What is error in sql syntax error

SQLShack Common SQL syntax errors and how to resolve them In the SQL Server Management Studio, errors can be tracked down easily, using the built in Error List pane. This pane can be activated in the View menu, or by using shortcuts Ctrl+ and Ctrl+E The Error List pane displays syntax and semantic errors […]


  1. SQLShack
  2. Common SQL syntax errors and how to resolve them
  3. SQL Keyword errors
  4. Arrangement of commands
  5. Using quotation marks
  6. Finding SQL syntax errors
  7. Related posts:
  8. About Milena Petrovic
  9. SQL Errors: Five Common SQL Mistakes
  10. Watch Your Language (and Syntax)
  11. 1. Misspelling Commands
  12. Solution:
  13. 2. Forgetting Brackets and Quotes
  14. Solution:
  15. 3. Invalid statement order
  16. Solution:
  17. 4. Omitting Table Aliases
  18. Solution:
  19. 5. Using Case-Sensitive Names
  20. Solution:
  21. Everybody Makes SQL Mistakes


Common SQL syntax errors and how to resolve them

In the SQL Server Management Studio, errors can be tracked down easily, using the built in Error List pane. This pane can be activated in the View menu, or by using shortcuts Ctrl+ and Ctrl+E

The Error List pane displays syntax and semantic errors found in the query editor. To navigate directly to the SQL syntax error in the script editor, double-click the corresponding error displayed in the Error List

SQL Keyword errors

SQL keyword errors occur when one of the words that the SQL query language reserves for its commands and clauses is misspelled. For example, writing “UPDTE” instead of “UPDATE” will produce this type of error

In this example, the keyword “TABLE” is misspelled:

As shown in the image above, not only the word “TBLE” is highlighted, but also the words around it. The image below shows that this simple mistake causes many highlighted words

In fact, there are total of 49 errors reported just because one keyword is misspelled

If the user wants to resolve all these reported errors, without finding the original one, what started as a simple typo, becomes a much bigger problem

It’s also possible that all SQL keywords are spelled correctly, but their arrangement is not in the correct order. For example, the statement “FROM Table_1 SELECT *” will report an SQL syntax error

Arrangement of commands

The wrong arrangement of keywords will certainly cause an error, but wrongly arranged commands may also be an issue

If the user, for example, is trying to create a new schema into an existing database, but first wants to check if there is already a schema with the same name, he would write the following command

However, even though each command is properly written, and is able to run separately without errors, in this form it results in an error

As the error message states, CREATE SCHEMA command has to be the first command that is given. The correct way of running this commands together looks like this

Using quotation marks

Another common error that occurs when writing SQL project is to use double quotation marks instead of single ones. Single quotation marks are used to delimit strings. For example, double quotation marks are used here instead of single ones, which cause an error

Replacing quotation marks with the proper ones, resolves the error

There are situations where double quotation marks need to be used, for writing some general quotes, for example

As shown in the previous example, this will cause an error. But, this doesn’t mean that double quotes can’t be used, they just have to be inside the single quotes. However, adding single quotes in this example won’t solve the problem, but it will cause another one

Since there is an apostrophe inside this quote, it is mistakenly used as the end of a string. Everything beyond is considered to be an error

To be able to use an apostrophe inside a string, it has to be “escaped”, so that it is not considered as a string delimiter. To “escape” an apostrophe, another apostrophe has to be used next to it, as it is shown below

Finding SQL syntax errors

Finding SQL syntax errors can be complicated, but there are some tips on how to make it a bit easier. Using the aforementioned Error List helps in a great way. It allows the user to check for errors while still writing the project, and avoid later searching through thousands lines of code

Another way to help, is to properly format the code

This can improve code readability, thus making the search for errors easier

Milena is a SQL Server professional with more than 20 years of experience in IT. She has started with computer programming in high school and continued at University.

She has been working with SQL Server since 2005 and has experience with SQL 2000 through SQL 2014.

Her favorite SQL Server topics are SQL Server disaster recovery, auditing, and performance monitoring.

  • Using custom reports to improve performance reporting in SQL Server 2014 – running and modifying the reports — September 12, 2014
  • Using custom reports to improve performance reporting in SQL Server 2014 – the basics — September 8, 2014
  • Performance Dashboard Reports in SQL Server 2014 — July 29, 2014

About Milena Petrovic

Milena is a SQL Server professional with more than 20 years of experience in IT. She has started with computer programming in high school and continued at University. She has been working with SQL Server since 2005 and has experience with SQL 2000 through SQL 2014. Her favorite SQL Server topics are SQL Server disaster recovery, auditing, and performance monitoring. View all posts by Milena «Millie» Petrovic


SQL Errors: Five Common SQL Mistakes

As you learn SQL, watch out for these common coding mistakes

You’ve written some SQL code and you’re ready to query your database. You input the code and …. no data is returned. Instead, you get an error message.

Don’t despair! Coding errors are common in any programming language, and SQL is no exception. In this article, we’ll discuss five common mistakes people make when writing SQL.

The best way to prevent mistakes in SQL is practice. LearnSQL.com offers over 30 interactive SQL courses. Try out our SQL Practice track with 5 courses and over 600 hands-on exercises.

Watch Your Language (and Syntax)

The most common SQL error is a syntax error. What does syntax mean? Basically, it means a set arrangement of words and commands. If you use improper syntax, the database does not know what you’re trying to tell it.

To understand how syntax works, we can think of a spoken language. Imagine saying to a person “Nice dof” when you mean “Nice dog”. The person does not know what “dof” means. So when you tell your database to find a TABEL instead of a TABLE, the database does not know what it needs to do.

People tend to make the same kinds of syntax mistakes, so their errors are usually easy to spot and very much the same. After you read this article, you should be able to remember and avoid (or fix) these common mistakes. Knowing what errors to look for is very important for novice SQL coders, especially early on. New coders tend to make more mistakes and spend more time looking for them.

The types of SQL errors we will look at are:

  1. Misspelling Commands
  2. Forgetting Brackets and Quotes
  3. Specifying an Invalid Statement Order
  4. Omitting Table Aliases
  5. Using Case-Sensitive Names

Ready? Let’s start.

SQL Errors:

1. Misspelling Commands

This is the most common type of SQL mistake among rookie and experienced developers alike. Let’s see what it looks like. Examine the simple SELECT statement below and see if you can spot a problem:

If you run this query, you’ll get an error which states:

Each database version will tell you the exact word or phrase it doesn’t understand, although the error message may be slightly different.

What is wrong here? You misspelled FROM as FORM. Misspellings are commonly found in keywords (like SELECT, FROM, and WHERE), or in table and column names.

Most common SQL spelling errors are due to:

  • “Chubby fingers” where you hit a letter near the right one: SELEVT or FTOM or WJIRE
  • “Reckless typing” where you type the right letters in the wrong order: SELETC or FORM or WHEER


Use an SQL editor that has syntax highlighting: the SELECT and WHERE keywords will be highlighted, but the misspelled FORM will not get highlighted.

If you’re learning with interactive SQL courses in LearnSQL.com , the code editor puts every SELECT statement keyword in light purple. If the keyword is black, as it is with any other argument, you know there’s a problem. (In our example, FORM is black).

So if we correct our statement we get:

The keyword is now the right color and the statement executes without an error.

2. Forgetting Brackets and Quotes

Brackets group operations together and guide the execution order. In SQL (and in all of the programming languages I use), the following order of operations …

… is not the same as:

Can you figure out why?

A very common SQL mistake is to forget the closing bracket. So if we look at this erroneous statement :

We get an error code with the position of the error (the 102nd character from the beginning):

Remember: brackets always come in pairs.

The same is true with single quotes ( ‘ ‘ ) or double quotes ( ” ” ). There is no situation in SQL where we would find a quote (either a single quote or a double quote) without its mate. Column text values can contain one quote ( e.g. exp.last_name = «O’Reilly» ) and in these situations we must mix two types of quotes or use escape characters. ( In SQL, using escape characters simply means placing another quote near the character you want to deactivate – e.g. exp.last_name = ‘O’’Reilly. )


Practice, practice, practice. Writing more SQL code will give you the experience you need to avoid these mistakes. And remember people usually forget the closing bracket or quotation mark. They rarely leave out the opening one. If you’re running into problems, take a close look at all your closing punctuation!

3. Invalid statement order

When writing SELECT statements, keep in mind that there is a predefined keyword order needed for the statement to execute properly. There is no leeway here.

Let’s look at an example of a correctly-ordered statement:

There’s no shortcut here; you simply have to remember the correct keyword order for the SELECT statement:

  • SELECT identifies column names and functions
  • FROM specifies table name or names (and JOIN conditions if you’re using multiple tables)
  • WHERE defines filtering statements
  • GROUP BY shows how to group columns
  • HAVING filters the grouped values
  • ORDER BY sets the order in which the results will be displayed

You cannot write a WHERE keyword before a FROM , and you can’t put a HAVING before a GROUP BY . The statement would be invalid.

Let’s look at what happens when you mix up the statement order. In this instance, we’ll use the common SQL error of placing ORDER BY before GROUP BY :

The error message we see is pretty intimidating!


Don’t be discouraged! You can see that all of the keywords are highlighted correctly and all the quotations and brackets are closed. So now you should check the statement order. When you’re just beginning your SQL studies, I suggest using a SELECT order checklist. If you run into a problem, refer to your list for the correct order.

4. Omitting Table Aliases

When joining tables, creating table aliases is a popular practice. These aliases distinguish among columns with the same name across tables; thus the database will know which column values to return. This is not mandatory when we’re joining different tables, since we can use the full table names. But it is mandatory if we join a table to itself.

Suppose we’re writing an SQL statement to find an exhibition’s current location and the location from the previous year:

The database would return an error:

Note: Whenever you encounter “ambiguous column name” in your error message, you surely need table aliases.

The correct statement (with aliases) would be:


Practice using table aliases for single-table SELECT statements. Use aliases often – they make your SQL more readable.

5. Using Case-Sensitive Names

This error only occurs when you need to write non-standard names for tables or database objects.

Let’s say that you need to have a table named LargeClient and for some reason you add another table called LARGECLIENT. As you already know, object names in databases are usually case-insensitive. So when you write a query for the LargeClient table, the database will actually query LARGECLIENT.

To avoid this, you must put double quotes around the table name. For example:

When creating a table, you will need to use double quotes if:

  • The table will have a case-sensitive name.
  • The table name will contain special characters. This includes using a blank space, like “Large Client”.


Avoid using these names if you can. If not, remember your double quotes!

Everybody Makes SQL Mistakes

Those are the five most common errors in SQL code. You’ll probably make them many times as you learn this language. Remember, everybody makes mistakes writing code. In fact, making mistakes is a normal and predictable part of software development.

So don’t be discouraged. When you make mistakes in the future, try to analyze your code in a structured way. With a structured analysis, you can find and correct your errors quicker.

If you would like to learn about some other syntactic mistakes that I’ve not included here, please let me know. In an upcoming article, we’ll look at non-syntactic errors. These return or modify data and are therefore much more dangerous. Subscribe to our blog so you won’t miss it!


So, you’re creating a custom SQL query to perform a task in the database. After putting the code together and running it in PHPmyAdmin it responds with a 1064 error. It may look similar to this:

1064 error message

The 1064 error displays any time you have an issue with your SQL syntax, and is often due to using reserved words, missing data in the database, or mistyped/obsolete commands. So follow along and learn more about what the 1064 error is, some likely causes, and general troubleshooting steps.

Note: Since syntax errors can be hard to locate in long queries, the following online tools can often save time by checking your code and locating issues:

  • PiliApp MySQL Syntax Check
  • EverSQL SQL Query Syntax Check & Validator

Causes for the 1064 error

  • Reserved Words
  • Missing Data
  • Mistyped Commands
  • Obsolete Commands

This may seem cryptic since it is a general error pointing to a syntax issue in the SQL Query statement. Since the 1064 error can have multiple causes, we will go over the most common things that will result in this error and show you how to fix them. Follow along so you can get your SQL queries updated and running successfully.

Using Reserved Words

Every version of MySQL has its own list of reserved words. These are words that are used for specific purposes or to perform specific functions within the MySQL engine. If you attempt to use one of these reserved words, you will receive the 1064 error. For example, below is a short SQL query that uses a reserved word as a table name.

CREATE TABLE alter (first_day DATE, last_day DATE);

How to fix it:

Just because the word alter is reserved does not mean it cannot be used, it just has special requirements to use it as the MySQL engine is trying to call the functionality for the alter command. To fix the issue, you will want to surround the word with backticks, this is usually the button just to the left of the “1” button on the keyboard. The code block below shows how the code will need to look in order to run properly.

CREATE TABLE `alter` (first_day DATE, last_day DATE);

Missing Data

Sometimes data can be missing from the database. This causes issues when the data is required for a query to complete. For example, if a database is built requiring an ID number for every student, it is reasonable to assume a query will be built to pull a student record by that ID number. Such a query would look like this:

SELECT * from students WHERE studentID = $id

If the $id is never properly filled in the code, the query would look like this to the server:

SELECT * from students WHERE studentID =

Since there is nothing there, the MySQL engine gets confused and complains via a 1064 error.

How to fix it:

Hopefully, your application will have some sort of interface that will allow you to bring up the particular record and add the missing data. This is tricky because if the missing data is the unique identifier, it will likely need that information to bring it up, thus resulting in the same error. You can also go into the database (typically within phpMyAdmin) where you can select the particular row from the appropriate table and manually add the data.

Mistyping of Commands

One of the most common causes for the 1064 error is when a SQL statement uses a mistyped command. This is very easy to do and is easily missed when troubleshooting at first. Our example shows an UPDATE command that is accidentally misspelled.

UDPATE table1 SET id = 0;

How to fix it:

Be sure to check your commands prior to running them and ensure they are all spelled correctly.

Below is the syntax for the correct query statement.

UPDATE table1 SET id = 0;

Obsolete Commands

Some commands that were deprecated (slated for removal but still allowed for a period of time) eventually go obsolete. This means that the command is no longer valid in the SQL statement. One of the more common commands is the ‘TYPE‘ command. This has been deprecated since MySQL 4.1 but was finally removed as of version 5.1, where it now gives a syntax error. The ‘TYPE‘ command has been replaced with the ‘ENGINE‘ command. Below is an example of the old version:


This should be replaced with the new command as below:


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Error 1064 Summary

As you can see there is more than one cause for the 1064 error within MySQL code. Now, you know how to correct the issues with your SQL Syntax, so your query can run successfully. This list will be updated as more specific instances are reported.

sql errorErrors that can be encountered while using SQL include errors that occur as a result of issues with punctuation, operations that go beyond set parameters and constraints, invalid use of reserved words, logic issues, missing information, etc. Variations in errors can also be based on the version of SQL being used. Due to the varied selection of errors, this article will focus on some of the errors that you may come across while using SQL. In order to understand why an error occurred and how to prevent it, it is helpful to be able to decipher what an error code or message indicates. If you have recently started using SQL, then you may come across multiple errors; moreover, the same could be said about well experienced SQL users.

Have you considered taking a class in order to learn more about concepts, such as parameters and logical data structures, in regards to Oracle database administration?  If so, then explore a class on Udemy. 


In regards to punctuation errors; syntax errors can often involve errors in, what may seem to be, basic punctuation errors. For instance; if a comma is left out or misplaced, a period or space is added where it should not be, or a word used for a programming object is not correctly used in relation to the order of other objects, then a syntax related error could be presented. To demonstrate how syntax errors could occur, I have included the following examples:

In this scenario, I’m attempting to create a table called Employee_Tbl, which has the following columns: Employee_Id, Employee_First, Employee_Last, and Employee_dept. I’m receiving an error indicating that an error in syntax has occurred. The error message for syntax errors can differ based on factors such as version of SQL being used and the root cause of the error. The error message that I had received in this case, stated the following: “You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘Employee_First varchar(20), Employee_Last varchar(20), Employee_Department int(‘ at line 4:” and had been based on syntax expectations for MySQL. The following is what I had typed in an attempt to create my table:

create table Employee_Tbl
Employee_Id number(5)
Employee_First varchar(10),
Employee_Last varchar(10),
Employee_Department number(5)
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1475, 'Doyle', 'Clayton', 01410);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1476, 'Wilbert', 'Holmes', 02420);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1477, 'Kristen', 'Walters', 03410);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1478, 'Catherine', 'Mckinney', 04420);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1479, 'Adam', 'Wade', 05430);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1545, 'Miranda', 'Morgan', 06430);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1546, 'Elisa', 'Wolfe', 07410);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1547, 'Amber', 'Miles', 08430);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1548, 'Aimee', 'Green', 09420);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1549, 'Ken', 'Norton', 10430);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1630, 'Sean', 'Taylor', 10530);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1631, 'Erma', 'Snyder', 10610);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1632, 'Hugh', 'Elliot', 10720);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1633, 'Pete', 'Jones', 10810);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1634, 'Connie', 'Grant', 10910);
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1635, 'Josephine', 'Sullivan', 20420);

While looking at the code above, the issue may not be immediately obvious. I have created the table with all four columns and had used the correct datatype for each column. I had inserted all of the values in the correct order in respect to the columns I had created, I had placed single quotation marks around the characters (names), and I had added semi-colons to the end of the Create Table statement as well as at the end of each Insert statement. Upon looking closer, a missing comma had been found to be the cause of this syntax error (after the Employee_Id column within the Create Table statement). After adding the missing comma, the Schema had been built for the table, and the table had been created (as seen below).


1475 Doyle Clayton 1410

1476 Wilbert Holmes 2420

1477 Kristen Walters 3410

1478 Catherine Mckinney 4420

1479 Adam Wade 5430

1545 Miranda Morgan 6430

1546 Elisa Wolfe 7410

1547 Amber Miles 8430

1548 Aimee Green 9420

1549 Ken Norton 10430

1630 Sean Taylor 10530

1631 Erma Snyder 10610

1632 Hugh Elliot 10720

1633 Pete Jones 10810

1634 Connie Grant 10910

1635 Josephine Sullivan 20420

If one omits a comma that should have been in an Insert statement in Oracle, then they could receive an ORA-00917 error code. For the next case, consider that I am using MySQL and I receive an error code 1064 while attempting to use the following Select statement to select all columns from the Employee_Tbl where the Employee_First column contains the field value of “Doyle”:


In the example above, the cause of the error had been a missing single quote after Doyle. After adding the single quote and running the query again, the correct query result had been displayed as follows:


1475 Doyle Clayton 1410

Truncation and Implicit Conversion

When a field value is inadvertently truncated, it has a portion of its components removed as a result of a limitation set for its field. In SQL, there is also a Truncate Table statement that can be used in cases such as when a table should be removed. When an error message related to truncation is received; it can often be due to data entered for a column field being treated as incorrect data, by reason of an invalid format or too many characters, based on restrictions set for the column for which the data had been entered.

Implicit conversion involves the datatype of a field being converted “behind the scenes” as an attempt for data to be automatically converted to a datatype that is compatible with the restrictions or parameters set for column data. If data is not correctly converted, then an error can occur. As an example, when using the Create Table statement displayed below, an error message including the statement, “Data truncation: Incorrect date value”, had been received. Likewise, an issue with the conversion of data in Oracle could result in an error code of ORA-01858.

Feel free to try to identify what may have triggered an error involving truncation in the following code:

create table Employee_Tbl
Employee_Id int(5),
Employee_First varchar(10),
Employee_Last varchar(10),
Employee_Department int(5),
Hire_Date date
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1475, 'Doyle', 'Clayton', 01410, '01-JAN-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1476, 'Wilbert', 'Holmes', 02420, '01-JAN-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1477, 'Kristen', 'Walters', 03410, '01-MAY-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1478, 'Catherine', 'Mckinney', 04420, '01-JAN-2014');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1479, 'Adam', 'Wade', 05430, '01-JAN-2014');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1545, 'Miranda', 'Morgan', 06430, '01-JAN-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1546, 'Elisa', 'Wolfe', 07410, '01-APR-2014');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1547, 'Amber', 'Miles', 08430, '01-JAN-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1548, 'Aimee', 'Green', 09420, '01-MAY-2014');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1549, 'Ken', 'Norton', 10430, '01-JAN-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1630, 'Sean', 'Taylor', 10530, '01-JAN-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1631, 'Erma', 'Snyder', 10610, '01-MAY-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1632, 'Hugh', 'Elliot', 10720, '01-JAN-2014');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1633, 'Pete', 'Jones', 10810, '01-JAN-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1634, 'Connie', 'Grant', 10910, '01-JAN-2014');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1635, 'Josephine', 'Sullivan', 20420, '01-MAY-2014');

After changing the datatype to varchar for the Hire_Date column, the table had been created.

create table Employee_Tbl
Employee_Id int(5),
Employee_First varchar(10),
Employee_Last varchar(10),
Employee_Department int(5),
Hire_Date varchar (20);

You can see that the date appears to be displayed correctly.

SELECT * FROM Employee_Tbl WHERE Employee_Id = 1475;


1475 Doyle Clayton 1410 01-JAN-2012

Reserved Words

As with other programming languages, SQL has words that are designated as being Reserved Words. Reserved Words in programming languages are words that are somewhat retained or protected from being able to be used out of a predefined context. As in the case with other aspects, Reserved Words can possibly differ from each version of SQL. There is an abundance of Reserved Words in SQL; examples of some of the words include the following: where, update, union, rows, select, output, module, and current. Using a Reserved Word in a manner that is unintended for the word is also classified as a syntax error and can result in the receiving of error code 1064 in MySQL or error code ORA-01747 in Oracle.

Suppose that instead of the first column for the Employee_Tbl table being named Employee_Id, that the column had been named Insert.

create table Employee_Tbl
Insert int(5), - -using a reserved word
Employee_First varchar(10),
Employee_Last varchar(10),
Employee_Department int(5),
Hire_Date varchar(20)

An error message would be displayed as using Reserved words can not only result in errors but can also result in requests, such as those involved with object creation or queries, being rejected.


Constraints may be described as being restrictions, or required guidelines, set for specific fields. In many cases; restrictions are set in order to only allow defined parameters to be used. Parameters that may be set include those associated with the following: ranges of data, types of data, uniqueness of data, level of modifications allowed, etc. For instance; if a constraint has been set on a column to disallow null values, then attempting to complete tasks for the column when some field values contain nulls, can result in an error.

Can you identify the reason that following code should result in an error when it is used in an attempt to create and add values to a table?

create table Employee_Tbl
Employee_Id int(5) NOT NULL,
Employee_First varchar(10),
Employee_Last varchar(10),
Employee_Department int(5),
Hire_Date varchar(20)
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1475, 'Doyle', 'Clayton', 01410, '01-JAN-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1476, 'Wilbert', 'Holmes', 02420, '01-JAN-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1477, 'Kristen', 'Walters', 03410, '01-MAY-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1478, 'Catherine', 'Mckinney', 04420, '01-JAN-2014');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1479, 'Adam', 'Wade', 05430, '01-JAN-2014');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1545, 'Miranda', 'Morgan', 06430, '01-JAN-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1546, 'Elisa', 'Wolfe', 07410, '01-APR-2014');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(null, 'Amber', 'Miles', 08430, '01-JAN-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1548, 'Aimee', 'Green', 09420, '01-MAY-2014');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1549, 'Ken', 'Norton', 10430, '01-JAN-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1630, 'Sean', 'Taylor', 10530, '01-JAN-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1631, 'Erma', 'Snyder', 10610, '01-MAY-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1632, 'Hugh', 'Elliot', 10720, '01-JAN-2014');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1633, 'Pete', 'Jones', 10810, '01-JAN-2012');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1634, 'Connie', 'Grant', 10910, '01-JAN-2014');
insert into Employee_Tbl values
(1635, 'Josephine', 'Sullivan', 20420, '01-MAY-2014');

The reason that the code above would result in an error is because the Employee_Id column has a Not Null constraint added to it and the field for Amber Miles has a null value in the Employee_Id column. Interested in learning more about relational databases and datatypes? Consider completing a tutorial on Udemy.

Inconsistent Code

There may even be some cases in which an operation is completed without error, but that it does not yield the correct or expected results. Issues with logic in code can cause errors or simply result in output that is not beneficial. For instance, consider that is a known fact that the Employee_Tbl that we had used earlier should not have any employees in more than one department. If the following query is used, then it would result in data from the table not being returned:

SELECT * FROM Employee_Tbl
WHERE Employee_Department = 01410
AND Employee_Department = 02420;

Transactional and Network Errors

Errors that may be more commonly handled by database administrators include SQL server related errors. An example of a network related error code is 1602; which may be caused by various issues, such as a connection from a database to a network being unavailable. Transactions involve processes, such as those for stored procedures and routines. Processes for transactions should enable a transaction to begin, continue, and end. If an error occurs during a transaction; in some cases, the transaction will not complete. Administrators use methods for error handling, which may include the implementation of Try…Catch Constructs. Try…Catch Contructs can be set to automatically identify characteristics or errors, perform actions based on the potential error identified, and retrieve information for the error.

Error Logs

Error logs are stored files containing recorded information for errors and potential errors. In order for events associated with outlined conditions to be designated as possible errors, settings can be implemented in order to define what types of events should trigger alerts. It is a good practice for error logs to be monitored. If an error occurs, then an administrator or other authorized database user, should research the error in order to determine its root cause; level of severity; and which database objects are associated with the error. Error log monitoring can help with preventing ongoing issues and preventing data loss. If you wish to learn how to delve into error logs as well as learn about how data can be preserved and recovered, then inclusive tutorials found on Udemy could prove to be very worthwhile.


Errors can be encountered by users, administrators, and programmers. There are varying characteristics for errors which may involve severity level, associated events, corresponding codes, and locations for logs. Understanding what an error code or message is indicating can help with correcting and/or preventing the error. When learning the basics of SQL or mastering SQL administration, errors can often provide the clues needed in order to complete tasks and maintain database operations.

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    Prerequisite – SQL Injection While checking for SQL injection we all discover various error messages. Let us figure out the basic cause behind each error and how it appears in MySQL. Below are various error and their explanation. Error-1: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ” foo ‘ at line X. Explanation – If you entered a single quote and it altered the syntax of the database query, this is the expected error message. For MySQL, SQL injection may be present, but the same error message can appear in other contexts. 
    Error-2: N/A Explanation – You have commented out or removed a variable that normally would be supplied to the database. 
    Error-3: The used SELECT statements have different number of columns. Explanation – You will see this when you are attempting a UNION SELECT attack, and you specified different number of columns to the number in the original SELECT statement. 
    Error-4: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘ XXX, YYY from SOME_TABLE’ at line 1 Explanation – You commonly see this error message when your injection point occurs before the FROM keyword (Example, you have injected into the columns to be returned) and you have used the comment character to remove required SQL keywords. Try completing the SQL statement yourself while using your comment character. MySQL should helpfully reveal the column names XXX, YYY when this condition is encountered. 
    Error-5: Table ‘DBNAME.SOMETABLE’ doesn’t exist. Explanation – Either you are trying to access a table or view that does not exist. Test your query against a table you know you have access to. MySQL should helpfully reveal the current database schema DBNAME when this condition is encountered. 
    Error-6: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘ ‘ at line 1. Explanation – You were probably altering something in a WHERE clause, and your SQL injection attempt has disrupted the grammar. 
    Error-7: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘ ‘ line 1. Explanation – Your SQL injection attempt has worked, but the injection point was inside parentheses. You probably commented out the closing parentheses with injected comment characters (–). 
    Error-8: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near XXXXX. Explanation – A general error message. The error messages listed previously all take precedence, so something else went wrong. It is likely that you can try alternative input and get a more meaningful message. 

    • Debugging a SQL query
    • How does SQL debugging work?
    • Debugging SQL syntax
    • Common SQL reference guides
    • Common SQL syntax errors
      • Column or table name is “not found” or “not recognized”
      • SQL function does not exist
    • How to find the failing line in a SQL query
      • Reading your SQL error message
      • Reducing the size of a SQL query
    • How to find out what SQL dialect to use
    • Do you have a different problem?
    • Are you still stuck?

    Reading an error message shouldn’t feel like solving a riddle. This debugging guide explains what you can do about stubborn queries that refuse to run.

    Debugging a SQL query

    If your SQL query contains SQL variables that look like {{ variable }}, go to Troubleshooting SQL variables first.

    1. Go to the line that is failing in your SQL query.
      • I don’t know where my SQL query is failing.
    2. Check the SQL syntax on the line that is failing in your SQL query.
    3. Check your query logic if the query uses joins, subqueries, or CTEs.
    4. If you get an error message that isn’t specific to your SQL query, go to Troubleshooting error messages.

    How does SQL debugging work?

    • SQL error messages are displayed for each line in your query that fails to run. You’ll need to follow the steps above for each line that failed.
    • If you make any changes to a line, run your query to check if the problem is fixed before moving on to the next step. You can add a LIMIT clause at the end of your query to speed up the process.
    • Note that SQL queries are not run from top to bottom, so you won’t be debugging your query lines in the order that they are written. Follow the error messages to help you find the lines that need attention.
    1. Review the spelling on the line that is failing in your SQL query.
    2. Review for missing brackets or commas on the line that is failing in your SQL query.
    3. Remove commented lines (lines that begin with -- or /*).
    4. Review for common syntax errors that are specific to your SQL dialect.


    Your database needs to be able to “read” your query in order to execute it.

    • Correct spelling tells your database exactly what to look for.
    • Punctuation tells your database how (e.g. what order to use) to look for your data.
    • Comments are not meant to be read or executed, but in certain edge cases, they can interfere with the reading and execution of neighboring lines.

    Common SQL reference guides

    Before you start, open up the SQL reference guide for the SQL dialect that you’re using. We’ve linked to some of the most common ones here:

    • MySQL
    • PostgreSQL
    • Microsoft SQL Server
    • Amazon Redshift
    • Google BigQuery
    • Snowflake
    • I don’t know what SQL dialect to use.

    Common SQL syntax errors

    What does your error message say?

    • My column or table name is “not found” or “not recognized”.
    • My SQL “function does not exist”.

    Column or table name is “not found” or “not recognized”

    If your SQL query contains SQL variables that look like {{ variable }}, go to Troubleshooting SQL variables first.


    1. Review the structure section of the reference guide for your SQL dialect.

      • Are you using the correct quotation marks? For example:

        • SELECT 'column_name'
        • SELECT "column_name"
        • SELECT `column_name`
      • Are you using the correct path to columns and tables? For example:

        • FROM table_name
        • FROM schema_name.table_name
        • FROM database_name.schema_name.table_name
      • Is your column name a reserved word? For example:

        In PostgresSQL, ‘users’ is a reserved key word.

        • SELECT users will throw an error.
        • SELECT "users" will run correctly.
      • Tip: Use Metabase to check for column and table name syntax

        1. Create a simple question in the notebook editor using the same columns and tables as your SQL question.
        2. Convert the question to SQL.
        3. Look at how the Metabase-generated SQL query refers to column and table names.
    2. Review the data reference for the column and table names in your query.

      • If the column or table name doesn’t exist in the data reference:

        • Run SELECT * FROM your_table_name LIMIT 10; to look for the column or table name to use in your query.
        • If you’re a Metabase admin, check the Data model page for the original schema.
      • If the column name exists, but you can’t query the column from the SQL editor:

        • Ask your Metabase admin if the column was re-named or removed on the database side.
        • If you’re a Metabase admin, you may need to run a sync to refresh your data.


    You need to make sure that you’re using the correct syntax for the SQL dialect used by your database.

    Your query also needs to use column and table names that match the original names in your database. Metabase uses display names that can be updated by your Metabase admin, so the data reference may not match your database schema. It’s also possible that a column or table was re-named on the database side, but Metabase hasn’t run a sync to grab the updates.

    Further reading

    • How Metabase executes SQL queries
    • How Metabase syncs with your database
    • SQL best practices

    SQL function does not exist

    If your SQL query contains SQL variables that look like {{ variable }}, go to Troubleshooting SQL variables first.


    1. Review the data type of the column that you want your function to apply to.

      • You can use the Metabase data reference to review the column’s field type (as a proxy for data type).
      • You can also directly query the information schema in your database if you have permission to access it.
    2. Review the function section of the reference guide for your SQL dialect.

      • Confirm that the function exists for your SQL dialect.
      • Review the data type(s) that are accepted by your function.
    3. If the field type of your column does not match the expected data type of your function:

      • Cast your column to the correct data type in your SQL query.
      • If you’re a Metabase admin, you can also cast data types from the Data model page.


    SQL functions are designed to work on specific data types in your database. For example, the DATE_TRUNC function in PostgresSQL works on columns with date, timestamp, and time typed data in a Postgres database. If you try to use the DATE_TRUNC function on a column with a string data type in your database, it won’t work.

    Note that Metabase field types are not one-to-one with the data types in your database. In this case, the field type gives you enough information about the column data type to troubleshoot the error.

    Further reading

    • How Metabase executes SQL queries
    • Field types documentation
    • SQL best practices

    How to find the failing line in a SQL query

    If your SQL query contains SQL variables that look like {{ variable }}, go to Troubleshooting SQL variables first.

    Once you find the line that is failing in your SQL query, go to steps under Debugging a SQL query.

    Reading your SQL error message

    Does your error message:

    • Tell you the line or character position?
    • Include a table or column name? If the table or column name appears more than once in your query, reduce the size of your query.
    • Mention a SQL clause?

    Reducing the size of a SQL query

    If your query uses:

    • Subqueries (nested queries), run each subquery separately. Start with the inner subqueries and work your way out.
    • CTEs, run each CTE separately. Start with your base CTE and work your way down the query.
    • SQL variables that point to Metabase models, run each model separately. Go to the model by opening the variables panel, or enter the model ID number from the variable in the Metabase search bar.
    • Remember to read the SQL error message as you try to isolate the problem. For more information, go to How does SQL debugging work?.

    Tips for working in the SQL editor

    Highlight lines of your SQL query to:

    • Run the lines with Cmd + Return or Ctrl + Enter.
    • Comment/uncomment the lines with Cmd + / or Ctrl + /.

    How to find out what SQL dialect to use

    The SQL dialect is based on the database that stores the tables you want to query. Once you find out what SQL dialect to use, you can follow the steps under Debugging a SQL query.

    To find out which database you’re querying:

    • If you’re a Metabase admin, go to Admin settings > Databases, and look under the Engine column.
    • Otherwise, ask the person who set up your Metabase.

    Do you have a different problem?

    • My query results are wrong.
      • My query results have duplicated rows.
      • My query results have missing rows.
      • My aggregations (counts, sums, etc.) are wrong.
    • My dates and times are wrong.
    • My data isn’t up to date.
    • I have an error message that isn’t specific to my SQL query or syntax.

    Are you still stuck?

    Search or ask the Metabase community.

    Thanks for your feedback!

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