Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
Форум Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
Где смена языка?
25 февраля 2020
Крч как сменить язык в игре??? на пиратке,скачал игру через все топ захожу всё на инглише чекаю все файлы а смена языка нету что за ху*ята?
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Обновлено: 09.02.2023
При некоторых обстоятельствах, мы можем попросить прислать нам ваши сохранённые игры.
Найти их можно вот так:
В Steam кликнуть правой кнопкой по игре -> «Свойства» -> «Локальные файлы» -> «Просмотреть локальные файлы» -> папка «media_soviet» -> папка «save».
Для удобства общения, есть два сервера в Discord.
Первый [] официальный международный, но там есть русскоязычный канал.
Второй [] только русскоязычный.
В обоих серверах вы можете описать ваши проблемы.
Также мы можем попросить прислать нам лог-файл.
Взять его можно по пути:
. steamappscommonSovietRepublic
Либо правой кнопкой в Steam по игре -> «Свойства» -> «Локальные файлы» -> «Просмотреть локальные файлы» -> «log.html».
Упаковываете его в ZIP-архив и отправляете его через Discord в общий канал поддержки с кратким описанием проблемы (можно сделать описание на русском).
Скриншоты с проблемами очень помогают нам их локализовывать. Не стесняйтесь отправлять нам найденные ошибки и неточности в переводе посредством Discord’а с их описаниями и пометками.
Пройдите в папку «media_soviet», расположенную в корневой директории игры.
Удалите там файл «config.ini». После этого, запустите настройки игры из меню Steam, выберете нужные вам параметры, сохраните их и запустите игру.
Если вы поиграли какое-то время, а потом запускаете игру во второй раз, и при этом она вываливается на рабочий стол, то вам надо удалить файл «config.ini», расположенный в папке «media_soviet».
После этого, запустите настройки игры из меню Steam, выберете нужные вам параметры, сохраните их и запустите игру.
Нет меню строительства и/или интерфейса вовсе;
Курсор мышки не доходит до конца экрана
Запустите настройки игры из меню Steam, выберете нужное вам разрешение экрана, сохраните настройки и запустите игру. Также в настройках игры вам может помочь переход на оконный режим
Подключите любое аудиоустройство к компьютеру: USB-колонки, Bluetooth-наушники и прочее, если оно у вас отсутствует в системе.
Без подобных устройств игра не запускается. Проблема будет решена чуть позже.
Такая проблема, зачастую, встречается у пользователей ноутбуков.
Вам нужно в настройках видеодрайвера переключиться со Встроенного видеоадаптера на Дискретную видеокарту (включить высокопроизводительный профиль).
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
15 мар. 2019 в 7:15
Right click on the name of game, choose load configuration tool and change the language.
15 мар. 2019 в 7:16
15 мар. 2019 в 7:17
Right click on the name of game, choose load configuration tool and change the language.
15 мар. 2019 в 7:17
15 мар. 2019 в 7:19
Right click on the name of game, choose load configuration tool and change the language.
15 мар. 2019 в 7:19
15 мар. 2019 в 7:19
Для удобства общения, есть два Discord-сервера.
Первый — — официальный международный, но там есть русскоговорящий канал.
Второй — — только русскоговорящий.
В обоих вы можете описать ваши проблемы.
• Отправка сохранённых игр
При некоторых обстоятельствах, мы можем попросить прислать нам ваши сохранённые игры.
Найти их можно вот так:
В Steam кликнуть правой кнопкой мыши по игре -> «Свойства» -> «Локальные файлы» -> «Просмотреть локальные файлы» -> папка «media_soviet» -> папка «save»
Также мы можем попросить прислать нам лог-файл.
В Steam кликнуть правой кнопкой мыши по игре -> «Свойства» -> «Локальные файлы» -> «Просмотреть локальные файлы» -> log.html
Упаковываете его в ZIP-архив и отправляете его через Discord в общий канал поддержки с кратким описанием проблемы (можно сделать описание на русском).
Скриншоты с проблемами очень помогают нам локализовывать эти самые проблемы. Не стесняйтесь отправлять нам найденные ошибки и неточности в переводе посредством Discord с их описаниями и пометками.
• Игра не запускается (первый запуск)
Пройдите в папку «media_soviet», расположенную в корневой директории с игрой.
Удалите там файл «config.ini». После этого, запустите настройки игры из меню Steam, выберите нужные вам параметры, сохраните их и запустите игру.
• Игра не работает (второй запуск или более)
Если вы поиграли какое-то время, а потом запускаете игру во второй раз, при этом она вываливается на Рабочий стол, то вам надо удалить файл «config.ini», расположенный в папке «media_soviet».
После этого, запустите настройки игры из меню Steam, выберите нужные вам параметры, сохраните их и запустите игру.
• Курсор мыши не доходит до конца экрана
Запустите настройки игры из меню Steam, выберите нужное вам разрешение экрана, сохраните настройки и запустите игру. Также в настройках игры вам может помочь переход на оконный режим.
• Проблема с электричеством
Необходимо сбросить данные, используя комбинацию «E + L + C».
Метод установки: содержимое архива, то есть папку 1821761929 распаковать в директорию игры Workers Resources Soviet Republicmedia_sovietworkshop_wip если папки workshop_wip нет,то создайте её.
Если у вас уже стоят свои моды в папке workshop_wip,то заходим в свой мод и открываем файл workshopconfig копируем цифры из $OWNER_ID и вставляем в тот мод который я вам предоставил,в папку workshop_wip,после $OWNER_ID
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic «Рижский Технический Университет»
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic «Липецкий вокзал»
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic «Бокситовый горно-обогатительный комбинат»
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Workers & Resources Soviet Republic – оригинальная игра в стиле стратегии, где все действия происходят в режиме реального времени. Здесь у тебя будет возможность самостоятельно, с нуля развивать огромный мегаполис, делая его многофункциональным и масштабным. Время игры отправит тебя во времена СССР, поэтому законы и правила здесь достаточно отличаются от сегодняшнего времени. Все, что ты увидишь в мире, куда отправишься, будет напоминать тебе Советский Союз, начиная от автомобилей и заканчивая зданиями. Для начала ты можешь создать небольшой мегаполис и взять под контроль все аспекты его деятельности. Затем смело принимайся за развитие своих владений, чтобы в конечном итоге добиться положительного результата и создать настоящую республику. Ты будешь контролировать экономику государства, инфраструктуры, инвестиции, поставки продуктов и полезных ресурсов, а также заботиться о боевой готовности, чтобы смело дать отпор врагу. Особое внимание тебе нужно уделить именно транспортной отрасли, которая поможет тебе обеспечить хорошую логистику и развивать другие сферы правления. Состоит быть внимательным к каждому пункту, а также не забывать следить за жизнью населения, чтобы оно было комфортным и безопасным.
Обновлено до v0.8.8.19
Информация о игре
Год выпуска: 2019
Жанр: Инди, Симуляторы, Стратегии, Ранний доступ
Разработчик: 3Division
Версия: v0.8.8.19 (Последняя)
Язык интерфейса: английский, русский
Таблетка: Присутствует
Минимальные системные требования
Операционная система: Windows 7, 8, 10
Процессор: 2,5 GHz двух-ядерный
Оперативная память: 8Гб
Видеокарта: поддержка DirectX 11
Памяти на Жестком Диске: 5Гб
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Последние обновления7
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Кстати есть русификатор к игре. Проверил- всё работает. Тема в стиме
Скачалось и установилось быстро. Всё работает. Спасибо!))
Это оффлайн аккаунт, т.е предоставляет доступ к игре, через оффлайн активацию стим. Проще говоря, вы приобретаете доступ к игре, через аккаунт другого человека, а не напрямую
Hogwarts Legacy
Объясни мне вот что. Скачал торрент у Механиков на 84.5 гига. В коментах пишут взломана. Установил игру. Появился стим и в нём 6 игры включая Хогварт. Далее предлагают
Hogwarts Legacy
Как и писали выше, все зависит от empress. Как только она взломает защиту, будет и торрент. Но когда это будет, не известно, она ранее упомянула, что в течении 10 дней после
Hogwarts Legacy
moder_rutor, нормальный кряк не предвидится ?
Bus World
Ого, не знал, что это Путин заставил издателей запрещать их игры в нашем регионе.
Ну, судя по постам empress, с взломом новой Monster Hunter у нее возникли большие проблемы(т.к denuvo был полностью обновлен) и она говорила о том, что возможно не справится, но
Hogwarts Legacy
Ну оптимизация вполне хорошая, если rtx включать, может немного проседать в некоторых моментах(именно на вашей системе),а так в целом, будут стабильные кадры.
Hogwarts Legacy
Скажите, а эта игра только для прохождения по сети, я правильно понял?
Gotham Knights
Надеюсь это рофл. Если так, то новички бы реально бросили и не поняли бы почему игру хвалят. Если не рофл, то нужно зайти в модификации (или дополнения. качал давно, поэтому не
Итак! Скачал сие объемное чудо в 70 гигов Windows edition, час устанавливал +105гигов. Запустил и понять ничего не могу… У меня вместо персонажей чибисы как в покет эдишн. Как
а че там по оптимизации? Заявленным системным требованиям не верю, как и всегда. На i5-11300H и rtx 3050 будет работать в 1080р, или такое себе?
Hogwarts Legacy
да я вот тоже играю, вроде красиво, вроде хорошая боевка, сюжет как и во всех играх по стандарту, пока я не видел интриг как в скайриме например, но я и поиграл мало пока, ну чет
Hogwarts Legacy
На сайте есть сортировка по языку (ру, англ). В некоторых публикациях допущены ошибки в инфо/метках по языку. О проблеме знаем, исправление в процессе.
Ghost Marriage Matchmaking
Русского нет, но игра находится в разделе «Русская озвучка». Это вымораживает просто. Добавили бы фильтр по языку.
Ghost Marriage Matchmaking
Пишет «Не удалось удачно подключиться» когда идёт подключение к другу. Не могу понять, что делать дальше
В каждой категории и подкатегории (метке) есть сортировка по году, и в каждой публикации можно кликнуть на год (рядом с постером поле Дата выхода), и справа сверху (рядом с
Half-Life 2: Evacuation
Господа админы,если бы была возможность выбрать опцию поиска игр по дате выхода,я как и многие пользователи сайта были бы премного благодарны,ибо копание в ебенях анонсов и
Half-Life 2: Evacuation
Game versions are pending a move to separate pages for each main version.
Current version is (released on November 30, 2022). Change logs below are taken from Steam.
(Test version is 0.8.8.x (released on September 11, 2022).)
Version | Date of addition | Notes |
1.0.0 | Upcoming | Out of early access update, with game experience polishing, SFX finaliation, perform optimizations. Corrections and polishing for translations and text alignments. |
0.9.1 | Upcoming | Tutorial & Western vehicle update, with a new tutorial added for better undertanding of the game. New western vehicles in each category from the 60’s to the 90’s. Many more western trains, ships, helicopters and airplanes. |
0.9.0 | Upcoming | Waste management update, adding waste mechanics, with collecting and processing buildings, new trucks for waste collection and new residential building needs. |
0.8.9 | Upcoming | Researches & Mods incorporation update, adding more univeristy researches for medical, technical and for the soviet party. New buildings incorporated from mods, addicional small, medium and large building variants, and new vehicles incorporated also from mods. |
Version | Date of release | Notes |
0.8.8 | November 30th, 2022 | Tram & Metro update, Underground stations and tracks, new tram stops and connection system, super realistic mode | | August 9th, 2022 | Minor fixes and alterations | | May 16th, 2022 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.7 | May 16th, 2022 | Water & Sewage update, advanced traffic simulation, grid snapping | | April 6th, 2022 | Minor fixes and alterations | | March 15th, 2022 | Minor fixes and alterations | | January 31st, 2022 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.6 | January 31st, 2022 | Police & criminality update, criminal and justice system added, new railway distribuition office added | | December 22nd, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | December 6th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | November 10th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | October 26th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.5 | October 26th, 2021 | Government loyalty update, new game UI | | July 13th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | June 16th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | May 25th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.4 | May 25th, 2021 | Helicopters and undergrounds update, helicopters, underground system, user tools | | March 22nd, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | March 1st, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | February 15th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | February 1st, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | January 8th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | December 22nd, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.3 | May 25th, 2021 | Airplanes and tourism update, airplanes, alluminium industry, tourism system and buildings | | October 5th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations | | September 6th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations | | August 28th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations | | August 19th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.2 | August 19th, 2020 | Seasons and ships update, seasons and heating system, ships and harbors | | June 1st, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations | | May 16th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations | | May 7th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.1 | May 7th, 2020 | Nuclear industry update, nuclear industry, distribution offices, map generator | | February 25th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations | | February 13th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.0 | February 13th, 2020 | Cableways and tutorial update, cableway, forklifts, train production and one way roads |
- Fixed crash to related when workshop building had badly defined ground works construction stage..
- Fixed crash of game when user click on workshop buildings icons[]
- Fix of train refueling.. it consumption much more fuel than it appears on the fuel tank due to vagons
- Attempt to fix of chain signals, when you had them many in row then trains not properly calculate and find new routes on free tracks, now should be fixed[]
- Optimized generation of reachable parkings.. when you get big freeze when building road and you had parkings.. this should decrease the freeze
- Changed synchronization of thread, so now there should be less performance on processor (on blank map or during alt tab) and you will save some electricity
- Now fires should randomly much less occur on buildings without electricity or residential buildings without any workers[]
- Fixed bug about construction vehicles cannot find route back from construction
- Increased acceleration for trolleybuses
- Fixed trolleybuses bridge names[]
- Fixed problem & crash when removed waypoint from route plan
- Fixed issue that some of the electric trainset not consumpt the electricity
- Fixed problem that sometimes some of the vehicles assigned to buildings like construction office not going to refuel
- Fixed problem with citizens who lives in the old buildings — sometime they were unable to visit hospital
- Fixed few signals problems — maybe now the signals will not stuck with red and if yes.. after re-placement signal it will not get corrupted again
- Tweaked electricity consumption if workers are home — if you not have bus/train platform near residential buildings or there is not yet workplace.. the electric consumption was massive because workers was home
- Fixed problem if you car dealer was selected occupancy of parking lot «any» it was sending cars to full parking lots/list][]
- Critical fix related to workshop items, if building like fire station not had vehicle station, it was crashing when firetruck going for refuel
- Found issue and fixed most probably a bug causing freeze when quitting the game to main menu
- Added page support in the mod building menu[]
- Improved graphics for trolleybuses wiring
- Fixed electric connection problem when building sidewalks on trolleybus road
- Fixed bug if was finished rail station or trolleybus stop in-between road/rail it was not invoke to recalculate connection for connected road/rail tracks
- Fixed crash related to waypoints and refuelling
- Fixed problem with loosing electricity trolley connection while placing road waypoint
- Fixed black outs when using pause game with the space key
- Fixed problem that car leaved gas station after game pause
- Now workshop subscribed items should be available also in offline mode
- Fixed issue with editor, if was started after normal game, sometime was unable to make terrain auto-leveling while building roads
- Fixed issue that sometime firetrucks or ambulances not find route to residential buildings
- Fixed bug when building some buildings in some parts of maps with specific rotation a bugged roads was constructed[]
- Added support for workshop buildings (documentation is WIP)
- Added one more trolleybus type
- Fixed problem when rail track train set sold while at railtrack construction — semaphore was not reset
- Fixed problem with seamphores near rail construction office and depo, now should not remain red
- Fixed problems with depo and waypoints (like adding waypoint into route while heading to depo was incorrect)
- Added icons for building and vehicles icons to determine if item is subscribed or from workshop_wip folder
- Now is not allowed to purchase resources directly into cargo station
- Fixed some GUI overlaping issues with model viewer[]
- Fixed crash connected to emergency events and crash while loading emergency events
- Fixed freezes/crashes when following vehicles or looking close at the factories
- LCTRL + G will disable also cursor cube
- Added code to regenerate road connection to substations at load to fix automatically yours saves with not shinning lamps
- Now the tunnels supports the trolleybuses..[]
- Fixed issue that was sometime possible to build very short piece of road
- Reverted back H key to display infrastructure helpers
Fixed crash with landscape editor loading if on map is production plant
- Now landscape editor remember camera position
- Increased max number of vehicles which work on manual terraforming to 50
- Fixed one of the random crash
- Fixed issue with bad collision with trolleybuses and small bus stop
- Fixed issue with unsetting production vehicle for production line when loading/saving
- Fixed trolleybus lights
- When students move from hostel to own flat, they should not move to old city/village houses in the untouched cities[]
- Fixed issue that when not electrified piece of railway was too small warning mark was not displayed
- Fixed trains which not displayed question mark while they cannot find route due to not electrified railway
- Added a message about save-version increase if you are on test branch to notice you should make rather «Save as»
- Added workshop support for vehicles (try subscribe my vehicle :-))
- Added checks if workshop items are available before loading save and if not game offer subscription of it
- Added option to load map with missing workshop items and deleting them after load[]
- Fixed crash when no sound device connected
- Fixed collisions for road vehicles, now should vehicles not pass into each other
- Fixed issue with typing something during gameplay
- Fixed issue with moving camera while typing AWSD while high FPS
- Fixed issue with parking lots — was possible to purchase more cars than parking lot available to have causing struck vehicles at enter to parking lot
- Fixed random crash connected to track building vehicle
- Added hotkey for sell all vehicles in the building (LCTRL + J) while activated cheat mode
- Optimized infrastructure & shadows rendering — better performance
- Fixed rendering of track-builder trains
- Fixed flickering of resources in the aggregates storage
- Fixed crash when deleting the conveyor by bulldozer tool
- People who finished education living in university halls of residence now automatically moves to whole map after finishing studies.. not only near hostel/university hall of residence[]
- Fixed issue with populating editor map causing crashes
Fixed issue of random bug that mouse click was not accepted[]
- Fixed issue with out of video memory when saving editor map
Fixed issue with crash when selling the vehicles
- Fixed alt tab issue on full screen
- Added trolleybuses for now only one model
- Now is possible to delete custom house in the editor
- Fixed crash with smooth tool in the editor[]
- Multithreading for performance
- Added terrain editor and template heightmaps (create workshop item and close to save green button is button to lauch editor)
- Added workshop support for landscapes (try subscribe my map uploaded on the workshop)
- Re-fixed issue that was possible build piece of road over another piece of road
- Fixed issue when vehicle lost road connection while is passing bus stop, was unable to find way back
- «Save & Quit» button fixed in the setup application
- Added 5 new music tracks into game
Added rest of track into soundtrack (now total 23 tracks in game/soundtrack)[]
- Fixed problem that vehicles constructions roads around bus stop was not able to find route home
- Fixed crash when loading save or starting new game with invalid workshop item (with more skins than supported)
- Fixed small problem/crash when building railway
- Fixed another crash when building railway
- Fixed problem that train was unable to find way in some special circumstances
- Fixed issue that sometime was possible to build small piece of road over another road
- Fixed issue with LZ 100 road crane (missing wheel) and corrected IFA W50 tanker trailer
- Added tool for safe clearing terrain from trees (located in tab where you can seed trees)[]
- Fixed problem that citizens which own cars was instead step out from bus/train teleported home
- Fixed the missing characters when typing something (renaming city/area, save as or creating workshop item)
- Fixed that F126 was badly displayed when stored in the spaces for vehicles storage (or car plant factory)
- Fixed crash when building small bus stop or footpahts around (may appear even if some construction was finished)
- Fixed issue with turned off street lights (to correct in your map just build anywhere an piece of road with street lights, to reset connections to substations in specific area)
- Fixed problem when unable to select vehicle from road depo at special conditions, you would need to purchase new vehicles into this depo to able select them.. or you can send them to another depo.. or select them via depo window[]
- Added mini map
- Added small bus stop
- Added 64 bit version which should works on windows 7
- Fixed crash when vehicle is delivered to construction
- Another small fixed to improve stability[]
- Hotfix of vehicle struck problem[]
- Partially fixed crash connected to pathfinding, it’s due to bad connection sidewalk to road. Now it will not crash but vehicle will fail to find the route. You can view all bad connections by LCTRL + 5 and LCTRL + 6, camera will be pointed to bad connections. To fix it, you need to demolish and rebuild both sidewalk and road around this bad connection.. we still investigating the issue and hope it will get fixed soon. Is possible the problem is already fixed (bad connection is not possible to make), but because it’s very random issue we cannot be sure
- Fixed crash when loading railwaysf you use LCTRL + 5 or 6 and camera no change position, you have no errors in map.[]
- Increased save version due to workshop support, to avoid open new version saves with old version[]
- Fixed problem with radio/television/computer stats
- Fixed too much downhill speed for train and road vehicles
- Fixed potential problems which could cause random crashes when building railways or other infrastructure
- Possibly issue with train broken electricity could be fixed now
- Fixed some broken train (some of the vagons/unit was rendered vice versa)
- Tweak fuel consumption for train if waiting on semaphore/slowing down etc.
- Added workshop support (for now only vehicles skin) and first test skins to workshop
- Added new map selector, prepared for workshop support[]
- Fixed text issue in vehicle purchase window
- Fixed issue with slower vehicles when fuel difficulty turned ON[]
- Fixed crash caused by some new code for future updates[]
- Fixed serious problem when train change it’s destination to next station even it should not
- Fixed city hall statistics, now the citizens stats should be local and not global
- Tweaked new warning system, to not display warning at some occasions[]
- Fixed problem that car dealership not sell the cars when they was transported to dealer via change depot/workplace button
- Fixed warning about kindergarten in residential buildings
- Fixed problem with corrupted stats many births of deaths or immigrants
- Fixed problem when cars are unloaded to car dealer.. it flood car dealer caused a serious problem
- Fixed crash when building footpaths connected to roads
- Fixed blank messages when error during saving — now the text is displayed
- Excavators working on terraforming should now spend fuel even with paused game
- Fixed some localization issues
- Added warning system to note about unelectrified parts of railway
- Now should be countries consistent and years of vehicle availability too
- Fixes of minor issues[]
- Fixed issue with loading MTZ tractor to flatbed
- Fixed small issue with university hostel
- Added pedestrian connections to prefab panels factory
- Added Born/dead/escapes/immigrants stats to city hall
- Added car owners to global stats and to city hall too
- Fixed issue when global stats and city stats displayed same time
- If storage is small such as meat store, you can set now more exact amount of resources to purhcase
- Fixed crash when selling vehicle which have loaded another vehicles on flatbed
- Train path finding should be improved and not select so much detours — still present some issues
- Fixed issue that sometime was unable to load electronics at car plant
- Fixed issue with livestock storage (hall range)[]
- Fixed lag while building sidewalks
- Fixed bad texture at production line building
- Added few more personal cars and for few improved quality
- Added Polish EN57 train set
- Added new tractor and combine harvester[]
- Fixed production line productivity problem
- Fixed production line GUI text overlapping
- Fixed issue with train on chain signal not selected free route
- Fixed various crashes connected to personal car mechanics
- Fixed crash during loading connected to personal cars (Import Buildings)[]
- Disabled unwanted vehicles in construction office
- Increased speed generation parking lot connections when there are many parking lots
- Polish translation of update[]
- Fixed missing error message for car dealer when no citizens meet requirement to be a car owner[]
- Fixed problem with unaccessible electric wiring for construction office
- Added limit and increase size of import storage of production line
- Fixed problem that buses and other vehicles can be unloaded at car dealer
- Fixed rendering of joint buses or trailers on the flatbeds
- Fixed problem that car dealer not taking cars from connected storage
- Fixed problem with teleporting cars when they leaving car dealer
- Added electricity consumption when loading/unloading vehicles at storage
Replaced «passengers» with «workdays» in vehicle production cost
Added stats for export vehicles[]
- Added car dealer building & mechanics
- Fixed crash when hovering in the economy price stats[]
- Fixed problem with unable to load stuff from open storage with some vehicles
- Fixed problem with hotkey bar if player typing tool was activated
- Fixed crash accessing the economy statistics
- Fixed saving/loading of game while character like «ä» used on bit
- Fixed problem while resources was stored in unfinished storage/building
- Increased maximum stop for vehicle to 25
- Added info about value of vehicles loaded on the flatbed[]
- Added hotkey bar
- Added possibility to discard resources from storage
- Added vehicle production plant
- Added storage for finished vehicles
- Added possibility to sell vehicles at custom house
- Fixed pollution — was not performed only on cheat mode[]
- Fixed crash when deleting sidewalks
- Fixed crash connected with personal cars
- Fixed crash when importing buildings
- Fixed crash when dumper vehicles was sent to different workplace while laying asphalt
- Improved snap when using demolish button over parking lots
- Now if more stations in row, vehicle/train stay in station and finish the job, so you can better control if you would like to load/unload specific resources in specific amounts
- Now is possible to upgrade road even around pedestrian crossing, and also possible to continue road from pedestrian crossing[]
- Improved/fixed pathfinding for trains — train should not go to engaged track now
- Fixed problem with personal cars — crash
- Optimized autosearched functions
- Fixed some minor problems[]
- Added new trains/vagons vehicles
- 060DA locomotive (Romania)
- SU45, E201 locomotives (Poland)
- RIC type passanger car
- Tram K13N, K102NA, K105NA (Poland)
- Tram type CSMG (Hungary)
- Tram Tim2 (Romania)
- LZ100 truck — added more variants
- three new types of open/platform wagon
- Upgrades vehicles graphics
- T3 Tram
- TEP70 locomotive
- Chs07 locomotive
- LM68M
- LZ100 truck
- Divided tabs in building menu — residential buildings and facility for citizens are now separate tabs
- Added statistics for city area (you need have operational city hall in order to display it)
- Added personal cars — many models and also parking lots mechanics
- Fixes:
- Improved pathfinding (faster & removed 4x distance limit/optimization)
- Fixed crash when building multitrack
- Fixed crash related to buses/trains and workers
- fixed crash when at special circumstances game crashed when vehicle not able to find route
- railroad construction office storage now works different way so it will never get overfilled by one resources and no place for another resource
- Fixed crash when importing vehicles
- Fixed crash when train entering station
- Fixed inaccuracy , when vehicle should be available for purchase but it become available few months later
- Removed ambulances from construction office
- Now hints from «?» tab appear always in one window[]
- Added three new languages (Romanian, Hungarian, Portuguese BR).. all are WIP, officially not supported for now. They are added into game to allow better testing[]
- Fixed problem when you specify a destination for workers, in case worker is university educated he was not able to going into regular work (which not require university education)
- Fixed problems with residential electricity, if citizens had many kids may result to massive consumption of energy, also increased circuit breaker value to prevent unbalanced
- Added LCONTROL — while holding this key — the rotation of building is more exact
- Added R key to rotate building 90 degrees
- Added SPACE key to toggle pause on/off
- Fixed bug when on 64 bit version trains get bad value on speed and RPM
- Fixed crash when click on unassigned resource source for construction office[]
- Added tree brush (MMB to change size just like flattening)
- Now is not possible to seed tree very close to another tree
- Fixed bug when semaphore can be added even cursor is over window or over another GUI element
- Fixed issue when closing window with demolish or any other tool active, was possible to accidentally delete something
- Added info about current GPU into main menu in the left bottom corner (like the version)
- Fixed issue when university was destroyed during research running, research was the get locked
- Chance that any building get fire was decreased by -35%
- Fixed issue that rail construction office start construction of conveyor as railway bridge
- Added factory connection to concrete plant to be able connect it to cement storage
- If very low amount of staff in hospital, school or so the university educated will started work as staff
- Fixed issue with increasing price of finishing construction when doing construction on your own and decide if finish with money[]
- Now are saved in the save game also the parameters of current speed of game, auto finance, and auto purchase resources and auto populate too
- Added storage for cement
- Added storage for livestock
- Added visualization of livestock for storage/farm/slaughterhouse (you need to build new)
- Added settings for disable pause game while alt-tab window (good if you would like to run game while you can do other things on your PC)
- Added settings for disable minimize of window while alt tab (may be useful to watch what happening in the game in case you have two monitors)
- Attempt to fix bug when some machines are unable to start 64-bit version of the game in the Windows 8.1 (there is some unknown error with music, now game should run, but maybe music will not run)
- Added various minimize/maximize buttons into construction office/farm/construction and other windows
- Now if you click on building list in construction window (or double click in vehicle route plan) it opens a building window
- Now route plan is displayed also for vehicles which work for construction office, farm, etc — even you can’t modify this list
- Added special list of related vehicles at bottom of all windows where it can be used[]
- Fixed some stability or loading issues
- Fixed 64 bit version SFX issue (SFX hear while over empty map)
- Fixed disappearing road vehicles when moving on footpaths — was same issue as SFX issue BTW[]
- Added factory connection to small shopping center — you need to build new one
- Fixed issue that workers not wanted to step into train/bus if next station there was no job or nothing to satisfy, now they are checking all stations in vehicle schedule
- Fixed issue of workers going from station to station
- Fixed issue that workers step out from bus/train and then step back in
- If you now specify for train bus station where should workers/passengers/students go from station, and this destination will be another station, it will force workers to step into vehicle, and step out from the vehicle on this station — this will allows you to make a transfer points, like unload workers from bus and send them to train station and further transport
- Fixed bugs in passenger loading/unloading mechanics — there was some mistakes in calculation and speed of loading/unloading of passengers[]
- fixed adding unaccessible road and footpaths to construction office
- removed concrete & asphalt wait until loaded — seems causing more problems than solving
- increase auto search interval for construction offices from 15 to 30 seconds[]
- decreased loading time in 64 bit version
- font smoothing in 64 bit version
- maybe fixed random crash during loading (Init GUI textures) 64 bit version?[]
- Attempt to fix some audio issues with 64 bit version (but some changes also on 32bit)[]
- Introduced 64 bit version — there is resolved a problem when you saving map, and it get corrupted due to out of video memory — like map is too big or your computer low
- Fixed bug when sometime the save which is corrupted appear in load game list as not corrupted and another non corrupted saves appear as corrupted
- Corrupted save can be now selected and deleted
- When saving game and error on video memory appear a warning is displayed
- Fixed issues when inaccessible buildings and infrastructure added to construction office as construction
- Fixed issue when railway constructions added to non railway construction office
- Fixed bug in bus mechanics for prioritizing constructions according amount of workers present on constructions
- Fixed bug in bus mechanics not prioritizing construction with cranes present
- Fixed hospital issues, some citizens remain stranded inside
- Fixed issue that some of the citizens unable to move to another apartment[]
- Fixed some issues with path-finding optimizations like ambulances can’t find way back to hospital, etc, to avoid that vehicles send somewhere and can’t find route back, now they will not send there
- Construction office can now auto-search also sidewalk, constructions connected by sidewalks only, also conveyors, pipelines, simple everything
- Construction office now searching construction all time (every 15 seconds) not only if have empty queue — hopefully your babysitting of construction office will be over!
- Added approximate visualization of search-distance for construction office, and also hospital and fire station, or farm
- Now the concrete mixers and trucks going for asphalt waiting until not fully loaded (in case no workers at concrete plant or asphalt plant)
- Construction office — now you can select what types of constructions should office search (like roads only, conveyors, buildings, etc)
- Now the buses should bring workers according priority where it needed, prioritized are the construction where no machines can be present — like short roads, then a constructions where are present cranes, then other constructions and finally a constructions with mechanism present (like with excavators, etc).
- Buses will now not bring workers to construction until there are not present all materials, same for construction vehicles.
- Railway construction office search should be now much faster (better optimized), previously was there small freezes in case huge railway network
- Railway construction office — now should be construction find even if behind the station
- If string is not defined in additional language, English string is used instead blank space
- Serious issue was fixed in citizens mechanics, issues was the workers with some unsatisfied demands constantly remain in free time mode longer that it should, constantly going to bus/train station and then back home, now they should be on bus station only once during one cycle
- Another issue with this mechanics was that those citizens which not get what they want, and was on bus/train station, they was marked as unemployed[]
- Tweaked tolerance for roads/rails climb or descend in critical like crossings, connection to buildings, multi-track building etc, now should be much more comfortable
- Added new flatten tool type
- Increase raise, lower and flatten strength
- Fixed a crash when road depot is constructed by construction office
- Fixed crash when loading save with small corruptions in the list of building where should go workers/students from residential buildings
- Added verification of pipelines to avoid crashes at loading[]
- Added functionality to check possible error when vehicle can’t find route, open the vehicle window and wait until an inspect icon appear (if game get idea where is error)
- Fixed missing T815 from purchase list
- Fixed problem with electricity, showing big wattage even no consumption — even issue is quite serious, it seems it is just counting/visual error in result, but to fix in your map is required to demolish and build again the switches, transformers or sub stations.. fix it by the code would be too risky so rather to decided fix this way
- Added new prefab apartments
- Introduced «quality of flats» parameter for residential buildings — it affect citizens similar way than unsatisfied citizens reaction, if higher flats quality the citizens react slightly less negatively when they have unsatisfied demands
- Tweaked number of citizens to live in the apartments, previously was values too random, now it reflect to actual building cubic meters living-space and the quality of flats too
- Added small shopping center to save your space in the cities[]
- Improved chain signal (fixed few issues)
- Anoter fix to prevent crash when maximum city names (100) is reached[]
- Fixes for Japanese language
- Fixes for Polish language
- Resolved bug with stuck dumper at access to construction office (preventing to re-appear, not fixing if it’s already broken)
- Fixed problem when very short piece of road constructed, vehicle may go offroad
- Fixed crash when vehicle enter construction — problem was vehicle was sent to construction even it has a vehicle loaded manually on the hull
- Fixed crash when reaching a number of predefined cities names (A weir name is now generated)
- Added 5 new music tracks into game (soon they will be added to soundtrack too)
- Decreased memory consumption (and quality) of sky textures, let’s see what happens[]
- Fixed Italian language crashes
- Signals are now on right side of the track
- Added chain signal
- Fixed storage status (top panel) — it was inaccurate
- Fixed error in signals when train is sell when all wagons completely at station
- Fixed error in signals when rail track construction is suspended and trainset completely on the station
- Optimized path-finding (less short-freezes during game, in case you have big road network)
- Optimized path-finding — now the shorter way should be preferred
- Path-finding now the faster roads should be preferred
- Fixed problem when X cross at double track railway was not able to build in some occasion
- Fixed problem that sometime the junction/railtrack connection was not properly built and not works
- Fixed problem when on signal remains red color, when faster movement or low FPS
- Added help marks when rail tools are selected to better visible which signals are placed
- Circuit breaker limit increased for buildings like warehouses or cargo station to avoid voltage jumpings (this may be fixed if you rebuild the building)[]
- Fixed problem sometime when track building train was placed to rail office, it remains as ghost on railtrack blocking semaphores for trains or road vehicles
- Fixed problem that sometime train passed semaphore but it reset signal to green while another train is in the block
- Sometime signal not updated it’s status properly — mainly for signals placed before the dead-end of railtrack
- Fixed problem when due to low FPS sometime train passed semaphore on red color
- Fixed when rail track building trainset passed signals during construction of railtrack it was not properly update/unblock this signal
- Now is impossible to place signals on the railway crossing, or road crossing
- Now is impossible to build railtrack over the signals
- If health and happiness for worker was 0% it may crash the game, now fixed
- If kids with finished basic education not able to get on university, warning is not displayed in residential building
- Fixed problem when vehicles sometime freeze at middle of road.. (but if they are already freezes they will not move even with update), but next time should not freeze (note: there may be more vehicles freeze bugs)
- When train comes to custom house unload fuel/bitumen/oil or aggregate materials too.. now will unload both bitumen and fuel same time
- When bridge ends in the air it was possible to build a road from the end of bridge, now is not possible
- On school or university there sometime remains kids or citizens very long
time, and they was achieved 10.0 education level, now fixed
- Serious issue fixed, sometime workers not step into trains even it they should
- Fixed problems with vehicle schedule copy.. sometime caused crash or confusion of vehicles
- Added possibility to select also trains from depot while using the schedule copy
- Sometime tunnel portal disappeared during construction after loading saved game, now fixed
- Now is possible to build tunnel with resources[]
- Small tweak on functionality of copy vehicle schedule, now you are copy vehicle schedule TO vehicle you select (not vice versa as before.. so you don’t need to open every vehicle window) just select the vehicle which is already programmed.. and select vehicles which should behave like the one you have selected — thanks to guys on beta branch for suggestion
(small edit in code, but big improvement in effectivity
- Another fix of infrastructure validation to avoid crash during saving
- Fixed freezes during fire (if building not have proper road connections), with dense road-network firetruck trying to find way cause freezes
- V3S truck was not able to purchase for woodcutting post, now fixed
- 75m tower crane is now available from 1976 to avoid confusion — until this year not exist a truck for it
- fixed problem, the station check boxes was not saved/loaded properly
- fixed when building not have functional footpath or road connection, in
case of someone from it’s citizens get very sick and need ambulance, ambulances trying the find the way constantly and cause long freezes (few seconds), now freezes should be just very short, or any.. depends on your road network
- Improved verification of footpath and roads (remove badly created segments on load) to avoid crashes
- Fixed when vehicle waiting to load or unload, there was many consumption of electricity, while no material load/unload, in case
storage is empty and vehicle waiting, no electricity is consumpted now
- Added a functionality for copy vehicle schedule!!!!
- increased speed of loading / unloading passengers from vehicles by 100%
- citizens/passengers waiting on the station when they are going to enjoy free time, their counter is slowed down now, while they waiting on the station, so they should catch more things, even not near their home
- tweak — now should workers step into bus even if in all factories are still workers..
- fixed problem when vehicle can’t find way to unload resources on workers when building footpath
- sometimes there was situation that 3 or more trucks block each other.. now should be fixed[]
- Fixed some error while loading a save, which could cause save failure
- Fixed that rail construction office sometime was not taking the resources from connected storages properly
- Now should car not get struck at access into construction office or concrete or asphalt plant
- Fixed problem when hospital is on fire and ambulances are confused
- Fixed off road problem, now should vehicles not go offroad
- Luck! I maybe managed to fix this issue with the fuel vehicles.. discovered very serious problem, which could sure caused this all refuel problem — or even also crashes, so hope this is now fixed.. if anybody get with this newest version this fuel bug (vehicles driving to strange buildings, or far away) let me know!
- Added code for footpaths validation to avoid crashes at loading or saving (same is already in use for a road validation and seems working good)
- There was not shown the coal or iron transported on conveyor from mine
- Fixed some crash when building railway with resources and trackbuilders
- Very annoying SFX glitch was removed when more vehicles on map[]
- Sometime workers was go out of footpath, due to strange crossing, this is fixed now
- Fixed, When Low FPS sometime may truck not unload gravel on the construction site
- When 1996+ temporary (until we make all vehicles) lock vehicles according year is disabled (all vehicles become available)
- Vehicle should not spend the fuel when waiting for load/unload
- Fixed, now even university educated workers can work as staff in hospital or school (if all professors/doctors workplaces full)[]
- Fixed some crashes when railway deletion (but sure not all)
- Fixed crash when truck access small piece of road (but maybe more of those issues)
- Fixed crash when building the city in pause mode.. and then crash shortly after first building finished
- Increase number of allowed connection of power switches and transformators[]
- Another fixes to education
- kids which are too young for university (less than 15), if already finished elementary school will not acces bus stop
- citizens older than 35 still living with parents, with finished basic education, will not try to access university (not appear on bus stop)
- kids with already reached university education will not access bus station
- Fixed issue with refilling truck after get unloaded in the farm building
- Fixed bug, the pipe engines was not transporting the fuel or bitumen properly from asphalt plant, when there was 2 or more engines/pump in line
- Fixed random crash bug when too short road is connected to woodcutting post
- Fixed a crash or small freezes issue when vehicle moving on the footpaths[]
- Fixed serious bug which may affecting overal stability — if you getting random crash every 0-15 minutes may be your case
- Corrected small bug in pathfinding — don’t expect miracles![]
- Fixed crash when Importing Railways
- Fixed crash when Importing Roads
- Fixed one of the custom house where was unable to build roads[]
- Fixed an educational/kids bug on easier difficulty — you may get too many child/students waiting on the station, due to out of free flats.. this was fixed by that if kid is without own flat and reached age 30, he will escape..unless he is not last kid from parrent.. so you can experience a lot of escapes after you load your game, only temporary until all old 30+ kids will escape
- Also previously if some citizen died, his child has been also deleted, now when citizen died, child will take free place and continue — become an normal citizen
- Added to passenger station window the checkbox, so if you not wish to transport passengers or students, you can check it off
- Extended +30% waiting time on the station and traveling time in vehicle
- Increased university minimum age to 15
- Seems steel mill crash should now be fixed[]
- Fixed crashes when loading save (some delete buildings remains in construction office vehicle’s route plan)
- Fixed situation when construction office lost road connection to sources or constructions vehicles frooze in the office even after re-building of road connection to construction[]
- Hotfixed bug — loading into vehicles broken
- Fixed one crash while loading saved game[]
- Fixed issue with woodcutting post.. truck was not going to collect the wood, when storage was full, but when you connected additional storage, they was not go for wood anyway
- Fixed issue with factory connections (and other conveyor, pipelines, etc) if factory something produces or vehicles something to unload.. an random storage was selected, now primarily is selected a storage which is less filled also if vehicle trying something to load, storage which is filled more is selected
- Snother fix to avoid detection of corrupted config.ini seems previous fix not corrected some of the cases
- Fixed crash when building railway manually via railway construction train-sets
- fixed crash/problem when building road or footpath and deleted unfinished road via construction window (hitting that dynamite button)
- If rail construction office is built, automatically is set limit for internal storage to 25% each resource, to avoid overfill
- Fixed bug when kids was going to unfinished school (construction)
- Fixed radio and TV station bug with million negative values while tweaking preferences of broadcast — but is not possible to restore old saves, this issue should not re-appear, please reload your earlier save when you get this problem.[]
- Improved DPI setting of application to avoid lock mouse in the middle of screen, also to avoid zoom-IN windowed mode
- Added addional checks on save game, if save is corrupted, cannot be loaded…
- Fixed, game should run even if config.ini is corrupted
- Now default launch option runs SETUP APPLICATION SOVIET.exe, instead SOVIET.exe.. let us know in case it generate some problems for you..
- decreased a bit consumption of electricity by citizens when they are home or in work or during night.. in about -30%[]
- Added Support of 4:3 resolutions to Config App
- Removed auto-purchase resources for factories/power plant (seems this not good solution), but this functionality was preserved on shops, pubs and gas stations
- Fixed crash when deleting road
- Fixed another crash when deleting road
- Fixed crash when building a railways with construction train sets
- Various crash during loading fixes, but I’m sure not all, but many…
- If you got problems with electricity, bad/long number at voltage, hold for a moment same time key E+L+C to reset it.. just for hotfix.. I will investigate issue more, any info what need to be exactly done to reproduce are welcome![]
- Default language to auto-detection instead english
- Improved auto detection of language
Roadmap from 0.8.5 to 1.0.0
Game versions are pending a move to separate pages for each main version.
Current version is (released on November 30, 2022). Change logs below are taken from Steam.
(Test version is 0.8.8.x (released on September 11, 2022).)
Version | Date of addition | Notes |
1.0.0 | Upcoming | Out of early access update, with game experience polishing, SFX finaliation, perform optimizations. Corrections and polishing for translations and text alignments. |
0.9.1 | Upcoming | Tutorial & Western vehicle update, with a new tutorial added for better undertanding of the game. New western vehicles in each category from the 60’s to the 90’s. Many more western trains, ships, helicopters and airplanes. |
0.9.0 | Upcoming | Waste management update, adding waste mechanics, with collecting and processing buildings, new trucks for waste collection and new residential building needs. |
0.8.9 | Upcoming | Researches & Mods incorporation update, adding more univeristy researches for medical, technical and for the soviet party. New buildings incorporated from mods, addicional small, medium and large building variants, and new vehicles incorporated also from mods. |
Version | Date of release | Notes |
0.8.8 | November 30th, 2022 | Tram & Metro update, Underground stations and tracks, new tram stops and connection system, super realistic mode | | August 9th, 2022 | Minor fixes and alterations | | May 16th, 2022 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.7 | May 16th, 2022 | Water & Sewage update, advanced traffic simulation, grid snapping | | April 6th, 2022 | Minor fixes and alterations | | March 15th, 2022 | Minor fixes and alterations | | January 31st, 2022 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.6 | January 31st, 2022 | Police & criminality update, criminal and justice system added, new railway distribuition office added | | December 22nd, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | December 6th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | November 10th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | October 26th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.5 | October 26th, 2021 | Government loyalty update, new game UI | | July 13th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | June 16th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | May 25th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.4 | May 25th, 2021 | Helicopters and undergrounds update, helicopters, underground system, user tools | | March 22nd, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | March 1st, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | February 15th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | February 1st, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | January 8th, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations | | December 22nd, 2021 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.3 | May 25th, 2021 | Airplanes and tourism update, airplanes, alluminium industry, tourism system and buildings | | October 5th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations | | September 6th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations | | August 28th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations | | August 19th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.2 | August 19th, 2020 | Seasons and ships update, seasons and heating system, ships and harbors | | June 1st, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations | | May 16th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations | | May 7th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.1 | May 7th, 2020 | Nuclear industry update, nuclear industry, distribution offices, map generator | | February 25th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations | | February 13th, 2020 | Minor fixes and alterations |
0.8.0 | February 13th, 2020 | Cableways and tutorial update, cableway, forklifts, train production and one way roads |
- Fixed crash to related when workshop building had badly defined ground works construction stage..
- Fixed crash of game when user click on workshop buildings icons[]
- Fix of train refueling.. it consumption much more fuel than it appears on the fuel tank due to vagons
- Attempt to fix of chain signals, when you had them many in row then trains not properly calculate and find new routes on free tracks, now should be fixed[]
- Optimized generation of reachable parkings.. when you get big freeze when building road and you had parkings.. this should decrease the freeze
- Changed synchronization of thread, so now there should be less performance on processor (on blank map or during alt tab) and you will save some electricity
- Now fires should randomly much less occur on buildings without electricity or residential buildings without any workers[]
- Fixed bug about construction vehicles cannot find route back from construction
- Increased acceleration for trolleybuses
- Fixed trolleybuses bridge names[]
- Fixed problem & crash when removed waypoint from route plan
- Fixed issue that some of the electric trainset not consumpt the electricity
- Fixed problem that sometimes some of the vehicles assigned to buildings like construction office not going to refuel
- Fixed problem with citizens who lives in the old buildings — sometime they were unable to visit hospital
- Fixed few signals problems — maybe now the signals will not stuck with red and if yes.. after re-placement signal it will not get corrupted again
- Tweaked electricity consumption if workers are home — if you not have bus/train platform near residential buildings or there is not yet workplace.. the electric consumption was massive because workers was home
- Fixed problem if you car dealer was selected occupancy of parking lot «any» it was sending cars to full parking lots/list][]
- Critical fix related to workshop items, if building like fire station not had vehicle station, it was crashing when firetruck going for refuel
- Found issue and fixed most probably a bug causing freeze when quitting the game to main menu
- Added page support in the mod building menu[]
- Improved graphics for trolleybuses wiring
- Fixed electric connection problem when building sidewalks on trolleybus road
- Fixed bug if was finished rail station or trolleybus stop in-between road/rail it was not invoke to recalculate connection for connected road/rail tracks
- Fixed crash related to waypoints and refuelling
- Fixed problem with loosing electricity trolley connection while placing road waypoint
- Fixed black outs when using pause game with the space key
- Fixed problem that car leaved gas station after game pause
- Now workshop subscribed items should be available also in offline mode
- Fixed issue with editor, if was started after normal game, sometime was unable to make terrain auto-leveling while building roads
- Fixed issue that sometime firetrucks or ambulances not find route to residential buildings
- Fixed bug when building some buildings in some parts of maps with specific rotation a bugged roads was constructed[]
- Added support for workshop buildings (documentation is WIP)
- Added one more trolleybus type
- Fixed problem when rail track train set sold while at railtrack construction — semaphore was not reset
- Fixed problem with seamphores near rail construction office and depo, now should not remain red
- Fixed problems with depo and waypoints (like adding waypoint into route while heading to depo was incorrect)
- Added icons for building and vehicles icons to determine if item is subscribed or from workshop_wip folder
- Now is not allowed to purchase resources directly into cargo station
- Fixed some GUI overlaping issues with model viewer[]
- Fixed crash connected to emergency events and crash while loading emergency events
- Fixed freezes/crashes when following vehicles or looking close at the factories
- LCTRL + G will disable also cursor cube
- Added code to regenerate road connection to substations at load to fix automatically yours saves with not shinning lamps
- Now the tunnels supports the trolleybuses..[]
- Fixed issue that was sometime possible to build very short piece of road
- Reverted back H key to display infrastructure helpers
Fixed crash with landscape editor loading if on map is production plant
- Now landscape editor remember camera position
- Increased max number of vehicles which work on manual terraforming to 50
- Fixed one of the random crash
- Fixed issue with bad collision with trolleybuses and small bus stop
- Fixed issue with unsetting production vehicle for production line when loading/saving
- Fixed trolleybus lights
- When students move from hostel to own flat, they should not move to old city/village houses in the untouched cities[]
- Fixed issue that when not electrified piece of railway was too small warning mark was not displayed
- Fixed trains which not displayed question mark while they cannot find route due to not electrified railway
- Added a message about save-version increase if you are on test branch to notice you should make rather «Save as»
- Added workshop support for vehicles (try subscribe my vehicle :-))
- Added checks if workshop items are available before loading save and if not game offer subscription of it
- Added option to load map with missing workshop items and deleting them after load[]
- Fixed crash when no sound device connected
- Fixed collisions for road vehicles, now should vehicles not pass into each other
- Fixed issue with typing something during gameplay
- Fixed issue with moving camera while typing AWSD while high FPS
- Fixed issue with parking lots — was possible to purchase more cars than parking lot available to have causing struck vehicles at enter to parking lot
- Fixed random crash connected to track building vehicle
- Added hotkey for sell all vehicles in the building (LCTRL + J) while activated cheat mode
- Optimized infrastructure & shadows rendering — better performance
- Fixed rendering of track-builder trains
- Fixed flickering of resources in the aggregates storage
- Fixed crash when deleting the conveyor by bulldozer tool
- People who finished education living in university halls of residence now automatically moves to whole map after finishing studies.. not only near hostel/university hall of residence[]
- Fixed issue with populating editor map causing crashes
Fixed issue of random bug that mouse click was not accepted[]
- Fixed issue with out of video memory when saving editor map
Fixed issue with crash when selling the vehicles
- Fixed alt tab issue on full screen
- Added trolleybuses for now only one model
- Now is possible to delete custom house in the editor
- Fixed crash with smooth tool in the editor[]
- Multithreading for performance
- Added terrain editor and template heightmaps (create workshop item and close to save green button is button to lauch editor)
- Added workshop support for landscapes (try subscribe my map uploaded on the workshop)
- Re-fixed issue that was possible build piece of road over another piece of road
- Fixed issue when vehicle lost road connection while is passing bus stop, was unable to find way back
- «Save & Quit» button fixed in the setup application
- Added 5 new music tracks into game
Added rest of track into soundtrack (now total 23 tracks in game/soundtrack)[]
- Fixed problem that vehicles constructions roads around bus stop was not able to find route home
- Fixed crash when loading save or starting new game with invalid workshop item (with more skins than supported)
- Fixed small problem/crash when building railway
- Fixed another crash when building railway
- Fixed problem that train was unable to find way in some special circumstances
- Fixed issue that sometime was possible to build small piece of road over another road
- Fixed issue with LZ 100 road crane (missing wheel) and corrected IFA W50 tanker trailer
- Added tool for safe clearing terrain from trees (located in tab where you can seed trees)[]
- Fixed problem that citizens which own cars was instead step out from bus/train teleported home
- Fixed the missing characters when typing something (renaming city/area, save as or creating workshop item)
- Fixed that F126 was badly displayed when stored in the spaces for vehicles storage (or car plant factory)
- Fixed crash when building small bus stop or footpahts around (may appear even if some construction was finished)
- Fixed issue with turned off street lights (to correct in your map just build anywhere an piece of road with street lights, to reset connections to substations in specific area)
- Fixed problem when unable to select vehicle from road depo at special conditions, you would need to purchase new vehicles into this depo to able select them.. or you can send them to another depo.. or select them via depo window[]
- Added mini map
- Added small bus stop
- Added 64 bit version which should works on windows 7
- Fixed crash when vehicle is delivered to construction
- Another small fixed to improve stability[]
- Hotfix of vehicle struck problem[]
- Partially fixed crash connected to pathfinding, it’s due to bad connection sidewalk to road. Now it will not crash but vehicle will fail to find the route. You can view all bad connections by LCTRL + 5 and LCTRL + 6, camera will be pointed to bad connections. To fix it, you need to demolish and rebuild both sidewalk and road around this bad connection.. we still investigating the issue and hope it will get fixed soon. Is possible the problem is already fixed (bad connection is not possible to make), but because it’s very random issue we cannot be sure
- Fixed crash when loading railwaysf you use LCTRL + 5 or 6 and camera no change position, you have no errors in map.[]
- Increased save version due to workshop support, to avoid open new version saves with old version[]
- Fixed problem with radio/television/computer stats
- Fixed too much downhill speed for train and road vehicles
- Fixed potential problems which could cause random crashes when building railways or other infrastructure
- Possibly issue with train broken electricity could be fixed now
- Fixed some broken train (some of the vagons/unit was rendered vice versa)
- Tweak fuel consumption for train if waiting on semaphore/slowing down etc.
- Added workshop support (for now only vehicles skin) and first test skins to workshop
- Added new map selector, prepared for workshop support[]
- Fixed text issue in vehicle purchase window
- Fixed issue with slower vehicles when fuel difficulty turned ON[]
- Fixed crash caused by some new code for future updates[]
- Fixed serious problem when train change it’s destination to next station even it should not
- Fixed city hall statistics, now the citizens stats should be local and not global
- Tweaked new warning system, to not display warning at some occasions[]
- Fixed problem that car dealership not sell the cars when they was transported to dealer via change depot/workplace button
- Fixed warning about kindergarten in residential buildings
- Fixed problem with corrupted stats many births of deaths or immigrants
- Fixed problem when cars are unloaded to car dealer.. it flood car dealer caused a serious problem
- Fixed crash when building footpaths connected to roads
- Fixed blank messages when error during saving — now the text is displayed
- Excavators working on terraforming should now spend fuel even with paused game
- Fixed some localization issues
- Added warning system to note about unelectrified parts of railway
- Now should be countries consistent and years of vehicle availability too
- Fixes of minor issues[]
- Fixed issue with loading MTZ tractor to flatbed
- Fixed small issue with university hostel
- Added pedestrian connections to prefab panels factory
- Added Born/dead/escapes/immigrants stats to city hall
- Added car owners to global stats and to city hall too
- Fixed issue when global stats and city stats displayed same time
- If storage is small such as meat store, you can set now more exact amount of resources to purhcase
- Fixed crash when selling vehicle which have loaded another vehicles on flatbed
- Train path finding should be improved and not select so much detours — still present some issues
- Fixed issue that sometime was unable to load electronics at car plant
- Fixed issue with livestock storage (hall range)[]
- Fixed lag while building sidewalks
- Fixed bad texture at production line building
- Added few more personal cars and for few improved quality
- Added Polish EN57 train set
- Added new tractor and combine harvester[]
- Fixed production line productivity problem
- Fixed production line GUI text overlapping
- Fixed issue with train on chain signal not selected free route
- Fixed various crashes connected to personal car mechanics
- Fixed crash during loading connected to personal cars (Import Buildings)[]
- Disabled unwanted vehicles in construction office
- Increased speed generation parking lot connections when there are many parking lots
- Polish translation of update[]
- Fixed missing error message for car dealer when no citizens meet requirement to be a car owner[]
- Fixed problem with unaccessible electric wiring for construction office
- Added limit and increase size of import storage of production line
- Fixed problem that buses and other vehicles can be unloaded at car dealer
- Fixed rendering of joint buses or trailers on the flatbeds
- Fixed problem that car dealer not taking cars from connected storage
- Fixed problem with teleporting cars when they leaving car dealer
- Added electricity consumption when loading/unloading vehicles at storage
Replaced «passengers» with «workdays» in vehicle production cost
Added stats for export vehicles[]
- Added car dealer building & mechanics
- Fixed crash when hovering in the economy price stats[]
- Fixed problem with unable to load stuff from open storage with some vehicles
- Fixed problem with hotkey bar if player typing tool was activated
- Fixed crash accessing the economy statistics
- Fixed saving/loading of game while character like «ä» used on bit
- Fixed problem while resources was stored in unfinished storage/building
- Increased maximum stop for vehicle to 25
- Added info about value of vehicles loaded on the flatbed[]
- Added hotkey bar
- Added possibility to discard resources from storage
- Added vehicle production plant
- Added storage for finished vehicles
- Added possibility to sell vehicles at custom house
- Fixed pollution — was not performed only on cheat mode[]
- Fixed crash when deleting sidewalks
- Fixed crash connected with personal cars
- Fixed crash when importing buildings
- Fixed crash when dumper vehicles was sent to different workplace while laying asphalt
- Improved snap when using demolish button over parking lots
- Now if more stations in row, vehicle/train stay in station and finish the job, so you can better control if you would like to load/unload specific resources in specific amounts
- Now is possible to upgrade road even around pedestrian crossing, and also possible to continue road from pedestrian crossing[]
- Improved/fixed pathfinding for trains — train should not go to engaged track now
- Fixed problem with personal cars — crash
- Optimized autosearched functions
- Fixed some minor problems[]
- Added new trains/vagons vehicles
- 060DA locomotive (Romania)
- SU45, E201 locomotives (Poland)
- RIC type passanger car
- Tram K13N, K102NA, K105NA (Poland)
- Tram type CSMG (Hungary)
- Tram Tim2 (Romania)
- LZ100 truck — added more variants
- three new types of open/platform wagon
- Upgrades vehicles graphics
- T3 Tram
- TEP70 locomotive
- Chs07 locomotive
- LM68M
- LZ100 truck
- Divided tabs in building menu — residential buildings and facility for citizens are now separate tabs
- Added statistics for city area (you need have operational city hall in order to display it)
- Added personal cars — many models and also parking lots mechanics
- Fixes:
- Improved pathfinding (faster & removed 4x distance limit/optimization)
- Fixed crash when building multitrack
- Fixed crash related to buses/trains and workers
- fixed crash when at special circumstances game crashed when vehicle not able to find route
- railroad construction office storage now works different way so it will never get overfilled by one resources and no place for another resource
- Fixed crash when importing vehicles
- Fixed crash when train entering station
- Fixed inaccuracy , when vehicle should be available for purchase but it become available few months later
- Removed ambulances from construction office
- Now hints from «?» tab appear always in one window[]
- Added three new languages (Romanian, Hungarian, Portuguese BR).. all are WIP, officially not supported for now. They are added into game to allow better testing[]
- Fixed problem when you specify a destination for workers, in case worker is university educated he was not able to going into regular work (which not require university education)
- Fixed problems with residential electricity, if citizens had many kids may result to massive consumption of energy, also increased circuit breaker value to prevent unbalanced
- Added LCONTROL — while holding this key — the rotation of building is more exact
- Added R key to rotate building 90 degrees
- Added SPACE key to toggle pause on/off
- Fixed bug when on 64 bit version trains get bad value on speed and RPM
- Fixed crash when click on unassigned resource source for construction office[]
- Added tree brush (MMB to change size just like flattening)
- Now is not possible to seed tree very close to another tree
- Fixed bug when semaphore can be added even cursor is over window or over another GUI element
- Fixed issue when closing window with demolish or any other tool active, was possible to accidentally delete something
- Added info about current GPU into main menu in the left bottom corner (like the version)
- Fixed issue when university was destroyed during research running, research was the get locked
- Chance that any building get fire was decreased by -35%
- Fixed issue that rail construction office start construction of conveyor as railway bridge
- Added factory connection to concrete plant to be able connect it to cement storage
- If very low amount of staff in hospital, school or so the university educated will started work as staff
- Fixed issue with increasing price of finishing construction when doing construction on your own and decide if finish with money[]
- Now are saved in the save game also the parameters of current speed of game, auto finance, and auto purchase resources and auto populate too
- Added storage for cement
- Added storage for livestock
- Added visualization of livestock for storage/farm/slaughterhouse (you need to build new)
- Added settings for disable pause game while alt-tab window (good if you would like to run game while you can do other things on your PC)
- Added settings for disable minimize of window while alt tab (may be useful to watch what happening in the game in case you have two monitors)
- Attempt to fix bug when some machines are unable to start 64-bit version of the game in the Windows 8.1 (there is some unknown error with music, now game should run, but maybe music will not run)
- Added various minimize/maximize buttons into construction office/farm/construction and other windows
- Now if you click on building list in construction window (or double click in vehicle route plan) it opens a building window
- Now route plan is displayed also for vehicles which work for construction office, farm, etc — even you can’t modify this list
- Added special list of related vehicles at bottom of all windows where it can be used[]
- Fixed some stability or loading issues
- Fixed 64 bit version SFX issue (SFX hear while over empty map)
- Fixed disappearing road vehicles when moving on footpaths — was same issue as SFX issue BTW[]
- Added factory connection to small shopping center — you need to build new one
- Fixed issue that workers not wanted to step into train/bus if next station there was no job or nothing to satisfy, now they are checking all stations in vehicle schedule
- Fixed issue of workers going from station to station
- Fixed issue that workers step out from bus/train and then step back in
- If you now specify for train bus station where should workers/passengers/students go from station, and this destination will be another station, it will force workers to step into vehicle, and step out from the vehicle on this station — this will allows you to make a transfer points, like unload workers from bus and send them to train station and further transport
- Fixed bugs in passenger loading/unloading mechanics — there was some mistakes in calculation and speed of loading/unloading of passengers[]
- fixed adding unaccessible road and footpaths to construction office
- removed concrete & asphalt wait until loaded — seems causing more problems than solving
- increase auto search interval for construction offices from 15 to 30 seconds[]
- decreased loading time in 64 bit version
- font smoothing in 64 bit version
- maybe fixed random crash during loading (Init GUI textures) 64 bit version?[]
- Attempt to fix some audio issues with 64 bit version (but some changes also on 32bit)[]
- Introduced 64 bit version — there is resolved a problem when you saving map, and it get corrupted due to out of video memory — like map is too big or your computer low
- Fixed bug when sometime the save which is corrupted appear in load game list as not corrupted and another non corrupted saves appear as corrupted
- Corrupted save can be now selected and deleted
- When saving game and error on video memory appear a warning is displayed
- Fixed issues when inaccessible buildings and infrastructure added to construction office as construction
- Fixed issue when railway constructions added to non railway construction office
- Fixed bug in bus mechanics for prioritizing constructions according amount of workers present on constructions
- Fixed bug in bus mechanics not prioritizing construction with cranes present
- Fixed hospital issues, some citizens remain stranded inside
- Fixed issue that some of the citizens unable to move to another apartment[]
- Fixed some issues with path-finding optimizations like ambulances can’t find way back to hospital, etc, to avoid that vehicles send somewhere and can’t find route back, now they will not send there
- Construction office can now auto-search also sidewalk, constructions connected by sidewalks only, also conveyors, pipelines, simple everything
- Construction office now searching construction all time (every 15 seconds) not only if have empty queue — hopefully your babysitting of construction office will be over!
- Added approximate visualization of search-distance for construction office, and also hospital and fire station, or farm
- Now the concrete mixers and trucks going for asphalt waiting until not fully loaded (in case no workers at concrete plant or asphalt plant)
- Construction office — now you can select what types of constructions should office search (like roads only, conveyors, buildings, etc)
- Now the buses should bring workers according priority where it needed, prioritized are the construction where no machines can be present — like short roads, then a constructions where are present cranes, then other constructions and finally a constructions with mechanism present (like with excavators, etc).
- Buses will now not bring workers to construction until there are not present all materials, same for construction vehicles.
- Railway construction office search should be now much faster (better optimized), previously was there small freezes in case huge railway network
- Railway construction office — now should be construction find even if behind the station
- If string is not defined in additional language, English string is used instead blank space
- Serious issue was fixed in citizens mechanics, issues was the workers with some unsatisfied demands constantly remain in free time mode longer that it should, constantly going to bus/train station and then back home, now they should be on bus station only once during one cycle
- Another issue with this mechanics was that those citizens which not get what they want, and was on bus/train station, they was marked as unemployed[]
- Tweaked tolerance for roads/rails climb or descend in critical like crossings, connection to buildings, multi-track building etc, now should be much more comfortable
- Added new flatten tool type
- Increase raise, lower and flatten strength
- Fixed a crash when road depot is constructed by construction office
- Fixed crash when loading save with small corruptions in the list of building where should go workers/students from residential buildings
- Added verification of pipelines to avoid crashes at loading[]
- Added functionality to check possible error when vehicle can’t find route, open the vehicle window and wait until an inspect icon appear (if game get idea where is error)
- Fixed missing T815 from purchase list
- Fixed problem with electricity, showing big wattage even no consumption — even issue is quite serious, it seems it is just counting/visual error in result, but to fix in your map is required to demolish and build again the switches, transformers or sub stations.. fix it by the code would be too risky so rather to decided fix this way
- Added new prefab apartments
- Introduced «quality of flats» parameter for residential buildings — it affect citizens similar way than unsatisfied citizens reaction, if higher flats quality the citizens react slightly less negatively when they have unsatisfied demands
- Tweaked number of citizens to live in the apartments, previously was values too random, now it reflect to actual building cubic meters living-space and the quality of flats too
- Added small shopping center to save your space in the cities[]
- Improved chain signal (fixed few issues)
- Anoter fix to prevent crash when maximum city names (100) is reached[]
- Fixes for Japanese language
- Fixes for Polish language
- Resolved bug with stuck dumper at access to construction office (preventing to re-appear, not fixing if it’s already broken)
- Fixed problem when very short piece of road constructed, vehicle may go offroad
- Fixed crash when vehicle enter construction — problem was vehicle was sent to construction even it has a vehicle loaded manually on the hull
- Fixed crash when reaching a number of predefined cities names (A weir name is now generated)
- Added 5 new music tracks into game (soon they will be added to soundtrack too)
- Decreased memory consumption (and quality) of sky textures, let’s see what happens[]
- Fixed Italian language crashes
- Signals are now on right side of the track
- Added chain signal
- Fixed storage status (top panel) — it was inaccurate
- Fixed error in signals when train is sell when all wagons completely at station
- Fixed error in signals when rail track construction is suspended and trainset completely on the station
- Optimized path-finding (less short-freezes during game, in case you have big road network)
- Optimized path-finding — now the shorter way should be preferred
- Path-finding now the faster roads should be preferred
- Fixed problem when X cross at double track railway was not able to build in some occasion
- Fixed problem that sometime the junction/railtrack connection was not properly built and not works
- Fixed problem when on signal remains red color, when faster movement or low FPS
- Added help marks when rail tools are selected to better visible which signals are placed
- Circuit breaker limit increased for buildings like warehouses or cargo station to avoid voltage jumpings (this may be fixed if you rebuild the building)[]
- Fixed problem sometime when track building train was placed to rail office, it remains as ghost on railtrack blocking semaphores for trains or road vehicles
- Fixed problem that sometime train passed semaphore but it reset signal to green while another train is in the block
- Sometime signal not updated it’s status properly — mainly for signals placed before the dead-end of railtrack
- Fixed problem when due to low FPS sometime train passed semaphore on red color
- Fixed when rail track building trainset passed signals during construction of railtrack it was not properly update/unblock this signal
- Now is impossible to place signals on the railway crossing, or road crossing
- Now is impossible to build railtrack over the signals
- If health and happiness for worker was 0% it may crash the game, now fixed
- If kids with finished basic education not able to get on university, warning is not displayed in residential building
- Fixed problem when vehicles sometime freeze at middle of road.. (but if they are already freezes they will not move even with update), but next time should not freeze (note: there may be more vehicles freeze bugs)
- When train comes to custom house unload fuel/bitumen/oil or aggregate materials too.. now will unload both bitumen and fuel same time
- When bridge ends in the air it was possible to build a road from the end of bridge, now is not possible
- On school or university there sometime remains kids or citizens very long
time, and they was achieved 10.0 education level, now fixed
- Serious issue fixed, sometime workers not step into trains even it they should
- Fixed problems with vehicle schedule copy.. sometime caused crash or confusion of vehicles
- Added possibility to select also trains from depot while using the schedule copy
- Sometime tunnel portal disappeared during construction after loading saved game, now fixed
- Now is possible to build tunnel with resources[]
- Small tweak on functionality of copy vehicle schedule, now you are copy vehicle schedule TO vehicle you select (not vice versa as before.. so you don’t need to open every vehicle window) just select the vehicle which is already programmed.. and select vehicles which should behave like the one you have selected — thanks to guys on beta branch for suggestion
(small edit in code, but big improvement in effectivity
- Another fix of infrastructure validation to avoid crash during saving
- Fixed freezes during fire (if building not have proper road connections), with dense road-network firetruck trying to find way cause freezes
- V3S truck was not able to purchase for woodcutting post, now fixed
- 75m tower crane is now available from 1976 to avoid confusion — until this year not exist a truck for it
- fixed problem, the station check boxes was not saved/loaded properly
- fixed when building not have functional footpath or road connection, in
case of someone from it’s citizens get very sick and need ambulance, ambulances trying the find the way constantly and cause long freezes (few seconds), now freezes should be just very short, or any.. depends on your road network
- Improved verification of footpath and roads (remove badly created segments on load) to avoid crashes
- Fixed when vehicle waiting to load or unload, there was many consumption of electricity, while no material load/unload, in case
storage is empty and vehicle waiting, no electricity is consumpted now
- Added a functionality for copy vehicle schedule!!!!
- increased speed of loading / unloading passengers from vehicles by 100%
- citizens/passengers waiting on the station when they are going to enjoy free time, their counter is slowed down now, while they waiting on the station, so they should catch more things, even not near their home
- tweak — now should workers step into bus even if in all factories are still workers..
- fixed problem when vehicle can’t find way to unload resources on workers when building footpath
- sometimes there was situation that 3 or more trucks block each other.. now should be fixed[]
- Fixed some error while loading a save, which could cause save failure
- Fixed that rail construction office sometime was not taking the resources from connected storages properly
- Now should car not get struck at access into construction office or concrete or asphalt plant
- Fixed problem when hospital is on fire and ambulances are confused
- Fixed off road problem, now should vehicles not go offroad
- Luck! I maybe managed to fix this issue with the fuel vehicles.. discovered very serious problem, which could sure caused this all refuel problem — or even also crashes, so hope this is now fixed.. if anybody get with this newest version this fuel bug (vehicles driving to strange buildings, or far away) let me know!
- Added code for footpaths validation to avoid crashes at loading or saving (same is already in use for a road validation and seems working good)
- There was not shown the coal or iron transported on conveyor from mine
- Fixed some crash when building railway with resources and trackbuilders
- Very annoying SFX glitch was removed when more vehicles on map[]
- Sometime workers was go out of footpath, due to strange crossing, this is fixed now
- Fixed, When Low FPS sometime may truck not unload gravel on the construction site
- When 1996+ temporary (until we make all vehicles) lock vehicles according year is disabled (all vehicles become available)
- Vehicle should not spend the fuel when waiting for load/unload
- Fixed, now even university educated workers can work as staff in hospital or school (if all professors/doctors workplaces full)[]
- Fixed some crashes when railway deletion (but sure not all)
- Fixed crash when truck access small piece of road (but maybe more of those issues)
- Fixed crash when building the city in pause mode.. and then crash shortly after first building finished
- Increase number of allowed connection of power switches and transformators[]
- Another fixes to education
- kids which are too young for university (less than 15), if already finished elementary school will not acces bus stop
- citizens older than 35 still living with parents, with finished basic education, will not try to access university (not appear on bus stop)
- kids with already reached university education will not access bus station
- Fixed issue with refilling truck after get unloaded in the farm building
- Fixed bug, the pipe engines was not transporting the fuel or bitumen properly from asphalt plant, when there was 2 or more engines/pump in line
- Fixed random crash bug when too short road is connected to woodcutting post
- Fixed a crash or small freezes issue when vehicle moving on the footpaths[]
- Fixed serious bug which may affecting overal stability — if you getting random crash every 0-15 minutes may be your case
- Corrected small bug in pathfinding — don’t expect miracles![]
- Fixed crash when Importing Railways
- Fixed crash when Importing Roads
- Fixed one of the custom house where was unable to build roads[]
- Fixed an educational/kids bug on easier difficulty — you may get too many child/students waiting on the station, due to out of free flats.. this was fixed by that if kid is without own flat and reached age 30, he will escape..unless he is not last kid from parrent.. so you can experience a lot of escapes after you load your game, only temporary until all old 30+ kids will escape
- Also previously if some citizen died, his child has been also deleted, now when citizen died, child will take free place and continue — become an normal citizen
- Added to passenger station window the checkbox, so if you not wish to transport passengers or students, you can check it off
- Extended +30% waiting time on the station and traveling time in vehicle
- Increased university minimum age to 15
- Seems steel mill crash should now be fixed[]
- Fixed crashes when loading save (some delete buildings remains in construction office vehicle’s route plan)
- Fixed situation when construction office lost road connection to sources or constructions vehicles frooze in the office even after re-building of road connection to construction[]
- Hotfixed bug — loading into vehicles broken
- Fixed one crash while loading saved game[]
- Fixed issue with woodcutting post.. truck was not going to collect the wood, when storage was full, but when you connected additional storage, they was not go for wood anyway
- Fixed issue with factory connections (and other conveyor, pipelines, etc) if factory something produces or vehicles something to unload.. an random storage was selected, now primarily is selected a storage which is less filled also if vehicle trying something to load, storage which is filled more is selected
- Snother fix to avoid detection of corrupted config.ini seems previous fix not corrected some of the cases
- Fixed crash when building railway manually via railway construction train-sets
- fixed crash/problem when building road or footpath and deleted unfinished road via construction window (hitting that dynamite button)
- If rail construction office is built, automatically is set limit for internal storage to 25% each resource, to avoid overfill
- Fixed bug when kids was going to unfinished school (construction)
- Fixed radio and TV station bug with million negative values while tweaking preferences of broadcast — but is not possible to restore old saves, this issue should not re-appear, please reload your earlier save when you get this problem.[]
- Improved DPI setting of application to avoid lock mouse in the middle of screen, also to avoid zoom-IN windowed mode
- Added addional checks on save game, if save is corrupted, cannot be loaded…
- Fixed, game should run even if config.ini is corrupted
- Now default launch option runs SETUP APPLICATION SOVIET.exe, instead SOVIET.exe.. let us know in case it generate some problems for you..
- decreased a bit consumption of electricity by citizens when they are home or in work or during night.. in about -30%[]
- Added Support of 4:3 resolutions to Config App
- Removed auto-purchase resources for factories/power plant (seems this not good solution), but this functionality was preserved on shops, pubs and gas stations
- Fixed crash when deleting road
- Fixed another crash when deleting road
- Fixed crash when building a railways with construction train sets
- Various crash during loading fixes, but I’m sure not all, but many…
- If you got problems with electricity, bad/long number at voltage, hold for a moment same time key E+L+C to reset it.. just for hotfix.. I will investigate issue more, any info what need to be exactly done to reproduce are welcome![]
- Default language to auto-detection instead english
- Improved auto detection of language
Roadmap from 0.8.5 to 1.0.0
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
Early Access Game
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Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you
should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more
What the developers have to say:
Why Early Access?
“As in our previous project (Air Missions: Hind) we find it cool to know what players think about the game during development. Also, we can hear feedback and implement features that players would like to see in the game.”
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
“The game should stay in Early Access for 12–24 months.The exact time depends on players’ engagement. If there are many players, we will continue for a longer time in development and adding new features.”
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
“We will try to implement all ideas we have, and our players have. We plan to make new types of transportation (ships, aircraft and other), implement new vehicles, new buildings and new gameplay mechanics, mostly connected with citizens (demands, demonstrations, escapes, etc.).”
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
“The game is currently playable and stable.All features described on the store page are implemented. What we will try to improve further are the general graphics and optimizations, but even now the game should be basically optimized.”
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
“Price may increase during Early Access.”
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
“We hope community can help us with new ideas and general feedback. It’s great to hear what players think about game during the development, so we can aim development a best way. We expect players will use forum to give us ideas and feedback, we will then collect feedback and select features we will find possible to implement.”
Read more
About This Game
- Manage all aspects of your own republic with planned economy, including mining resources, manufacturing goods, construction, investments, and citizens too.
- Create your own industrial complexes with loading and unloading stations, storage, warehouses, and factories.
- Build the infrastructure and manage its traffic, including roads, railways, sidewalks, conveyors, wiring, and pipelines. Wisely place and connect factories, houses and warehouses, and make the most efficient connections.
- Plan and build the living areas with everything your citizens may need to live their happy life, such as playgrounds, cinema s, taverns, and shops.
- Send your citizens to the mine to get coal, iron and other natural resources; or send them to the fields to pick up the crops; or take them to factories to produce manufactured goods.
- Sell and purchase resources and goods from western countries or other soviet countries to get dollars or rubles and buy the products or resources you need … or invest in new infrastructure or buildings.
- Enjoy authentic soviet buildings and vehicles, as well as realistic landscapes of the 60’s to the 90’s.
- Play the way you want! You can focus on getting natural resources or products and trade them for money; or you can build a self-sufficient republic; or you can just use the easy sandbox mode with unlimited money/resources and just enjoy building something live.
- Economic simulation. Prices of resources on the global market are changing over time as you play –one day you can sell or purchase steel for a $100 per ton, but in a few months the cost can rise to $200 or decrease to $50. The price of everything is connected to the cost of work and resources.
- Increasing difficulty.As prices change, the demands of the citizens also change, and you will need more resources to keep them happy and force them to work.
You have many options for how you will manage resources and goods transportation. If you get raw iron ore from a mine, you need to process it. Then you need to transport it somehow into a steel mill to produce steel. You can build the processing plant and steel mill near to the mine and transport it all by conveyors, or you can transport iron ore into a steel mill by train fora longer distance.
It is up to you to decide from where the workers will go into the factories. You can create residential zones and transport workers by buses or trains to industrial areas. You can also build residential buildings near the factories so that workers will able to walk to the factory. But don’t forget that a worker will need to purchase food and enjoy their free time, so again it is up to you to decide whether to build those facilities near their home or whether you will transport them somehow to shops or places to spend their free time.
There are, right now, over 30 commodities you can mine, transport and manufacture. If you want to get clothes you will first need to get resources to create a fabric, then you will need a clothing factory where the clothes will be manufactured from this fabric. You can then transport the finished clothes into shops where your citizens can buy them.
Every commodity has a specific requirement,so if you would like to load oil into the tank train-car you will need a special pumping loading station. If you need to load gravel into a dumper truck you need a special loading station where the gravel comes from conveyors into the truck. Liquid resources like oil or fuel can be stored only in tanks, while resources like wood, steel, or prefabricated concrete panels can be stored outside in the open space. Using a crane for these will increase loading/unloading speed. Goods like clothes, food, etc. can be stored in warehouses.
Every worker/citizen goes to work each day. If they work for you, they have demands. At the start of the game they are satisfied just with food, but as a time goes on they may have more demands like meat, clothes, alcohol or electronics. Also, to have happy workers you need places where they can spend their leisure time – cinema, playgrounds, taverns, etc.
Every worker has an education level. They can go to school or college to improve this level. If their education is too low they cannot work; if their education is high enough they can be a teacher, or researcher, or work in factories with special requirements.
The game simulates the economy system. There are no fixed prices! Costs of everything are defined by the economic situation. For example, the cost of steel is calculated from the price of iron, coal and work, and also partially from the cost of steel mill construction.
You purchase or sell commodities for money (dollars or rubles). But be careful, as it is possible that if you buy or sell for high values you will affect the price of the commodity on the market. You may be able to purchase for a higher price or sell it cheaper.
As time increases, so does complexity. Some resources or products may become more expensive (as, for example, less human work is needed with advanced technologies), so later with more complexity, it may be necessary to be as self-sufficient as possible.
System Requirements
- OS: Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit), Windows 10 (64-bit)
- Processor: 2,5 GHz Dual Core
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Graphics: DirectX 11 compatible gaming graphics card (2GB RAM or more). Integrated graphics card (like Intel) are not supported
- Storage: 5 GB available space
- Sound Card: DirectX compatible
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