Zabbix import template error

Zabbix 3.0 import template failed На новом заббиксе хочу применить темплейт, а заббикс его не принимает и в чем проблема не говорит.Вот всё что выдаётВ логах пусто, в гугле пусто, ручками забивать овердохера параметров лень.Ставил из репы заббикса на дебиан 8. И даже прокрутки нет? Прокрутка есть, но там всё так же выглядит. […]


  1. Zabbix 3.0 import template failed
  2. не импортируются шаблоны в zabbix 5.4.0 #67
  4. Error when try to import OS Windows template #16
  6. Error on importing the template #1
  8. problems importing XML template in zabbix 2.2 #1
  10. Footer

Zabbix 3.0 import template failed

На новом заббиксе хочу применить темплейт, а заббикс его не принимает и в чем проблема не говорит.
Вот всё что выдаёт
В логах пусто, в гугле пусто, ручками забивать овердохера параметров лень.
Ставил из репы заббикса на дебиан 8.

И даже прокрутки нет?

Прокрутка есть, но там всё так же выглядит. Ни одного error или тому подобного.

Но сам шаблон ты конечно же не будешь нам показывать.

Успешно импортнул на свой 3.0.4.

Файл шаблона тяжеловат. Есть подозрения, что ограничение PHP/web-сервера на размер загружаемых файлов.

Интересный шаблон, не поделишься ли случаем с сообществом остальным (скрипты, userparameters)?

Покажи из /etc/php.ini

Вообще это под тестовую инсталляцию, пока всё крутится на 2.2.
Шаблон утащил с хабра. Под мои нужды, к сожалению не совсем подходит, т.к. много машин с fake-raid на винде и smart’у нужны параметры с зяпятыми, экранировать которые я так и не разумел.

upload_max_filesize = 2M должно хватить.

В любом случае, скриншот из версии 3.0, значит сам шаблон валидный, ра у меня импортировался. Какие-то ограничения на самом сервере. ИМХО, всё-таки завязано оно на большой размер шаблона. Ограничения в DB, web-server, php.

У меня совсем другая связка centos7+pgsql9.5+nginx1.10+php7.0.

Попробовал на другом сервере debian8+apache+zabbix3.0.4+php5.6+mariadb, ошибки нет.

Изучить my.cnf, возможно ограничения там, по параметру не подскажу.

Изучать логи zabbix_server, mysql, apache в момент импорта шаблона, пока не найдёшь ошибки или предупреждения.


не импортируются шаблоны в zabbix 5.4.0 #67

а очень бы хотелось.

Некорректное значение «‘44569′» для поля целого положительного числа «resourceid». [zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerPopupImport->doAction() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CConfiguration->import() → CConfigurationImport->import() → CConfigurationImport->processTriggers() → CTrigger->create() → CTriggerGeneral->createReal() → CApiService->addAuditBulk() → CAudit::addBulk() → DB::insertBatch() → DB::checkValueTypes() → DB::exception() in include/classes/db/DB.php:396]

Ошибочный параметр «/3/params»: invalid second parameter in function «forecast». [zabbix.php:22 → require_once() → ZBase->run() → ZBase->processRequest() → CController->run() → CControllerPopupImport->doAction() → CApiWrapper->__call() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callMethod() → CApiWrapper->callMethod() → CFrontendApiWrapper->callClientMethod() → CLocalApiClient->callMethod() → CConfiguration->import() → CConfigurationImport->import() → CConfigurationImport->processDiscoveryRules() → CConfigurationImport->createItemsWithDependency() → CItemPrototype->create() → CItemPrototype->checkInput() → CItemGeneral->checkInput() → CApiService::exception() in include/classes/api/services/CItemGeneral.php:344]

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:


Error when try to import OS Windows template #16

Take error when try to import your OS Windows template.

Не удалось импортировать шаблон «OS Windows», соединенные шаблоны «ICMP, Service Zabbix Agent» не существуют.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Can you try to first import the ICMP template and the Service Zabbix Agent template? Then this will work for you.

You may also be better off using the Devel branch to DL it from, it has more content.

we could update the readme to state this

Thanks a lot for explanation,

@kloczek this can be closed now. I updated README as well.

I imported they all, but got new problem 🙂
If OS Windows have different language then English tamplates doesn’t work, because perfcounters have localised names.
For this reason i want to ask. Can you look at this article and thinking about using counters IDs instead of counter names?

And one more questions.
Are you have a plan to create templates for IIS, MSSQL and MS FTP-service?

Thanks a lot and best wishes, Dmytro

Ok, can report as a separate issue thread.

Thank you for sharing this is most useful. Interesting I find more counters by this method than any other. but why? Even details on the B+ tree operations. If using these IDs will be the same no matter the language used then yes every single one will need to be updated. Then comes the question how to also have the item names not be language specific? I am assuming you would import the template, and all details are in English not your own language. Also I want to make all Perf counters to use LLD, as they differ per Win OS.

Yes I do, only thing is I am one person doing this with limited Windows systems to work with. I don’t yet have a server running IIS nor AD anywhere. I also have a to-do list you may have seen on Zabbix forums. See —

Sorry, but my experience with zabbix and server administration is very small.

In my case
I’m trying to setup zabbix monitoring on our 15+ dedicated servers.

About perfcounters and LLD, maybe it can help you:

If OS Windows have different language then English tamplates doesn’t work, because perfcounters have localised names

I think that this should be reported as the Windows issue.
Names of the perf counters should not depend on used language settings.

About mssql and iis counters.
I recomend look at one of the most popular app for perfomance counters monitoring.
I hope that their list of counters could help you create new templates when you’ll have enouth time for this.

If OS Windows have different language then English tamplates doesn’t work, because perfcounters have localised names

I think that this should be reported as the Windows issue.
Names of the perf counters should not depend on used language settings.

That’s how Windows works. 😕
Anyway, it’s better to use numeric counters where possible to make template as compatible as possible:

It does not look good 🙁
I’ve been trying to google for any other solution but seems numeric representation is only way to have sampling right metric.
As I’m less interested Windows monitoring I’m leaving @Chewbakka-Wakka decision about move to such representation (he is de facto leading maintaining OS Windows template).

It does not look good 🙁
I’ve been trying to google for any other solution but seems numeric representation is only way to have sampling right metric.

I suggest you can place English representation in the item description field as a note.

If the numeric equivalents are the same across languages then this may have to be changed then. Issue is it will take a while to move all 300+ items manually to achieve that. Or to take all current items as they are, find the numerical mapping for each and then do some mass update on the xml template to fix all at once. Is it possible in the item description field to populate with the description using whatever language is locally used? Another note is in the event Microsoft changes the existing numerical maps or changes to a totally new format for the existing perf counters, then the same needs to be done all over again.


Error on importing the template #1

I get this error message when trying to import the template. Any idea, how to solve that?

Trigger «Hardware monitoring not available — SNMP on port 161 is not in LISTEN state» depends on trigger «Host is unavailable via ICMP ping», which does not exist.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

The template has some dependencies to the ICMP ping template delivered by Zabbix as a core template.
Do you have the ICMP Ping template installed and linked to the hosts that are going to use the template-snmp-dell-openmanage?

I changed the xml that I downloaded and searched for «Host is unavailable via ICMP ping» and updated that to » is unavailable by ICMP». I then could import the template.

I followed pcdiks’s solution, except I had to rename the expression as well. I installed Zabbix-3.0.4 from RPM repo, and the template is not called Template-icmp-ping but Template ICMP Ping . Also, I had to get rid of the [] after icmpping . After that, importing worked.

So IMO the correct dependency on line 2989 should look like this:

for the lazy amongst us:

has it fixed and uploads fine as a template in zabbix 3.2

Man, thx for the fix in the file. Its a life savior for me! Peace!

Hello, you fixed the template in November 2016, I can successfully import it, but I added the host, can not get the data from snmp-agent, And I have added snmp-agent SNMP_COMMUNITY to pulic, zabbix server also added the global macro <$ SNMP_COMMUNITY>for the public, I

found through the zabbix server log information as follows: «Temporary disabling SNMP agent checks on host» «: host unavailable», but in zabbix server, I can snmp order «snmpwalk-t 10 -v 2c -c public .» success Access to the value of, my zabbix server version 3.0, snmp-agent and openmanage installed in the DELL server windows (, you can help me solve this problem, thank you!

I currently do not have a zabbix instance to test with so I cannot help you atm. 🙁

I recall the zabbix server config also has snmp poller directives — possibly disabled?
Just a very . VERY long shot.

Hello, first thank you for your template, I have been able to use this template, but now I have a problem, when I add a host, everything looks normal, zabbix can successfully obtain all the DELL server hardware information , Such as raid type, disk size, but after a period of time, it can not get a second value, everything seems to be prohibited, I try to restart zabbix service, it can successfully obtain all the DELL server hardware information, once again. But only once the value, and then after a period of time, it can not get the value, that is only when I restart zabbix service can get all the DELL server hardware information, and then can not get the value, I want to know the problem with the template or DELL OpenManager.
can you help me solve it ? Thank you!

I’d say — check the logs — maybe it still is a server side issue.
Which zabbix service do you restart? Agent, server itself? The latter — how do the queues look like?


problems importing XML template in zabbix 2.2 #1

I’m seeing these errors while trying to import the XML template into zabbix 2.2.9 server:

mb_strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given [conf.import.php:130 → CConfigurationImport->import() → CConfigurationImport->processDiscoveryRules() → CAPIObject->create() → CAPIObject->__call() → czbxrpc::call() → czbxrpc::callAPI() → call_user_func() → CDiscoveryRule->create() → CDiscoveryRule->createReal() → DB::insert() → DB::checkValueTypes() → zbx_strlen() → mb_strlen() in /usr/share/zabbix/include/]
Array to string conversion [conf.import.php:130 → CConfigurationImport->import() → CConfigurationImport->processDiscoveryRules() → CAPIObject->create() → CAPIObject->call() → czbxrpc::call() → czbxrpc::callAPI() → call_user_func() → CDiscoveryRule->create() → CDiscoveryRule->createReal() → DB::insert() → implode() in /usr/share/zabbix/include/classes/db/DB.php:450]
Error in query [INSERT INTO items (name,type,snmp_community,snmp_oid,delay,status,snmpv3_contextname,snmpv3_securityname,snmpv3_securitylevel,snmpv3_authprotocol,snmpv3_authpassphrase,snmpv3_privprotocol,snmpv3_privpassphrase,delay_flex,params,ipmi_sensor,authtype,username,password,publickey,privatekey,port,filter,lifetime,description,key
,trapper_hosts,hostid,flags,value_type,data_type,interfaceid,itemid) VALUES (‘HAProxy backend discovery’,’0′,»,»,’3600′,’0′,»,»,’0′,’0′,»,’0′,»,»,»,»,’0′,»,»,»,»,»,Array,’5′,»,’haproxy.list.discovery[BACK]’,»,’10352′,’1′,’4′,’0′,NULL,’48806′)] [Unknown column ‘Array’ in ‘field list’]
SQL statement execution has failed «INSERT INTO items (name,type,snmp_community,snmp_oid,delay,status,snmpv3_contextname,snmpv3_securityname,snmpv3_securitylevel,snmpv3_authprotocol,snmpv3_authpassphrase,snmpv3_privprotocol,snmpv3_privpassphrase,delay_flex,params,ipmi_sensor,authtype,username,password,publickey,privatekey,port,filter,lifetime,description,key
,trapper_hosts,hostid,flags,value_type,data_type,interfaceid,itemid) VALUES (‘HAProxy backend discovery’,’0′,»,»,’3600′,’0′,»,»,’0′,’0′,»,’0′,»,»,»,»,’0′,»,»,»,»,»,Array,’5′,»,’haproxy.list.discovery[BACK]’,»,’10352′,’1′,’4′,’0′,NULL,’48806′)».

I think they may be related to . Was the template generated by Zabbix 2.2 or 2.4?

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Found the problem and possible workaround: #2

fixed by a #2 merge

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Attempting to import an XML configuration for a web scenario + trigger template using the Zabbix API, but the import fails when verifying the trigger.

Here are the details of the request being made to the API and the error returned:

failed: [] (item=services/website.xml.j2) => {
    "access_control_allow_headers": "Content-Type", 
    "access_control_allow_methods": "POST", 
    "access_control_allow_origin": "*", 
    "access_control_max_age": "1000", 
    "changed": false, 
    "connection": "close", 
    "content_length": "207", 
    "content_type": "application/json", 
    "date": "Tue, 14 Mar 2017 10:00:42 GMT", 
    "failed": true, 
    "failed_when_result": true, 
    "invocation": {
        "module_args": {
            "backup": null, 
            "body": {
                "auth": "f07beb1227557c992d8f6c395b48d0a7", 
                "id": "24402", 
                "jsonrpc": 2.0, 
                "method": "configuration.import", 
                "params": {
                    "format": "xml", 
                    "rules": {
                        "applications": {
                            "createMissing": true, 
                            "deleteMissing": true, 
                            "updateExisting": true
                        "groups": {
                            "createMissing": true
                        "items": {
                            "createMissing": true, 
                            "deleteMissing": true, 
                            "updateExisting": true
                        "templates": {
                            "createMissing": true, 
                            "updateExisting": true
                        "triggers": {
                            "createMissing": true, 
                            "deleteMissing": true, 
                            "updateExisting": true
                    "source": "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>n<zabbix_export>n    <version>3.2</version>n    <date>2017-03-12T12:26:11Z</date>n    <groups>n        <group>n            <name>ansible-zabbix/templates</name>n        </group>n    </groups>n    <templates>n        <template>n            <template>templates_website_check</template>n            <name>templates_website_check</name>n            <description/>n            <groups>n                <group>n                    <name>ansible-zabbix/templates</name>n                </group>n            </groups>n            <applications>n                <application>n                    <name>WEBSITE</name>n                </application>n            </applications>n            <items/>n            <discovery_rules/>n            <httptests>n                <httptest>n                    <name>website_check</name>n                    <application>n                        <name>WEBSITE</name>n                    </application>n                    <delay>60</delay>n                    <attempts>1</attempts>n                    <agent>Zabbix</agent>n                    <http_proxy/>n                    <variables/>n                    <headers/>n                    <status>0</status>n                    <authentication>0</authentication>n                    <http_user/>n                    <http_password/>n                    <verify_peer>0</verify_peer>n                    <verify_host>0</verify_host>n                    <ssl_cert_file/>n                    <ssl_key_file/>n                    <ssl_key_password/>n                    <steps>n                        <step>n                            <name>website_health</name>n                            <url>{HOST.HOST}</url>n                            <posts/>n                            <variables/>n                            <headers/>n                            <follow_redirects>1</follow_redirects>n                            <retrieve_mode>0</retrieve_mode>n                            <timeout>300</timeout>n                            <required/>n                            <status_codes>200</status_codes>n                        </step>n                    </steps>n                </httptest>n            </httptests>n            <macros/>n            <templates/>n            <screens/>n        </template>n    </templates>n    <triggers>n        <trigger>n            <expression>{[website_check].sum(#5)}&gt;2</expression>n            <recovery_mode>0</recovery_mode>n            <recovery_expression/>n            <name>Greater than 60% failures on {HOST.HOST} for web scenario website_check</name>n            <correlation_mode>0</correlation_mode>n            <correlation_tag/>n            <url/>n            <status>0</status>n            <priority>4</priority>             <description/>n            <type>0</type>n            <manual_close>0</manual_close>n            <dependencies/>n            <tags/>n        </trigger>n    </triggers>n</zabbix_export>n"
            "body_format": "json", 
            "content": null, 
            "creates": null, 
            "delimiter": null, 
            "dest": null, 
            "directory_mode": null, 
            "follow": false, 
            "follow_redirects": "safe", 
            "force": false, 
            "force_basic_auth": false, 
            "group": null, 
            "headers": {
                "Content-Type": "application/json"
            "http_agent": "ansible-httpget", 
            "method": "POST", 
            "mode": null, 
            "owner": null, 
            "regexp": null, 
            "remote_src": null, 
            "removes": null, 
            "return_content": false, 
            "selevel": null, 
            "serole": null, 
            "setype": null, 
            "seuser": null, 
            "src": null, 
            "status_code": [
            "timeout": 30, 
            "unsafe_writes": null, 
            "url": "http:, 
            "url_password": null, 
            "url_username": null, 
            "use_proxy": true, 
            "validate_certs": true
        "module_name": "uri"
    "item": "services/website.xml.j2", 
    "json": {
        "error": {
            "code": -32602, 
            "data": "Incorrect item key "[website_check]" provided for trigger expression on "templates_website_check".", 
            "message": "Invalid params."
        "id": "24402", 
        "jsonrpc": "2.0"
    "msg": "OK (207 bytes)", 
    "redirected": false, 
    "server": "Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) PHP/5.4.16", 
    "status": 200, 
    "url": "http:, 
    "x_powered_by": "PHP/5.4.16"

And here is what the XML looks like before being serialized into a string:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <name>Greater than 60% failures on {HOST.HOST} for web scenario website_check</name>

The XML should be ok as I manually created the template with web scenario and trigger on an existing Zabbix server then exported the XML from there.

I can also import this XML successfully using the Zabbix frontend, but when trying to import through the API it fails.

(1) Zabbix поддерживает импорт и экспорт шаблонов, а формат файла импорта — xml или json (.xml или .json)

Примечание. Если в процессе импорта произойдет какая-либо ошибка, импорт будет прекращен.

(2) Сначала подготовьте шаблон и сохраните его в формате .xml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                            <name>PING IP $1</name>
                    <name>Template OS Linux</name>

(3) Подробное описание XML

Базовый формат файла XML, это также может относиться к буклету по эксплуатации zabbix

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Заголовок XML по умолчанию

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

корневой элемент zabbix xml


Экспортная версия


Обратите внимание, что версия здесь не может быть написана неправильно, иначе появится сообщение об ошибке: «/ zabbix_export / templates / template (1)»: тег «описание» отсутствует.

Выберите файл для импорта

Успешно импортирован

На картинке выше показан успешно импортированный шаблон.

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