Zsh exec format error

Nov 5, 2020 6:01 PM in response to cusackse2

Nov 5, 2020 6:01 PM in response to cusackse2

That’s a 32-bit executable. It won’t work on a modern version of macOS. You can try to download the source and rebuild it if you want.

Nov 6, 2020 4:59 AM in response to cusackse2

As the last entry in the change log is for 2011, you may find dependencies in the source code that will be hard to find or now compatible. They also expect builds using GNU C++ (as it was in 2011), so could be a bumpy ride with either the current version of that compiler, or even Apple’s clang compiler.

Unless you are actually running this on a Linux distribution, you likely want the Darwin build specifically for Mac.

Nov 6, 2020 8:25 AM in response to VikingOSX

That’s not the problem with this code. It’s just really ancient. But it is kind of nice just having a plain-ole makefile for a change. I’m trying to update my big program to use a more recent build of pdfium. It uses Google’s crazy build systems. It’s just insane.

But this project is simple. All I had to do is remove the “-static” from the Makefile and it compiles with no problem. I don’t know if it works or not because I have no idea what it does.

But build systems these days have really gone off the deep end. Here is what I have to do in order to update the pdfium project.

1) Install the one specific build that works, with custom 3rd party build scripts, on a Linux computer.

2) Keep trying to build it, installing necessary dependencies when it fails. Note that I can’t just rebuild after installing a dependency. I have to blow away the project and start a new build from scratch. It’s not fast either.

3) Zip up the result and copy it to my Mac. I have to prune it a bit to remove all of Google’s “depot tools”. Otherwise the zip file is 3.4 GB.

4) Do a recursive diff to look for changes to the source code. Most of the changes are to the testing suite and “fuzzers”, which I don’t need.

5) I’ve already built a custom Xcode project to do the actual build. I just had to update some #defines that have changed, double-check my hacks, remove files that no longer build and apparently were part of the XFA module that I never needed anyway.

This is state of the art stuff!

Nov 6, 2020 10:32 AM in response to etresoft

I did not bother to download the source code, as I had other demands on my time. Yes, I remember when the software development process, and makefiles (even those with custom SCCS rules), were still simple. I also remember being at a customer site where a contractor made a SunOS makefile that had other makefile calls in it to 19 levels… and a source pool that was 50 directories deep.


  1. Catalina Terminal zsh exec format error
  2. Similar questions
  3. zsh exec format error
  4. Similar questions
  5. Handle Exec Format Error In 8 Simple Points
  6. What is Exec Format Error?
  7. Exec Format Error Linux
  8. Exec format error macOS
  9. Exec format error java
  10. Exec format error python
  11. Exec format error docker
  12. Exec format error raspberry pi
  13. How to execute arm binary files on Linux
  14. diskutil verifyVolume / : POSIX reports: Exec format error
  15. 2 Answers 2

Catalina Terminal zsh exec format error

Each time i open Catalina 10.15.(1-4) french, a terminal window is opened on the desktop with the following error message «zsh: exec format error: /Applications/Utilities/Capture d’écran alias» I have no experience with using the Terminal. I re-installed MacOS with option+command+R and Time-Machine but the problem has persisted.

Macbook Pro 15” 2017, Processeur 2,9 GHz Intel Core I7 quatre coeurs, Intel HD Graphics 630 1536 Mo.

MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 10.15

Posted on Apr 1, 2020 10:00 AM

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pj$ /Applications/MirrorON ; exit; -bash: /Applications/MirrorON: cannot execute binary file logout Saving session. . copying shared history. . saving history. truncating history files. . completed. [Process completed] The MirrorON script is below. I have tried with #!/bin/bash as the first line and without. No difference in results: tell application «System Preferences» activate reveal anchor «displaysArrangementTab» of pane id «com.apple.preference.displays» delay 1 tell application «System Events» tell application process «System Preferences» click checkbox «Mirror Displays» of tab group 1 of window «HP ENVY 32» end tell end tell end tell I’m no programmer, and any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.

This is usually a login script error, but I lack a Catalina French configurations to test this case. As a test, create a new user, and log into that user, launch Terminal.app, and see if the error arises in that context. If it does, then it looks like a more general problem with Catalina, or maybe with a system-wide script. If it does not reoccur, then there’s likely something in your login scripts involved.

Use the following syntax:

None of the applications in the /Applications folder, or Utilities folder have any execution privileges by design because they are package folders containing the real, internal, executable application binary. You cannot just run these graphical applications like they were Unix commands. Their aliasses created by the Finder are non-executable too.

The open command above is the right approach.


zsh exec format error

I am trying to run a Linux executable from terminal via zsh. I continue to get the exec format error, even though the executable is in the correct working directory and is 1.1 MB (not empty due to truncation). Any suggestions?


zsh: exec format error: ./metal

Posted on Nov 5, 2020 3:17 PM

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farahkh$ /Volumes/new_headway_plus/setup-osx.app/Contents/MacOS/installbuilder ; exit; -bash: /Volumes/new_headway_plus/setup-osx.app/Contents/MacOS/installbuilder: cannot execute binary file logout Saving session. . copying shared history. . saving history. truncating history files. . completed. [Process completed] I need this for work and I couldn’t find a solution please help.

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That’s a 32-bit executable. It won’t work on a modern version of macOS. You can try to download the source and rebuild it if you want.

As the last entry in the change log is for 2011, you may find dependencies in the source code that will be hard to find or now compatible. They also expect builds using GNU C++ (as it was in 2011), so could be a bumpy ride with either the current version of that compiler, or even Apple’s clang compiler.

Unless you are actually running this on a Linux distribution, you likely want the Darwin build specifically for Mac.

That’s not the problem with this code. It’s just really ancient. But it is kind of nice just having a plain-ole makefile for a change. I’m trying to update my big program to use a more recent build of pdfium. It uses Google’s crazy build systems. It’s just insane.

But this project is simple. All I had to do is remove the “-static” from the Makefile and it compiles with no problem. I don’t know if it works or not because I have no idea what it does.

But build systems these days have really gone off the deep end. Here is what I have to do in order to update the pdfium project.

1) Install the one specific build that works, with custom 3rd party build scripts, on a Linux computer.

2) Keep trying to build it, installing necessary dependencies when it fails. Note that I can’t just rebuild after installing a dependency. I have to blow away the project and start a new build from scratch. It’s not fast either.

3) Zip up the result and copy it to my Mac. I have to prune it a bit to remove all of Google’s “depot tools”. Otherwise the zip file is 3.4 GB.

4) Do a recursive diff to look for changes to the source code. Most of the changes are to the testing suite and “fuzzers”, which I don’t need.

5) I’ve already built a custom Xcode project to do the actual build. I just had to update some #defines that have changed, double-check my hacks, remove files that no longer build and apparently were part of the XFA module that I never needed anyway.


Handle Exec Format Error In 8 Simple Points

The exec format error is a class of errors in the Unix-based operating systems that occurs when a user tries to run a binary file on its system originally intended to run on a different architecture. For example, when the user tries to execute a binary file originally compiled for the ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) on the x86 platform, an ‘exec format error’ is encountered. It is not in this particular case of arm and x86, but it could happen in any permutation of mismatched system architecture. In this article, we will look at this error in some detail and discuss some points that would help resolve this error.

What is Exec Format Error?

Different types of computer systems have different kinds of underlying architectures. Here, the term architecture means the circuitry and design of the CPU on how it handles and processes instructions and other computational tasks. System software and applications are compiled differently for a different architecture. Even the operating systems are designed specifically with a particular architecture in mind. There are two mainstream system architectures, The x86_64 and ARM. The x86_64 is mainly used in desktop computers and workstations, and ARM is used in mobile devices such as phones or tablets.

The x86_64 architecture can also be subdivided into 32bit and 64bits types. It represents the CPU’s memory handling capacity. Programs designed for ARM architecture can’t work on x86_64 systems and vice versa. But, the applications built for a 32bit machine can run on a 64bit. All combinations such as CPU architecture, Operating System build, and application design must come in to make everything work properly. And, If anything mismatches, an exec format error can show up.

Exec Format Error Linux

If you are trying to run incompatible programs or scripts in the Linux environment that doesn’t support the intended architecture, you are more likely to receive an exec format error. Linux itself comes in various forms and flavors in different distros. It is available on both x86_64 and ARM architecture. The most common cause of users receiving exec format errors is when 64bit programs are made to run on 32bit systems. If you are facing this error for a particular program due to an architectural issue, here are a few things that you could do.

  • Open the terminal emulator, enter the command uname -m, the m stands for machine. This command would output your system architecture. x86 -> 32 bit x86, x86_64 -> 64bit, arm64 -> ARM.
  • After knowing the correct architecture of your system, try to find the your program for that type of compatibility. The 32bit versions of the 64bit programs are ususally available on the internet.
  • If you are on a ARM system, then try to download the program through your default package manager as they usually have arm version of most of the programs availbale to install through official repositories.

Exec format error macOS

macOS also throws an exec format error when you execute a program or script intended for a different architecture. This is usually the case with older binary programs that do not work well on modern operating systems. There are ways to execute older OS programs using the zsh shell, but you will have to build the executable yourself.

Download the program’s source code (if available ) you wish to run. Compile the program for your system using macOS’s make compiler. You would have to download make first, part of apple developer tools. It can be downloaded from http://developer.apple.com/.

Exec format error java

Java is a multipurpose, multiplatform object-oriented programming language that is a part of the whole JDK (java development kit). If you are trying to compile a java file on your system but receiving an exec format error instead, then chances are you have installed an incompatible version of the Java JDK on your system. Follow the given step to install the compatible version of JDK on your Linux machine as per the system architecture.

  • First check your system architecture using the uname -m command.
  • Now Open your Web browser.
  • Head to https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#jdk17-linux.
  • Now download the compatible version from the download options available.

You could also install the compatible version of JDK on your Linux installation using the default package manager of your distribution. Use the dpkg package manager on Debian-based and Pacman package manager on Arch-based Linux to install the correct implementation of java on your system.

Exec format error python

Python throws an exception in the form of exec format error. The python subprocess library provides the ability to run shell commands through the python interpreter. If any incompatible command or program is encountered during the python script, the python interpreter throws an OS exception. If you are running bash shell scripts through the subprocess library, keep the following points in mind to avoid exec format errors in python.

  • Add !/bin/sh in the top first line of your shell script file.
  • Use os library’s path method to open your .sh file, instead of opening it directly.
  • Make sure the script file has executable permission.

Exec format error docker

Docker is a software platform that provides operating system-level isolation environments called containers. The containers provide different separate development environments for specific projects or purposes. Users are reported to have been facing exec format errors while running the docker test command on their environment. This happens due to a missing statement in the script file. Run the following command to run the docker test without format error.

Exec format error raspberry pi

Raspberry pi is a small form-factor mini computer. It is a small computer that runs on low voltage power and has an ARM processor installed on it. The exec format error is frequently encountered in the raspberry pi as people often try to execute x86_64 on raspberry pi’s arm processor.

To avoid this error on the raspberry pi you have two potential options. You could either download the pi-compatible arm binary executables from their official repositories or download the program’s source code and compile it yourself for your intended system architecture. Luckily, Rasberry pi comes with its package manager apt (advance packaging tool) that can be used to install arm binaries on your raspberry pi.

How to execute arm binary files on Linux

Arm binary files are not directly executable on x86_64 Linux. The file command is used in Linux to check the file type in Linux. You can check the type and architecture of your file using it. If you want to run the arm files natively on Linux, you could download a package such as qemu, which could run the native arm files on the x86_64 machine. Follow the given steps to download and install the qemu to execute arm binaries on Arch.

  • Open the terminal. (ctrl + alt + t )
  • type sudo pacman -S qemu.
  • Enter the root password.
  • Enter Y when prompted and let the download finish.
  • After installation use the syntex qemu to execute the binary.


diskutil verifyVolume / : POSIX reports: Exec format error

I’m having problems with my main system OSX volume.

When running sudo diskutil verifyVolume / :

So I tried it in recovery mode (Cmd+R on boot), but I have troubles getting past the encryption ( diskutil coreStorage unlockVolume ) giving me a generic error that it cannot unlock the volume.
Here my noobish OS-X volume management «skills» end.

The system works, overall, but I cannot resize the volume, for example and all volume checks end in mysterious errors, like the first one above, for example, which is unnerving.

MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X 10.11.3

2 Answers 2

You can use the Disk Utility application from the recovery partition to do all of this (unlock and mount the disk, run repair, etc.). If you have any other disk repair utilities maybe give them a shot? Either way, if you don’t have a backup already I’d make a copy ASAP.

Another idea is to boot into single user mode ( Command-S on boot) and run fsck but not sure it’ll be any different.

My solution involved:

  • turning off FileVault (I think this was the critical unblocking/enabling factor to move forward with the other tools)
  • running fsck -fy in single-user-mode MULTIPLE TIMES until the errors disappeared
  • resizing the partition to full disk, by adding another partition in the unused space and then deleting it, grabbing the rest of the space (might not be necessary for you). This involved downsizing the system partition (by accident), but I felt like this might have been a turning point. Note: the resizing took a long time,

1h, without a good progress indicator or ETA shown.

  • running diskutil verifyVolume/repairVolume MULTIPLE TIMES until the errors disappeared (might not be necessary)
  • Given the initial re-occurrence of the errors after e.g. fsck (all fixed in the end!), I thought that perhaps this was a hardware problem (e.g. SSD wearing out or something), but I’ve checked SMART status and it all seems okay. Will keep my eyes open, though.

    An important factor was repeating the steps until the errors stop showing and new errors stop appearing. Don’t give up. Persistence and «shaking it in various ways» until the cruft is shaken out :). Weird, but worked.

    After the errors stopped, I have re-enabled FileVault and the errors did NOT reappear! Yeah.

    Also checked with Onyx which previously showed error. Result: no problems found, yeah.

    A less mysterious solution could have probably been to reinstall the system from scratch and perhaps restore from backup, but I felt like this would be too much hassle (although might have taken less time really).


    #1 2014-02-20 19:24:22

    Registered: 2011-03-31
    Posts: 436

    [SOLVED] zsh: exec format error:

    Any idea that can cause this?


    (~)% offlineimap    
    zsh: exec format error: offlineimap
    zsh: exit 126   offlineimap

    zsh -f (clean shell)

    netbook% offlineimap 
    zsh: exec format error: offlineimap


    [ivo@netbook ~]$ offlineimap 
    /usr/bin/offlineimap: line 20: from: command not found
    /usr/bin/offlineimap: line 22: syntax error near unexpected token `('
    /usr/bin/offlineimap: line 22: `oi = OfflineImap()'

    $> cat /usr/bin/offlineimap

    from offlineimap import OfflineImap                                                                                            
    oi = OfflineImap()                                                                                                             

    I have the same problem with dropbox-cli and python2.

    Last edited by ivoarch (2014-02-20 20:03:54)

    I love GnuEmacs, GnuScreen, ratpoison, and conkeror.
    Github )||( Weblog

    #2 2014-02-20 19:31:25

    Registered: 2012-09-01
    Posts: 10,046

    Re: [SOLVED] zsh: exec format error:

    What is the output of `uname -a` and `pacman -Qi offlineimap`?

    Last edited by Scimmia (2014-02-20 19:32:42)

    #3 2014-02-20 19:34:13

    Registered: 2011-03-31
    Posts: 436

    Re: [SOLVED] zsh: exec format error:

    I use kernel-netbook, now I am going to try with the stock kernel.

    $> uname -a
    Linux netbook 3.12.0-netbook #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Jan 15 15:15:01 CET 2014 i686 GNU/Linux

    Name           : offlineimap
    Version        : 6.5.5-1
    Description    : Synchronizes emails between two repositories
    Architecture   : any
    URL            : http://offlineimap.org/
    Licenses       : GPL
    Groups         : None
    Provides       : None
    Depends On     : python2
    Optional Deps  : None
    Required By    : None
    Optional For   : None
    Conflicts With : None
    Replaces       : None
    Installed Size : 1152.00 KiB
    Packager       : Gaetan Bisson <bisson@archlinux.org>
    Build Date     : Fri 04 Oct 2013 04:50:59 PM CEST
    Install Date   : Thu 20 Feb 2014 07:59:56 PM CET
    Install Reason : Explicitly installed
    Install Script : No
    Validated By   : Signature

    Last edited by ivoarch (2014-02-20 19:34:58)

    I love GnuEmacs, GnuScreen, ratpoison, and conkeror.
    Github )||( Weblog

    #4 2014-02-20 19:38:34

    Registered: 2012-09-01
    Posts: 10,046

    Re: [SOLVED] zsh: exec format error:

    Oh, I see, offlineimap is python2 scripts, so the problem is there. so `pacman -Qi python2` is what would be needed. I’m most specifically interested in the Architecture line.

    #5 2014-02-20 19:44:55

    Registered: 2011-03-31
    Posts: 436

    Re: [SOLVED] zsh: exec format error:


    Name           : python2
    Version        : 2.7.6-2
    Description    : None
    Architecture   : None
    URL            : None
    Licenses       : None
    Groups         : None
    Provides       : None
    Depends On     : None
    Optional Deps  : None
    Required By    : dropbox-cli  offlineimap  smbclient  speedtest-cli  xulrunner
    Optional For   : alsa-lib  git  glib2  ldb  libevent  libproxy  lirc-utils  talloc  tdb  tevent  usbutils
    Conflicts With : None
    Replaces       : None
    Installed Size :   0.00 KiB
    Packager       : None
    Build Date     : None
    Install Date   : None
    Install Reason : Explicitly installed
    Install Script : No
    Validated By   : Unknown

    I love GnuEmacs, GnuScreen, ratpoison, and conkeror.
    Github )||( Weblog

    #6 2014-02-20 19:47:00

    Registered: 2012-09-01
    Posts: 10,046

    Re: [SOLVED] zsh: exec format error:

    It looks like your whole python2 installation is screwed up. Reinstall it, and I’m guessing you’ll end up using —force to get it to go.

    #7 2014-02-20 19:55:57

    Registered: 2011-03-31
    Posts: 436

    Re: [SOLVED] zsh: exec format error:

    Ok I reinstalled and getting this now

    (~)% offlineimap                                                                                                            
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/bin/offlineimap", line 20, in <module>
        from offlineimap import OfflineImap
    ImportError: No module named offlineimap

    I love GnuEmacs, GnuScreen, ratpoison, and conkeror.
    Github )||( Weblog

    #8 2014-02-20 19:58:13

    Registered: 2012-09-01
    Posts: 10,046

    Re: [SOLVED] zsh: exec format error:

    That module is part of the offlineimap package. Try reinstalling that, too.

    #9 2014-02-20 20:03:17

    Registered: 2011-03-31
    Posts: 436

    Re: [SOLVED] zsh: exec format error:

    Ok thanks, i solved the problem with offlineimap-git from (AUR).
    Thanks again.

    Last edited by ivoarch (2014-02-20 20:06:18)

    I love GnuEmacs, GnuScreen, ratpoison, and conkeror.
    Github )||( Weblog

    The exec format error is a class of errors in the Unix-based operating systems that occurs when a user tries to run a binary file on its system originally intended to run on a different architecture. For example, when the user tries to execute a binary file originally compiled for the ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) on the x86 platform, an ‘exec format error’ is encountered. It is not in this particular case of arm and x86, but it could happen in any permutation of mismatched system architecture. In this article, we will look at this error in some detail and discuss some points that would help resolve this error.


    • 1 What is Exec Format Error?
    • 2 Exec Format Error Linux
    • 3 Exec format error macOS
    • 4 Exec format error java
    • 5 Exec format error python
    • 6 Exec format error docker
    • 7 Exec format error raspberry pi
    • 8 How to execute arm binary files on Linux
    • 9 FAQs on Exec Format Error
      • 9.1 What is the full form of RISC?
      • 9.2 Why are arm processors used on mobile devices?
      • 9.3 What is the difference between OpenJDK and OracleJDK?
    • 10 Conclusion
    • 11 Trending Now

    What is Exec Format Error?

    Exec format error while running bash and python scripts.
    Exec format error while running bash and python scripts.

    Different types of computer systems have different kinds of underlying architectures. Here, the term architecture means the circuitry and design of the CPU on how it handles and processes instructions and other computational tasks. System software and applications are compiled differently for a different architecture. Even the operating systems are designed specifically with a particular architecture in mind. There are two mainstream system architectures, The x86_64 and ARM. The x86_64 is mainly used in desktop computers and workstations, and ARM is used in mobile devices such as phones or tablets.

    The x86_64 architecture can also be subdivided into 32bit and 64bits types. It represents the CPU’s memory handling capacity. Programs designed for ARM architecture can’t work on x86_64 systems and vice versa. But, the applications built for a 32bit machine can run on a 64bit. All combinations such as CPU architecture, Operating System build, and application design must come in to make everything work properly. And, If anything mismatches, an exec format error can show up.

    If you are trying to run incompatible programs or scripts in the Linux environment that doesn’t support the intended architecture, you are more likely to receive an exec format error. Linux itself comes in various forms and flavors in different distros. It is available on both x86_64 and ARM architecture. The most common cause of users receiving exec format errors is when 64bit programs are made to run on 32bit systems. If you are facing this error for a particular program due to an architectural issue, here are a few things that you could do.

    • Open the terminal emulator, enter the command uname -m, the m stands for machine. This command would output your system architecture. x86 -> 32 bit x86, x86_64 -> 64bit, arm64 -> ARM.
    running uname utility to avoid exec format error
    Uname utility.
    • After knowing the correct architecture of your system, try to find the your program for that type of compatibility. The 32bit versions of the 64bit programs are ususally available on the internet.
    • If you are on a ARM system, then try to download the program through your default package manager as they usually have arm version of most of the programs availbale to install through official repositories.

    Exec format error macOS

    macOS also throws an exec format error when you execute a program or script intended for a different architecture. This is usually the case with older binary programs that do not work well on modern operating systems. There are ways to execute older OS programs using the zsh shell, but you will have to build the executable yourself.

    Download the program’s source code (if available ) you wish to run. Compile the program for your system using macOS’s make compiler. You would have to download make first, part of apple developer tools. It can be downloaded from http://developer.apple.com/.

    Exec format error java

    Java is a multipurpose, multiplatform object-oriented programming language that is a part of the whole JDK (java development kit). If you are trying to compile a java file on your system but receiving an exec format error instead, then chances are you have installed an incompatible version of the Java JDK on your system. Follow the given step to install the compatible version of JDK on your Linux machine as per the system architecture.

    • First check your system architecture using the uname -m command.
    • Now Open your Web browser.
    • Head to https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/#jdk17-linux.
    • Now download the compatible version from the download options available.
    Choose the correct file to download depending on your architecture and distribution.
    Choose the correct file to download depending on your architecture and distribution.

    You could also install the compatible version of JDK on your Linux installation using the default package manager of your distribution. Use the dpkg package manager on Debian-based and Pacman package manager on Arch-based Linux to install the correct implementation of java on your system.

    Exec format error python

    Python throws an exception in the form of exec format error. The python subprocess library provides the ability to run shell commands through the python interpreter. If any incompatible command or program is encountered during the python script, the python interpreter throws an OS exception. If you are running bash shell scripts through the subprocess library, keep the following points in mind to avoid exec format errors in python.

    • Add !/bin/sh in the top first line of your shell script file.
    • Use os library’s path method to open your .sh file, instead of opening it directly.
    • Make sure the script file has executable permission.

    Exec format error docker

    Docker is a software platform that provides operating system-level isolation environments called containers. The containers provide different separate development environments for specific projects or purposes. Users are reported to have been facing exec format errors while running the docker test command on their environment. This happens due to a missing statement in the script file. Run the following command to run the docker test without format error.

    docker run -entrypoint="/bin/bash" -i test

    Exec format error raspberry pi

    Raspberry pi is a small form-factor mini computer. It is a small computer that runs on low voltage power and has an ARM processor installed on it. The exec format error is frequently encountered in the raspberry pi as people often try to execute x86_64 on raspberry pi’s arm processor.

    To avoid this error on the raspberry pi you have two potential options. You could either download the pi-compatible arm binary executables from their official repositories or download the program’s source code and compile it yourself for your intended system architecture. Luckily, Rasberry pi comes with its package manager apt (advance packaging tool) that can be used to install arm binaries on your raspberry pi.

    How to execute arm binary files on Linux

    Arm binary files are not directly executable on x86_64 Linux. The file command is used in Linux to check the file type in Linux. You can check the type and architecture of your file using it. If you want to run the arm files natively on Linux, you could download a package such as qemu, which could run the native arm files on the x86_64 machine. Follow the given steps to download and install the qemu to execute arm binaries on Arch.

    • Open the terminal. (ctrl + alt + t )
    • type sudo pacman -S qemu.
    • Enter the root password.
    • Enter Y when prompted and let the download finish.
    • After installation use the syntex qemu <filename> to execute the binary.
    I am installing the qemu to run arm binaries.
    I am installing the qemu to run arm binaries.

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    FAQs on Exec Format Error

    What is the full form of RISC?

    RISC is short for Reduced Instruction Set Cycle.

    Why are arm processors used on mobile devices?

    Because they are more power-efficient than their x86_64 counterparts.

    What is the difference between OpenJDK and OracleJDK?

    The OracleJDK is completely developed by the Oracle Corporation, and the OpenJDK is a community-driven and open-source version in which everyone contributes.


    Different computer architectures have different executables binary files, and one type is not compatible with another. An exec format error occurs if the user tries to execute another file type in a different environment. In this article, we discussed why the error occurs. We gave instructions to install the compatible JDK to eradicate java-specific exec format errors and provided instructions on how to execute arm binaries on x86_64 Linux.

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      by Amal SantoshOctober 11, 2022

    #macos #unix #zsh


    Я нахожусь на macOS BigSur 11.4. Я пытаюсь запустить исполняемый файл для запуска сервера Minecraft из папки с настройками файлов, связанных с книгой по кодированию Minecraft/Python (https://nostarch.com/programwithminecraft).

    Мой порядок действий был таков. 1) Я перешел на путь к файлу через cd/, 2) установил исполняемый бит файла с помощью: chmod x ./NAME_OF_THE_FILE и 3) попробуйте выполнить следующую команду для выполнения файла: ./NAME_OF_THE_FILE

    В другом сообщении сообщалось, что, как только я выполню эти команды, в дальнейшем мне просто нужно выполнить третью команду, находясь в пути к файлам. Однако, независимо от того, сколько я пытаюсь, я продолжаю получать «ошибку формата zsh: exec».

    Я подозреваю, что это как-то связано с публикацией книги в 2015 году, когда текущая версия macOS была Mountain Lion, что было до того, как они перешли с bash на zsh со всеми выпусками, последовавшими за Catalina. Это наводит на мысль, что я просто неправильно форматирую что-то, что противоречит синтаксису zsh, но я не могу этого понять. Я ищу сообщения, связанные с ошибками формата zsh, и все они обсуждают действия и конфликты, которые, по-видимому, имеют лишь косвенное отношение к моей проблеме. Любая помощь будет признательна.



    1. Stackoverflow предназначен для вопросов о программировании, а не об общем использовании компьютера и устранении неполадок; Лучше спросить об этом в другом месте. Но я почти уверен, что вам придется предоставить больше информации, прежде чем кто-либо сможет вам помочь. Что это за файл, в каком он формате (используйте file NAME_OF_THE_FILE , чтобы узнать) и есть ли на вашем Mac процессор Intel или Apple Silicon?

    2. Как насчет того, чтобы запустить file YourSecretUnnamedExecutable , чтобы посмотреть, что это за файл на самом деле?

    3. Привет. Файл указан только как «документ» в разделе «Вид» получения информации. После выполнения кода file... он возвращается MacOS Alias file . Этот Mac работает на процессоре Intel Core i7.

    4. Для синтаксиса zsh постарайтесь dos2unix FILE убедиться, что окончания строк правильные. Для двоичного файла он должен быть скомпилирован для вашей архитектуры операционной системы. Кроме того, 32-битный исполнитель должен работать в 64-битной системе, но не наоборот.

    5. @Mezaloid87 : Что такое файл Unix-exec ? Если вы имеете в виду файл binaray exec, вы скомпилировали его на своем Mac?

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