Winerror 1117 the request could not be performed because of an i o device error

Перестал открываться диск SSD. Ошибка ввода/вывода WinError 1117 SSD Решение и ответ на вопрос 2114731


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08.11.2017, 17:15


Сообщение от Mike777
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Может не так спрашиваю?

Дело в том, что у вас ничего не определяется спец.софтом, и это пугает. Бывает, сюда приходят с проблемами, типа: порушенная файловая система, либо наудаляли разделов, либо Акронис, либо бэды, либо что-то вроде этого. Суть в том, что физически у них есть доступ к хранилищу информации (блинам, либо микросхемам памяти), просто в этом хранилище что-то где-то не так. Ну а у вас, судя по тому, что и ДМДЕ и Р-студио грустно разводят руками и нет возможности увидеть смарт, ситуация в том, что как раз к хранилищу информации-то доступа и нет. По крайней мере, мне так кажется. Тобто с данными может быть всё прекрасно, но они недоступны, а может — всё пропало, но мы об этом не узнаем. Поэтому будет логичным предположить проблемы с той частью ССД, которая, собственно, и осущестляет этот доступ, т.е. — с контроллером. А это уже такая шняга, что даже жесткие диски с таким глюком чаще всего идут в сервис, т.к. там нужно перепаивать детали. Но у ЖД контроллер — это отдельная платка, а у вас весь ССД на одной плате, понимаете? Если туда самому полезть, даже если найдётся точно такой же донор — то есть шанс всё порушить, т.к. лично у меня не набита рука и нет четкого понимания ситуации (ни разу этого не делал).

Сообщение от Mike777
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А что есть большая разница в случае программного восстановления данных с SSD и HDD?

Да тут как раз и прикол в том, что если бы информацию можно было восстановить софтом — то мы бы её уже восстановили. Но в реальности — доступа к ней нет. А вот тут уже начинаются отличия. Когда приходит в сервис человек с ЖД — они берут диск-донор, точно такой же, и из двух дисков собирают один, который позволит вытащить информацию. А вот в случае ССД — всё сложно, потому что там не блины, а микросхемы. Им придётся наверное выпаивать из ССД память и считывать ей по очереди на PC3000 flash, либо они попытаются пересадить контроллер, ну что-то в этом роде. Но это уже как бы совсем другая история.


I don’t know which is worse, the problem or the “solution”

In her post, Lara Jones listed one cause/solution for File Errors:

·         The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error

Symptoms:   This message indicates that a hard drive controller driver is waiting for an overlapped read/write operation to complete.

Cause:   This is usually caused by problems with a faulty hard drive controller driver or possible hard drive hardware problems or MFT corruption. MFT corruption will indicate WINERROR 1117 STATUS_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.

Resolution:  Ensure that you are using the proper driver for your hard drive controller that is certified to work with Windows Server 2003.  If the problem persists, replace the hard drive controller with a supported make or model. For MFT corruption, run chkdsk /x c:fs* from a command prompt.

I logged onto my server remote desktop, opened a command promt and ran chkdsk /x c:fs*

That produced the following error:

Microsoft Windows [Version 5.2.3790]

(C) Copyright 1985-2003 Microsoft Corp.

C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>chkdsk /x c:fs*

The drive, the path, or the file name is not valid.

C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>

I checked the Seagate web site for a driver and Seagate had this to say:


Any driver needed for the proper function of one of these types of hard drive will be provided by the operating system (ie, Windows or MacOS) or from the motherboard manufacturer.  Most of the time, you will want to contact the manufacturer of your motherboard for more information regarding drivers.

In my mind, this isn’t helpful. It’s a waste of time for a problem Microsoft cannot solve and failed to fully test before fielding the product.

  • Moved by

    Wednesday, June 10, 2009 9:28 AM
    Not related to bookmark forum (From:Social Bookmarks Discussion Forum)

The following list shows common file conflict messages and the common steps to resolve the issues. If you still cannot resolve the issue or if you receive a message that is not on this list, submit a bug to Microsoft.

File is Open

Files that remain open for more than 24 hours are reported with a “File is open” conflict warning. Files must be closed so the Drive Extender (DE) migrator process can duplicate them. If a file is never closed, the Drive Extender migrator process will not be able to make a second copy of the file on a second hard drive. 

This conflict can also occur with media sharing. If you have computers or Media Center Extenders that monitor shared folders on Windows Home Server, stop monitoring the shared folders until DE can make a pass and set your computer or Media Center Extender to monitor the shared folder again

The system cannot find the drive specified

 A device attached to the system is not functioning

Symptoms:   These messages indicate that Windows Home Server cannot find a hard drive that was added to Server Storage on your home server.

Cause:   This is usually happens if the hard drive is turned off or if a hard drive cable is disconnected.  

Resolution:  Ensure that all hard drive cables are connected, and that any external hard drives are turned on before you turn on your home server.  If the problem persists, replace the hard drive cables. As a last resort, consider replacing the hard drive.

If the hard drive is permanently damaged, remove it using the Storage tab on the Console to  save at least the duplicated files.

The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation

Symptoms:   This message indicates that a tombstone file is pointing to a shadow file that no longer exists on the home server.  

Cause:   This usually happens if there are hardware problems with one or more hard drives or if a non-certified anti-virus application is quarantining the shadow files, while leaving the tombstone files intact.

Resolution:  Delete the files identified in the File Conflict messages. The data for these files no longer exist on your home server or the data is in an incorrect state.
In some cases you may not be able to delete the file from your home server using the home server shared folder.  If this happens, use the following procedure to delete the files.

1.     Access the Windows Home Server desktop. To do this, use the steps described in the section titled “How to Access the Windows Home Server Administrator’s Desktop…” later in this document.

2.     From the administrator’s desktop open a command prompt window on your home server and

3.     From the command prompt, navigate to the file indicated in the warning message, starting at D:shares. For example, to clear a hidden file attribute, use the following steps:

4.     Open a command prompt window and using D:shares as a stating part, navigate to the path where your file is located.

5.     Type:  attrib -h  [[Drive:][Path] FileName] /s /d and hit enterTo delete the file, type DEL [filename] and hit enter

The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable

Data error (cyclic redundancy check)

The system cannot find message text for message number *** in the message file

Symptoms:   These messages indicate that the Windows Home Server operating system has found a hard drive with bad sectors or some other intermittent problem. In addition, the following messages may also appear in the Windows Home Server System Event Log:

Event ID



The device, [device name], has a bad block.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at .


Application popup: Windows — Corrupt File : The file or directory  [File path is corrupt and unreadable. Please run the Chkdsk utility


The file system structure on the disk is corrupt and unusable. Please run the chkdsk utility on the volume [volume name].

Cause:   This is usually caused by hard drive hardware problems.

Resolution:  Try to correct the problem by running a full surface scan of the hard drives in your home server:

1.     Ensure your home computers are not accessing files in your home server shared folders.

2.     Use the steps described below to access the Windows Home Server administrator’s desktop.

3.     Open a command prompt window.

4.     Type the following command at the command prompt to perform a full surface scan of the primary hard drive:
      chkdsk /r
Confirm the volume dismount.

5.     Repeat the scan for the other hard drives by typing the following command at the command prompt:
      for  /d  %1  in  (c:fs*)  do  chkdsk  /x  /r  %1

6.     Depending on the size of the hard drives and the amount of data stored on your home server, the chkdsk command may take many hours to complete.

7.     While chkdsk runs, additional file conflicts such as “The system cannot find the drive specified” may occur. This is to be expected because chkdsk dismounts the data volumes to complete its operation.

More information about chkdsk can be found at

If the problem happens again, add a new hard drive and remove the failing hard drive by using Server Storage tab on the Console.  If you have enough free space, you can remove it without losing any files.

If you are unable to remove the hard drive using the Server Storage tab, try the following:

1.     Disconnect the hard drive from your home server.

2.     Remove the hard drive using the Console Server Storage tab. The disconnected hard drive has a “Missing” status.

The semaphore timeout period has expired

The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error

Symptoms:   This message indicates that a hard drive controller driver is waiting for an overlapped read/write operation to complete.

Cause:   This is usually caused by problems with a faulty hard drive controller driver or possible hard drive hardware problems or MFT corruption. MFT corruption will indicate WINERROR 1117 STATUS_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR.

Resolution:  Ensure that you are using the proper driver for your hard drive controller that is certified to work with Windows Server 2003.  If the problem persists, replace the hard drive controller with a supported make or model. For MFT corruption, run chkdsk /x c:fs* from a command prompt.

The parameter is incorrect

Symptoms:   Usually seen when copying files to home server shared folders.

Cause:   Usually due to two hard drives which have the same free space available.

Resolution:  Try to correct the problem, stop the copy operation and resume once the file conflicts disappear.

How to Access the Windows Home Server Administrator’s Desktop

To connect to your Windows Home Server Administrator’s Desktop from any home computer running Windows XP Professional, follow these steps:

1.     On your home computer, click Start, click All Programs, then click Accessories.

2.     In the Accessories menu, click Communications, and then click Remote Desktop Connection. Or press Windows + R keys, type mstsc.exe and Hit Enter

3.     In the Computer text box, type the name of your home server.

4.     Click Connect.

5.     When the Log On to Windows dialog box appears, type “Administrator” as the user name and type your Windows Home Server Console password for the password, and then click OK.

6.     The Remote Desktop window opens, and you see the desktop settings, files, and programs that are on your home server.

To connect to your Windows Home Server Administrator’s Desktop from any home computer running Windows Vista Business or Ultimate or Enterprise editions, follow these steps:

1.     On your home computer, click Start, click All Programs, and then click Accessories.

2.     In the Accessories menu, click Remote Desktop Connection.

3.     In the Computer text box, type the name of your home server.

4.     Click Connect.

5.     When the Log On to Windows dialog box appears, type “Administrator” as the user name and type your Windows Home Server Console password for the password, and then click OK.

6.     The Remote Desktop window opens, and you see the desktop settings, files, and programs that are on your home server.

Lara Jones [MSFT] | Program Manager
Community Support and Beta | Windows Home Server Team
Windows Home Server Team Blog
Connect Windows Home Server
Windows Home Server

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