcing this constraint. It’s the caller’s responsibility.

The client doesn’t support connecting through a HTTP proxy
(issue 364) or a SOCKS proxy (issue 475).


At this time, there are no known limitations affecting only the

Both sides

There is no way to control compression of outgoing frames on a
per-frame basis (issue 538). If compression is enabled, all frames
are compressed.

There is no way to receive each fragment of a fragmented messages
as it arrives (issue 479). websockets always reassembles fragmented
messages before returning them.

Public API documented in the API reference are subject to the
backwards-compatibility policy.

Anything that isn’t listed in the API reference is a private API.
There’s no guarantees of behavior or backwards-compatibility for private

imports are incompatible with some development tools.

For convenience, most public APIs can be imported from the
websockets package. However, this is incompatible with static
code analysis.

It may break auto-completion and contextual documentation in
IDEs, type checking with mypy, etc. If you’re using such tools,
stick to the full import paths.


Get a deeper understanding of how websockets is built and why.


When you deploy your websockets server to production, at a high
level, your architecture will almost certainly look like the following
diagram: [image]

The basic unit for scaling a websockets server is «one server
process». Each blue box in the diagram represents one server

There’s more variation in routing. While the routing layer is
shown as one big box, it is likely to involve several subsystems.

When you design a deployment, your should consider two

How will I run the appropriate number of server processes?
How will I route incoming connections to these processes?

These questions are strongly related. There’s a wide range of
acceptable answers, depending on your goals and your constraints.

You can find a few concrete examples in the deployment how-to

Running server processes

How many processes do I need?

Typically, one server process will manage a few hundreds or
thousands connections, depending on the frequency of messages and the amount
of work they require.

CPU and memory usage increase with the number of connections to
the server.

Often CPU is the limiting factor. If a server process goes to 100%
CPU, then you reached the limit. How much headroom you want to keep is up to

Once you know how many connections a server process can manage and
how many connections you need to handle, you can calculate how many
processes to run.

You can also automate this calculation by configuring an
autoscaler to keep CPU usage or connection count within acceptable

Don’t scale with threads. Threads doesn’t make sense for a server
built with asyncio.

How do I run processes?

Most solutions for running multiple instances of a server process
fall into one of these three buckets:

Running N processes on a platform:
  • a Kubernetes Deployment
  • its equivalent on a Platform as a Service provider
Running N servers:
  • an AWS Auto Scaling group, a GCP Managed instance group, etc.
  • a fixed set of long-lived servers
Running N processes on a server:
preferably via a process manager or supervisor

Option 1 is easiest of you have access to such a platform.

Option 2 almost always combines with option 3.

How do I start a process?

Run a Python program that invokes serve(). That’s it.

Don’t run an ASGI server such as Uvicorn, Hypercorn, or Daphne.
They’re alternatives to websockets, not complements.

Don’t run a WSGI server such as Gunicorn, Waitress, or mod_wsgi.
They aren’t designed to run WebSocket applications.

Applications servers handle network connections and expose a
Python API. You don’t need one because websockets handles network
connections directly.

How do I stop a process?

Process managers send the SIGTERM signal to terminate processes.
Catch this signal and exit the server to ensure a graceful shutdown.

Here’s an example:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import signal
import websockets
async def echo(websocket):

async for message in websocket:
await websocket.send(message) async def server():
# Set the stop condition when receiving SIGTERM.
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
stop = loop.create_future()
loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, stop.set_result, None)
async with websockets.serve(echo, "localhost", 8765):
await stop asyncio.run(server())

When exiting the context manager, serve() closes all
connections with code 1001 (going away). As a consequence:

  • If the connection handler is awaiting recv(), it receives a
    ConnectionClosedOK exception. It can catch the exception and clean
    up before exiting.
  • Otherwise, it should be waiting on wait_closed(), so it can receive
    the ConnectionClosedOK exception and exit.

This example is easily adapted to handle other signals.

If you override the default signal handler for SIGINT, which
raises KeyboardInterrupt, be aware that you won’t be able to
interrupt a program with Ctrl-C anymore when it’s stuck in a loop.

Routing connections

What does routing involve?

Since the routing layer is directly exposed to the Internet, it
should provide appropriate protection against threats ranging from Internet
background noise to targeted attacks.

You should always secure WebSocket connections with TLS. Since the
routing layer carries the public domain name, it should terminate TLS

Finally, it must route connections to the server processes,
balancing new connections across them.

How do I route connections?

Here are typical solutions for load balancing, matched to ways of
running processes:

If you’re running on a platform, it comes with a routing layer:
  • a Kubernetes Ingress and Service
  • a service mesh: Istio, Consul, Linkerd, etc.
  • the routing mesh of a Platform as a Service
If you’re running N servers, you may load balance with:
  • a cloud load balancer: AWS Elastic Load Balancing, GCP Cloud Load
    Balancing, etc.
  • A software load balancer: HAProxy, NGINX, etc.
If you’re running N processes on a server, you may load balance with:
  • A software load balancer: HAProxy, NGINX, etc.
  • The operating system — all processes listen on the same port

You may trust the load balancer to handle encryption and to
provide security. You may add another layer in front of the load balancer
for these purposes.

There are many possibilities. Don’t add layers that you don’t
need, though.

How do I implement a health check?

Load balancers need a way to check whether server processes are up
and running to avoid routing connections to a non-functional backend.

websockets provide minimal support for responding to HTTP requests
with the process_request() hook.

Here’s an example:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import asyncio
import http
import websockets
async def health_check(path, request_headers):

if path == "/healthz":
return http.HTTPStatus.OK, [], b"OKn" async def echo(websocket):
async for message in websocket:
await websocket.send(message) async def main():
async with websockets.serve(
echo, "localhost", 8765,
await asyncio.Future() # run forever asyncio.run(main())


Logs contents

When you run a WebSocket client, your code calls coroutines
provided by websockets.

If an error occurs, websockets tells you by raising an exception.
For example, it raises a ConnectionClosed exception if the other side
closes the connection.

When you run a WebSocket server, websockets accepts connections,
performs the opening handshake, runs the connection handler coroutine that
you provided, and performs the closing handshake.

Given this inversion of control, if an error happens in the
opening handshake or if the connection handler crashes, there is no way to
raise an exception that you can handle.

Logs tell you about these errors.

Besides errors, you may want to record the activity of the

In a request/response protocol such as HTTP, there’s an obvious
way to record activity: log one event per request/response. Unfortunately,
this solution doesn’t work well for a bidirectional protocol such as

Instead, when running as a server, websockets logs one event when
a connection is established and another event when a connection

By default, websockets doesn’t log an event for every message.
That would be excessive for many applications exchanging small messages at a
fast rate. If you need this level of detail, you could add logging in your
own code.

Finally, you can enable debug logs to get details about everything
websockets is doing. This can be useful when developing clients as well as

See log levels below for a list of events logged by
websockets logs at each log level.

Configure logging

websockets relies on the logging module from the standard
library in order to maximize compatibility and integrate nicely with other

websockets logs to the «websockets.client» and
«websockets.server» loggers.

websockets doesn’t provide a default logging configuration because
requirements vary a lot depending on the environment.

Here’s a basic configuration for a server in production:


format="%(asctime)s %(message)s",
level=logging.INFO, )

Here’s how to enable debug logs for development:


level=logging.DEBUG, )

Furthermore, websockets adds a websocket attribute to log
records, so you can include additional information about the current
connection in logs.

You could attempt to add information with a formatter:

# this doesn't work!

format="{asctime} {websocket.id} {websocket.remote_address[0]} {message}",
style="{", )

However, this technique runs into two problems:

  • The formatter applies to all records. It will crash if it receives a
    record without a websocket attribute. For example, this happens
    when logging that the server starts because there is no current
  • Even with str.format() style, you’re restricted to attribute and
    index lookups, which isn’t enough to implement some fairly simple

There’s a better way. connect() and serve() accept a
logger argument to override the default Logger. You can set
logger to a LoggerAdapter that enriches logs.

For example, if the server is behind a reverse proxy,
remote_address gives the IP address of the proxy, which isn’t useful.
IP addresses of clients are provided in a HTTP header set by the proxy.

Here’s how to include them in logs, assuming they’re in the
X-Forwarded-For header:


format="%(asctime)s %(message)s",
level=logging.INFO, ) class LoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
"""Add connection ID and client IP address to websockets logs."""
def process(self, msg, kwargs):
websocket = kwargs["extra"]["websocket"]
except KeyError:
return msg, kwargs
xff = websocket.request_headers.get("X-Forwarded-For")
return f"{websocket.id} {xff} {msg}", kwargs async with websockets.serve(
# Python < 3.10 requires passing None as the second argument.
logger=LoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger("websockets.server"), None), ):

Logging to JSON

Even though logging predates structured logging, it’s still
possible to output logs as JSON with a bit of effort.

First, we need a Formatter that renders JSON:

import json
import logging
import datetime
class JSONFormatter(logging.Formatter):

Render logs as JSON.
To add details to a log record, store them in a ``event_data``
custom attribute. This dict is merged into the event.
def __init__(self):
pass # override logging.Formatter constructor
def format(self, record):
event = {
"timestamp": self.getTimestamp(record.created),
"message": record.getMessage(),
"level": record.levelname,
"logger": record.name,
event_data = getattr(record, "event_data", None)
if event_data:
if record.exc_info:
event["exc_info"] = self.formatException(record.exc_info)
if record.stack_info:
event["stack_info"] = self.formatStack(record.stack_info)
return json.dumps(event)
def getTimestamp(self, created):
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(created).isoformat()

Then, we configure logging to apply this formatter:

handler = logging.StreamHandler()
logger = logging.getLogger()

Finally, we populate the event_data custom attribute in log
records with a LoggerAdapter:

class LoggerAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):

"""Add connection ID and client IP address to websockets logs."""
def process(self, msg, kwargs):
websocket = kwargs["extra"]["websocket"]
except KeyError:
return msg, kwargs
kwargs["extra"]["event_data"] = {
"connection_id": str(websocket.id),
"remote_addr": websocket.request_headers.get("X-Forwarded-For"),
return msg, kwargs async with websockets.serve(
# Python < 3.10 requires passing None as the second argument.
logger=LoggerAdapter(logging.getLogger("websockets.server"), None), ):

Disable logging

If your application doesn’t configure logging, Python
outputs messages of severity WARNING and higher to stderr. As
a consequence, you will see a message and a stack trace if a connection
handler coroutine crashes or if you hit a bug in websockets.

If you want to disable this behavior for websockets, you can add a


Additionally, if your application configures logging, you
must disable propagation to the root logger, or else its handlers could
output logs:

logging.getLogger("websockets").propagate = False

Alternatively, you could set the log level to CRITICAL for
the «websockets» logger, as the highest level currently
used is ERROR:


Or you could configure a filter to drop all messages:

logging.getLogger("websockets").addFilter(lambda record: None)

Log levels

Here’s what websockets logs at each level.


  • Exceptions raised by connection handler coroutines in servers
  • Exceptions resulting from bugs in websockets


  • Server starting and stopping
  • Server establishing and closing connections
  • Client reconnecting automatically


  • Changes to the state of connections
  • Handshake requests and responses
  • All frames sent and received
  • Steps to close a connection
  • Keepalive pings and pongs
  • Errors handled transparently

Debug messages have cute prefixes that make logs easier to

  • > — send something
  • < — receive something
  • = — set connection state
  • x — shut down connection
  • % — manage pings and pongs
  • ! — handle errors and timeouts


The WebSocket protocol was designed for creating web applications
that need bidirectional communication between clients running in browsers
and servers.

In most practical use cases, WebSocket servers need to
authenticate clients in order to route communications appropriately and

RFC 6455 stays elusive when it comes to authentication:

This protocol doesn’t prescribe any particular way that
servers can authenticate clients during the WebSocket handshake. The WebSocket
server can use any client authentication mechanism available to a generic HTTP
server, such as cookies, HTTP authentication, or TLS authentication.

None of these three mechanisms works well in practice. Using
cookies is cumbersome, HTTP authentication isn’t supported by all mainstream
browsers, and TLS authentication in a browser is an esoteric user

Fortunately, there are better alternatives! Let’s discuss

System design

Consider a setup where the WebSocket server is separate from the
HTTP server.

Most servers built with websockets to complement a web application
adopt this design because websockets doesn’t aim at supporting HTTP.

The following diagram illustrates the authentication flow.

Assuming the current user is authenticated with the HTTP server
(1), the application needs to obtain credentials from the HTTP server (2) in
order to send them to the WebSocket server (3), who can check them against
the database of user accounts (4).

Usernames and passwords aren’t a good choice of credentials here,
if only because passwords aren’t available in clear text in the

Tokens linked to user accounts are a better choice. These tokens
must be impossible to forge by an attacker. For additional security, they
can be short-lived or even single-use.

Sending credentials

Assume the web application obtained authentication credentials,
likely a token, from the HTTP server. There’s four options for passing them
to the WebSocket server.

Sending credentials as the first message in the WebSocket

This is fully reliable and the most secure mechanism in this
discussion. It has two minor downsides:

  • Authentication is performed at the application layer. Ideally, it would be
    managed at the protocol layer.
  • Authentication is performed after the WebSocket handshake, making it
    impossible to monitor authentication failures with HTTP response
Adding credentials to the WebSocket URI in a query parameter.

This is also fully reliable but less secure. Indeed, it has a
major downside:

URIs end up in logs, which leaks credentials. Even if that risk could be
lowered with single-use tokens, it is usually considered

Authentication is still performed at the application layer but it
can happen before the WebSocket handshake, which improves separation of
concerns and enables responding to authentication failures with HTTP

Setting a cookie on the domain of the WebSocket URI.

Cookies are undoubtedly the most common and hardened mechanism
for sending credentials from a web application to a server. In a HTTP
application, credentials would be a session identifier or a serialized,
signed session.

Unfortunately, when the WebSocket server runs on a different
domain from the web application, this idea bumps into the Same-Origin
. For security reasons, setting a cookie on a different origin
is impossible.

The proper workaround consists in:

  • creating a hidden iframe served from the domain of the WebSocket
  • sending the token to the iframe with postMessage
  • setting the cookie in the iframe

before opening the WebSocket connection.

Sharing a parent domain (e.g. example.com) between the HTTP server
(e.g. www.example.com) and the WebSocket server (e.g. ws.example.com) and
setting the cookie on that parent domain would work too.

However, the cookie would be shared with all subdomains of the
parent domain. For a cookie containing credentials, this is

Adding credentials to the WebSocket URI in user information.

Letting the browser perform HTTP Basic Auth is a nice idea in

In practice it doesn’t work due to poor support in

As of May 2021:

  • Chrome 90 behaves as expected.
  • Firefox 88 caches credentials too aggressively.

    When connecting again to the same server with new credentials,
    it reuses the old credentials, which may be expired, resulting in an
    HTTP 401. Then the next connection succeeds. Perhaps errors clear the

    When tokens are short-lived or single-use, this bug produces
    an interesting effect: every other WebSocket connection fails.

  • Safari 14 ignores credentials entirely.

Two other options are off the table:

Setting a custom HTTP header

This would be the most elegant mechanism, solving all issues
with the options discussed above.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work because the WebSocket
doesn’t support setting custom headers.

Authenticating with a TLS certificate

While this is suggested by the RFC, installing a TLS
certificate is too far from the mainstream experience of browser users.
This could make sense in high security contexts. I hope developers
working on such projects don’t take security advice from the
documentation of random open source projects.

Let’s experiment!

The experiments/authentication directory demonstrates these

Run the experiment in an environment where websockets is

$ python experiments/authentication/app.py
Running on http://localhost:8000/

When you browse to the HTTP server at
http://localhost:8000/ and you submit a username, the server creates
a token and returns a testing web page.

This page opens WebSocket connections to four WebSocket servers
running on four different origins. It attempts to authenticate with the
token in four different ways.

First message

As soon as the connection is open, the client sends a message
containing the token:

const websocket = new WebSocket("ws://.../");
websocket.onopen = () => websocket.send(token);
// ...

At the beginning of the connection handler, the server receives
this message and authenticates the user. If authentication fails, the server
closes the connection:

async def first_message_handler(websocket):

token = await websocket.recv()
user = get_user(token)
if user is None:
await websocket.close(1011, "authentication failed")

Query parameter

The client adds the token to the WebSocket URI in a query
parameter before opening the connection:

const uri = `ws://.../?token=${token}`;
const websocket = new WebSocket(uri);
// ...

The server intercepts the HTTP request, extracts the token and
authenticates the user. If authentication fails, it returns a HTTP 401:

class QueryParamProtocol(websockets.WebSocketServerProtocol):

async def process_request(self, path, headers):
token = get_query_parameter(path, "token")
if token is None:
return http.HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, [], b"Missing tokenn"
user = get_user(token)
if user is None:
return http.HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, [], b"Invalid tokenn"
self.user = user async def query_param_handler(websocket):
user = websocket.user


The client sets a cookie containing the token before opening the

The cookie must be set by an iframe loaded from the same origin as
the WebSocket server. This requires passing the token to this iframe.

// in main window
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(token, "http://...");
// in iframe
document.cookie = `token=${data}; SameSite=Strict`;
// in main window
const websocket = new WebSocket("ws://.../");
// ...

This sequence must be synchronized between the main window and the
iframe. This involves several events. Look at the full implementation for

The server intercepts the HTTP request, extracts the token and
authenticates the user. If authentication fails, it returns a HTTP 401:

class CookieProtocol(websockets.WebSocketServerProtocol):

async def process_request(self, path, headers):
# Serve iframe on non-WebSocket requests
token = get_cookie(headers.get("Cookie", ""), "token")
if token is None:
return http.HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, [], b"Missing tokenn"
user = get_user(token)
if user is None:
return http.HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, [], b"Invalid tokenn"
self.user = user async def cookie_handler(websocket):
user = websocket.user

User information

The client adds the token to the WebSocket URI in user information
before opening the connection:

const uri = `ws://token:${token}@.../`;
const websocket = new WebSocket(uri);
// ...

Since HTTP Basic Auth is designed to accept a username and a
password rather than a token, we send token as username and the token
as password.

The server intercepts the HTTP request, extracts the token and
authenticates the user. If authentication fails, it returns a HTTP 401:

class UserInfoProtocol(websockets.BasicAuthWebSocketServerProtocol):

async def check_credentials(self, username, password):
if username != "token":
return False
user = get_user(password)
if user is None:
return False
self.user = user
return True async def user_info_handler(websocket):
user = websocket.user

Machine-to-machine authentication

When the WebSocket client is a standalone program rather than a
script running in a browser, there are far fewer constraints. HTTP
Authentication is the best solution in this scenario.

To authenticate a websockets client with HTTP Basic Authentication
(RFC 7617), include the credentials in the URI:

async with websockets.connect(

f"wss://{username}:{password}@example.com", ) as websocket:

(You must quote() username and password if
they contain unsafe characters.)

To authenticate a websockets client with HTTP Bearer
Authentication (RFC 6750), add a suitable Authorization

async with websockets.connect(

extra_headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"} ) as websocket:

Broadcasting messages

If you just want to send a message
to all connected clients,
use broadcast()

If you want to learn about its design in depth, continue
reading this document.

WebSocket servers often send the same message to all connected
clients or to a subset of clients for which the message is relevant.

Let’s explore options for broadcasting a message, explain the
design of broadcast(), and discuss alternatives.

For each option, we’ll provide a connection handler called
handler() and a function or coroutine called broadcast() that
sends a message to all connected clients.

Integrating them is left as an exercise for the reader. You could
start with:

import asyncio
import websockets
async def handler(websocket):

... async def broadcast(message):
... async def broadcast_messages():
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
message = ... # your application logic goes here
await broadcast(message) async def main():
async with websockets.serve(handler, "localhost", 8765):
await broadcast_messages() # runs forever if __name__ == "__main__":

broadcast_messages() must yield control to the event loop
between each message, or else it will never let the server run. That’s why
it includes await asyncio.sleep(1).

A complete example is available in the
experiments/broadcast directory.

The naive way

The most obvious way to send a message to all connected clients
consists in keeping track of them and sending the message to each of

Here’s a connection handler that registers clients in a global

CLIENTS = set()
async def handler(websocket):

await websocket.wait_closed()

This implementation assumes that the client will never send any
messages. If you’d rather not make this assumption, you can change:

await websocket.wait_closed()


async for _ in websocket:


Here’s a coroutine that broadcasts a message to all clients:

async def broadcast(message):

for websocket in CLIENTS.copy():
await websocket.send(message)
except websockets.ConnectionClosed:

There are two tricks in this version of broadcast().

First, it makes a copy of CLIENTS before iterating it.
Else, if a client connects or disconnects while broadcast() is
running, the loop would fail with:

RuntimeError: Set changed size during iteration

Second, it ignores ConnectionClosed exceptions because a
client could disconnect between the moment broadcast() makes a copy
of CLIENTS and the moment it sends a message to this client. This is
fine: a client that disconnected doesn’t belongs to «all connected
clients» anymore.

The naive way can be very fast. Indeed, if all connections have
enough free space in their write buffers, await
writes the message and returns immediately, as
it doesn’t need to wait for the buffer to drain. In this case,
broadcast() doesn’t yield control to the event loop, which minimizes

The naive way can also fail badly. If the write buffer of a
connection reaches write_limit, broadcast() waits for the
buffer to drain before sending the message to other clients. This can cause
a massive drop in performance.

As a consequence, this pattern works only when write buffers never
fill up, which is usually outside of the control of the server.

If you know for sure that you will never write more than
write_limit bytes within ping_interval + ping_timeout, then
websockets will terminate slow connections before the write buffer has time
to fill up.

Don’t set extreme write_limit, ping_interval, and
ping_timeout values to ensure that this condition holds. Set
reasonable values and use the built-in broadcast() function

The concurrent way

The naive way didn’t work well because it serialized writes, while
the whole point of asynchronous I/O is to perform I/O concurrently.

Let’s modify broadcast() to send messages concurrently:

async def send(websocket, message):

await websocket.send(message)
except websockets.ConnectionClosed:
pass def broadcast(message):
for websocket in CLIENTS:
asyncio.create_task(send(websocket, message))

We move the error handling logic in a new coroutine and we
schedule a Task to run it instead of executing it immediately.

Since broadcast() no longer awaits coroutines, we can make
it a function rather than a coroutine and do away with the copy of

This version of broadcast() makes clients independent from
one another: a slow client won’t block others. As a side effect, it makes
messages independent from one another.

If you broadcast several messages, there is no strong guarantee
that they will be sent in the expected order. Fortunately, the event loop
runs tasks in the order in which they are created, so the order is correct
in practice.

Technically, this is an implementation detail of the event loop.
However, it seems unlikely for an event loop to run tasks in an order other
than FIFO.

If you wanted to enforce the order without relying this
implementation detail, you could be tempted to wait until all clients have
received the message:

async def broadcast(message):

if CLIENTS: # asyncio.wait doesn't accept an empty list
await asyncio.wait([
asyncio.create_task(send(websocket, message))
for websocket in CLIENTS

However, this doesn’t really work in practice. Quite often, it
will block until the slowest client times out.

Backpressure meets broadcast

At this point, it becomes apparent that backpressure, usually a
good practice, doesn’t work well when broadcasting a message to thousands of

When you’re sending messages to a single client, you don’t want to
send them faster than the network can transfer them and the client accept
them. This is why send() checks if the write buffer is full and, if
it is, waits until it drain, giving the network and the client time to catch
up. This provides backpressure.

Without backpressure, you could pile up data in the write buffer
until the server process runs out of memory and the operating system kills

The send() API is designed to enforce backpressure by
default. This helps users of websockets write robust programs even if they
never heard about backpressure.

For comparison, asyncio.StreamWriter requires users to
understand backpressure and to await drain() explicitly after each

When broadcasting messages, backpressure consists in slowing down
all clients in an attempt to let the slowest client catch up. With thousands
of clients, the slowest one is probably timing out and isn’t going to
receive the message anyway. So it doesn’t make sense to synchronize with the
slowest client.

How do we avoid running out of memory when slow clients can’t keep
up with the broadcast rate, then? The most straightforward option is to
disconnect them.

If a client gets too far behind, eventually it reaches the limit
defined by ping_timeout and websockets terminates the connection. You
can read the discussion of keepalive and timeouts for details.

How broadcast() works

The built-in broadcast() function is similar to the naive
way. The main difference is that it doesn’t apply backpressure.

This provides the best performance by avoiding the overhead of
scheduling and running one task per client.

Also, when sending text messages, encoding to UTF-8 happens only
once rather than once per client, providing a small performance gain.

Per-client queues

At this point, we deal with slow clients rather brutally: we
disconnect then.

Can we do better? For example, we could decide to skip or to batch
messages, depending on how far behind a client is.

To implement this logic, we can create a queue of messages for
each client and run a task that gets messages from the queue and sends them
to the client:

import asyncio
CLIENTS = set()
async def relay(queue, websocket):

while True:
# Implement custom logic based on queue.qsize() and
# websocket.transport.get_write_buffer_size() here.
message = await queue.get()
await websocket.send(message) async def handler(websocket):
queue = asyncio.Queue()
relay_task = asyncio.create_task(relay(queue, websocket))
await websocket.wait_closed()

Then we can broadcast a message by pushing it to all queues:

def broadcast(message):

for queue in CLIENTS:

The queues provide an additional buffer between the
broadcast() function and clients. This makes it easier to support
slow clients without excessive memory usage because queued messages aren’t
duplicated to write buffers until relay() processes them.


Can we avoid centralizing the list of connected clients in a
global variable?

If each client subscribes to a stream a messages, then
broadcasting becomes as simple as publishing a message to the stream.

Here’s a message stream that supports multiple consumers:

class PubSub:

def __init__(self):
self.waiter = asyncio.Future()
def publish(self, value):
waiter, self.waiter = self.waiter, asyncio.Future()
waiter.set_result((value, self.waiter))
async def subscribe(self):
waiter = self.waiter
while True:
value, waiter = await waiter
yield value
__aiter__ = subscribe PUBSUB = PubSub()

The stream is implemented as a linked list of futures. It isn’t
necessary to synchronize consumers. They can read the stream at their own
pace, independently from one another. Once all consumers read a message,
there are no references left, therefore the garbage collector deletes

The connection handler subscribes to the stream and sends

async def handler(websocket):

async for message in PUBSUB:
await websocket.send(message)

The broadcast function publishes to the stream:

def broadcast(message):


Like per-client queues, this version supports slow clients with
limited memory usage. Unlike per-client queues, it makes it difficult to
tell how far behind a client is. The PubSub class could be extended
or refactored to provide this information.

The for loop is gone from this version of the
broadcast() function. However, there’s still a for loop
iterating on all clients hidden deep inside asyncio. When
publish() sets the result of the waiter future, asyncio
loops on callbacks registered with this future and schedules them. This is
how connection handlers receive the next value from the asynchronous
iterator returned by subscribe().

Performance considerations

The built-in broadcast() function sends all messages
without yielding control to the event loop. So does the naive way when the
network and clients are fast and reliable.

For each client, a WebSocket frame is prepared and sent to the
network. This is the minimum amount of work required to broadcast a

It would be tempting to prepare a frame and reuse it for all
connections. However, this isn’t possible in general for two reasons:

  • Clients can negotiate different extensions. You would have to enforce the
    same extensions with the same parameters. For example, you would have to
    select some compression settings and reject clients that cannot support
    these settings.
  • Extensions can be stateful, producing different encodings of the same
    message depending on previous messages. For example, you would have to
    disable context takeover to make compression stateless, resulting in poor
    compression rates.

All other patterns discussed above yield control to the event loop
once per client because messages are sent by different tasks. This makes
them slower than the built-in broadcast() function.

There is no major difference between the performance of
per-message queues and publish–subscribe.


Most WebSocket servers exchange JSON messages because they’re
convenient to parse and serialize in a browser. These messages contain text
data and tend to be repetitive.

This makes the stream of messages highly compressible. Enabling
compression can reduce network traffic by more than 80%.

There’s a standard for compressing messages. RFC 7692
defines WebSocket Per-Message Deflate, a compression extension based on the
Deflate algorithm.

Configuring compression

connect() and serve() enable compression by default
because the reduction in network bandwidth is usually worth the additional
memory and CPU cost.

If you want to disable compression, set

import websockets
websockets.connect(..., compression=None)
websockets.serve(..., compression=None)

If you want to customize compression settings, you can enable the
Per-Message Deflate extension explicitly with
ClientPerMessageDeflateFactory or

import websockets
from websockets.extensions import permessage_deflate

compress_settings={"memLevel": 4},
], ) websockets.serve(
compress_settings={"memLevel": 4},
], )

The Window Bits and Memory Level values in these examples reduce
memory usage at the expense of compression rate.

Compression settings

When a client and a server enable the Per-Message Deflate
extension, they negotiate two parameters to guarantee compatibility between
compression and decompression. These parameters affect the trade-off between
compression rate and memory usage for both sides.

  • Context Takeover means that the compression context is retained
    between messages. In other words, compression is applied to the stream of
    messages rather than to each message individually.

    Context takeover should remain enabled to get good performance
    on applications that send a stream of messages with similar structure,
    that is, most applications.

    This requires retaining the compression context and state
    between messages, which increases the memory footprint of a

  • Window Bits controls the size of the compression context. It must
    be an integer between 9 (lowest memory usage) and 15 (best compression).
    Setting it to 8 is possible but rejected by some versions of zlib.

    On the server side, websockets defaults to 12. Specifically,
    the compression window size (server to client) is always 12 while the
    decompression window (client to server) size may be 12 or 15 depending
    on whether the client supports configuring it.

    On the client side, websockets lets the server pick a suitable
    value, which has the same effect as defaulting to 15.

zlib offers additional parameters for tuning compression.
They control the trade-off between compression rate, memory usage, and CPU
usage only for compressing. They’re transparent for decompressing. Unless
mentioned otherwise, websockets inherits defaults of

  • Memory Level controls the size of the compression state. It must be
    an integer between 1 (lowest memory usage) and 9 (best compression).

    websockets defaults to 5. This is lower than zlib’s default of
    8. Not only does a lower memory level reduce memory usage, but it can
    also increase speed thanks to memory locality.

  • Compression Level controls the effort to optimize compression. It
    must be an integer between 1 (lowest CPU usage) and 9 (best
  • Strategy selects the compression strategy. The best choice depends
    on the type of data being compressed.

Tuning compression

For servers

By default, websockets enables compression with conservative
settings that optimize memory usage at the cost of a slightly worse
compression rate: Window Bits = 12 and Memory Level = 5. This strikes a good
balance for small messages that are typical of WebSocket servers.

Here’s how various compression settings affect memory usage of a
single connection on a 64-bit system, as well a benchmark of compressed size
and compression time for a corpus of small JSON documents.

Window Bits Memory Level Memory usage Size vs. default Time vs. default
15 8 322 KiB -4.0% +15%
14 7 178 KiB -2.6% +10%
13 6 106 KiB -1.4% +5%
12 5 70 KiB = =
11 4 52 KiB +3.7% -5%
10 3 43 KiB +90% +50%
9 2 39 KiB +160% +100%
19 KiB +452%

Window Bits and Memory Level don’t have to move in lockstep.
However, other combinations don’t yield significantly better results than
those shown above.

Compressed size and compression time depend heavily on the kind of
messages exchanged by the application so this example may not apply to your
use case.

You can adapt compression/benchmark.py by creating a list
of typical messages and passing it to the _run function.

Window Bits = 11 and Memory Level = 4 looks like the sweet spot in
this table.

websockets defaults to Window Bits = 12 and Memory Level = 5 to
stay away from Window Bits = 10 or Memory Level = 3 where performance
craters, raising doubts on what could happen at Window Bits = 11 and Memory
Level = 4 on a different corpus.

Defaults must be safe for all applications, hence a more
conservative choice.

The benchmark focuses on compression because it’s more expensive
than decompression. Indeed, leaving aside small allocations, theoretical
memory usage is:

  • (1 << (windowBits + 2)) + (1 << (memLevel + 9)) for
  • 1 << windowBits for decompression.

CPU usage is also higher for compression than decompression.

While it’s always possible for a server to use a smaller window
size for compressing outgoing messages, using a smaller window size for
decompressing incoming messages requires collaboration from clients.

When a client doesn’t support configuring the size of its
compression window, websockets enables compression with the largest possible
decompression window. In most use cases, this is more efficient than
disabling compression both ways.

If you are very sensitive to memory usage, you can reverse this
behavior by setting the require_client_max_window_bits parameter of
ServerPerMessageDeflateFactory to True.

For clients

By default, websockets enables compression with Memory Level = 5
but leaves the Window Bits setting up to the server.

There’s two good reasons and one bad reason for not optimizing the
client side like the server side:

If the maintainers of a server configured some optimized settings, we
don’t want to override them with more restrictive settings.
Optimizing memory usage doesn’t matter very much for clients because it’s
uncommon to open thousands of client connections in a program.
On a more pragmatic note, some servers misbehave badly when a client
configures compression settings. AWS API Gateway is the worst

Unfortunately, even though websockets is right and AWS is
wrong, many users jump to the conclusion that websockets doesn’t

Until the ecosystem levels up, interoperability with buggy
servers seems more valuable than optimizing memory usage.

Further reading

This blog post by Ilya Grigorik provides more details about
how compression settings affect memory usage and how to optimize them.

This experiment by Peter Thorson recommends Window Bits =
11 and Memory Level = 4 for optimizing memory usage.


Long-lived connections

Since the WebSocket protocol is intended for real-time
communications over long-lived connections, it is desirable to ensure that
connections don’t break, and if they do, to report the problem quickly.

Connections can drop as a consequence of temporary network
connectivity issues, which are very common, even within data centers.

Furthermore, WebSocket builds on top of HTTP/1.1 where connections
are short-lived, even with Connection: keep-alive. Typically,
HTTP/1.1 infrastructure closes idle connections after 30 to 120 seconds.

As a consequence, proxies may terminate WebSocket connections
prematurely when no message was exchanged in 30 seconds.

Keepalive in websockets

To avoid these problems, websockets runs a keepalive and heartbeat
mechanism based on WebSocket Ping and Pong frames, which are
designed for this purpose.

It loops through these steps:

Wait 20 seconds.
Send a Ping frame.
Receive a corresponding Pong frame within 20 seconds.

If the Pong frame isn’t received, websockets considers the
connection broken and closes it.

This mechanism serves two purposes:

It creates a trickle of traffic so that the TCP connection isn’t idle and
network infrastructure along the path keeps it open
It detects if the connection drops or becomes so slow that it’s unusable
in practice («heartbeat»). In that case, it terminates the
connection and your application gets a ConnectionClosed

Timings are configurable with the ping_interval and
ping_timeout arguments of connect() and serve().
Shorter values will detect connection drops faster but they will increase
network traffic and they will be more sensitive to latency.

Setting ping_interval to None disables the whole
keepalive and heartbeat mechanism.

Setting ping_timeout to None disables only timeouts.
This enables keepalive, to keep idle connections open, and disables
heartbeat, to support large latency spikes.

Why doesn’t websockets rely
on TCP keepalive?

TCP keepalive is disabled by default on most operating
systems. When enabled, the default interval is two hours or more, which
is far too much.

Keepalive in browsers

Browsers don’t enable a keepalive mechanism like websockets by
default. As a consequence, they can fail to notice that a WebSocket
connection is broken for an extended period of time, until the TCP
connection times out.

In this scenario, the WebSocket object in the browser
doesn’t fire a close event. If you have a reconnection mechanism, it
doesn’t kick in because it believes that the connection is still

If your browser-based app mysteriously and randomly fails to
receive events, this is a likely cause. You need a keepalive mechanism in
the browser to avoid this scenario.

Unfortunately, the WebSocket API in browsers doesn’t expose the
native Ping and Pong functionality in the WebSocket protocol. You have to
roll your own in the application layer.

Latency issues

Latency between a client and a server may increase for two

  • Network connectivity is poor. When network packets are lost, TCP attempts
    to retransmit them, which manifests as latency. Excessive packet loss
    makes the connection unusable in practice. At some point, timing out is a
    reasonable choice.
  • Traffic is high. For example, if a client sends messages on the connection
    faster than a server can process them, this manifests as latency as well,
    because data is waiting in flight, mostly in OS buffers.

    If the server is more than 20 seconds behind, it doesn’t see
    the Pong before the default timeout elapses. As a consequence, it closes
    the connection. This is a reasonable choice to prevent overload.

    If traffic spikes cause unwanted timeouts and you’re confident
    that the server will catch up eventually, you can increase
    ping_timeout or you can set it to None to disable
    heartbeat entirely.

    The same reasoning applies to situations where the server
    sends more traffic than the client can accept.

The latency measured during the last exchange of Ping and Pong
frames is available in the latency attribute. Alternatively, you can
measure the latency at any time with the ping method.


This document describes the design of websockets. It assumes
familiarity with the specification of the WebSocket protocol in RFC

It’s primarily intended at maintainers. It may also be useful for
users who wish to understand what happens under the hood.


Internals described in this document may change at any

Backwards compatibility is only guaranteed for public



WebSocket connections go through a trivial state machine:

  • CONNECTING: initial state,
  • OPEN: when the opening handshake is complete,
  • CLOSING: when the closing handshake is started,
  • CLOSED: when the TCP connection is closed.

Transitions happen in the following places:

  • CONNECTING -> OPEN: in connection_open() which runs when
    the opening handshake completes and the WebSocket connection is
    established — not to be confused with connection_made()
    which runs when the TCP connection is established;
  • OPEN -> CLOSING: in write_frame() immediately before
    sending a close frame; since receiving a close frame triggers sending a
    close frame, this does the right thing regardless of which side started
    the closing handshake; also in fail_connection() which
    duplicates a few lines of code from write_close_frame() and
  • * -> CLOSED: in connection_lost() which is always called
    exactly once when the TCP connection is closed.


The following diagram shows which coroutines are running at each
stage of the connection lifecycle on the client side.

The lifecycle is identical on the server side, except inversion of
control makes the equivalent of connect() implicit.

Coroutines shown in green are called by the application. Multiple
coroutines may interact with the WebSocket connection concurrently.

Coroutines shown in gray manage the connection. When the opening
handshake succeeds, connection_open() starts two tasks:

  • transfer_data_task runs transfer_data() which handles
    incoming data and lets recv() consume it. It may be canceled to
    terminate the connection. It never exits with an exception other than
    CancelledError. See data transfer below.
  • keepalive_ping_task runs keepalive_ping() which sends Ping
    frames at regular intervals and ensures that corresponding Pong frames are
    received. It is canceled when the connection terminates. It never exits
    with an exception other than CancelledError.
  • close_connection_task runs close_connection() which waits
    for the data transfer to terminate, then takes care of closing the TCP
    connection. It must not be canceled. It never exits with an exception. See
    connection termination below.

Besides, fail_connection() starts the same
close_connection_task when the opening handshake fails, in order to
close the TCP connection.

Splitting the responsibilities between two tasks makes it easier
to guarantee that websockets can terminate connections:

  • within a fixed timeout,
  • without leaking pending tasks,
  • without leaking open TCP connections,

regardless of whether the connection terminates normally or

transfer_data_task completes when no more data will be
received on the connection. Under normal circumstances, it exits after
exchanging close frames.

close_connection_task completes when the TCP connection is

Opening handshake

websockets performs the opening handshake when establishing a
WebSocket connection. On the client side, connect() executes it
before returning the protocol to the caller. On the server side, it’s
executed before passing the protocol to the ws_handler coroutine
handling the connection.

While the opening handshake is asymmetrical — the client
sends an HTTP Upgrade request and the server replies with an HTTP Switching
Protocols response — websockets aims at keeping the implementation of
both sides consistent with one another.

On the client side, handshake():

  • builds a HTTP request based on the uri and parameters passed to
  • writes the HTTP request to the network;
  • reads a HTTP response from the network;
  • checks the HTTP response, validates extensions and
    subprotocol, and configures the protocol accordingly;
  • moves to the OPEN state.

On the server side, handshake():

  • reads a HTTP request from the network;
  • calls process_request() which may abort the WebSocket handshake and
    return a HTTP response instead; this hook only makes sense on the server
  • checks the HTTP request, negotiates extensions and
    subprotocol, and configures the protocol accordingly;
  • builds a HTTP response based on the above and parameters passed to
  • writes the HTTP response to the network;
  • moves to the OPEN state;
  • returns the path part of the uri.

The most significant asymmetry between the two sides of the
opening handshake lies in the negotiation of extensions and, to a lesser
extent, of the subprotocol. The server knows everything about both sides and
decides what the parameters should be for the connection. The client merely
applies them.

If anything goes wrong during the opening handshake, websockets
fails the connection.

Data transfer


Once the opening handshake has completed, the WebSocket protocol
enters the data transfer phase. This part is almost symmetrical. There are
only two differences between a server and a client:

  • client-to-server masking: the client masks outgoing frames; the
    server unmasks incoming frames;
  • closing the TCP connection: the server closes the connection
    immediately; the client waits for the server to do it.

These differences are so minor that all the logic for data
, for sending and receiving data and for closing the
is implemented in the same class,

The is_client attribute tells which side a protocol
instance is managing. This attribute is defined on the
WebSocketServerProtocol and WebSocketClientProtocol

Data flow

The following diagram shows how data flows between an application
built on top of websockets and a remote endpoint. It applies regardless of
which side is the server or the client.

Public methods are shown in green, private methods in yellow, and
buffers in orange. Methods related to connection termination are omitted;
connection termination is discussed in another section below.

Receiving data

The left side of the diagram shows how websockets receives

Incoming data is written to a StreamReader in order to
implement flow control and provide backpressure on the TCP connection.

transfer_data_task, which is started when the WebSocket
connection is established, processes this data.

When it receives data frames, it reassembles fragments and puts
the resulting messages in the messages queue.

When it encounters a control frame:

  • if it’s a close frame, it starts the closing handshake;
  • if it’s a ping frame, it answers with a pong frame;
  • if it’s a pong frame, it acknowledges the corresponding ping (unless it’s
    an unsolicited pong).

Running this process in a task guarantees that control frames are
processed promptly. Without such a task, websockets would depend on the
application to drive the connection by having exactly one coroutine awaiting
recv() at any time. While this happens naturally in many use cases,
it cannot be relied upon.

Then recv() fetches the next message from the
messages queue, with some complexity added for handling backpressure
and termination correctly.

Sending data

The right side of the diagram shows how websockets sends data.

send() writes one or several data frames containing the
message. While sending a fragmented message, concurrent calls to
send() are put on hold until all fragments are sent. This makes
concurrent calls safe.

ping() writes a ping frame and yields a Future which
will be completed when a matching pong frame is received.

pong() writes a pong frame.

close() writes a close frame and waits for the TCP
connection to terminate.

Outgoing data is written to a StreamWriter in order to
implement flow control and provide backpressure from the TCP connection.

Closing handshake

When the other side of the connection initiates the closing
handshake, read_message() receives a close frame while in the
OPEN state. It moves to the CLOSING state, sends a close
frame, and returns None, causing transfer_data_task to

When this side of the connection initiates the closing handshake
with close(), it moves to the CLOSING state and sends a close
frame. When the other side sends a close frame, read_message()
receives it in the CLOSING state and returns None, also
causing transfer_data_task to terminate.

If the other side doesn’t send a close frame within the
connection’s close timeout, websockets fails the connection.

The closing handshake can take up to 2 * close_timeout: one
close_timeout to write a close frame and one close_timeout to
receive a close frame.

Then websockets terminates the TCP connection.

Connection termination

close_connection_task, which is started when the WebSocket
connection is established, is responsible for eventually closing the TCP

First close_connection_task waits for
transfer_data_task to terminate, which may happen as a result of:

  • a successful closing handshake: as explained above, this exits the
    infinite loop in transfer_data_task;
  • a timeout while waiting for the closing handshake to complete: this
    cancels transfer_data_task;
  • a protocol error, including connection errors: depending on the exception,
    transfer_data_task fails the connection with a
    suitable code and exits.

close_connection_task is separate from
transfer_data_task to make it easier to implement the timeout on the
closing handshake. Canceling transfer_data_task creates no risk of
canceling close_connection_task and failing to close the TCP
connection, thus leaking resources.

Then close_connection_task cancels keepalive_ping().
This task has no protocol compliance responsibilities. Terminating it to
avoid leaking it is the only concern.

Terminating the TCP connection can take up to 2 *
on the server side and 3 * close_timeout on the
client side. Clients start by waiting for the server to close the
connection, hence the extra close_timeout. Then both sides go through
the following steps until the TCP connection is lost: half-closing the
connection (only for non-TLS connections), closing the connection, aborting
the connection. At this point the connection drops regardless of what
happens on the network.

Connection failure

If the opening handshake doesn’t complete successfully, websockets
fails the connection by closing the TCP connection.

Once the opening handshake has completed, websockets fails the
connection by canceling transfer_data_task and sending a close frame
if appropriate.

transfer_data_task exits, unblocking
close_connection_task, which closes the TCP connection.

Server shutdown

WebSocketServer closes asynchronously like
asyncio.Server. The shutdown happen in two steps:

Stop listening and accepting new connections;
Close established connections with close code 1001 (going away) or, if the
opening handshake is still in progress, with HTTP status code 503 (Service

The first call to close starts a task that performs this
sequence. Further calls are ignored. This is the easiest way to make
close and wait_closed idempotent.


User code

websockets provides a WebSocket application server. It manages
connections and passes them to user-provided connection handlers. This is an
inversion of control scenario: library code calls user

If a connection drops, the corresponding handler should terminate.
If the server shuts down, all connection handlers must terminate. Canceling
connection handlers would terminate them.

However, using cancellation for this purpose would require all
connection handlers to handle it properly. For example, if a connection
handler starts some tasks, it should catch CancelledError, terminate
or cancel these tasks, and then re-raise the exception.

Cancellation is tricky in asyncio applications, especially
when it interacts with finalization logic. In the example above, what if a
handler gets interrupted with CancelledError while it’s finalizing
the tasks it started, after detecting that the connection dropped?

websockets considers that cancellation may only be triggered by
the caller of a coroutine when it doesn’t care about the results of that
coroutine anymore. (Source: Guido van Rossum). Since connection
handlers run arbitrary user code, websockets has no way of deciding whether
that code is still doing something worth caring about.

For these reasons, websockets never cancels connection handlers.
Instead it expects them to detect when the connection is closed, execute
finalization logic if needed, and exit.

Conversely, cancellation isn’t a concern for WebSocket clients
because they don’t involve inversion of control.


Most public APIs of websockets are coroutines. They may be
canceled, for example if the user starts a task that calls these coroutines
and cancels the task later. websockets must handle this situation.

Cancellation during the opening handshake is handled like any
other exception: the TCP connection is closed and the exception is
re-raised. This can only happen on the client side. On the server side, the
opening handshake is managed by websockets and nothing results in a

Once the WebSocket connection is established, internal tasks
transfer_data_task and close_connection_task mustn’t get
accidentally canceled if a coroutine that awaits them is canceled. In other
words, they must be shielded from cancellation.

recv() waits for the next message in the queue or for
transfer_data_task to terminate, whichever comes first. It relies on
wait() for waiting on two futures in parallel. As a consequence, even
though it’s waiting on a Future signaling the next message and on
transfer_data_task, it doesn’t propagate cancellation to them.

ensure_open() is called by send(), ping(),
and pong(). When the connection state is CLOSING, it waits for
transfer_data_task but shields it to prevent cancellation.

close() waits for the data transfer task to terminate with
wait_for(). If it’s canceled or if the timeout elapses,
transfer_data_task is canceled, which is correct at this point.
close() then waits for close_connection_task but shields it to
prevent cancellation.

close() and fail_connection() are the only places
where transfer_data_task may be canceled.

close_connection_task starts by waiting for
transfer_data_task. It catches CancelledError to prevent a
cancellation of transfer_data_task from propagating to



This section discusses backpressure from the perspective
of a server but the concept applies to clients symmetrically.

With a naive implementation, if a server receives inputs faster
than it can process them, or if it generates outputs faster than it can send
them, data accumulates in buffers, eventually causing the server to run out
of memory and crash.

The solution to this problem is backpressure. Any part of the
server that receives inputs faster than it can process them and send the
outputs must propagate that information back to the previous part in the

websockets is designed to make it easy to get backpressure

For incoming data, websockets builds upon StreamReader
which propagates backpressure to its own buffer and to the TCP stream.
Frames are parsed from the input stream and added to a bounded queue. If the
queue fills up, parsing halts until the application reads a frame.

For outgoing data, websockets builds upon StreamWriter
which implements flow control. If the output buffers grow too large, it
waits until they’re drained. That’s why all APIs that write frames are

Of course, it’s still possible for an application to create its
own unbounded buffers and break the backpressure. Be careful with



This section discusses buffers from the perspective of a
server but it applies to clients as well.

An asynchronous systems works best when its buffers are almost
always empty.

For example, if a client sends data too fast for a server, the
queue of incoming messages will be constantly full. The server will always
be 32 messages (by default) behind the client. This consumes memory and
increases latency for no good reason. The problem is called bufferbloat.

If buffers are almost always full and that problem cannot be
solved by adding capacity — typically because the system is
bottlenecked by the output and constantly regulated by backpressure —
reducing the size of buffers minimizes negative consequences.

By default websockets has rather high limits. You can decrease
them according to your application’s characteristics.

Bufferbloat can happen at every level in the stack where there is
a buffer. For each connection, the receiving side contains these

  • OS buffers: tuning them is an advanced optimization.
  • StreamReader bytes buffer: the default limit is 64 KiB. You
    can set another limit by passing a read_limit keyword argument to
    connect() or serve().
  • Incoming messages deque: its size depends both on the size and the
    number of messages it contains. By default the maximum UTF-8 encoded size
    is 1 MiB and the maximum number is 32. In the worst case, after
    UTF-8 decoding, a single message could take up to 4 MiB of memory
    and the overall memory consumption could reach 128 MiB. You should
    adjust these limits by setting the max_size and max_queue
    keyword arguments of connect() or serve() according to your
    application’s requirements.

For each connection, the sending side contains these buffers:

  • StreamWriter bytes buffer: the default size is 64 KiB. You
    can set another limit by passing a write_limit keyword argument to
    connect() or serve().
  • OS buffers: tuning them is an advanced optimization.


Awaiting any combination of recv(), send(),
close() ping(), or pong() concurrently is safe,
including multiple calls to the same method, with one exception and one

  • Only one coroutine can receive messages at a time. This constraint
    avoids non-deterministic behavior (and simplifies the implementation). If
    a coroutine is awaiting recv(), awaiting it again in another
    coroutine raises RuntimeError.
  • Sending a fragmented message forces serialization. Indeed, the
    WebSocket protocol doesn’t support multiplexing messages. If a coroutine
    is awaiting send() to send a fragmented message, awaiting it again
    in another coroutine waits until the first call completes. This will be
    transparent in many cases. It may be a concern if the fragmented message
    is generated slowly by an asynchronous iterator.

Receiving frames is independent from sending frames. This isolates
recv(), which receives frames, from the other methods, which send

While the connection is open, each frame is sent with a single
write. Combined with the concurrency model of asyncio, this enforces
serialization. The only other requirement is to prevent interleaving other
data frames in the middle of a fragmented message.

After the connection is closed, sending a frame raises
ConnectionClosed, which is safe.

Memory usage

In most cases, memory usage of a WebSocket server is proportional
to the number of open connections. When a server handles thousands of
connections, memory usage can become a bottleneck.

Memory usage of a single connection is the sum of:

the baseline amount of memory websockets requires for each
the amount of data held in buffers before the application processes
any additional memory allocated by the application itself.


Compression settings are the main factor affecting the baseline
amount of memory used by each connection.

With websockets’ defaults, on the server side, a single
connections uses 70 KiB of memory.

Refer to the topic guide on compression to learn more about
tuning compression settings.


Under normal circumstances, buffers are almost always empty.

Under high load, if a server receives more messages than it can
process, bufferbloat can result in excessive memory usage.

By default websockets has generous limits. It is strongly
recommended to adapt them to your application. When you call

  • Set max_size (default: 1 MiB, UTF-8 encoded) to the maximum
    size of messages your application generates.
  • Set max_queue (default: 32) to the maximum number of messages your
    application expects to receive faster than it can process them. The queue
    provides burst tolerance without slowing down the TCP connection.

Furthermore, you can lower read_limit and
write_limit (default: 64 KiB) to reduce the size of buffers
for incoming and outgoing data.

The design document provides more details about



For production use, a server should require encrypted

See this example of encrypting connections with TLS.

Memory usage


An attacker who can open an arbitrary number of
connections will be able to perform a denial of service by memory exhaustion.
If you’re concerned by denial of service attacks, you must reject suspicious
connections before they reach websockets, typically in a reverse proxy.

With the default settings, opening a connection uses 70 KiB
of memory.

Sending some highly compressed messages could use up to
128 MiB of memory with an amplification factor of 1000 between
network traffic and memory usage.

Configuring a server to optimize memory usage will improve
security in addition to improving performance.

Other limits

websockets implements additional limits on the amount of data it
accepts in order to minimize exposure to security vulnerabilities.

In the opening handshake, websockets limits the number of HTTP
headers to 256 and the size of an individual header to 4096 bytes. These
limits are 10 to 20 times larger than what’s expected in standard use cases.
They’re hard-coded.

If you need to change these limits, you can monkey-patch the
constants in websockets.http11.


Here are tips to optimize performance.


You can make a websockets application faster by running it with

(This advice isn’t specific to websockets. It applies to any
asyncio application.)


broadcast() is the most efficient way to send a message to
many clients.


This is about websockets-the-project rather than


Backwards-compatibility policy

websockets is intended for production use. Therefore, stability is
a goal.

websockets also aims at providing the best API for WebSocket in

While we value stability, we value progress more. When an
improvement requires changing a public API, we make the change and document
it in this changelog.

When possible with reasonable effort, we preserve
backwards-compatibility for five years after the release that introduced the

When a release contains backwards-incompatible API changes, the
major version is increased, else the minor version is increased. Patch
versions are only for fixing regressions shortly after a release.

Only documented APIs are public. Undocumented APIs are considered
private. They may change at any time.


October 25, 2022

New features

  • Validated compatibility with Python 3.11.
  • Added the latency property to protocols.
  • Changed ping to return the latency of the connection.
  • Supported overriding or removing the User-Agent header in clients
    and the Server header in servers.
  • Added deployment guides for more Platform as a Service providers.



April 17, 2022

Backwards-incompatible changes

The exception
attribute of Request and Response is deprecated.

Use the handshake_exc attribute of
ServerConnection and ClientConnection instead.

See Integrate the Sans-I/O layer for details.


Reduced noise in logs when ssl or zlib raise


February 21, 2022


  • Made compression negotiation more lax for compatibility with Firefox.
  • Improved FAQ and quick start guide.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed backwards-incompatibility in 10.1 for connection handlers created
    with functools.partial().
  • Avoided leaking open sockets when connect() is canceled.


November 14, 2021

New features

  • Added a tutorial.
  • Made the second parameter of connection handlers optional. It will be
    deprecated in the next major release. The request path is available in the
    path attribute of the first argument.

    If you implemented the connection handler of a server as:

async def handler(request, path):


You should replace it by:

async def handler(request):

path = request.path # if handler() uses the path argument
Added python -m websockets —version.


  • Added wheels for Python 3.10, PyPy 3.7, and for more platforms.
  • Reverted optimization of default compression settings for clients, mainly
    to avoid triggering bugs in poorly implemented servers like AWS API
  • Mirrored the entire Server API in WebSocketServer.
  • Improved performance for large messages on ARM processors.
  • Documented how to auto-reload on code changes in development.

Bug fixes

Avoided half-closing TCP connections that are already closed.


September 9, 2021

Backwards-incompatible changes

websockets 10.0
requires Python ≥ 3.7.

websockets 9.1 is the last version supporting Python 3.6.

The loop parameter is
deprecated from all APIs.

This reflects a decision made in Python 3.8. See the release
notes of Python 3.10 for details.

The loop parameter is also removed from
WebSocketServer. This should be transparent.

connect() times out after 10 seconds by default.

You can adjust the timeout with the open_timeout
parameter. Set it to None to disable the timeout entirely.

The legacy_recv
option is deprecated.

See the release notes of websockets 3.0 for details.

The signature of
ConnectionClosed changed.

If you raise ConnectionClosed or a subclass, rather
than catch them when websockets raises them, you must change your

A msg parameter was added to

If you raise InvalidURI, rather than catch it when
websockets raises it, you must change your code.

New features

10.0 introduces a Sans-I/O API for easier integration
in third-party libraries.»

If you’re integrating websockets in a library, rather than
just using it, look at the Sans-I/O integration guide.

  • Added compatibility with Python 3.10.
  • Added broadcast() to send a message to many clients.
  • Added support for reconnecting automatically by using connect() as
    an asynchronous iterator.
  • Added open_timeout to connect().
  • Documented how to integrate with Django.
  • Documented how to deploy websockets in production, with several
  • Documented how to authenticate connections.
  • Documented how to broadcast messages to many connections.


  • Improved logging. See the logging guide.
  • Optimized default compression settings to reduce memory usage.
  • Optimized processing of client-to-server messages when the C extension
    isn’t available.
  • Supported relative redirects in connect().
  • Handled TCP connection drops during the opening handshake.
  • Made it easier to customize authentication with
  • Provided additional information in ConnectionClosed
  • Clarified several exceptions or log messages.
  • Restructured documentation.
  • Improved API documentation.
  • Extended FAQ.

Bug fixes

Avoided a crash when receiving a ping while the connection is


May 27, 2021

Security fix

websockets 9.1
fixes a security issue introduced in 8.0.

Version 8.0 was vulnerable to timing attacks on HTTP Basic
Auth passwords (CVE-2021-33880).


May 15, 2021

Bug fixes

  • Restored compatibility of python -m websockets with Python <
  • Restored compatibility with mypy.


May 2, 2021

Bug fixes

Fixed issues with the packaging of the 9.0 release.


May 1, 2021

Backwards-incompatible changes

Several modules are
moved or deprecated.

Aliases provide compatibility for all previously public APIs
according to the backwards-compatibility policy

  • Headers and MultipleValuesError are moved from
    websockets.http to websockets.datastructures. If you’re
    using them, you should adjust the import path.
  • The client, server, protocol, and auth modules
    were moved from the websockets package to a
    websockets.legacy sub-package. Despite the name, they’re still
    fully supported.
  • The framing, handshake, headers, http, and
    uri modules in the websockets package are deprecated. These
    modules provided low-level APIs for reuse by other projects, but they
    didn’t reach that goal. Keeping these APIs public makes it more difficult
    to improve websockets.

These changes pave the path for a refactoring that should be a
transparent upgrade for most uses and facilitate integration by other

imports from websockets are performed lazily.

While Python supports this, tools relying on static code
analysis don’t. This breaks auto-completion in an IDE or type checking
with mypy.

If you depend on such tools, use the real import paths, which
can be found in the API documentation, for example:

from websockets.client import connect
from websockets.server import serve

New features

Added compatibility with Python 3.9.


  • Added support for IRIs in addition to URIs.
  • Added close codes 1012, 1013, and 1014.
  • Raised an error when passing a dict to send().
  • Improved error reporting.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed sending fragmented, compressed messages.
  • Fixed Host header sent when connecting to an IPv6 address.
  • Fixed creating a client or a server with an existing Unix socket.
  • Aligned maximum cookie size with popular web browsers.
  • Ensured cancellation always propagates, even on Python versions where
    CancelledError inherits Exception.


November 1, 2019

New features

Added compatibility with Python 3.8.


July 31, 2019

Bug fixes

  • Restored the ability to pass a socket with the sock parameter of
  • Removed an incorrect assertion when a connection drops.


July 21, 2019

Bug fixes

Restored the ability to import WebSocketProtocolError from


July 7, 2019

Backwards-incompatible changes

websockets 8.0
requires Python ≥ 3.6.

websockets 7.0 is the last version supporting Python 3.4 and

is now expected to be a coroutine.

If you’re passing a process_request argument to
serve() or WebSocketServerProtocol, or if you’re
overriding process_request() in a subclass, define it with
async def instead of def. Previously, both were

For backwards compatibility, functions are still accepted, but
mixing functions and coroutines won’t work in some inheritance

must be None to disable the limit.

If you were setting max_queue=0 to make the queue of
incoming messages unbounded, change it to max_queue=None.

The host,
port, and secure attributes
of WebSocketCommonProtocol are deprecated.»

Use local_address in servers and remote_address
in clients instead of host and port.

is renamed
to ProtocolError

An alias provides backwards compatibility.

now returns the reason phrase.

If you’re using this low-level API, you must change your

New features

  • Added basic_auth_protocol_factory() to enforce HTTP Basic Auth on
    the server side.
  • connect() handles redirects from the server during the
  • connect() supports overriding host and port.
  • Added unix_connect() for connecting to Unix sockets.
  • Added support for asynchronous generators in send() to generate
    fragmented messages incrementally.
  • Enabled readline in the interactive client.
  • Added type hints (PEP 484).
  • Added a FAQ to the documentation.
  • Added documentation for extensions.
  • Documented how to optimize memory usage.


  • send(), ping(), and pong() support bytes-like types
    bytearray and memoryview in addition to bytes.
  • Added ConnectionClosedOK and ConnectionClosedError
    subclasses of ConnectionClosed to tell apart normal connection
    termination from errors.
  • Changed WebSocketServer.close() to perform a proper closing
    handshake instead of failing the connection.
  • Improved error messages when HTTP parsing fails.
  • Improved API documentation.

Bug fixes

  • Prevented spurious log messages about ConnectionClosed exceptions
    in keepalive ping task. If you were using ping_timeout=None as a
    workaround, you can remove it.
  • Avoided a crash when a extra_headers callable returns


November 1, 2018

Backwards-incompatible changes

Keepalive is enabled
by default.

websockets now sends Ping frames at regular intervals and
closes the connection if it doesn’t receive a matching Pong frame. See
WebSocketCommonProtocol for details.

Termination of
connections by WebSocketServer.close() changes.

Previously, connections handlers were canceled. Now,
connections are closed with close code 1001 (going away).

From the perspective of the connection handler, this is the
same as if the remote endpoint was disconnecting. This removes the need
to prepare for CancelledError in connection handlers.

You can restore the previous behavior by adding the following
line at the beginning of connection handlers:

def handler(websocket, path):

closed = asyncio.ensure_future(websocket.wait_closed())
closed.add_done_callback(lambda task: task.cancel())
concurrently raises a RuntimeError

Concurrent calls lead to non-deterministic behavior because
there are no guarantees about which coroutine will receive which

The timeout argument
of serve()
and connect() is renamed to close_timeout

This prevents confusion with ping_timeout.

For backwards compatibility, timeout is still

The origins argument
of serve() changes.

Include None in the list rather than » to allow
requests that don’t contain an Origin header.

Pending pings aren’t
canceled when the connection is closed.

A ping — as in ping = await websocket.ping()
— for which no pong was received yet used to be canceled when the
connection is closed, so that await ping raised

Now await ping raises ConnectionClosed like
other public APIs.

New features

  • Added process_request and select_subprotocol arguments to
    serve() and WebSocketServerProtocol to facilitate
    customization of process_request() and
  • Added support for sending fragmented messages.
  • Added the wait_closed() method to protocols.
  • Added an interactive client: python -m websockets <uri>.


  • Improved handling of multiple HTTP headers with the same name.
  • Improved error messages when a required HTTP header is missing.

Bug fixes

Fixed a data loss bug in recv(): canceling it at the wrong time
could result in messages being dropped.


July 16, 2018

Backwards-incompatible changes

The Headers class
is introduced and
several APIs are updated to use it.»
  • The request_headers argument of process_request() is now a
    Headers instead of an http.client.HTTPMessage.
  • The request_headers and response_headers attributes of
    WebSocketCommonProtocol are now Headers instead of
  • The raw_request_headers and raw_response_headers attributes
    of WebSocketCommonProtocol are removed. Use raw_items()
  • Functions defined in the handshake module now receive
    Headers in argument instead of get_header or
    set_header functions. This affects libraries that rely on low-level
  • Functions defined in the http module now return HTTP headers as
    Headers instead of lists of (name, value) pairs.

Since Headers and http.client.HTTPMessage provide
similar APIs, much of the code dealing with HTTP headers won’t require

New features

Added compatibility with Python 3.7.


May 24, 2018

Bug fixes

Fixed a regression in 5.0 that broke some invocations of serve()
and connect().


May 22, 2018

Security fix

websockets 5.0
fixes a security issue introduced in 4.0.

Version 4.0 was vulnerable to denial of service by memory
exhaustion because it didn’t enforce max_size when decompressing
compressed messages (CVE-2018-1000518).

Backwards-incompatible changes

A user_info field is
added to the return value of
parse_uri and WebSocketURI

If you’re unpacking WebSocketURI into four variables,
adjust your code to account for that fifth field.

New features

  • connect() performs HTTP Basic Auth when the URI contains
  • unix_serve() can be used as an asynchronous context manager on
    Python ≥ 3.5.1.
  • Added the closed property to protocols.
  • Added new examples in the documentation.


  • Iterating on incoming messages no longer raises an exception when the
    connection terminates with close code 1001 (going away).
  • A plain HTTP request now receives a 426 Upgrade Required response and
    doesn’t log a stack trace.
  • If a ping() doesn’t receive a pong, it’s canceled when the
    connection is closed.
  • Reported the cause of ConnectionClosed exceptions.
  • Stopped logging stack traces when the TCP connection dies
  • Prevented writing to a closing TCP connection during unclean
  • Made connection termination more robust to network congestion.
  • Prevented processing of incoming frames after failing the connection.
  • Updated documentation with new features from Python 3.6.
  • Improved several sections of the documentation.

Bug fixes

  • Prevented TypeError due to missing close code on connection
  • Fixed a race condition in the closing handshake that raised


November 2, 2017

Bug fixes

Fixed issues with the packaging of the 4.0 release.


November 2, 2017

Backwards-incompatible changes

websockets 4.0
requires Python ≥ 3.4.

websockets 3.4 is the last version supporting Python 3.3.

Compression is enabled by default.

In August 2017, Firefox and Chrome support the
permessage-deflate extension, but not Safari and IE.

Compression should improve performance but it increases RAM
and CPU use.

If you want to disable compression, add
compression=None when calling serve() or

The state_name
attribute of protocols is deprecated.

Use protocol.state.name instead of

New features

  • WebSocketCommonProtocol instances can be used as asynchronous
    iterators on Python ≥ 3.6. They yield incoming messages.
  • Added unix_serve() for listening on Unix sockets.
  • Added the sockets attribute to the return value of
  • Allowed extra_headers to override Server and
    User-Agent headers.


  • Reorganized and extended documentation.
  • Rewrote connection termination to increase robustness in edge cases.
  • Reduced verbosity of «Failing the WebSocket connection»

Bug fixes

  • Aborted connections if they don’t close within the configured
  • Stopped leaking pending tasks when cancel() is called on a
    connection while it’s being closed.


August 20, 2017

Backwards-incompatible changes

is replaced
by InvalidStatusCode

This exception is raised when connect() receives an
invalid response status code from the server.

New features

  • serve() can be used as an asynchronous context manager on Python
    ≥ 3.5.1.
  • Added support for customizing handling of incoming connections with
  • Made read and write buffer sizes configurable.


  • Renamed serve() and connect()‘s klass argument to
    create_protocol to reflect that it can also be a callable. For
    backwards compatibility, klass is still supported.
  • Rewrote HTTP handling for simplicity and performance.
  • Added an optional C extension to speed up low-level operations.

Bug fixes

Providing a sock argument to connect() no longer


March 29, 2017

New features

Ensured compatibility with Python 3.6.


Reduced noise in logs caused by connection resets.

Bug fixes

Avoided crashing on concurrent writes on slow connections.


August 17, 2016

New features

Added timeout, max_size, and max_queue arguments to
connect() and serve().


Made server shutdown more robust.


April 21, 2016

New features

Added flow control for incoming data.

Bug fixes

Avoided a warning when closing a connection before the opening


December 25, 2015

Backwards-incompatible changes

recv() now
raises an exception when the connection is closed.»

recv() used to return None when the connection
was closed. This required checking the return value of every call:

message = await websocket.recv()
if message is None:


Now it raises a ConnectionClosed exception instead. This is
more Pythonic. The previous code can be simplified to:

message = await websocket.recv()

When implementing a server, there’s no strong reason to handle
such exceptions. Let them bubble up, terminate the handler coroutine, and
the server will simply ignore them.

In order to avoid stranding projects built upon an earlier
version, the previous behavior can be restored by passing
legacy_recv=True to serve(), connect(),
WebSocketServerProtocol, or WebSocketClientProtocol.

New features

  • connect() can be used as an asynchronous context manager on Python
    ≥ 3.5.1.
  • ping() and pong() support data passed as str in
    addition to bytes.
  • Made state_name attribute on protocols a public API.


  • Updated documentation with await and async syntax from
    Python 3.5.
  • Worked around an asyncio bug affecting connection termination under
  • Improved documentation.


November 18, 2015

New features

Added compatibility with Python 3.5.


Refreshed documentation.


August 18, 2015

New features

  • Added local_address and remote_address attributes on
  • Closed open connections with code 1001 when a server shuts down.

Bug fixes

Avoided TCP fragmentation of small frames.


July 28, 2015

New features

  • Provided access to handshake request and response HTTP headers.
  • Allowed customizing handshake request and response HTTP headers.
  • Added support for running on a non-default event loop.


  • Improved documentation.
  • Sent a 403 status code instead of 400 when request Origin isn’t
  • Clarified that the closing handshake can be initiated by the client.
  • Set the close code and reason more consistently.
  • Strengthened connection termination.

Bug fixes

Canceling recv() no longer drops the next message.


January 31, 2015

New features

  • Added support for subprotocols.
  • Added loop argument to connect() and serve().


November 3, 2014


Improved compliance of close codes.


July 28, 2014

New features

Added support for limiting message size.


April 26, 2014

New features

  • Added host, port and secure attributes on
  • Added support for providing and checking Origin.


February 16, 2014

Backwards-incompatible changes

ping(), and pong() are now coroutines.»

They used to be functions.

Instead of:

you must write:

await websocket.send(message)

New features

Added flow control for outgoing data.


November 14, 2013

New features

Initial public release.


Thanks for taking the time to contribute to websockets!

Code of Conduct

This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the
Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold
this code. Please report inappropriate behavior to aymeric DOT augustin AT
fractalideas DOT com.

(If I’m the person with the inappropriate behavior, please
accept my
apologies. I know I can mess up. I can’t expect you to tell
me, but if you
choose to do so, I’ll do my best to handle criticism
— Aymeric)


Bug reports, patches and suggestions are welcome!

Please open an issue or send a pull request.

Feedback about the documentation is especially valuable, as the
primary author feels more confident about writing code than writing docs

If you’re wondering why things are done in a certain way, the
design document provides lots of details about the internals
of websockets.


GitHub issues aren’t a good medium for handling questions. There
are better places to ask questions, for example Stack Overflow.

If you want to ask a question anyway, please make sure that:

  • it’s a question about websockets and not about asyncio;
  • it isn’t answered in the documentation;
  • it wasn’t asked already.

A good question can be written as a suggestion to improve the

Cryptocurrency users

websockets appears to be quite popular for interfacing with
Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency trackers. I’m strongly opposed to Bitcoin’s
carbon footprint.

I’m aware of efforts to build proof-of-stake models. I’ll care
once the total energy consumption of all cryptocurrencies drops to a
non-bullshit level.

You already negated all of humanity’s efforts to develop renewable
energy. Please stop heating the planet where my children will have to

Since websockets is released under an open-source license, you can
use it for any purpose you like. However, I won’t spend any of my time to
help you.

I will summarily close issues related to Bitcoin or cryptocurrency
in any way.


Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Aymeric Augustin and contributors. All
rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are

  • Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  • Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
    and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
  • Neither the name of websockets nor the names of its contributors may be
    used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
    specific prior written permission.


websockets for enterprise

Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription


Tidelift is working with the maintainers of websockets and
thousands of other open source projects to deliver commercial support and
maintenance for the open source dependencies you use to build your
applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying
the maintainers of the exact dependencies you use.

Enterprise-ready open source software—managed for you

The Tidelift Subscription is a managed open source subscription
for application dependencies covering millions of open source projects
across JavaScript, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, .NET, and more.

Your subscription includes:

Security updates
Tidelift’s security response team coordinates patches for new
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channel, so your software supply chain is always secure.
Licensing verification and indemnification
Tidelift verifies license information to enable easy policy enforcement
and adds intellectual property indemnification to cover creators and users
in case something goes wrong. You always have a 100% up-to-date bill of
materials for your dependencies to share with your legal team, customers,
or partners.
Maintenance and code improvement
Tidelift ensures the software you rely on keeps working as long as you
need it to work. Your managed dependencies are actively maintained and we
recruit additional maintainers where required.
Package selection and version guidance
We help you choose the best open source packages from the start—and
then guide you through updates to stay on the best releases as new issues
Roadmap input
Take a seat at the table with the creators behind the software you use.
Tidelift’s participating maintainers earn more income as their
software is used by more subscribers, so they’re interested in
knowing what you need.
Tooling and cloud integration
Tidelift works with GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, and more. We support every
cloud platform (and other deployment targets, too).

The end result? All of the capabilities you expect from
commercial-grade software, for the full breadth of open source you use. That
means less time grappling with esoteric open source trivia, and more time
building your own applications—and your business.

Aymeric Augustin


2013-2022, Aymeric Augustin and contributors

Как только между клиентом и сервером установлено соединение, из экземпляра Web Socket вызывается событие open . Ошибки генерируются за ошибки, которые имеют место во время общения. Это отмечается с помощью события onerror . Ошибка всегда сопровождается разрывом соединения.

Событие onerror вызывается, когда между сообщениями происходит что-то не так. За ошибкой события следует завершение соединения, которое является событием закрытия .

Хорошей практикой является постоянное информирование пользователя о непредвиденных ошибках и попытка их повторного подключения.

socket.onclose = function(event) {
   console.log("Error occurred.");
   // Inform the user about the error.
   var label = document.getElementById("status-label");
   label.innerHTML = "Error: " + event;

Когда дело доходит до обработки ошибок, вы должны учитывать как внутренние, так и внешние параметры.

  • Внутренние параметры включают ошибки, которые могут быть сгенерированы из-за ошибок в вашем коде или неожиданного поведения пользователя.

  • Внешние ошибки не имеют ничего общего с приложением; скорее они связаны с параметрами, которыми невозможно управлять. Наиболее важным из них является подключение к сети.

  • Любое интерактивное двунаправленное веб-приложение требует активного подключения к Интернету.

Внутренние параметры включают ошибки, которые могут быть сгенерированы из-за ошибок в вашем коде или неожиданного поведения пользователя.

Внешние ошибки не имеют ничего общего с приложением; скорее они связаны с параметрами, которыми невозможно управлять. Наиболее важным из них является подключение к сети.

Любое интерактивное двунаправленное веб-приложение требует активного подключения к Интернету.

Проверка доступности сети

Представьте, что ваши пользователи наслаждаются вашим веб-приложением, когда внезапно сетевое соединение перестает отвечать на запросы в середине их задачи. В современных собственных настольных и мобильных приложениях обычной задачей является проверка доступности сети.

Наиболее распространенный способ сделать это – просто сделать HTTP-запрос к веб-сайту, который должен быть активирован (например, http://www.google.com). Если запрос выполняется успешно, настольное или мобильное устройство знает, что существует активное подключение. Аналогично, в HTML есть XMLHttpRequest для определения доступности сети.

HTML5, тем не менее, сделал это еще проще и представил способ проверить, может ли браузер принимать веб-ответы. Это достигается с помощью навигатора объекта –

if (navigator.onLine) {
   alert("You are Online");
}else {
   alert("You are Offline");

Автономный режим означает, что либо устройство не подключено, либо пользователь выбрал автономный режим на панели инструментов браузера.

Вот как сообщить пользователю, что сеть недоступна, и попытаться переподключиться, когда происходит событие закрытия WebSocket.

socket.onclose = function (event) {
   // Connection closed.
   // Firstly, check the reason.
   if (event.code != 1000) {
      // Error code 1000 means that the connection was closed normally.
      // Try to reconnect.
      if (!navigator.onLine) {
         alert("You are offline. Please connect to the Internet and try again.");

Демо для получения сообщений об ошибках

Следующая программа объясняет, как отображать сообщения об ошибках с помощью веб-сокетов –

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <meta charset = "utf-8" />
   <title>WebSocket Test</title>

   <script language = "javascript" type = "text/javascript">
      var wsUri = "ws://echo.websocket.org/";
      var output;
      function init() {
         output = document.getElementById("output");
      function testWebSocket() {
         websocket = new WebSocket(wsUri);
         websocket.onopen = function(evt) {
         websocket.onclose = function(evt) {
         websocket.onerror = function(evt) {
      function onOpen(evt) {
         doSend("WebSocket rocks");
      function onClose(evt) {
      function onError(evt) {
         writeToScreen('<span style = "color: red;">ERROR:</span> ' + evt.data);
      function doSend(message) {
         writeToScreen("SENT: " + message); websocket.send(message);
      function writeToScreen(message) {
         var pre = document.createElement("p"); 
         pre.style.wordWrap = "break-word"; 
         pre.innerHTML = message; output.appendChild(pre);
      window.addEventListener("load", init, false);
   <h2>WebSocket Test</h2>
   <div id = "output"></div>

Выход выглядит следующим образом –

In the previous chapter, we have provided you with some examples of working with the HHTP server and client in Golang. In today’s article, we will talk about how WebSockets are used, and how they are different from standard HTTP requests with gorilla/websocket package

gorilla/websocket: Gorilla WebSocket is a Go implementation of the WebSocket protocol.

Introduction to Websockets

WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. The WebSocket protocol was standardized by the IETF as RFC 6455 in 2011. The current API specification allowing web applications to use this protocol is known as WebSockets. It is a living standard maintained by the WHATWG and a successor to The WebSocket API from the W3C.

WebSocket is distinct from HTTP. Both protocols are located at layer 7 in the OSI model and depend on TCP at layer 4. Although they are different, RFC 6455 states that WebSocket «is designed to work over HTTP ports 443 and 80 as well as to support HTTP proxies and intermediaries», thus making it compatible with HTTP. To achieve compatibility, the WebSocket handshake uses the HTTP Upgrade header to change from the HTTP protocol to the WebSocket protocol.

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The WebSocket protocol enables interaction between a web browser (or other client application) and a web server with lower overhead than half-duplex alternatives such as HTTP polling, facilitating real-time data transfer from and to the server. This is made possible by providing a standardized way for the server to send content to the client without being first requested by the client, and allowing messages to be passed back and forth while keeping the connection open. In this way, a two-way ongoing conversation can take place between the client and the server.

The communications are usually done over TCP port number 443 (or 80 in the case of unsecured connections), which is beneficial for environments that block non-web Internet connections using a firewall. Similar two-way browser–server communications have been achieved in non-standardized ways using stopgap technologies such as Comet or Adobe Flash Player.

Most browsers support the protocol, including Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, …

Golang Websocket Examples [Server and Client]

Advantages of websocket protocol

The advantages of the WebSocket protocol include the following:

  • A WebSocket connection is a full-duplex, bidirectional communications channel. This means that a server does not need to wait to read from a client to send data to the client and vice versa.
  • WebSocket connections are raw TCP sockets, which means that they do not have the overhead required to establish an HTTP connection.
  • WebSocket connections can also be used for sending HTTP data. However, plain HTTP connections cannot work as WebSocket connections.
  • WebSocket connections live until they are killed, so there is no need to reopen them all the time.
  • WebSocket connections can be used for real-time web applications.
  • Data can be sent from the server to the client at any time, without the client even requesting it.
  • WebSocket is part of the HTML5 specification, which means that it is supported by all modern web browsers.

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Setting up Golang websocket Server

Simple HTTP Server

Because WebSockets are built on top of HTTP, we’ll first create a simple HTTP server that can accept client connections and deliver messages with Golang net/http package:

package main

import (

func main() {
	http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		fmt.Fprintf(w, "This is GolinuxCloud's websocket server")
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

Output: Access http://localhost:8080/ with any browsers:

Golang Websocket Examples [Server and Client]

Define the Upgrader

The websocket.Upgrader method of the gorilla/websocket package upgrades an HTTP server connection to the WebSocket protocol and allows you to define the parameters of the upgrade. After that, your HTTP connection is a WebSocket connection, which means that you will not be allowed to execute statements that work with the HTTP protocol.

We have to first define a WebSocket UpGrader. This will store details about our WebSocket connection, such as the Read and Write buffer sizes:

var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{
    ReadBufferSize:  1024,
    WriteBufferSize: 1024,

Upgrading the HTTP Connection

Now that we have the upgrader, we can try to upgrade the incoming HTTP connection. Input the Response Writer and the pointer to the HTTP Request into the UpGrade() function, which will return a pointer to a WebSocket connection or an error if the upgrade was unsuccessful:

websocket, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
if err != nil {

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Listening on the connection continuously

After that, we’ll want to put in place a function that keeps an eye out for any messages that come in via that WebSocket connection. Call the connection’s WriteMessage and ReadMessage methods to send and receive messages as a slice of bytes:

func listen(conn *websocket.Conn) {
	for {
		// read a message
		messageType, messageContent, err := conn.ReadMessage()
		timeReceive := time.Now()
		if err != nil {

		// print out that message

		// reponse message
		messageResponse := fmt.Sprintf("Your message is: %s. Time received : %v", messageContent, timeReceive)

		if err := conn.WriteMessage(messageType, []byte(messageResponse)); err != nil {


Full WebSocket server code

The code below shows the full version of the WebSocket server in Golang. For testing purposes, we will use Postman as the WebSocket client. The server will send back the content of request and time it received the message:

package main

import (


func main() {

	var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{
		ReadBufferSize:  1024,
		WriteBufferSize: 1024,

	http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

		websocket, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil)
		if err != nil {
		log.Println("Websocket Connected!")
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

func listen(conn *websocket.Conn) {
	for {
		// read a message
		messageType, messageContent, err := conn.ReadMessage()
		timeReceive := time.Now()
		if err != nil {

		// print out that message

		// reponse message
		messageResponse := fmt.Sprintf("Your message is: %s. Time received : %v", messageContent, timeReceive)

		if err := conn.WriteMessage(messageType, []byte(messageResponse)); err != nil {



Setting up Golang Websocket Client

This subsection shows how to program a WebSocket client in Go. The client reads user data that sends it to the server and reads the server response. As with the WebSocket server, the gorilla/websocket package is going to help us develop the WebSocket client.

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Read from input

The code of ./client/client.go is as follows:

package main
import (
var SERVER = ""
var PATH = ""
var in = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)

The in variable is just a shortcut for bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin).

func getInput(input chan string) {
    result, err := in.ReadString('n')
    if err != nil {
    input <- result

The getInput() function, which is executed as a goroutine, gets user input that is transferred to the main() function via the input channel. Each time the program reads some user input, the old goroutine ends and a new getInput() goroutine begins in order to get new input.

func main() {
    arguments := os.Args
    if len(arguments) != 3 {
        fmt.Println("Need SERVER + PATH!")
    SERVER = arguments[1]
    PATH = arguments[2]
    fmt.Println("Connecting to:", SERVER, "at", PATH)
    interrupt := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(interrupt, os.Interrupt)

Handle Unix Interrupts

The WebSocket client handles UNIX interrupts with the help of the interrupt channel. When the appropriate signal is caught (syscall.SIGINT), the WebSocket connection with the server is closed with the help of the websocket.CloseMessage message.

    input := make(chan string, 1)
    go getInput(input)
    URL := url.URL{Scheme: "ws", Host: SERVER, Path: PATH}
    c, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(URL.String(), nil)
    if err != nil {
        log.Println("Error:", err)
    defer c.Close()

The WebSocket connection begins with a call to websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(). Everything that goes to the input channel is transferred to the WebSocket server using the WriteMessage() method.

    done := make(chan struct{})
    go func() {
        defer close(done)
        for {
            _, message, err := c.ReadMessage()
            if err != nil {
                log.Println("ReadMessage() error:", err)
            log.Printf("Received: %s", message)

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Reading message

Another goroutine, which this time is implemented using an anonymous Go function, is responsible for reading data from the WebSocket connection using the ReadMessage() method.

    for {
        select {
        case <-time.After(4 * time.Second):
            log.Println("Please give me input!", TIMESWAIT)
                syscall.Kill(syscall.Getpid(), syscall.SIGINT)

The syscall.Kill(syscall.Getpid(), syscall.SIGINT) statement sends the interrupt signal to the program using Go code. According to the logic of client.go, the interrupt signal makes the program close the WebSocket connection with the server and terminate its execution. This only happens if the current number of timeout periods is bigger than a predefined global value.

        case <-done:
        case t := <-input:
            err := c.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(t))
            if err != nil {
                log.Println("Write error:", err)
            TIMESWAIT = 0

If you get user input, the current number of the timeout periods (TIMESWAIT) is reset and new input is read.

            go getInput(input)
        case <-interrupt:
            log.Println("Caught interrupt signal - quitting!")
            err := c.WriteMessage(websocket.CloseMessage, websocket.FormatCloseMessage(websocket.CloseNormalClosure, ""))

Add Close Message

Just before we close the client connection, we send websocket.CloseMessage to the server in order to do the closing the right way.

            if err != nil {
                log.Println("Write close error:", err)
            select {
            case <-done:
            case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):

Full websocket client code

Here is the complete golang websocket client code:

package main

import (


var SERVER = ""
var PATH = ""
var in = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)

func getInput(input chan string) {
	result, err := in.ReadString('n')
	if err != nil {
	input <- result

func main() {
	arguments := os.Args
	if len(arguments) != 3 {
		fmt.Println("Need SERVER + PATH!")
	SERVER = arguments[1]
	PATH = arguments[2]
	fmt.Println("Connecting to:", SERVER, "at", PATH)
	interrupt := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(interrupt, os.Interrupt)

	input := make(chan string, 1)
	go getInput(input)
	URL := url.URL{Scheme: "ws", Host: SERVER, Path: PATH}
	c, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(URL.String(), nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Error:", err)
	defer c.Close()
	done := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {
		defer close(done)
		for {
			_, message, err := c.ReadMessage()
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("ReadMessage() error:", err)
			log.Printf("Received: %s", message)

	for {
		select {
		case <-time.After(4 * time.Second):
			log.Println("Please give me input!", TIMESWAIT)
				syscall.Kill(syscall.Getpid(), syscall.SIGINT)
		case <-done:
		case t := <-input:
			err := c.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(t))
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("Write error:", err)
			go getInput(input)
		case <-interrupt:
			log.Println("Caught interrupt signal - quitting!")
			err := c.WriteMessage(websocket.CloseMessage, websocket.FormatCloseMessage(websocket.CloseNormalClosure, ""))

			if err != nil {
				log.Println("Write close error:", err)
			select {
			case <-done:
			case <-time.After(2 * time.Second):


# go run client.go localhost:8080 ws
Connecting to: localhost:8080 at ws
Hello there!
2022/10/31 22:59:57 Received: Your message is: Hello there!
. Time received : 2022-10-31 22:59:57.100625575 +0530 IST m=+7.521723707
2022/10/31 23:00:01 Please give me input! 0
How are you?
2022/10/31 23:00:04 Received: Your message is: How are you?
. Time received : 2022-10-31 23:00:04.272236618 +0530 IST m=+14.693334766
2022/10/31 23:00:08 Please give me input! 0
2022/10/31 23:00:12 Please give me input! 1
2022/10/31 23:00:16 Please give me input! 2
2022/10/31 23:00:20 Please give me input! 3
2022/10/31 23:00:24 Please give me input! 4
2022/10/31 23:00:28 Please give me input! 5
2022/10/31 23:00:28 Caught interrupt signal - quitting!
2022/10/31 23:00:28 ReadMessage() error: websocket: close 1000 (normal)

Interacting with the WebSocket server produces the same kind of output as you can see we received for Hello there! and How are you?. The last lines show how the automatic timeout process works.

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We were able to go over some of the fundamentals of WebSockets in this tutorial, along with how to create a straightforward Go application that uses WebSockets. WebSocket gives you an alternative way of creating services. As a rule of thumb, WebSocket is better when we want to exchange lots of data, and we want the connection to remain open all the time and exchange data in full-duplex. However, if you are not sure about what to use, begin with a TCP/IP service and see how it goes before upgrading it to the WebSocket protocol. Additionally, WebSocket is handy when you must transfer lots of data.



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