I am running a program and want to see what its return code is (since it returns different codes based on different errors).
I know in Bash I can do this by running
echo $?
What do I do when using cmd.exe on Windows?
asked Dec 2, 2008 at 18:04
The «exit code» is stored in a shell variable named errorlevel
The errorlevel
is set at the end of a console application. Windows applications behave a little differently; see @gary’s answer below.
Use the if
command keyword errorlevel
for comparison:
if errorlevel <n> (<statements>)
Which will execute statements when the errorlevel is greater than or equal to n. Execute if /?
for details.
A shell variable named errorlevel
contains the value as a string and can be dereferenced by wrapping with %’s.
Example script:
rem Give resolution instructions for known exit codes.
rem Ignore exit code 1.
rem Otherwise give a generic error message.
if %errorlevel%==7 (
echo "Replace magnetic tape."
) else if %errorlevel%==3 (
echo "Extinguish the printer."
) else if errorlevel 2 (
echo Unknown Error: %errorlevel% refer to Run Book documentation.
) else (
echo "Success!"
Warning: An environment variable named errorlevel, if it exists, will override the shell variable named errorlevel. if errorlevel
tests are not affected.
answered Dec 2, 2008 at 18:07
13.4k2 gold badges25 silver badges34 bronze badges
Testing ErrorLevel
works for console applications, but as hinted at by dmihailescu, this won’t work if you’re trying to run a windowed application (e.g. Win32-based) from a command prompt. A windowed application will run in the background, and control will return immediately to the command prompt (most likely with an ErrorLevel
of zero to indicate that the process was created successfully). When a windowed application eventually exits, its exit status is lost.
Instead of using the console-based C++ launcher mentioned elsewhere, though, a simpler alternative is to start a windowed application using the command prompt’s START /WAIT
command. This will start the windowed application, wait for it to exit, and then return control to the command prompt with the exit status of the process set in ErrorLevel
start /wait something.exe
echo %errorlevel%
26.2k8 gold badges57 silver badges78 bronze badges
answered Jul 13, 2012 at 18:57
4,1961 gold badge22 silver badges19 bronze badges
answered Dec 2, 2008 at 18:09
Adam RosenfieldAdam Rosenfield
385k96 gold badges510 silver badges586 bronze badges
If you want to match the error code exactly (eg equals 0), use this:
@echo off
echo Success
) else (
echo Failure Reason Given is %errorlevel%
exit /b %errorlevel%
Note that
if errorlevel 0
>= 0.
Seeif /?
Or, if you don’t handle success:
echo Failed with exit-code: %errorlevel%
exit /b %errorlevel%
6,6705 gold badges34 silver badges59 bronze badges
answered Jul 29, 2014 at 16:08
Curtis YallopCurtis Yallop
6,3783 gold badges44 silver badges33 bronze badges
It’s worth noting that .BAT and .CMD files operate differently.
Reading https://ss64.com/nt/errorlevel.html it notes the following:
There is a key difference between the way .CMD and .BAT batch files set errorlevels:
An old .BAT batch script running the ‘new’ internal commands: APPEND, ASSOC, PATH, PROMPT, FTYPE and SET will only set ERRORLEVEL if an error occurs. So if you have two commands in the batch script and the first fails, the ERRORLEVEL will remain set even after the second command succeeds.
This can make debugging a problem BAT script more difficult, a CMD batch script is more consistent and will set ERRORLEVEL after every command that you run [source].
This was causing me no end of grief as I was executing successive commands, but the ERRORLEVEL would remain unchanged even in the event of a failure.
answered Sep 18, 2018 at 6:13
3113 silver badges11 bronze badges
It might not work correctly when using a program that is not attached to the console, because that app might still be running while you think you have the exit code.
A solution to do it in C++ looks like below:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "tchar.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "shellapi.h"
int _tmain( int argc, TCHAR *argv[] )
CString cmdline(GetCommandLineW());
CString self(argv[0]);
CString args = cmdline.Mid(self.GetLength()+1);
args.TrimLeft(_T("" "));
printf("Arguments passed: '%ws'n",args);
ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) );
si.cb = sizeof(si);
ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(pi) );
if( argc < 2 )
printf("Usage: %s arg1,arg2....n", argv[0]);
return -1;
CString strCmd(args);
// Start the child process.
if( !CreateProcess( NULL, // No module name (use command line)
(LPTSTR)(strCmd.GetString()), // Command line
NULL, // Process handle not inheritable
NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable
FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
0, // No creation flags
NULL, // Use parent's environment block
NULL, // Use parent's starting directory
&si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
&pi ) // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
printf( "CreateProcess failed (%d)n", GetLastError() );
return GetLastError();
printf( "Waiting for "%ws" to exit.....n", strCmd );
// Wait until child process exits.
WaitForSingleObject( pi.hProcess, INFINITE );
int result = -1;
printf("GetExitCodeProcess() failed (%d)n", GetLastError() );
printf("The exit code for '%ws' is %dn",(LPTSTR)(strCmd.GetString()), result );
// Close process and thread handles.
CloseHandle( pi.hProcess );
CloseHandle( pi.hThread );
return result;
232k50 gold badges385 silver badges509 bronze badges
answered Jun 25, 2010 at 17:05
1,55516 silver badges14 bronze badges
At one point I needed to accurately push log events from Cygwin to the Windows Event log. I wanted the messages in WEVL to be custom, have the correct exit code, details, priorities, message, etc. So I created a little Bash script to take care of this. Here it is on GitHub, logit.sh.
Some excerpts:
usage: logit.sh [-h] [-p] [-i=n] [-s] <description>
example: logit.sh -p error -i 501 -s myscript.sh "failed to run the mount command"
Here is the temporary file contents part:
LGT_TEMP_FILE="$(mktemp --suffix .cmd)"
@echo off
exit /b %LGT_ID%
unix2dos "$LGT_TEMP_FILE"
Here is a function to to create events in WEVL:
__create_event () {
local cmd="eventcreate /ID $LGT_ID /L Application /SO $LGT_SOURCE /T $LGT_PRIORITY /D "
if [[ "$1" == *';'* ]]; then
local IFS=';'
for i in "$1"; do
$cmd "$i" &>/dev/null
$cmd "$LGT_DESC" &>/dev/null
Executing the batch script and calling on __create_event:
cmd /c "$(cygpath -wa "$LGT_TEMP_FILE")"
answered Feb 28, 2015 at 19:33
4122 silver badges6 bronze badges
Return codes are the codes returned by programs when they are executed. If the command line is successful, it should return zero; if it is not successful, it should return non-zero. If the test fails, a non-zero value indicates the error number, and the user can attempt to resolve it by navigating to the error message.
The test may also return an exit code. A program’s or utility’s exit code usually appears when it finishes or terminates.
The list below includes some of the non-zero exit codes (with their respective errors) that programs may return
Error Code | Description |
0 | Successful completion of the program. |
1 | This error indicates that the Windows command prompt has attempted to execute an unrecognized action |
2 | An error indicating that the file could not be found in the specified location |
3 | An error message indicated that the specified path could not be found. |
5 | An indication that the user is not authorized to access the resource |
90090×2331 | This error occurs when you misspell the command, application name, or path when configuring an Action. |
2212254950xC0000017-1073741801 | The error message tells you that Windows has run out of memory. |
32212257860xC000013A-1073741510 | This indicates that the user terminated the application |
32212257940xC0000142-1073741502 | The message indicating that the application was launched on a desktop to which the current user doesn’t have access |
Batch file error level:
%ERRORLEVEL% is an environment variable that contains the last error level or return code in the batch file – that is, the last error code of the last command executed. Error levels may be checked by using the %ERRORLEVEL% variable as follows:
IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 ( DO_Something )
A common method of returning error codes from batch files is to use the command EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL%.
For custom return codes, use the EXIT /B <exitcodes> command.
In the below example, if the condition is met, the script will terminate with the exit code 0. If the condition isn’t met, then the exit code will be 1.
if [[ "$(whoami)" != root ]]; then echo "Not root user." exit 1 fi echo "root user" exit 0
There have been statements enacted sequentially in the decision-making chapter. Alternatively, Batch Script can also be used to alter the flow of control in a program’s logic. These statements are then organized into flow control statements.
Serial No | Loops | Description |
1 | While Statement Implementation | There is no direct while statement in Batch Script, although labels and an if statement can be used to implement this loop. |
2 | For Statement – List Implementations | Batch files can loop using the “FOR” construct. In order to work with a list of values, the ‘for’ statement requires the following construct. |
3 | Looping through Ranges | ‘For’ statements can also move through ranges of values. A general version is presented below. |
4 | Classic for Loop Implementation | It has the classic ‘for’ statement found in many programming languages. |
5 | Break Statement Implementation | Within any programming language, the break statement is used to alter the flow of control inside a loop. As part of looping constructs, the break statement causes the innermost enclosing loop to terminate immediately |
Looping through Command Line Arguments
For checking command-line arguments, you can use the for statement. Here is an example of how to loop through the arguments of a command line using the ‘for’ statement.
for ((c=1; c<=7; c++)) do echo "Welcome $c times" done
- Overview
- Part 1 – Getting Started
- Part 2 – Variables
- Part 3 – Return Codes
- Part 4 – stdin, stdout, stderr
- Part 5 – If/Then Conditionals
- Part 6 – Loops
- Part 7 – Functions
- Part 8 – Parsing Input
- Part 9 – Logging
- Part 10 – Advanced Tricks
Today we’ll cover return codes as the right way to communicate the outcome of your script’s execution to the world. Sadly, even
skilled Windows programmers overlook the importance of return codes.
Return Code Conventions
By convention, command line execution should return zero when execution succeeds and non-zero when execution fails. Warning messages
typically don’t effect the return code. What matters is did the script work or not?
Checking Return Codes In Your Script Commands
The environmental variable %ERRORLEVEL%
contains the return code of the last executed program or script. A very helpful feature is
the built-in DOS commands like ECHO
, IF
, and SET
will preserve the existing value of %ERRORLEVEL%
The conventional technique to check for a non-zero return code using the NEQ
(Not-Equal-To) operator of the IF
REM do something here to address the error
Another common technique is:
REM do something here to address the error
statement is true when the return code is any number equal to or greater than 1. However, I don’t use this technique because
programs can return negative numbers as well as positive numbers. Most programs rarely document every possible return code, so I’d rather explicity
check for non-zero with the NEQ 0
style than assuming return codes will be 1 or greater on error.
You may also want to check for specific error codes. For example, you can test that an executable program or script is in your PATH by simply
calling the program and checking for return code 9009.
ECHO error - SomeFile.exe not found in your PATH
It’s hard to know this stuff upfront – I generally just use trial and error to figure out the best way to check the return code of the program or
script I’m calling. Remember, this is duct tape programming. It isn’t always pretty, but, it gets the job done.
Conditional Execution Using the Return Code
There’s a super cool shorthand you can use to execute a second command based on the success or failure of a command. The first program/script must
conform to the convention of returning 0 on success and non-0 on failure for this to work.
To execute a follow-on command after sucess, we use the &&
SomeCommand.exe && ECHO SomeCommand.exe succeeded!
To execute a follow-on command after failure, we use the ||
SomeCommand.exe || ECHO SomeCommand.exe failed with return code %ERRORLEVEL%
I use this technique heavily to halt a script when any error is encountered. By default, the command processor will continue executing
when an error is raised. You have to code for halting on error.
A very simple way to halt on error is to use the EXIT
command with the /B
switch (to exit the current batch script context, and not the command
prompt process). We also pass a specific non-zero return code from the failed command to inform the caller of our script about the failure.
SomeCommand.exe || EXIT /B 1
A simliar technique uses the implicit GOTO label called :EOF
(End-Of-File). Jumping to EOF in this way will exit your current script with
the return code of 1.
SomeCommand.exe || GOTO :EOF
Tips and Tricks for Return Codes
I recommend sticking to zero for success and return codes that are positive values for DOS batch files. The positive values are a good idea
because other callers may use the IF ERRORLEVEL 1
syntax to check your script.
I also recommend documenting your possible return codes with easy to read SET
statements at the top of your script file, like this:
Note that I break my own convention here and use uppercase variable names – I do this to denote that the variable is constant and should not
be modified elsewhere. Too bad DOS doesn’t support constant values like Unix/Linux shells.
Some Final Polish
One small piece of polish I like is using return codes that are a power of 2.
This gives me the flexibility to bitwise OR multiple error numbers together if I want to record numerous problems in one error code.
This is rare for scripts intended for interactive use, but, it can be super helpful when writing scripts you support but you don’t
have access to the target systems.
SET /A errno=0
EXIT /B %errno%
If both SomeCommand.exe and OtherCommand.exe fail, the return code will be the bitwise combination of 0x1 and 0x2, or decimal 3. This return code tells
me that both errors were raised. Even better, I can repeatedly call the bitwise OR with the same error code and still interpret which errors were
<< Part 2 – Variables
Part 4 – stdin, stdout, stderr >>
The break statement is used to alter the flow of control inside loops within any programming language. The break statement is normally used in looping constructs and is used to cause immediate termination of the innermost enclosing loop.
Program exit codes
Automation Workshop monitors files and folders on local & network or remote servers like Amazon S3 and SFTP, and executes Actions when files or folders are created, modified, or deleted according to defined conditions · Getting started · See more Automation videos
Let’s debug… the codes
Automation Workshop is a versatile tool that can handle complex automation scenarios including launching external apps therefore advanced error handling and debug capability is an essential part of process automation. Some Run Actions may complete with errorlevels or exit codes…
…that indicate the termination status of executed Command or Application.
Exit codes
Program exit codes allow determining the specific reason for command’s or application’s termination. Although Automation Workshop shows codes in decimal format, they are also referred to as hexadecimal or negative decimal values.
Code 0
Program successfully completed.
Code 1
Incorrect function.
Indicates that Action has attempted to execute non-recognized command in Windows command prompt cmd.exe .
Code 2
The system cannot find the file specified.
Indicates that the file can not be found in specified location.
Code 3
The system cannot find the path specified.
Indicates that the specified path can not be found.
Code 5
Access is denied.
Indicates that user has no access right to specified resource.
Code 9009
0x2331 · 2331 · 9,009
Program is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Indicates that command, application name or path has been misspelled when configuring the Actions—Run CMD Command or Start App.
Code 2147942545
-2147024751 · 0x80070091 · 80070091 · 2,147,942,545
The directory is not empty.
System attempted to delete a folder that was supposed to be empty but it isn’t. Extremely rarely, the Remove Folder Action may experience this error when deleting folders within a path of about 32,000 characters deep. In a few seconds/minutes Windows will enumerate files, and the problem will vanish upon retrying to remove the folder again.
Code 3221225477
-1073741819 · 0xC0000005 · C0000005 · 3,221,225,477
Access violation.
Indicates that the executed program has terminated abnormally or crashed.
Code 3221225495
-1073741801 · 0xC0000017 · C0000017 · 3,221,225,495
Not enough virtual memory is available.
Indicates that Windows has run out of memory. Observe Automation Workshop memory usage via the Operations Manager.
Code 3221225786
-1073741510 · 0xC000013A · C000013A · 3,221,225,786
The application terminated as a result of a CTRL+C.
Indicates that the application has been terminated either by user’s keyboard input CTRL+C , or CTRL+Break , or closing command prompt window.
Code 3221225794
-1073741502 · 0xC0000142 · C0000142 · 3,221,225,794
The application failed to initialize properly.
Indicates that the application has been launched on a Desktop to which current user has no access rights. Another possible cause is that either gdi32.dll or user32.dll has failed to initialize.
Code 3221226505
-1073740791 · 0xC0000409 · C0000409 · 3,221,226,505
Stack buffer overflow / overrun.
Error can indicate a bug in the executed software that causes stack overflow, leading to abnormal termination of the software.
Code 3221225725
-1073741571 · 0xC00000FD · C00000FD · 3,221,225,725
Stack overflow / exhaustion.
Error can indicate a bug in the executed software that causes stack overflow, leading to abnormal termination of the software.
Code 3762507597
-532459699 · 0xE0434F4D · E0434F4D · 3,762,507,597
Unhandled exception in .NET application.
More details may be available in Windows Event log.
Help more?
For some error codes, Windows may provide a more friendly error message. NET HELPMSG displays information about Windows network messages (such as errors, warnings, and alerts). When you type NET HELPMSG and the error code (for example, net helpmsg 2182 ), Windows tells you more about the error code and may suggest actions to solve the issue.
Not enough memory resources are available to process this command.
This will only work for Windows API Win32 error codes that originate from Microsoft Windows. If net help does not return a valid result, it can mean that the problem originates in external processes such as executed application or command syntax.
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Коды возвратов ошибок в утилитах cmd.
Для корректного выполнения bat-ников, иногда необходимо добавить информацию об исключении действий, а также выводу сообщений об успешном или «не очень» завершении программы и утилиты.
0 | Операция успешно завершена. |
1 | Предупреждение. Произошли некритические ошибки. |
2 | Произошла критическая ошибка. |
3 | Неверная контрольная сумма CRC32. Данные повреждены. |
4 | Предпринята попытка изменить заблокированный архив. |
5 | Произошла ошибка записи на диск. |
6 | Произошла ошибка открытия файла. |
7 | Ошибка при указании параметра в командной строке. |
8 | Недостаточно памяти для выполнения операции. |
9 | Ошибка при создании файла. |
10 | Нет файлов, удовлетворяющих указанной маске, и параметров. |
255 | Операция была прервана пользователем. |
Код возврата
Описание |
0 | No problems occurred. |
1 | Generic error code. |
2 | Parse error—for instance, when parsing command-line options, the ‘.wgetrc’ or ‘.netrc’… |
3 | File I/O error. |
4 | Network failure. |
5 | SSL verification failure. |
6 | Username/password authentication failure. |
7 | Protocol errors. |
8 | Server issued an error response. |
Код |
Описание |
0 | Успешное завершение/Program suseccfully completed. |
4 | Файл не найден/The system cannot find the file specified. |
4 | Доступ запрещён/Access is denied. Нет прав доступа к ресурсу. |
4 | Невозможно скопировать файл поверх самого себя/The file cannot be copied onto itself |
errorlevel = 0, даже если пользователь ответил «Не заменять файл»
Код |
Описание |
0 | Успешное завершение/Program suseccfully completed. |
1 | Файл не найден/The system cannot find the file specified. |
1 | Доступ запрещён/Access is denied. Нет прав доступа к ресурсу. |
1 | Невозможно скопировать файл поверх самого себя/The file cannot be copied onto itself |
errorlevel = 0, даже если пользователь ответил «Не заменять файл»
Популярные сообщения из этого блога
КБК. КВФО — Код вида финансового обеспечения (деятельности)
НПА: Приказ Минфина России от 01.12.2010 N 157н Письмо Минфина России от 18 января 2018 г. N 02-06-10/2715 В целях организации и ведения бухгалтерского учета, утверждения Рабочего плана счетов применяются следующие коды вида финансового обеспечения (деятельности): для государственных (муниципальных) учреждений, организаций, осуществляющих полномочия получателя бюджетных средств, финансовых органов соответствующих бюджетов и органов, осуществляющих их кассовое обслуживание: 1 — деятельность, осуществляемая за счет средств соответствующего бюджета бюджетной системы Российской Федерации (бюджетная деятельность); 2 — приносящая доход деятельность (собственные доходы учреждения); 3 — средства во временном распоряжении; 4 — субсидии на выполнение государственного (муниципального) задания; 5 — субсидии на иные цели; 6 — субсидии на цели осуществления капитальных вложений; 7 — средства по обязательному медицинскому страхованию; для отражения органами Федерального казн
TRUNCATE / DELETE / DROP или как очистить таблицу
ИМЕЕМ: Таблица MSG (сообщения) с большим количеством записей. SQL> CREATE TABLE msg (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, description CHAR (50) NOT NULL, date_create DATE); ЗАДАЧА: Необходимо очистить таблицу от данных РЕШЕНИЕ: Для решения данной задачи есть несколько способов. Ниже описание и пример каждого из них. Способ №1 — используем DELETE Самый простой способ (первый вариант) — выполнение оператора удаления записи. При его выполнении вы будете видеть результат (сколько записей удалено). Удобная штука когда необходимо точно знать и понимать правильные ли данные удалены. НО имеет недостатки перед другими вариантами решения поставленной задачи. SQL> DELETE FROM msg; —Удалит все строки в таблице SQL> DELETE FROM msg WHERE date_create = ‘2019.02.01’; —Удалит все строки у которых дата создания «2019.02.01» Способ №2 — используем TRUNCATE Использование оператора DML для очистки всех строк в та
Linux (РедОС). Сброс пароля
Используется ОС РедОС 7.1, которая установлена в VBox. В процессе установки ОС, был задан только пароль для «root», дополнительных пользователей не создавалось. В рекомендациях на сайте производителя ОС указано: Помимо администратора РЕД ОС (root) в систему необходимо добавить, по меньшей мере, одного обычного пользователя. Работа от имени администратора РЕД ОС считается опасной (можно по неосторожности повредить систему), поэтому повседневную работу в РЕД ОС следует выполнять от имени обычного пользователя, полномочия которого ограничены. После перезапуска и попытке войти в систему под root, система выдает сообщение «Не сработало .попробуйте еще раз». Поэтому для решения проблемы было решено создать пользователя, для этого выполняем такие действия: После загрузки, в момент выбора системы, быстро нажимаем стрелки вверх и вниз (приостанавливаем обратный отсчет). Выбираем ядро и нажимаем «e». Находим строку, которая относится к ядру: здесь будет ряд «boot parameter
ТФФ 34.0. Полный перечень документов альбома ТФФ (Таблица 2)
Для удобства и поиска информации по томам, маркерам и обозначении версии ТФФ. Таблица актуальна — версия 34.0 — (дата начала действия с 01.01.2023 г.) Ссылки на предыдущие версии форматов: ТФФ 33.0 — https://albafoxx.blogspot.com/2021/01/320-2.html ТФФ 32.0 — https://albafoxx.blogspot.com/2020/01/310-2.html ТФФ 31.0 — https://albafoxx.blogspot.com/2020/01/310-2.html ТФФ 30.0 — https://albafoxx.blogspot.com/2019/12/300-2.html ТФФ 29.0 — https://albafoxx.blogspot.com/2019/05/290-2.html ТФФ 28.0 — https://albafoxx.blogspot.com/2019/04/2.html Наименование документа (справочника) Маркер Номер версии ТФО документа № тома Казначейское уведомление SU TXSU190101 2 Расходное расписание, Реестр расходных расписаний AP TXAP190101 1 Перечень целевых субсидий TL TXTL170101 1 Уведомление (протокол), Ин
SQL Error [53200]: ОШИБКА: нехватка разделяемой памяти Подсказка: Возможно, следует увеличить параметр max_locks_per_transaction
При выполнении запросов на БД (Postgres) возникла ошибка: 24.02.21 13:50:38.219,main,ERROR,ExecSql,null com.bssys.db.jdbc.DBSQLException: ОШИБКА: нехватка разделяемой памяти Подсказка: Возможно, следует увеличить параметр max_locks_per_transaction. Подробная информация по параметру здесь . Коротко ниже: max_locks_per_transaction (integer) Этот параметр управляет средним числом блокировок объектов, выделяемым для каждой транзакции; отдельные транзакции могут заблокировать и больше объектов, если все они умещаются в таблице блокировок. Значение по умолчанию = 64 рядом также находится параметр max_pred_locks_per_transaction (integer) В файле postgresql.conf (Postgres/data/) указано так: #———————————————————————- # LOCK MANAGEMENT #———————————————————————- #deadlock_timeout = 1s # max_locks_per_transaction = 64 # min 10 # (change requires restart) # max_pred_locks_per_transaction = 64
Провел небольшой тест.
Развернуть код
Bash | ||
Один раз получил странную ошибку. Copy скопировала файл, после чего написала, что «я такого имени не знаю…» =)) Error 9009
По итогам +Errorlevel:
Код |
Описание |
0 | Успешное завершение/Program suseccfully completed. |
4 | Файл не найден/The system cannot find the file specified. |
4 | Доступ запрещён/Access is denied. Нет прав доступа к ресурсу. |
4 | Невозможно скопировать файл поверх самого себя/The file cannot be copied onto itself |
errorlevel = 0, даже, если пользователь ответил «Не заменять файл».
Также видим, что в случаях с защищенной правами папкой или когда файл не существует
мы получаем Errorlevel 1 (а не ожидаемые дефолтовые 5 и 2 соответственно).
Код |
Описание |
0 | Успешное завершение/Program suseccfully completed. |
1 | Файл не найден/The system cannot find the file specified. |
1 | Доступ запрещён/Access is denied. Нет прав доступа к ресурсу. |
1 | Невозможно скопировать файл поверх самого себя/The file cannot be copied onto itself |
errorlevel = 0, даже если пользователь ответил «Не заменять файл»
Чтобы консоль задала этот вопрос:
1) для одиночного файла нужно указать ключ /-y
2) для маски файлов работает по-умолчанию. Обратная операция — «принудительная замена»: ключ /y
Сравнение copy с verify off
1) без ключа
2) с ключем /v
показало, что в большинстве случаев с верификацией для копирования файла в ~250 МБ затрачивается на ~1,5 сек. больше времени. Не знаю, что именно оно проверяет, но уж файл точно целиком не считывается.
By Matthew Adams 🕤 Updated on January 27, 2023 at 9:30 am
Automation Workshop monitors files and folders on local & network or remote servers like Amazon S3 and SFTP, and executes Actions when files or folders are created, modified, or deleted according to defined conditions · Getting started · See more Automation videos
Let’s debug… the codes
Automation Workshop is a versatile tool that can handle complex automation scenarios including launching external apps therefore advanced error handling and debug capability is an essential part of process automation. Some Run Actions may complete with errorlevels or exit codes…
- Run CMD Command · Advanced · Variables · Events 68000, 68002, 68202, and 68402
- Start App · Advanced · Variables · Events 67000, 67002, 67202, and 67402
- Terminate App · Options · Variables · Events 420000, 420001, and 420400
- Remote FTP Command · Options · Variables · Events 338000 and 338402
- Remote SSH Command · Options · Variables · Events 337000 and 337402
…that indicate the termination status of executed Command or Application.
Exit codes
Program exit codes allow determining the specific reason for command’s or application’s termination. Although Automation Workshop shows codes in decimal format, they are also referred to as hexadecimal or negative decimal values.
Code 0
Program successfully completed.
Code 1
Incorrect function.
Indicates that Action has attempted to execute non-recognized command in Windows command prompt cmd.exe
Code 2
The system cannot find the file specified.
Indicates that the file can not be found in the specified location. Most likely the folder structure / path is configured correctly, however the file name is either misspelled or file is missing.
Code 3
The system cannot find the path specified.
Indicates that the specified path can not be found.
Code 4
The system cannot open the file.
A path to the file is specified correctly, however, the user credentials do not contain necessary permissions to the specified resource. Use Run As feature to grant access to a local file or network path.
Code 5
Access is denied.
Indicates that user has no access right to specified resource.
Code 9009
· 2331
· 9,009
Program is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Indicates that command, application name or path has been misspelled when configuring the Actions—Run CMD Command or Start App.
Code 2147942545
· 0x80070091
· 80070091
· 2,147,942,545
The directory is not empty.
System attempted to delete a folder that was supposed to be empty but it isn’t. Extremely rarely, the Remove Folder Action may experience this error when deleting folders within a path of about 32,000 characters deep. In a few seconds/minutes Windows will enumerate files, and the problem will vanish upon retrying to remove the folder again.
Code 3221225477
· 0xC0000005
· C0000005
· 3,221,225,477
Access violation.
Indicates that the executed program has terminated abnormally or crashed.
Code 3221225495
· 0xC0000017
· C0000017
· 3,221,225,495
Not enough virtual memory is available.
Indicates that Windows has run out of memory. Observe Automation Workshop memory usage via the Operations Manager.
Code 3221225786
· 0xC000013A
· C000013A
· 3,221,225,786
The application terminated as a result of a CTRL+C.
Indicates that the application has been terminated either by user’s keyboard input CTRL+C
, or CTRL+Break
, or closing command prompt window.
Code 3221225794
· 0xC0000142
· C0000142
· 3,221,225,794
The application failed to initialize properly.
Usually for interactive apps a user with administrator rights is required. Moreover, the user must log on at least once to allow Windows to prepare the Windows Station and Desktop.
This error also may indicate that the application has been launched on a Desktop to which the current user has no access rights. Another less possible cause is that either gdi32.dll
or user32.dll
has failed to initialize.
Code 3221226505
· 0xC0000409
· C0000409
· 3,221,226,505
Stack buffer overflow / overrun.
Error can indicate a bug in the executed software that causes stack overflow, leading to abnormal termination of the software.
Code 3221225725
· 0xC00000FD
· C00000FD
· 3,221,225,725
Stack overflow / exhaustion.
Error can indicate a bug in the executed software that causes stack overflow, leading to abnormal termination of the software.
Code 3762507597
· 0xE0434F4D
· E0434F4D
· 3,762,507,597
Unhandled exception in .NET application.
More details may be available in Windows Event log.
Code X
User-defined custom exit code.
Applications can return any predefined and custom codes, if they are programmed to do so. Additionally, Automation Workshop allows terminating apps directly from automated workflows providing any exit code. Valid value range: 0
through 4,294,967,295
Help more?
For some error codes, Windows may provide a more friendly error message. NET HELPMSG
displays information about Windows network messages (such as errors, warnings, and alerts). When you type NET HELPMSG
and the error code (for example, net helpmsg 2182
), Windows tells you more about the error code and may suggest actions to solve the issue.
net helpmsg 8
Not enough memory resources are available to process this command.
This will only work for Windows API Win32 error codes that originate from Microsoft Windows. If net help does not return a valid result, it can mean that the problem originates in external processes such as executed application or command syntax.
More Run…
- Start App · Overview · Variables & Events
- Run CMD Command · Overview · Variables & Events
- Remote FTP Command · Overview · Variables & Events
- Remote SSH Command · Overview · Variables & Events
- Execute Script · Overview · Variables & Events
- Open Document · Overview · Variables & Events
- Start Task · Overview · Variables & Events
- Stop Task · Overview · Variables & Events
More ways to Run…
- API · Run Task using API
- Remote Manager · Remote Operations · Remote deployment · Run Remote Tasks
- Interactive · Desktop Shortcut · Tray Icon · Command line
- Advanced fallback · On Task Error · On Action Error
- Post-execution events
Automation Workshop includes many more awesome Triggers and numerous Actions to aid you to automate any repetitive computer or business task by providing state-of-the-art GUI tools.
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